VB App Dev Apps
Sinopsis Film Online 1.2.0
Sebelum nonton bioskop atau men-download filmpastikan anda telah mengetahui Sinopsis dari Film tersebut. Unduhaplikasi ini untuk membantu anda mengetahui sinopsis dari filmtersebut. Selalu update!Before a movie ordownload a movie make sure you already know the synopsis of thefilm. Download this app to help you know the synopsis of the film.Always update!
Synopsis Movies (Review Movie) 1.2
Synopsis Movies is an application foryoursmartphone that will read the synopsis of the best moviesreleasedin theaters this year.An application with access to the official trailer fortheupcoming movie, information and synopses. The new filmpremieredapplication where you can find the latest release of thefilmonline and the latest developments in the cinema.Simple, fast and fun this app provides a guide with a listofmovies that you see in a movie theater in your town. Check outthenew developments of the film that will be released next year,checkout the movie trailer hd full movie premiere, browse and viewpartsof which are directors and protagonist of your favoritemovie.An application with a user interface that is perfect forkeepingabreast of all the film premiere the week of your phonescreen.With the Synopsis Movie application at all of the informationinthe film premiere in an application that synchronizes in realtimeto the best online movie information, all from your phoneandstreaming.
Info Bikers Indonesia 2.0.1
Info Bikers adalah aplikasi pembacaberitaotomotif online yang memberikan berita-berita otomotifterbaru baiknasional maupun international. Diambil dari berbagaisumber PortalBerita terpercaya. Kepercayaan adalah modal dasar kamiuntukmembangun citra dan menjalin hubungan dengan pembaca setia.Info Bikers memberikan tampilan yang nyaman dibaca olehpenggunabaik di Tablet maupun Handphone.Bikers Info is anonlineautomotive news reader applications that provide thelatestautomotive news, both national and international. Takenfromvarious sources of reliable news portal. Trust is the basis ofourcapital to build the image and relationship with loyal readers.Bikers Info provides a comfortable viewing by the user toreadboth Tablet and Mobile.
GO! Radio FM Indonesia 2.1.2
Aplikasi untuk mendengarkan radioindonesiaonline. Akan selalu update Channel Radio.Berikut daftar channel radio :1. 98,7 Gen FM Jakarta2. 103,1 Gen FM Surabaya3. Prambors FM Jakarta4. Prambors FM Yogyakarta5. Bens Radio FM Jakarta6. Hardrock FM Jakarta7. M2E Radio FM Jakarta8. I-Radio FM Jakarta9. Delta FM Jakarta10. Trax FM Jakarta11. Mustang FM Jakarta12. KIS FM Jakarta13. Motion Radio FM Jakarta14. Elshinta FM Jakarta15. Sonora FM Jakarta16. JAK FM Jakarta17. Radio Dangdut Indonesia FM Jakarta18. Global Radio FM Jakarta19. PAS FM Jakarta20. Elgangga FM Bekasi21. Heartline FM Karawaci22. Camajaya FM Jakarta23.103,4 D FM Jakarta24. Sindo Radio FM Jakarta25. CBB FM Jakarta26. Lite FM Jakarta27. VRadio FM Jakarta28. Dakta FM Bekasi29. Delta FM Medan30. Female Radio FM Jakarta31. Female Radio FM Yogyakarta32. Zoo Radio FM BatamUpdate terus. Semua channel radio indonesia terangkum dalamsatuaplikasi.Application to listentoradio online Indonesia. Will always be updated ChannelRadio.Here's a list of radio channel:1. 98.7 Gen FM Jakarta2. Gen 103.1 FM Surabaya3. Geronimo FM Jakarta4. Geronimo FM Yogyakarta5. Bens Radio FM Jakarta6. Hardrock FM Jakarta7. FM Radio M2E Jakarta8. I-Radio FM Jakarta9. Delta FM Jakarta10. Trax FM Jakarta11. Mustang FM Jakarta12. KIS FM Jakarta13. Motion Radio FM Jakarta14. Elshinta FM Jakarta15. Sonora FM Jakarta16. JAK FM Jakarta17. FM Radio Dangdut Indonesia Jakarta18. Global Radio FM Jakarta19. PAS FM Jakarta20. FM Elgangga Bekasi21. Heartline FM Karawaci22. Camajaya FM Jakarta23103.4 D FM Jakarta24. Sindo Radio FM Jakarta25. CBB FM Jakarta26. Lite FM Jakarta27. VRadio FM Jakarta28. FM Dakta Bekasi29. Delta FM Medan30. Female Radio FM Jakarta31. Female FM Radio Yogyakarta32. Zoo FM Radio BatamUpdate continues. All Indonesian radio channel is containedinone application.
Koran Indo (Berita Indonesia) 2.1.0
Menggunakan aplikasi Koran Indo (BeritaIndonesia ) membuat anda menjadi semakin mudah membacabacaanberita-berita nasional, berita otomotif, berita properti,keuangan,ekonomi dan lain-lain di Indonesia.Aplikasi ini memahami anda, memberikan anda kemudahandengannavigasi yang mudah dimengerti oleh siapa saja untukdigunakan.Aplikasi bacaan ini juga tersedia Kategori Beritadiantaranya:Olahraga , Peristiwa , Kesehatan , Teknologi , Ekonomi , Otomotif,Dunia , Ojek Online ( Grabbike - Gojek )Diambil dari beberapa sumber berita terpercaya :Merdeka.comLiputan 6TribunNews.comDetik.comVivaNews.comPos KotaTempo.coBeritaSatu.comRepublika.comUsing the applicationIndoNewspapers (News Indonesia) makes you become more easilyreadreading national news, automotive news, property news,finance,economics and others in Indonesia.This application understands you, giving you the easeofnavigation that is easily understood by anyone to use.Reading app is also available Categories News include:Sports, Events, Health, Technology, Economics, Automotive,World,Ojeks Online (Grabbike - Gojek)Taken from several reliable news sources:Merdeka.comcoverage 6TribunNews.comDetik.comVivaNews.comPos KotaTempo.coBeritaSatu.comRepublika.com
Seleb Today (Gosip Artis) 2.0.1
Berita terpanas selebriti dan fototerbaruArtis idola anda ada di aplikasi ini, Diambil dari situssitusberita dan entertaiment terpercaya di Indonesia, Segeradapatkan!Jangan pernah melewatkan update terbaru dan tetap dekatdenganArtis Indonesia favorit Anda, Hollywood, dan K-Pop Starsdenganaplikasi Seleb Today. Diperbarui secara berkala, dapatkangosipterbaru.Indonesia:Rafi Ahmad , Aliando Ganteng Ganteng Srigala , Al Ghozali ,ArielNoah , Luna Maya , JKT48 , Cita citata (sakitnya tuh disini),Syahrini , Agnes Monica , Nabila JKT48 , Ayu TingTing , DllHollywood:Mila Kunis , Scarlett Johansson , Natalie Portman , Sandra Bullock,Emma Stone , Jennifer Aniston , Angelina Jolie , Kristen Stewart,Paris Hilton , Alan Walker , DllTersedia dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan diambil dari portalportalberita terpercaya di Indonesia seperti:KapanLagi.com , Merdeka.com , Kompas.com , Detik.com , DllDownload sekarang aplikasi Seleb Today (Gosip Artis)dismartphone Anda.The hottest celebritynewsand recent photo Artis your idol in this application, Takenfrom thesite and entertaiment reliable news sites in Indonesia,immediatelyget! Never miss the latest updates and stay close withyour favoriteArtis Indonesia, Hollywood, and K-Pop Stars withapplication SelebToday. Updated regularly, get the latest gossip.Indonesia:Rafi Ahmad, Aliando Handsome Hunk Wolves, Al Ghozali, NoahAriel,Luna Maya, JKT48, Cita citata (tuh pain here), Syahrini,AgnesMonica, Nabila JKT48, Ayu Ting Ting, Etc.Hollywood:Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, SandraBullock,Emma Stone, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, KristenStewart,Paris Hilton, Alan Walker, Etc.Available in Indonesian, and taken from reliable newsportalportal in Indonesia such as:KapanLagi.com, Merdeka.com, Kompas.com, Detik.com, Etc.Download the app now Seleb Today (Celebrity Gossip) onyoursmartphone.