dwaider Apps

Shape 0.8.1
→ FREE!→ NO ADS!Shape 3D live wallpapers, partciles gradually turn intodifferent colourful 3D shapes, which constantly move androtate.universe, 3D universe, space, planets, galaxies, stars,questions, comets, meteors, meteorites, asteroids, earth, Livewallpaper, HD wallpaper, nature, scenes, images, artWhat is included:ShapeUniverseParticlesMoveInstall :Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers
Lake 1.1
An animated landscape, mountain and lakeviews.Livewallpaper for lovers of peace, serenity and water.Testing was conducted for the screen size 480x800.
Record call 1.3.3
This application has a basic purpose to recordall the recent calls (incoming and outcoming). Because of limitedfunctions of Android phone ,"Record Call" program can only recordfrom microphone. Turn on the loudspeaker during conversation to getclear voice from the other side. All conversations are recordedunder “rec” file on memory card.-The ability to record the calls in a hidden mode was added. Youcan also send your recorded phone calls to your email account inthe hidden mode as well, to do it you need to set your emailaccount for this purpose. All the process of recording goes on inthe hidden mode without notification. The design of the applicationwas also changed.- Added default mediaplayer- Added sending files by e-mail- The filter of the calls is added. Now you can choose whichincoming calls you want to record.-Record incoming and outcoming callы from microphone.-All files are saved on memory card.-Play recording-Fast removal of recorded files
Record route 2
Update RouteRec 2-can add the name of the route-export route format gpx (wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format)-re-designed application-no advertising-uses MAP API 2The main purpose of the RouteRec 2 is to keep the record of yourroutes. The GPS-module of the mobile phone is used to identify yourlocation. The time, distance and location are saved in thedatabase. All your routes are organized as a list. Each route isavailable for checking on the map. For example, you can use thisapplication to keep the record of your jogging routes.I am planning to upload updates for this application everymonth.I hope you will like RouteRec and it will be useful for you,Dwaider
Record route 1.1.3
UPDATE RouteRec 2https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pro.triplogThe main purpose of the RouteRec is to keep the record of yourroutes. The GPS-module of the mobile phone is used to identify yourlocation. The time, distance and location are saved in thedatabase. All your routes are organized as a list. Each route isavailable for checking on the map. For example, you can use thisapplication to keep the record of your jogging routes.I am planning to upload updates for this application everymonth.I hope you will like RouteRec and it will be useful for you,Dwaider
ПенсияСиловиков 1.1.4
Приложение ПенсияСиловиков позволяетрассчитать пенсию в соответствии с Законом РФ 4468-1 "О пенсионномобеспечении лиц, проходивших военную службу, службу в органахвнутренних дел, Государственнойпротивопожарной службе, органах по контролю за оборотомнаркотических средств и психотропных веществ, учреждениях и органахуголовно-исполнительной системы, и их семей", ПенсияСиловиков будетполезен как для действующих сотрудников (военнослужащих) так и длялиц уже ставшими пенсионерами.Действующие сотрудники могут предварительно рассчитать свою пенсиюна текущий момент в соответствии со своим званием и занимаемойдолжностью. Пенсионеры рассчитав свою пенсию смогутпроконтролировать сами правильность расчета и сравнить с реальнойпенсией и соответственно обратиться в пенсионный орган где состоятна учете в случае расхождения расчетов. Данное приложение будетобновляться в соответствии с Законодательством РФ.PensiyaSilovikovapplication allows you to calculate pension in accordance with theRF Law 4468-1 "On pension security of those performing militaryservice, service in the internal affairs of the StateFire service agencies to monitor traffic in narcotic drugs andpsychotropic substances, the institutions and bodies of thecorrectional system, and their families, "PensiyaSilovikov will beuseful both for existing employees (personnel) and for thosealready become pensioners.Existing staff can pre-calculate his pension at the momentaccording to his rank and position. Retired calculating his pensionwill be able to control themselves properly calculate and comparewith the actual pension and consequently apply to the pensionagency which are registered in the case of discrepancies betweenthe calculations. This application will be updated in accordancewith the legislation of the Russian Federation.