Palshock Apps

么么搭 - 智能时尚搭配助手 2.5.0
全球首款智能搭配+时尚拼图社区的顶级APP!聚合HM,银泰,Amazon, Farfetch等10大时尚前卫站点!看大牌,看推荐,看美图!超过2000个顶级时尚大牌潮品!20万级单品库配合100+精美模板,发挥无限创意!基于明星同款、场景、天气、颜色的强大推荐服务!仅需两步,秒级完成个性化搭配内容与小伙伴分享!现搭现买,一个App搞定所有烦恼!么么搭是一款基于海量潮流单品的智能检索、搭配神器,被众多专业时尚编辑推崇!在您遇到搭配烦恼的时候,只用根据所需设定场合、色系等简单条件,轻摇手机就可获得根据专业时尚编辑的推荐理由所产生的搭配组合,并会根据季节温度的变化自动调整相应的方案!再配合精心设计的的模板,几秒钟即可生成精致如杂志般的内容分享给小伙伴们。通过么么搭精准的颜色识别配合关键字,帮助您在海量单品中几秒钟就可找到所需的单品类型,更可以在找到心仪的宝贝时一键搭配,系统将会根据不同的推荐理由,为你喜欢的宝贝智能搭配其他单品,让你购买之前就可尝试足够多的搭配效果,再也不会为配不到合适的配件,忍痛将喜爱的衣服鞋包压箱底啦!穿衣搭配是每一个时尚美眉每天都会花心思的问题。众多时尚达人们是否也想过,只要简单地摇一摇手机,就可瞬间拥有专业服装搭配建议。风格变化多端,从波西米亚到日韩流行风,从皮革,铆钉到蕾丝印花。一组组根据温度,颜色,场合为你倾力定制的搭配让您无论在炎热的夏季,还是寒冷的冬季。都能让你倍感贴心和关怀。除了可直接购买推荐的单品外,只需简单到只需2个步骤,你就可以发布属于自己的搭配组合图片Show和时尚画报。有超过50种风格迥异的模版可随意选择。快快加入我们的社区,和小伙伴分享你的时尚见解吧!
Sushi Slash HD 1.5.3
HD version is optimized for Tablet and Mobilephone with screen height or width larger than 1000 pixels.Check out how fast your eyes and fingers can go. Sushi slash isright game you want. Swipe to cut the board, destroy most of theplay-shape and you'll advance to the next one. Open up Sushi Slashyou will find you can’t put it down.Feature:Ninjia styleFrequent updates to keep you slashingNew Sushi introduced as you advanceseason package update+ Totally 100 levels.+4 buffs (Katana/Sushi Killer/Lightning Blade/Timer) help you tochallenge new levels.+5 special sushis make the game more addictive.- Expending Sushi:Sushi will become bigger in every 5 seconds, thesooner you clear the level, the less trouble you would meet.- Splitting Sushi:Sushi will divide itself in to 3 after awhile.- Accelerating Sushi:The move speed of a Sushi will become fasterif the stage can’t be cleared in shortly.- Invisible Sushi: Sushi becomes transparent after awhile.- Radiation Sushi: Sushi will radiate itself when moving.How to get High Score in Sushi Slash?- Complete the Level by less slashes, in fewer seconds.- Smaller size of wood left will earn bonus score.Keyword: Sushi, Slash, Ninjia, Slice, Cut, Drop,