Odnoklassniki Ltd Apps
OK 22.12.26
It's a place where everyone can find somethingthat interests and excites them.With the OK app, you can:– Stay in touch with your nearest and dearest– Call your friends free of charge– Post and edit photos– Load and watch the most interesting and trending videos– Listen to your favorite music and discover your friends' musicaltastes– Share emotions with your nearest and dearest through variousgifts– Keep up to date with all the news from your groups andparticipate in their discussions... and also follow holidays, play games, rate photos, comment onposts and topics, receive rewards and much, much more!
Мастерская подарков для OK.RU 1.0.7
«Мастерская подарков» поможет вам создаватьпотрясающие подарки для ваших родных и близких на Одноклассниках.Просто найдите подходящее изображение, загрузите его в «Мастерскуюподарков», добавьте нарядную рамочку или душевное пожелание — инеповторимый подарок готов!🙂 Поздравить с праздником🎂 C Днем Рождения!💘 Порадовать друга, любимую, родных, близких👰 С днем свадьбы!🌺 Скоро лето🐣 С пасхой🙂 Пожелать хорошего настроения"Workshop presents" willhelp you to create great gifts for your loved ones onOdnoklassniki. Just find a suitable image, upload it to the"Workshop presents", add elegant framed or mental desire - andunique gift is ready! 🙂congratulates 🎂 C HappyBirthday! 💘 pleaseothers, your favorite, relatives, friends 👰 Happywedding! 🌺 SoonSummer 🐣 HappyEaster 🙂 Wish goodmood