Pozirk Games Inc. Apps
All-in-One Solitaire 2 OLD 1.2.25
All-in-One Solitaire 2 is a sequel to most popular solitairegamewith 20+ new card games, lots of new features, nice graphicsandpleasant music. All-in-One Solitaire 2 comes with thefollowinggames: Beehive Solitaire 40 Thieves Solitaire (also knowasNapoleon at Saint Helena, Roosevelt at San Juan, Big Forty andLeCadran) 52 Pickup Solitaire Algerian Solitaire Thieves OfEgyptSolitaire Wasp Solitaire (One Suit Wasp, To Suit Wasp and FourSuitWasp) Calculation Solitaire Canfield SolitaireAlternationsSolitaire Yukon Solitaire (Alaska Solitaire) Tower ofHanoySolitaire 4 Corners Solitaire Kings in the Corners SolitaireAuntMary Solitaire Fifteens Solitaire Goldfield SolitaireChameleonSolitaire Flower Garden Solitaire Clock Solitaire CrazyQuiltSolitaire
All-in-One Solitaire OLD 20200220
* This is previous version of the game. * All your favoriteSolitaire games in one place. Play for free and have fun! AvailableSolitaire games: Crescent Solitaire Cruel Solitaire Tri-PeaksSolitaire Pyramid Solitaire Klondike Solitaire Gaps Solitaire OneSuit Spider Solitaire Two Suit Spider Solitaire Four Suit SpiderSolitaire FreeCell Solitaire Double FreeCell Solitaire TripleFreeCell Solitaire Fortune Solitaire: Easy Fortune Solitaire: HardScorpion Solitaire Accordion Solitaire Penguin Solitaire 60/90Seconds Solitaire Aces Up Solitaire Have fun!
Match Jong 1.1.7
Match your way through numerous levels in this exciting puzzleadventure. Take on this colorful Matching game alone or play withfriends to see who can get the highest score! Match Jong features:★ Easy and fun to play, challenging to master. ★ 4 differentlocations with numerous levels. ★ Leaderboards to watch yourfriends and competitors! ★ 2 difficulty modes; ★ Bright andattractive graphics; ★ Relaxing sound effects. Walkthrough:https://youtu.be/8w1D_Ic6vYk