javakedaton Apps

Kamus Bahasa Arab 2
Qaamus adalah aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Arabonline yang bisa digunakan secara gratis, kamus ini bisamenterjemahkan Indonesia - Arab dan dilengkapi dengan harokat danjuga cara membaca dalam bahasa Indonesia.Qaamus Arabic Dictionaryis an online application that can be used for free, this dictionarycan translate Indonesia - Arabic and fitted with harokat and alsohow to read in Indonesian.
SMS Gratis Indonesia 2
Aplikasi SMS sederhana untuk mengirim SMS Gratis ke seluruhoperator yang ada di Indonesia (GSM maupun CDMA)aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internetSimple SMSApplication to send Free SMS to all operators in Indonesia (GSM andCDMA)This application requires an Internet connection
Adit & Sopo Jarwo 1.1
adalah permainan mencocokkan gambar dari tokofilm kartun buatan dalam negeri (MD Animation), tokoh tersebutadalah Adit, Sopo dan Jarwo. Susun minimal 3 baris horisontalmaupun vertikal.Selamat a matching gamecartoon image of the shop made in the country (MD Animation), thesefigures are Adit, Sopo and Jarwo. Arrange at least 3 horizontal andvertical lines.Have a nice play.
Learning ABC 1.0
Learning the alphabet ABCLearning numbers 123Writing learning alphabet ABCLearn to Write the number 123
Kartu Menuju Sehat 2
Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk membantu para orangtua yang ingin mengetahui Status Gizi bayi dan balita. Sepertilayaknya KMS (Kartu Menuju Sehat), bayi dan balita diukurberdasarkan umur dan berat badan, dari situlah bisa diketahuistatus gizi bayi dan balita, jadwal imunisasi, anjuran pemberianmakanan,tahap perkembangan dan rangsangan perkembangan untuk bayidan balita.This application wascreated to help parents who want to know Nutritional status ofinfants and toddlers. Like a KMS (Health Card), infants andtoddlers is measured based on age and weight, from which can beknown nutritional status of infants and toddlers, immunizationschedule, the recommended feeding, stage of development anddevelopmental stimulation for infants and toddlers.
Ringtones Kebangsaan 1.0
Kumpulan ringtones lagu-lagu perjuanganIndonesia yang di kemas dengan sederhana dan mudah dalampenggunaannya, diantaranya adalah lagu:- Bagimu Negeri- Bangun Pemudi Pemuda- Berkibarlah Benderaku- Bhinneka Tunggal Ika- Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke- Garuda Pancasila- Halo Halo Bandung- Hari Merdeka- Indonesia Pusaka- Indonesia Raya- Indonesia Tetap Merdeka- Maju Tak Gentardan masih banyak lagiCollection of rock songsthat packed Indonesian struggle with simple and easy in use,including the song:- For you State- Young women Youth Build- Berkibarlah flag- Unity in Diversity- From Sabang to Merauke- Garuda Pancasila- Halo Halo Bandung- Independence Day- Indonesia Pusaka- Indonesia Raya- Fixed Indonesian Independence- Forward Fearlessand much more
Resep Sehat Balita 2.1
Kumpulan resep sehat untuk balita yang dikemasberdasarkan usia bayi mulai dari 6 - 7 bulan, 8 - 9 bulan dan 10 -12 bulan sehingga memudahkan orang tua dalam pencarian resepmakanan sehat bagi balita.-------Aplikasi ini tidak membutuhkan internet.Collection of healthyrecipes for toddlers are packed by babies aged from 6-7 months, 8-9months and 10-12 months making it easier for parents in search ofhealthy food recipes for toddlers.-------This application does not require internet.
Lompat Burung 1.0
Game Lompat Burung adalah permainan untukmengumpulkan ceri dengan cara BERJALAN dan MELOMPAT.Untuk mencegah kelaparan, Burung melompat perlu makan ceri untukbertahan hidup. Harap membantu burung lucu dengan menjalankan danmelompat di seluruh tingkat. Game Lompat Burung suka makan ceritapi Anda harus mengatasi banyak rintangan seperti jamur, batu danpohon yang mencegah melompat burung dari makan ceri. Jika Andamulai bermain, Anda akan kecanduan dan sepenuhnya tenggelam kedalam lingkungan game. Ini lebih menantang dan menyenangkan.Fitur:- 105 Tingkat yang berbeda- Grafis Bersih dan berwarna-warni- Antarmuka pengguna Halus- Dukungan Telepon dan Tablet- Musik dan efek suara- Mainkan untuk segala usia- Game gratis, tidak ada pembelian yang diperlukan.- Tanpa Kekerasan, gambar mentah dalam permainan (Cocok untukanak-anak)Kata kunci:game anak, permainan anak, game anak-anakGame Birds Jump is a gamefor collecting cherries by means of running and jumping.To prevent starvation, birds need to eat cherries jump to survive.Please help birds funny by running and jumping around the level.Jump Game Birds love to eat cherries but you have to overcome manyobstacles such as fungi, rocks and trees that prevent the birdsfrom eating cherries jump. If you start playing, you will beaddicted and fully immersed into the gaming environment. It's morechallenging and fun.Feature:- 105 different levels- Clean graphics and colorful- Refined user interface- Phone and Tablet Support- Music and sound effects- Play for all ages- Games for free, no purchase necessary.- Without Violence, the raw image in the game (Suitable forchildren)Keywords:kids games, kids games, kids games
Pancasila untuk Anak 1.1
Belajar Pancasila untuk anak adalah adalahpembelajaran sederhana untuk memperkenalkan sejak dini tentangdasar negara Indonesia Pancasila, dikemas dengan gambar warna warnidan juga suara anak TK dalam pembacaan PancasilaPancasila is for childrento learn is to introduce a simple learning early on about the basicIndonesian Pancasila state, packed with colorful images and alsosound kindergartners in reading Pancasila
Ethnic Recipes 3
What you need to know that there are hundredsof Ethic Recipes available around the world. Those foods are verydelicious and it is a great opportunity to try them. Those areincluding the foods from Indonesia, Thailand, China, and many more.Just go check various special recipes from Indian, Asian, Italian,Caribbean, Mexican, and many other. Although there are hundreds ofrecipes compiled there but it is easy for you to find your favoriterecipe. This is because the recipes are compiled in an alphabeticform. Later, you can cook your favorite foods for breakfast, lunchor dinner taken from the list. It is also including appetizer, maincourse and dessert.For example, you have an opportunity to taste Asian Pasta Salad,Banana Rolls, Malaysian Omelet, and even Mongolian Beef at home andcooked by yourself. Definitely, your family will get surprise withthe foods but the most important thing you can serve somethingdifferent and delicious for the entire family.
Kids Game Memory 2.0
Memory is a skill we all use everyday and thestronger the better. There's nothing worse than drawing a blank ona name when you see a face you recognize, except possiblyforgetting a speech you've prepared for a big presentation for yourboss. Don't let that happen, start improving your memory today withfun memory games for kids.
LogoQuizz 1.0.4
Logo Quiz is a free game full of funthatconsists on guessing the names of hundreds of logos fromdifferentcompanies.We can see various company logos every day and everywhere.On TV, walking along the street, in magazines ...simplyeverywhere!How many of brand logos can you guess?More than 1 000 logos are available for you to guess in over20exciting levels.FEATURES:- More than 1 000 logos and a small size of the application!- 15 exciting levels!- Helpful clues! Each logo has 5 hints!- New hints are granted for correct logo quiz answers.- Swipe screen to switch between logos!- Cloud Save! Start game on your phone and continue where youleftoff on your tablet!- Detailed statistics!- New leaderboard! Compare your scores with your friends!- Learn more about brands after correctly guessing!- Frequent application updates!
Game Pancasila 1.1
Permainan mencocokkan gambar Bintang,Rantai,Pohon Beringin, Kepala Banteng, Padi dan Kapas.Susunlah minimal 3 baris horisontal maupunvertikalsebanyak-banyaknya selama 2 menit.Selamat bermain.Star picturematchinggame, Chain, Banyan Tree, Bull Head, Rice and Cotton.Arrange at least 3 lines horizontally and vertically as much for2minutes.Have a nice play.
Sandiwara Tutur Tinular 2.0
Tutur Tinular adalah judul sebuahsandiwararadio yang sangat legendaris karya S. Tidjab. Kisahinimenceritakan tentang perjalanan hidup dan pencarian jatidiriseorang pendekar yang berjiwa ksatria bernama Arya Kamandanuakankeagungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, suatu kisah dengan latarbelakangsejarah runtuhnya Kerajaan Singhasari dan berdirinyaKerajaanMajapahit.Said Tinular is thetitleof a very legendary radio play by S. Tidjab. This story tellsofthe journey of life and the search for identity that warriorspiritwarrior named Arya Kamandanu the majesty of God Almighty, astorywith a historical background of the collapse of theKingdomSinghasari and the establishment of the kingdom ofMajapahit.
Tebak Suara 1.0
adalah game untuk mengasahpengetahuananak-anak seputar suara alam, binatang, transportasidansuara-suara lainnya kemudian diajak menyusun huruf-hurufyangdisediakan sehingga menjadi kata dari nama the game tohonechildren's knowledge about the sounds of nature,animals,transportation and other voices then invited to composelettersprovided to be said of the sound of the name.
PSP UGM Channel 1.0
Aplikasi untuk mempermudah membuka videoyangtelah di unggah Pusat Studi Pancasila UGM di Youtube,membuatdaftar playlist dan memutarnya.Application tofacilitatethe opening video that has been uploaded GMU Center forPancasilaStudies on YouTube, creating a playlist and play it.
Pancasila 1.0
Belajar bersama tentang Pancasila