Nektarios Giannoulis Apps
Light a Candle - 3D 1
Official app of The power of prayer isgreat.How many times have we felt the need to go to the temple topray,light a candle and feel our wish rise high in the sky. To giveasmall offer and pray for us, people close to us but also forthewhole world. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not possible. Wemaynot be able to go to temple or have time in our daily routines.Butthe need remains. And surely, the world needs our personal asalsocollective prayers. This application was designed to fill thisgap.You are given the opportunity to pay a small fee to light acandleand express your wish. This wish is made available all overtheworld and is united with all the others. We know than the powerofprayer by many people at the same time is much stronger thantheindividual. That is why we gather in our temples. Thisapplicationnotifies users every 6 hours based on global time, sothat we canall dedicate a minute, at exactly the same time of dayand praycollectively. By writing a wish, you are given theopportunity tosubscribe to the notifications to join your prayerwith the rest ofthe world. All the prayers of the application areavailable onlineon our website, so that they can be read from allover the world.The revenue of the application will be used for themaintenance ofthe service, the distribution of prayers to morepeople, thefurther development of application as well as for publicbenefitpurposes. Thank you for downloading this application. Let'spraytogether.