Repy Apps

Official site Policy are accepted at the following sites: a Japanese input method for Tablet (IME).Intended for use in the Honeycomb tablet, or re-placement of thekeyWe have optimized the figure.Current functions and features:To take advantage of screen size, such as numeric keys · CTRL key ·TAB key arrow key · ALT key, key sequence is set almost the same asfor the PC keyboard of the Japanese.In addition to romaji input, equipped with a hiragana input modeclose to the kana input.When you select the extended keyboard, ESC, F1 ~ F12, HOME, END,PageUp, PageDown, DEL key can be entered.The height of the key can be set to stage 18.If you want to shrink the keyboard when using the hard keys ortemporarily, you can use the keyboard reduction.Can also be treated as 109/106 Japanese keyboard to force aexternal keyboard.You can call an application that implements the mushroomsSimeji.CPU as well as ARM, MIPS and supports x86.Japanese conversion engine, so you can use to switch OpenWnn Yahoo!Japan and text analysis API and Google IME CGI API, and theconversion accuracy is Imaichi Pikaichi.We proceed to address the hard keyboard.Can also be installed on the terminal screen size is lesstentatively, it is hard to manipulate because it is optimized forthe tablet.Other:IME must be set prior to use. For more information, please visitthe official site.Starting the mushroom mash is press and hold the key.Range can be selected with the arrow keys SHIFT +.Android 3.0 or later, cut copy, CTRL + X with CTRL + C, you canpaste CTRL + V.Internet access policy:Internet access for non-Web engine and advertising does not.For policy details, please visit the official website. check: ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso)=======================================About the developerBlog: software includes code developed at OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd.OpenWnn.
Continue Barcode Reader
This application can read barcodescontinuously.Your email client send barcodes scanned by this application.This application requires "ZXing Barcode Scanner".Internet Access Policy: : ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso)=======================================About developerBlog:
人名旧字体入力マッシュルーム 1.0.2
AndroidのIMEでは変換できない旧字体や異体字を入力できるマッシュルームです。彅・髙・﨑・曺・偂・傔・朗などが入力できます。マッシュルームを実装したIMEが別途必要です。現在動作が確認できているものは、ATOK・Simeji・OpenWnnplus・マッシュドアーです。使い方1新字体に変換した確定前の状態でマッシュルームを起動します。入力された文字の旧字体を表示しますので選択してください。選択された文字に変更されて入力が完了します。使い方2何も入力していない状態でマッシュルームを起動します。すると、新字体を入力する画面が表示されるので、新字体で入力します。入力された文字の旧字体を表示しますので選択してください。選択された文字に変更されて入力が完了します。動作確認: IS01 + OpenWnn plus動作確認: IS01 + マッシュドアー動作確認: ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso) + ATOK動作確認: ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso) + Simeji動作確認: ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso) + OpenWnn plus=======================================開発者についてBlog:異体字データベースは以下のプロジェクトの成果です。(MIT License)Copyright (C) Kanji Database Project
Mozcエンジン 日本語フルキーボード For Tablet
日本語フルキーボード For Tablet Mozcエンジン プラグインです。 日本語フルキーボード For TabletでMozcエンジンを利用する場合は、日本語フルキーボード ForTabletとMozcエンジンの両方をインストールする必要があります。動作確認: Nexus7, ICONIA TAB A500(Picasso)======================================= 開発者についてBlog: Twitter: software includes codedeveloped at Google Inc. Mozc.
Picasa Uploader 1.1.5
This application to upload photos to Picasa Web Albums.Thisimplements twicca API. Tested : IS01 Tested : ICONIA TABA500(Picasso) ======================================= AboutdeveloperBlog: Twitter: software contains codedeveloped at Google APIs Client Libraryfor Java(