ecosolutionsystems Apps

Mosque in Singapore 1,00
Mosque in Singapore covers Masjid (mosque),Surau/Mushalla, and prayer room in Singapore. User can locatemosque either by Region or the entire location. This applicationcomes with the map, list of mosques,the detail including publictransport nearby (bus services and MRT) as well. Please enjoy#Feedback please email: [email protected]
Singapore Mosque&PrayerPlace 1.0.0
The Singapore Mosques covers Masjid(mosque),Surau/Mushalla, and prayer room/place in Singapore.Thisapplication comes with the map, list of mosque and prayerplacesand shows the public transport nearby (Bus Services and MRT)aswell. Please enjoy.This application is to replace the old application “MosqueInSingapore” which the map is nolongersupported by New Google Map platform. It is a simple andlightapplication.#Feedback please email: [email protected]
Panduan P3K Lengkap 1.2.4
Aplikasi Panduan P3K/PPPK
Tuntunan Solat Sunnah 3.1.0
Banyak manfaat dan keutamaan shalat Sunnah yang dapatdipetik.Seperti sebagai penyempurna akan shalat wajib,menghapuskankesalahan, membawa keberkahan, menaikan derajat danmasih banyakkeutamaan lainnnya. Tuntunan Shalat Sunnah versi mobileini semogadapat membantu meningkatkan shalat Sunnah kita. Aplikasiinidisertai dengan bacaan (lafaz-Arab) dan pelafalan latin.Sehinggamemudahkan user yang belum terbiasa bacaan (huruf) Arab.Catatan:Jika setelah fresh installation mengalami blank whitescreen,disarankan untuk menggunakan melakukan re-installation.
Mosque & Prayer Room Singapore 5.0.1
The Singapore Mosques covers Masjid (mosque), Surau/Mushalla,andprayer room/place in Singapore. This application comes withthemap, list of mosque and prayer places and shows thepublictransport nearby (Bus Services and MRT) as well. Thisapplicationis to replace the old application “Mosque InSingapore” which the map is no longersupported by NewGoogle Map platform. It is a simple and lightapplication.#Feedback please email: [email protected]
Learning Tajweed 1.1
Learning Tajweed is simple and easy
Belajar Tajwid 1.1
Belajar Tajwid dengan cepat dan mudah