VMware Workspace ONE Apps

AirWatch Samsung ELM Service
AirWatch introduces a service application for Samsung enterpriseready devices. This application is a “plug-in” application thatshould only be installed and used in combination with enrollment ofthe AirWatch Agent. It allows for additional MDM capabilitiesdescribed below that only pertain to Samsung devices. This serviceapplication utilized the Enterprise License Management (ELM) keyimplemented by Samsung. Depending on the AirWatch MDM consoleversion you are using, please follow these steps to deploy to yourSamsung device: If using a 6.1 console or older: 1. You must firstdownload, install, open and activate the Samsung Service 2. Then,download install the AirWatch MDM Agent available in the GooglePlay 3. You may now enroll like normal and the Samsung featureswill be activated If using a 6.1 SP1 console or greater: 1. Youmust download, install the AirWatch MDM Agent available in theGoogle Play 2. You may now enroll like normal and the SamsungService will be pushed to your device during enrollment Samsungdevices are enterprise ready with enhanced security and managementcapabilities. Remotely manage settings, policies, applications andfunctionality on Samsung devices. MDM Features include: 1. DeviceRestrictions 2. Native Mail Client Configuration 3. Wi-Fi NetworkSetup 4. VPN Network Setup 5. Certificate Management 6. ApplicationManagement a. Blacklisting Apps b. Whitelisting Apps c. RequiredApps
Verify - Workspace ONE
VMware Verify adds two-factor authentication to VMware WorkspaceONE.
AirWatch Service for Honeywell
VMware Workspace ONE UEM introduces a service applicationforHoneywell devices running Android KitKat (4.4) and higherandenrolled in Android Legacy (Device Administrator) mode.Thisapplication is a “plug-in” application that should onlybeinstalled and used in combination with enrollment of theWorkspaceONE Intelligent Hub. It allows for additional MDMcapabilities thatonly pertain to Honeywell devices. This Serviceincludes thefollowing capabilities: Silent application install Appcontrolpolicies APN configuration MDM persistence with EnterpriseReset OSupgrades Date/Time configuration Certificate managementVariousdevice restrictions The following devices are not compatibleandrequire an alternate version available on myWorkspaceONE:•Intermec devices • CT60 Nougat+ • CT40 • CT80 This service isnotsupported with Android Enterprise.
AirWatch Service for Huawei
AirWatch introduces a service application for Huawei Nougatandhigher devices. This application is a “plug-in” applicationthatshould only be installed and used in combination withenrollment ofthe AirWatch Agent. It allows for additional MDMcapabilitiesdescribed below that only pertain to Huawei devices.Huawei devicesrunning Nougat or higher are enterprise ready withenhancedsecurity and management capabilities. Remotely managesettings,policies, applications and functionality on Huaweidevices.
People - Workspace ONE
VMware Workspace ONE People lets you quickly search forcolleaguesand access details like contact information, officelocation, andorganizational charts including management hierarchieswhileon-the-go. *The Entire Company in Your Pocket* Easilysearchthrough your corporate directory by first name, last name,user IDor email address and view employee details such as photos,titles,email addresses, phone numbers, office location andreportingstructures. *Contact Colleagues On-the-go* Reach out tocolleaguesat a moment’s notice via text, email or phone bysearching throughthe directory and tapping on the user you wish tocontact. *SaveContacts to Your Device* Reach out to someone often?Easily savecontact information locally to the device.
AirWatch Relay 5.10.0
Google has created a true corporate ownership mode forAndroiddevices that allows AirWatch and the IT administrator tocontrolthe entire device. This mode is known as “Work ManagedDevice”mode. The purpose of this app is to provision a device intoWorkManaged Device mode and auto-enroll it into AirWatch. Settingup aWork Managed Device using AirWatch Relay requires astagingprocess. This will require a staging device or a “parentdevice”that will stage a “child device”. The parent device willhaveAirWatch Relay installed on it. This application willrelayinformation through NFC telling the child device to:  Setthedevice date/time and locale  Connect to the staging Wi-Finetwork Download the latest production version of the AirWatchAgent forAndroid  Silently set the AirWatch Agent as device ownerAutomatically enroll the agent into AirWatch Note: The childdevicemust be in a factory reset state and support/have NFC turnedon bydefault in order to be provisioned into Work Managed Devicemode.This will guarantee that the device is not setup for personaluse.Requires Android Beam (not available in Android 10)
Tunnel - Workspace ONE
VMware Workspace ONE Tunnel securely connects both internallybuiltand public Google Play applications to corporate resourceswithinyour network. Tunnel natively gives your apps on-demandaccess towhat you need to be productive, without touching yourpersonalspace. *On-demand access* Tunnel activates automaticallywhen yourapps needs it, and disconnects soon after they’re done.*PrivacyFocused* Tunnel only connects work-managed applications andsites,respecting your personal space as top priority.
AirWatch Sony Service 2.2.0
AirWatch introduces a service application for Sony enterprise readydevices. This application is a “plug-in” application that shouldonly be installed and used in combination with enrollment of theAirWatch MDM Agent. It allows for additional MDM capabilitiesdescribed below that only pertain to Sony devices. Currently,devices with Sony enterprise API version 3-5 have been certified byAirWatch. To manage Sony Enterprise devices AirWatch consoleversion 7.2 is recommended. Please follow these steps to deploy toyour Sony device: 1. You must download, install the AirWatch MDMAgent available in the Google Play 2. You may now enroll likenormal and you will be prompted to install the Sony service duringenrollment Sony devices are enterprise ready with enhanced securityand management capabilities. Remotely manage settings, policies,applications and functionality on Sony devices. MDM Featuresinclude: 1. Device Restrictions 2. Native Mail Client Configuration3. VPN Network Setup 4. Blacklisting Apps 5. Whitelisting Apps 6.Internal Storage and SD Card Encryption
Notebook - Workspace ONE 23.01
Capture and organize notes, tasks, images, voice memos and more.
VMware Workspace ONE 3.3.9-210409
The VMware Workspace ONE app for Android makes it easy toaccessyour digital workspace from any location. Use yourcompanycredentials once to setup and get single sign-on access toyourapps.   FEATURES: UNIFIED APP CATALOG VMware WorkspaceONEprovides access to SaaS, cloud, native and Windows apps throughasingle catalog. You have the ability to searchcorporateapplications by name or category and add them to yourspringboard.ONE-TOUCH SIMPLICITY Utilize one set of credentials togetself-service, consumer-like access to all of your apps foraseamless one-touch experience. SECURE ACCESS VMware WorkspaceONEgives you complete device security with conditional accessensuringdata compliance for apps and protecting against dataleakage.INSTRUCTIONS 1. Download the application on your device 2.Enteryour email address or the server URL provided by yourITadministrator 3. Login using your corporate credentials
AirWatch Zebra MX Service
AirWatch Zebra MX Service provides capabilities for managing Zebradevices.
AirWatch LG Service
AirWatch introduces an enterprise-grade service application forLGenterprise grade devices. This application is a“plug-in”application that should only be installed and used incombinationwith enrollment of the AirWatch MDM Agent. It allows foradditionalMDM capabilities described below that only pertain to LGenterprisegrade devices. Depending on the AirWatch MDM consoleversion youare using, please follow these steps to deploy to yourLG device:If using a 6.1 console or older: 1. You must firstdownload,install, open and activate the LG Service 2. Then,download installthe AirWatch MDM Agent available in the Google Play3. You may nowenroll like normal and the LG MDM features will beactivated Ifusing a 6.1 SP1 console or greater: 1. You mustdownload, installthe AirWatch MDM Agent available in the GooglePlay 2. You may nowenroll like normal and the LGService w ill bepushed to your deviceduring enrollment LG enterprise grade devicescome with enhancedsecurity and management capabilities. Remotelymanage settings,policies, applications and functionality on LGdevices. MDMFeatures include: 1. Device Restrictions 2. Native MailClientConfiguration 3. Wi-Fi Network Setup 4. VPN Network Setup5.Certificate Management 6. Application Management a.BlacklistingApps b. Required Apps
Send - Workspace ONE 21.07.7
The Workspace ONE Send enables the secure pass back and forthofMicrosoft Intune protected Word, Excel, or PowerPointattachmentsbetween the Microsoft Office 365 apps and the WorkspaceONEproductivity apps. Workspace ONE Send provides seamless editingandsending capabilities for customers using Intune to manageOffice365 apps using Workspace ONE productivity apps. Tooptimizesecurity and productivity for your device, VMware will needtocollect some device identity information, such as: • Phone Number•Serial Number • UDID (Universal Device Identifier) •IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identifier) • SIM CardIdentifier •Mac Address • Currently Connected SSID
VMware RemoteHelp 20.07
VMware RemoteHelp™ is a remote support app that enables youtosecurely share your screen with customer support agentsinreal-time. To launch a remote session, simply download the appandenter the 4-digit pin provided by the support rep. You can pauseorend remote sessions at any time. VMware RemoteHelp is not asupportapp for VMware products. To receive technical support forVMwareproducts and services, visit www.vmware.com/support.
Assist Service for Nokia 7 - Workspace ONE 2.3
VMware Workspace ONE Assist enables IT and help desk stafftoremotely access and troubleshoot your device in real-time tokeepyou productive. With Workspace ONE Assist, you have the abilitytoaccept, pause, and end a remote session, at any time, forenhancedprivacy. Note: Workspace ONE Assist will not operatewithoutWorkspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) and theAssist forWorkspace ONE app. Contact your IT administrator formoreinformation.
Assist Service for Nokia 9 - Workspace ONE 2.3
VMware Workspace ONE Assist enables IT and help desk stafftoremotely access and troubleshoot your device in real-time tokeepyou productive. With Workspace ONE Assist, you have the abilitytoaccept, pause, and end a remote session, at any time, forenhancedprivacy. Note: Workspace ONE Assist will not operatewithoutWorkspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) and theAssist forWorkspace ONE app. Contact your IT administrator formoreinformation.