Moleapps Apps

Audio Mode Switcher 1.1.6
Tired of your phone ringing in the middleofthe night? I’m sure you know the situation when your phoneringsout loud when staying in a quiet place (e.g.classroom,office,...), because you have forgotten to mute yourphone.Have you ever missed important calls because you have forgottentoun-mute your mobile phone? You need Audio Mode Switcher!Just define when the audio mode of your phone should beloud,vibrate or silent . Then, the app will do the rest foryou.Audio Mode was designed to be easy to use and isabsolutelyfree!Switch to loud, vibrate or silent mode according to:- weekly recurring times,- calendar events or- your current location* Weekly recurring timesThis feature is very simple: you can define multiple times andtheaccording ringer mode. This switching-times are scheduledweekly.For example you can define different times for weekendsetc.* Calendar basedYou can automatically switch the audio mode of your phoneduringevents defined in your phones calendar. Use it to mute youphoneduring movies, dates, meetings etc. and then unmuting thephonewhen the meeting ends.You select the events with simple filters (keywords in theeventtitle and/or a specific calendar) and choose the audio modethatshould be set during these events.* Location basedThe easiest solution is to switch your ringer mode according toyourcurrent location. For example you switch to vibrate mode ifyou areat your working place and to loud mode if you are athome.Audio Mode switcher uses phone masts and GPS to determineyourlocation. However if you want to save battery it also worksfinewithout enabled GPS (Note: In ural areas GPS is not necessary.Ifyou don’t live in a populated area GPS is recommended to achieveahigher accuracy)Overall, Audio Mode Switcher is a useful and nice appforautomatically silencing your phone. It will by greatlyappreciatedby classmates, working colleagues and anyone else whodoesn’t wantto hear your phone!** Find FAQs at **** Why all the permissions?- Your Location: for location-based switching- Your personal Information: to read calendar entriesforcalendar-based switching- Network communication: for Google Maps- Storage: to store the profiles- System tools: for changing the volume in stand-by mode- Network communication: to establish voluntary donations- Your accounts: to read the calendars- System tools: to reconfigure your profiles after adevicerestart---Examples of how Audio Mode Switcher can ease youreverydaylife:* Sleep well the whole night without interruption* Never again forget to unmute your phone in the morning –bereachable!* Prevent troubles with teachers, because your phone rings* Do not forget to mute your phone during university lectures* Never again be disturbed by your phone duringimportantmeetings* Enjoy cinema movies without embarrassing other visitors withyourannoying ringing phone* Make a good impression at your working place due to yoursilentphone* Do not miss a call just because you have forgotten to switchtoloud profile* Care about more important things in life thanpermanentlyswitching the audio profiles of your Android phone* Do not annoy your friends and family by unintentionalignoringtheir phone calls* Never be again in the situation that you write an exam andyourphone disturbs you from concentration* Enjoy a few silent hours every day – without being disturbedfromtechnology* ...