ajhodges Apps

WiFi Calling Controls (Tasker) 1.3
**ROOT REQUIRED FOR SAMSUNG DEVICES**This app must be installed as a system application for Samsungcompatibility. There are a couple of ways to do this, all requireroot. I recommend the /system/app mover, found here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.j4velin.systemappmover*This app will ONLY work with T-Mobile phones that have the WiFiCalling app already installed!*Control the WiFi Calling feature programmatically with a Localeplugin compatible app, such as Tasker, Locale, or Llama! Use thisplugin to only enable WiFi calling when you are at certainlocations, potentially saving battery life, improving call quality,and reducing the Cell->WiFi handover delay. Monitor the state ofWiFi calling to trigger actions when WiFi calling isenabled/disabled!If that sounds too complicated for your liking, there is also awidget for the quick and easy toggling of WiFi Calling!Tested with the T-Mobile HTC One (M7), LG G2, Samsung GalaxyTouch, LG G4, and S6. May not work with older devices using theKineto version of WiFi Calling.This app has been released as open source under the MIT license.View the source and report bugs at https://github.com/ajhodges/WifiCallingToggleThis application is in no way affiliated with or supported byT-Mobile/Movial.
Greenville Trolley Tracker 1.35
Code for GVL is working with Greenlink to develop a simple way forfolks to locate and ride the downtown trolleys. This is a 100%volunteer project imagined, designed, programed, and managed byfolks in Greenville, SC who are trying to make Greenville a betterplace through code. Use the app to see each stop on the route, seewhere the trolleys are, and find out where you are on the route.This is our first version of the app with big plans still to come.If you have more ideas feel free to share themhttps://codeforgvl.imaginethat.io/trolleytracker If you want tolearn more about the project then go tohttp://www.YeahThatTrolley.com If you want to learn more about Codefor GVL go to http://codeforgreenville.org/ If you have anyspecific bugs or issues feel free to [email protected]