Sufler Apps

Sufler 1.0.8
Everything you don't want to forget about yourbeloved ones, whenever you need it - this is Sufler! It helps youto remember the important things about people in your life. Whetherif it's your girlfriend's / boyfriend's birthday you should nevermiss, your best friends allergy when you plan a dinner party oryour business associates favorite wine.Once you created a profile of a special person in your life, youcan add whatever is important to you about this person and youdon't want to forget. Sufler then helps you to find the informationwhenever you need them and reminds you of the essential things,like special dates. Sufler is easy to use and helps you to keeptrack of all necessary things around the people in your life.Features:- Organized and structured profile management.- Notifications for important dates, such birthdays andanniversary.- Overviews for notes marked as important, alarm, places, likes& dislikes.- Mobile device contacts integration.- Groups to manage profiles.- Sizes & measures conversion.- Editable templates for sections. You can create your own or editthe ones already existing depending on what you want.- Backup feature for your data locally or in Google Drive, youdecide if you want to use it or not. We are not interested onhaving your data! Just remember to backup your data in case youchange your mobile device.- Access restriction with a password if you need it.- Settings options for sorting, notifications and backupfeatures.- Creation of profiles not related to persons such as pets, home,shopping cart, traveling, to-do list and whatever you think itwould be useful to keep on track.- Help and hints.