LINE Corporation Apps

LINE SnapMovie 2.2.5
Shoot up to 30 seconds of footage and thenmodify and edit it however you like with LINE SnapMovie.SnapMovie is perfect for all of the following situations:- Recording breathtaking scenery of travel destinations- Filming your baby's first steps- Proposing to that special someoneRecord the moments and memories that you want to keep foreverwith SnapMovie[Features of LINE SnapMovie]1. Chic and Natural FiltersSnapMovie comes fully loaded with all kinds of trendy andnatural-looking filters. Make your best videos even better with asentimental touch, or make your one-of-a-kind videos even morehead-turning with these easy to use filters.2. Motion TitlesMake movies that move people using the motion title that's rightfor your video. You'll be surprised how much your videos will comealive when you use these moving titles. The best part is, you canenter any text you like!3. Background Music for Any SituationHave you ever captured almost perfect footage but still felt likesomething was missing? Now you can add the perfect background musicto turn your movie into a masterpiece.4. Sharing Videos Is EasyShare movies you make with your friends on LINE, Facebook,Instagram and other social networks. Show your friends a new sideof yourself with LINE SnapMovie!5. New Content Updated RegularlySnapMovie offers a variety of features used to decorate your moviesfor free. New content is added all the time, and we are constantlyworking on new and better features.SnapMovie can only be used with Android versions 4.0.3 andlater.
LINE TRIO 1.0.12
Famous works have been stolen from LINE Town's museum! MysteriousThief X is the prime suspect! Join world-renowned Detective Brownand his assistant Romeo as they embark on the journey to retrievethese priceless works of art!Game Features- Move LINE character blocks around to lineupthree-of-a-kind!- Enjoy the appearance of your favorite cute LINE characters!- Venture through 140+ unique stages!- The more you line up, the more powerful the effect of thethrilling special blocks!- View beautiful works of art by clearing the stages!Take back the priceless masterpieces along with Detective Brown.The adventure starts now!Please Note:- The game may not run properly based on your Wi-Fi and networkconnectivity.- We recommend a Wi-Fi connection for the smoothest gameplayexperience.
LINE Q 3.4.0
Do you have any question thatyou can’t find answer? You can get answers in a flash!Anytime anywhere, ask anything on LINE Q!!(Available in Japanese and Traditional Chinese) - So easy to ask and get answers!Are you sick of typing? You can ask questions with mediafiles.Try uploading pictures, videos or maps to solve yourcuriosity! - Get answers in a second!Not only you can get answers really quick, but also youcan interact with other people. - Do you like to share your questions and knowledge with otherpeople?Come and earn points!LINE Q offers points to anyone who makes question oranswer. Then, you can exchange your points to stickers! - Found any question you've been curious about too?Did you find any interesting questions but which they do nothave any answers yet?Just click “I’m curious too” and LINE Qwill provide you when it finds ananswer.    - You can enjoy LINE Q on PC web and smartphone!Anytime, anywhere you can Q
LINE Creators 1.0.0
Make your chats come alive with over 1.5 million stickers!Quickly and easily send stickers to anyone for free!- Sending StickersNo need to use a special app to buy or download stickers.Send them to all your friends and add some fun to yourconversations!- Stickers from Creators Around the WorldChoose from countless options toexpress exactly what you're feeling in any situation!- Awesome CreatorsMeet talented and professional sticker creators from around theworld.Support the creators you like, and they'll keep bringing you evenbetter stickers!
LINE 悪魔と恋する10日間 1.3.3
★累計利用者4,000万人突破!恋愛ドラマアプリ最新作が、LINEGAMEから登場★『その体も魂も…俺たちに全部捧げろ』自分の魂を奪いに来たイケメン悪魔と…24時間同室生活!?5人のイケメンに翻弄される、人生最後の10日間!『…この感情が、愛なのか 』人間と悪魔。決して許されないキケンな恋の行方は…◆基本情報◆・ダウンロード無料・基本プレイ無料・イケメン悪魔との甘くてキケンで、ちょっぴり切ない恋愛ストーリーが楽しめる『悪魔と恋する10日間』がボイス付きで登場!・ストーリー中の選択肢でエンドが変わる!? カレとの甘いハッピーエンドを目指そう!・カレとのルームシェアが楽しめる!かわいいインテリアで、 おうちをオシャレに飾っちゃおう♪『悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven'sKiss』のご紹介◆ストーリー◆突然現れたイケメン悪魔がアナタに死亡宣告!10日間だけ生き延びる条件。それは…イケメン悪魔と24時間一緒に過ごすこと!?次第に惹かれあう二人。でも、運命の日は目の前に…『お前の魂は、俺がこの手で…』人生最後の10日間。最高の恋が今、始まる…◆ストーリー以外のお楽しみ要素◆カレと過ごすキケンなシェアハウス生活がスタート!一緒に暮らす悪魔ハウスを、かわいく 飾っていこう。5人のイケメンたちとの専用チャットで絆を深めたりアバターでオシャレしてカレとヒミツのデートも!?楽しい要素が満載♪【カレと暮らすシェアハウスを飾ろう】とってもキュートなインテリアを手に入れて、悪魔ハウスを飾り付け♪素敵な空間を作れちゃうよ!【キュートなアバター衣装でオシャレしちゃおう】アバターはあなたの分身★お洋服だけじゃなく、髪型やメイク、アクセまで、ガチャやショップで集めて素敵なお気に入りコーデを作ってね♪【甘いボイスでカレがささやく】ストーリー中やミニゲームでは、カレの甘いボイスが聞けるよボイス付き限定ストーリーは何度でも読み返せちゃう!●キャスト●小野友樹/柿原徹也/鳥海浩輔/細谷佳正/逢坂良太◆遊び方◆『悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven'sKiss』の進め方はとても簡単!1.アプリを起動して「START」を押す2.お気に入りのイケメン悪魔を選ぶ3.ストーリーを読み進めながら、かわいいアバターでオシャレしちゃおう!4.アナタが選んだ選択肢次第で、ラブラブな【スイートエンド】とドキドキの【エクスタシーエンド】に分岐するよ !◆こんなアナタにおすすめ!◆・映画やドラマは恋愛もの、ラブコメが好き・イケメンには目が無い・たくさんのイケメンがワイワイ騒いでいるのを見るのが好き・キュートなアバターをオシャレに飾るのが好きそのほか、すべての女性 におすすめ!◆注意事項◆『悪魔と恋する10日間 Heaven'sKiss』では以下にご注意ください。・オフラインでは動作いたしません。必ずインターネットが接続可能な状態で起動してください。(データが破損する場合があります)・本アプリはOS4.0以降対応です。それ以前の方はOSアップデートをお願いいたします。・購入されたダイヤ、ラブパスの払い戻しには応じかねますので、ご了承ください。・その他詳細はアプリ内の「利用規約」を必ずご確認ください。・累計利用者数…※株式会社ボルテージが提供中の、携帯キャリア公式月額サイト登録者数、SNSプラットフォーム向けソーシャルアプリ登録者数、およびGooglePlayを含むアプリストアで提供中のアプリのインストール数、各タイトルの合計数※このアプリケーションには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE (TM)」が使用されています。Powered by Live2D
フリマアプリLINE MALL(ラインモール) 出品無料! 2.1.0
■「最短2分で出品完了!」スマホで写真を撮って必須項目を登録するだけ。お部屋に眠った不要品を断捨離してお小遣い稼ぎ!■「売れたときも、買ったときも手数料ずっと0円!」LINEMALL(ラインモール)では、出品・購入時の手数料0円!商品が売れたときの販売手数料も一切いただきません。登録料、システム利用料、決済手数料なども無料です。※貯まった売上金を口座に振り込むときだけ、口座振込手数料210円がかかります。■「あんしん・あんぜんの売買システム」お金のやり取りはLINE MALL(ラインモール)が仲介!購入者がLINEMALL(ラインモール)にお金を支払い、商品が届いたのを確認後に、出品者に売上金が渡ります。直接お金のやりとりを行わずに取引ができ、安心してご利用いただけます。お支払いにはクレジットカードはもちろん、コンビニ支払い、Pay-easy(ペイジー)決済をご利用いただけます。■「フリマが初めての方も簡単!取引サポート」取引開始~完了まで、アプリが必要なアクションをお知らせします。「やることリスト」でいつでも確認できるので今何をすべきなのかがひと目でわかります。■「LINE配送」LINE配送を使えば、住所や名前などの個人情報のやりとり不要で、日本中どこへでもサイズ別の一律料金で配送可能!より安心・安全にLINEMALLが楽しめます。■「探していた商品・ブランド品が嬉しいフリマ価格で購入できるチャンス!」毎日続々出品中!豊富なカテゴリーやジャンルから、狙っていたあの商品もお手頃価格でGETできるチャンスです。【LINE MALLの特徴】・LINEアカウントさえあれば、誰でもすぐに始められます!・商品やトークのパトロール、万が一トラブルが起こった場合の仲介など運営体制が徹底されているため安心。・充実した検索機能でお探しの商品が簡単に見つかります。・匿名で送れる「LINE配送」や伝票記入不要の「ネコポス」・「宅急便コンパクト」など、豊富な配送方法をご用意!・お買い物のたびにポイントGET!貯まったポイントは1ポイント=1円としてLINE MALL内でのお買い物に使えます!・気になる商品・ユーザーは、ワンタッチでお気に入り。あとからまとめて確認できます!・商品写真は最大10枚まで掲載可能!購入前に商品の細部までチェックできます。・LINEで繋がっている友だちには公開されずに、LINEMALL(ラインモール)だけのアカウント・ニックネームでご利用いただけます。【 こんな方にオススメ! 】・商品が売れても販売手数料を引かれたくない・住所や名前など個人情報を知らせずに取引したい・オークションやフリマには興味があるが、取引手順が難しそうで不安・着なくなった洋服や不要品を断捨離してお小遣いを稼ぎたい・育児、子育て中で子どもの商品を売ったり買ったりしたいママさん・主婦・格安な掘り出し物を見つけるのが好き・不要品を売りたいけどリサイクルショップに持っていくのは面倒・リサイクルショップだとブランド物でも買取価格が安すぎる・ハンドメイドの雑貨、小物、アクセサリーなどの作品を販売したい・面倒な取引は苦手!とにかく、簡単に買い物したい!【多彩なジャンルの商品を出品&購入できます】新品・中古どちらもOK!ファッション、アクセサリー、ハンドメイド、サイズが合わなくなったベビー服やキッズ服、読まなくなった本や漫画、ゲームやCD・DVD、使わなくなった家電製品、スマホ、コスメ、美容、インテリア、雑貨、ホーム・キッチン用品など。■ "shortest 2 minutes anexhibition done!"Just register the essential items to take photos with smartphone.Unnecessary products slept in the room with the cross-sectional 捨離earn pocket money!■ "- even when sold, commission much 0 yen even when Ibought!"In LINE MALL (line mall), fee 0 yen at the time of the exhibitionand purchase! sales commission when the goods were sold alsoabsolutely not received. Registration fee, a system fee, is free ofcharge, such as settlement commission.※ only when you transfer money the sales proceeds accumulated inthe account, will take account transfer fee 210 yen.■ "safe and Anzen trading system of"Exchange of money LINE MALL (line mall) is an intermediary! Buyerspay the money to the LINE MALL (line mall), after confirming thatthe goods arrived, sales proceeds will be passed to the exhibitor.Directly it is trading without the exchange of money, you can usewith confidence.Credit card payment, of course, convenience store payment, Pay-easy(Pay-easy) offers a settlement.■ "Flea Market is the first time also simple people! Tradingsupport"Until the transaction start-completion, and will inform the actionapps need. it is possible to check at any time to "list that do"you can see at a glance what should we do now.■ "LINE delivery"Using the LINE delivery, it does not require the exchange ofpersonal information such as addresses and names, it can bedelivered in another uniform size charge anywhere in Japan! Moresafe and secure LINE MALL you can enjoy.■ "Looking have products and brands is happy flea market priceat purchase possible chance!"Every day one after another exhibition in! From rich categories andgenres, it is a chance that those items can also GET at anaffordable price, which has been targeted.Features of LINE MALL]- If they have LINE account, anyone can start immediately!And products and talk of patrol, peace of mind because it isthorough is system management, such as mediation of the case thathappened by any chance trouble.And products you are looking for in the extensive search functionis easy to find.- Can be sent anonymously, such as "LINE delivery" and slip fillunwanted "Nekoposu", "courier compact", rich delivery method areavailable!• The point GET every time shopping! Accumulated points I can usefor shopping in the LINE MALL as 1 point = 1 yen!Products and anxious users, a favorite at the touch of a button.You can check later together!- Product photos can be posted up to 10 sheets maximum! You cancheck every detail of the product prior to purchase.- Without being exposed to the friends that are connected by LINE,available in the account nickname only LINE MALL (line mall).[Recommended those who like to! ]I do not want to be drawn to sell commission products soldI want to deal without informing the personal information such asname, address andThe auction and flea market are interested, but the transactionprocedure is anxiety the difficulty likelyI want to earn pocket money, to wear no longer clothes and unwantedgoods by cross-sectional 捨離And childcare, mom-housewife that you want to or buy sellchildren's products in child-rearing- I like to find cheap bargains- Offer to sell unnecessary goods and to take it to a thrift shopbut is cumbersomeThe purchase price also - it's thrift shop brand product is toocheapHandmade of miscellaneous goods, we want to sell small items, theworks such as accessories· Troublesome transactions weak! Anyway, I want to shoppingeasy![You can exhibit and purchase products of diverse genres]Both new and used OK! Fashion, accessories, handmade, size is fitNo Longer baby clothes and children's clothing, books and comicsare no longer read, games and CD · DVD, home appliances no longerused, smartphone, cosmetics, beauty, interior, miscellaneous goods,such as home kitchen supplies.
LINE Cookie Run 6.1.3
Over 40 million downloads! The whole world'srunning now!The new update brings the "New World", introducing all kinds ofbrand new additions to the game!Cookie Run, presented by the free chat and calls app LINE.BE A COOKIE HEROEscape the wicked witch before she slams you in the oven and hasyou for her supper.EXHILARATING ACTIONRun, jump, and slide your way to freedom! Control your charactereither with touch screen gestures or virtual buttons.ENTER FEVER MODEGobble up letters scattered though the game to trigger Fever Modeand grab even more coins!PLAY WITH FRIENDSComplete against your friends to see who can get the best scores.Invite friends to play and unlock special items.UNIQUE CHARACTERSUnique cookies and pets galore! They don’t just look different;they all have different skills and abilities, too.
LINE Pay 1.4.0
LINE Pay has been integrated with LINE! Updateto get started.LINE Pay is only available on LINE 5.4.1 or above.**************Make payments and more with LINE!Try LINE Pay today, the safe and easy way to pay.★ Register a credit card on LINE Pay.You only have to enter your credit card information once.When you want to make a purchase, simply enter your LINE Paypassword.★ LINE Pay offers convenient payment services in partnershipwith global credit card brands.Supports international credit & debit cards, including VISA,MasterCard, and JCB.★ LINE Pay, making payments safer and smarter.LINE Pay can already be used on LINE Store and is coming soon tostores near you!- LINE Pay cannot be launched as a standalone app.Please install LINE and tap the LINE Pay icon on the More tab tolaunch the app.**************Keywords: mobile payment, credit card, pay, purchase, mobilewallet, E-money
LINE Camera - Photo editor 14.2.18
The smartphone camera app "LINE Camera" givesyou everything you need to take and edit photos.Whether you're shooting selfies or professional photographs, thepowerful editing tools featured in this app allow you to unleashyour inner creativity. Produce quality collages, add adorablepersonal touches, and do much, much more with LINE Camera.Selfies: Snap a quick photo with your inner camera. Use theLive filter and Beauty feature to show the world the realyou.Camera features: LINE Camera comes complete with a timer,flash, mirror mode, level, grid, and all the other features youneed to take the perfect picture.Filters: Brighten up shadowy photos, make your lunchsnapshots look even more delicious, or choose from any one of amyriad of ways to make your pics stand out.Add Text: Create your own movie posters by adding catchyslogans to your pictures, scribble poppy messages, or add yourfavorite meme. You can even choose the font!Brushes: Go Picasso on your pictures with options that letyou pick the color and brush size.Stamps: Decorate your photos with over 20,000 unique stampsjust waiting to be discovered.Collages: Combine multiple photos into one, perfect collageand relive the memories all over again.Share: Upload your fixed-up photos instantly to Facebook,Instagram, or the social network of your choice.Multilingual support: LINE Camera offers support forChinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, and more.
LINE Football League Manager 1.2.4
Become the manager of your own pro footballteam!Select all the best players in the world and build your own dreamteam.Be the top team in your league and win the weekly cup!■How to playGet all the best players from more than 50 countries all over theworld.All the stars are included under their real name! Get the cards ofyou favorite players, train them, make your own original teamstrategy and try to win the championship!■3D live match3D live action of your own games make you feel like you're on thepitch,looking at the action closely and giving your instructions!■ReplayYou can check the replay of your last game anytime you want.Use this to check your best plays one more time!■Play with your LINE friendsLeague match, Cup match, Ranking match, World Tour match, 4entertaining play modes are waiting for you! Which one will youchallenge?!(*playing with your line friends is available through league match,cup match and direct challenge)Challenge the strongest players from all over the world and try tobecome the world champion! The final trophy is waiting foryou!*Be careful, playing on smartphones with low memory might result inbad performances.*If you encounter bad performance, try to terminate applicationsrunning in background and go back to the game again.Languages: Japanese, English, Indonesian, Thai​
LINE 征服者-榮耀歸來 1.3.1
「征服者 -黎明之戰」,首款結合RTS+RPG的動作策略養成遊戲,擁有強烈的動作與策略等遊戲元素,簡易滑動螢幕操控,即可改變角色的位置與目標,打破無趣的回合戰鬥,創新即時戰鬥玩法,全面提升遊戲操作體驗。*對抗魔獸軍團 史詩英雄全面出擊*魔獸軍團大舉入侵,為了守護世界的秩序,史詩英雄們挺身而出,黎明之戰破曉出擊。*最具特色的史詩英雄 打造專屬你的超級戰隊*蒐集來自四面八方的史詩英雄,了解他們各自的技能與天賦,將會讓你更容易征服世界。*打破無腦回合 即時且流暢的操控 逆轉戰局就在你手*RTS即時操控你的英雄角色,坦克、補師、攻擊手的走位以及正確的策略帶領你成為勝利的一方。*史詩經典 魔幻英雄 3D高品質畫面*最經典的副本場景重現,最高端的視覺饗宴*公會競技 專屬BUFF RAID副本*完善的公會系統,還記得從前一起出團打RAID的戰友嗎?號召你的朋友們一同加入吧!請注意:※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※ 視您的Wi-Fi或網路狀態而定, 連線至遊戲可能需要較長時間。※ 建議您採用Wi-Fi連線,讓遊戲玩起來更加順暢。"Conqueror- Dawn of the war", the first combination of RTS + RPG actionstrategy to develop the game, with a strong element of such actionand strategy game, easy to slide the screen to control, you canchange the position of the character and goals, breaking the boringround battle , real-time combat gameplay innovation, to enhance thegameplay experience.* Legion of Warcraft epic hero against a comprehensiveinitiative *Warcraft Legion invasion, in order to protect the order of theworld, epic heroes stand up battle dawn dawn attack.* The most unique epic hero you create exclusive Super Sentai* Collect epic hero from all sides about their respectiveskills and talent, will make it easier for you to conquer theworld.* Break no brain bout immediate and smooth handling reversal waron your hands *RTS instant control of your heroes, walk tanks, fill the division,as well as the right hand attack strategy led you to become a partyto victory.* Classic fantasy epic hero of high-quality 3D images *Reproduce a copy of the most classic scenes, most high-end visualfeast* Association of Athletics exclusive BUFF RAID copy *Complete guild system, remember the past together a group to playRAID comrades it? Call your friends to join now!Please note:※ Game Software Rating Regulations in accordance with thissoftware, supplemented by 12: people over the age of 12 may onlyuse.※ Depending on your Wi-Fi or network status, the connection to thegame may take a long time.※ recommend that you use Wi-Fi connection, make the game play moresmoothly.
livedoor Blog - 多機能ブログ投稿アプリ
国内ブログ最大級のシェアを誇る livedoor Blog の公式アプリです。記事投稿や編集・削除、デザインの選択から画像の管理まで、ブログに関する操作がこのアプリで全て行えます。カメラで直接撮影した写真やギャラリーから取り込んだ画像を投稿する事もできます。アップロードする時にフィルタ機能で画像補正を行うこともできます。マルチブログ機能で作成した複数のブログをカンタンに切り替えて管理する事もできます。画像複数選択アップロードは現在開発中。次期アップデートをお待ちください。■以前のバージョンをお使いの方へ■パーミッションの変更があるため、手動での更新をお願いいたします。3.0.0以降、画像サムネイルのサイズを管理側の設定に合わせる仕様変更が加わりました。アップロードした画像がPCなどで大きく表示されてしまう事象が起こる場合は、アプリケーションの マイページ > ブログ設定 > 画像アップロード設定 > サムネイルの最大サイズに、生成したいサムネイルのサイズの記入をお願いいたします。※設定後は念のためアプリケーションの再起動をお願いいたします。■主な機能・記事投稿 -タイトル/カテゴリー/公開設定/画像挿入/表示画面プレビュー機能(PC/スマホ)・記事の一覧表示/編集/削除・アプリ内記事保存・記事自動保存の追加・画像管理/画像フィルタ機能/複数画像の並列アップロード・デザイン/レイアウト変更・アクセス解析・コメント/トラックバック/メッセージ管理・複数ブログの切り替え
Enjoy this real fishing game in the Office, atHome or even on a Train!For those of you who want to enjoy fishing, "LINE MASS FISHING" isyour choice!!Isn't it a little bit of a pain to prepare all the stuff forfishing…?Even you have all the equipment, aren't you busy working…?It's also important that you can have fun with your friend isn'tit?Don't worry! "LINE MASS FISHING" will satisfy you!★The Real Battle with a BIG Fish!!・Cast the fishing line and wind the reel. Just like the realfishing!・Start from a small fish, and then challenge the king sizefish!★Who's the winner? You or a Fish?・Knock the fish out with the special technique!・Clearing various quests will make the game more enjoyable!★Enjoy both Competing and Battling!・Different levels of competitions will be held, and you can battlewith fishers 4 times a day!・Compete with your friends for the size of the fish! Try to catch amassive one!!★How exciting! You can catch various kinds of Fishes!・The fishes will be more than 200 kinds by the updates in thefuture!・New fishing rods and fishing sites, with beautiful nature, will beadded!
LINE 鬥陣英雄2 - 神話英雄大亂鬥 3.0.0
【遊戲介紹】「LINE 鬥陣英雄2」是 LINE 首款神話風格 MOBA作品,遊戲結合強烈的戰鬥打擊和精細的英雄培育鋪陳出豐富的冒險玩法。利用簡易的螢幕操控和華麗的英雄技能,搭配風騷走位和酷炫連技,打破呆板無趣的回合戰鬥,引領潮流開啟首創的即時真人對戰,帶給挑剔玩家究極的戰鬥體驗!【遊戲特色】*痛快手感*精准操控,暢快打擊,享受連技擊殺的超凡體驗*自由組合最強陣容*告別單一角色限制,超量神話英雄任你收集,依對手組合打造最佳對戰陣容*高自由度英雄培養*拒絕滿地跑的複製人!隨自己喜好與戰術需求,創造個人專屬的神話英雄*多種遊戲模式*不論是傳統冒險闖關、即時真人對戰或排行榜挑戰賽,多達 50 種滿足休閒或高手口味的遊戲模式,讓你下載一款遊戲體會多重享受*熱血競技*首創手機遊戲 MOBA 真人即時對戰,隨處連線隨時開戰,霸氣走位靈活補刀,遊走撿頭人疾速推塔,盡在掌中戰鬥樂趣無窮請注意:※ 依據玩家 Wi-Fi 或網路品質不同, 連線進入遊戲可能會耗費較長時間。※ 建議玩家採用 Wi-Fi 環境連線,可以讓遊戲進行更加穩定和順暢【game introduction】"LINE Fight Hero 2" is the first myth LINE MOBA style of work,combined with a strong fight against the game and fine hero fosterlay a rich adventure gameplay. Using a simple screen manipulationand gorgeous hero skills, to walk with flair and cool combos,fighting to break the dull atmosphere of the bout, leading thetrend to open the first instant real battle, players bring pickyultimate fighting experience![Game Features]* * Feel happyPrecise control, combat fun, and enjoy an extraordinaryexperience with technology to kill* * Free combination of the strongest line-upFarewell single role limits you to collect any excess mythicalhero, according to opponents combination to create the best teambattle* High degree of freedom hero * TrainingRefused to run the floor of the clone! With their ownpreferences and tactical needs and create personalized heromyth* Multiple game modes *Pass through both traditional and adventure, play, or instantlive leaderboard challenges, as many as 50 kinds of flavors tosatisfy leisure or expert game mode that lets you download a gameto enjoy the experience of multiple* * Competitive bloodThe first real mobile games MOBA immediate war, war everywhereat any time to connect, flexible domineering walk up the knife,picked headman walk fast to push the tower, all in the hands of thefighting funPlease note:※ players based Wi-Fi network or a different quality, theconnection into the game may take a long time.※ Players are advised to use Wi-Fi connection environment, you canmake the game a more stable and smooth
LINE Greeting Card 1.2.1
LINE Greeting Card hits 14 Millionusers!!Ranked #1 in the free apps on the App Store in 5 countriesincluding Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hongkong, Malaysia.The Official Greeting Card App for LINE:The Free Calling and Messaging ServiceSend personalized messages of love,thanks, or congratulations. Simply selectyour card from any category and combinethis with a message and image of your choice..You can send greeting cards to other LINE usersincluding your friends, family and loved oneswith ease!When you want to wish your friend a “Happy Birthday”; when youwant to say “Thanks!” to that special someone… Express yourfeelings openly with these greeting cards.★★★★★Main Features★★★★★○ Choose from a wide selection of free cards○ Cards update automatically to suit every occasion○ Select your own images from your library○ Optimized filtering adjusts the image qualityautomatically to suit the card.○ Customize your messages○ Send directly to your LINE app after editing○ Save your albums* Please note that some cards will need to be downloaded (alldownloads are free). Once the card has been downloaded, tap it tostart editing.* If your version of LINE is lower than 1.5, you will not be ableto send your cards directly from the LINE Card app. Please updateyour LINE app to a version higher than 1.6 before using thisapp.* If you select more than 1 friend from your LINE Friends list,your card will be sent to them through a group chat room.Thank you very much for reading and enjoy sending yourcards!
LINE Tools 1.3.0
* Ruler and Spaghettie Scale do not supportiPhone6/6plus. We will fix and update it.Over 5 million downloads in 219 countries!No.1 in the Utilities category at app stores and no.2 in the TopFree section!An all-in-one app featuring all the essential tools youneed!Of course it features all the lovely LINE characters too!Small font size giving you a head-ache? Want to use the mirrorfunction in the dark? Need a flashlight, quick? Well “LINE Tools”is the app for you! It solves all these problems and so muchmore!★★★★★ Main Features ★★★★★First set of tools include measuring tools, clocks, calculators andother convenient stuff! In fact there will be over 17 tools in 4separate genres!Many more tools are being developed as we write this, so keep youreyes open!【The Lineup So Far】★Measurement Tools●Ruler, Protractor, Horizontal Gauge, Audio Level Monitor,Compass★Time●Stopwatch, Timer, Japanese Calendar★Convenient Stuff●Flashlight, Mirror, Magnifying Glass, Spaghetti Measurer, QR CodeReader★Calculator●Calculator, Japanese Year Converter, Unit Converter, SizeTableDon’t worry! We’ll be adding many more soon!■Information:Supported OS: Android 2.2 / 4.0 or higher*Please note that some features may not work on devices withoutcameras, flashlights, and sensors, or when the program is run ondevices which are otherwise not supported.Also, please be aware that on devices other than those listed underthe Recommended Devices above, there may be errors with the rulersand spaghetti measurers.■Please give us your feedback!If you come across any problems please get in touch with us andtell us what went wrong. We will work on making it better!You can contact us via the page below. tell us the make and model of the device you are using,together with your OS version.
LINE Maps for Indoor 1.3.0
★Map coverage is currently for Japan only★- TOKYO, CHIBA, KANAKAWA, SAITAMA"No more wandering around"LINE Maps for Indoor is a new indoor mapping app that can beused to find your location in complicated indoor areas, such asdepartment stores or shopping malls.Find out how to reach your destination easily and conveniently.1) Informative Indoor Map- Provides a list of main facilities in the surrounding area.- Uses a Wi-Fi signal to provide an accurate current position andinformation about the floor where the indoor user is located.2) Convenient Map Functions- Not only allows basic functions such as map rotation, positionspecification, and POI selection, but also a 3D view using vectorrendering.3) Sharing your Position with Friends- Check detailed store information, such as the store's businesshours, phone number, and website.- You can share your location or favorite places with friends.4) Improved Search Function- Provides recommended categories which allow for convenientsearches without entering search words.5) Floor Guide- Provides main information for facilities, such as their location,phone number, and business hours.- Provides a Floor Guide and detailed information for each floor(information about stores and lists of main conveniencefacilities).6) Easy-to-understand Street Guide- Considers movement between floors and provides guidance for theoptimal path.
LINE WIND runner 6.1.0
Play the invigorating running adventure withjust one finger!Get treasures from all over the world with summoned animals.Official new game from “LINE” – the free call/messenger app.*LINE WIND runner features*- All you need to do is just tap the screen with your finger!- Don’t think, but feel the exciting speed!- You’re not alone in the adventure, lovely pets and divine animalswill accompany you in the journey- Keep on running and you can upgrade your characters!- Fill the star gauge to trigger a fever time!*Tips*- Compete with your LINE friends!Overtake your friends and get bonuses!- The more friends you have, the more fun awaits you!Exchange Wing Shoes; gain Friendly points to receive freeitems!The game’s so simple so what are you waiting for?Come and join in the world of WIND runner!!
LINE クロスレギオン 1.0.16
▼”皆で創る”ファンタジー 戦略オンラインRPG「LINE クロスレギオン」▼『LINE クロスレギオン』は、”皆で創る”ファンタジーをテーマとした、様々なプレイヤーと一緒にゲームを楽しむことのできるLINEGAME初の本格的MMOPRGです。プレイヤーは、広大な3Dフィールドを移動しながら、クエストを遂行し、次々と現れるモンスターとの戦闘に挑戦しながらゲームを進行します。▼戦略性が求められるターン制連続戦闘方式戦闘は、RPGの戦略性を受け継いだ、ターン制戦闘方式で進行されて、手動進行と自動進行の両方に対応しています。モンスターとの戦闘開始時、一回の戦闘で終わるのではなく、『ステージ1→ ステージ2 → ボス戦』といった、三段階に渡る連続戦闘を行う事により、最大限の緊張感を味わえるシステムとなっています。▼一つの世界で様々なプレイヤーと一緒にプレイするLINE初のMMORPGMMORPGの醍醐味である、大規模の3Dフィールドを移動しながら、クエストを遂行したりモンスターと戦闘することができます。また、画面の左下の方向指定コントローラーを使用したり、画面をタッチしてキャラクターを操作することで、3Dフィールドを自由に移動することが可能です。▼ "everyone to create"fantasy strategy online RPG "LINE Cross Legion" ▼"LINE Cross Legion" is, "everyone in the creation" was a fantasytheme, it is LINE GAME's first full-scale MMOPRG that can enjoy thegame together with a variety of players.The player, while moving a vast 3D field, and performs a quest, youprogress the game while challenge to battle with one after anotherappear monsters.▼ turn-based continuous combat system that strategy resistance isrequiredBattle, inherited the strategy of the RPG, it is proceeding in aturn-based combat system, it supports both manual and automaticprogress progression. Combat the start of the monster, instead ofending in a single battle, such as "Stage 1 → Stage 2 → bossbattles", by performing a continuous battle over the three stages,to become a system where you can enjoy the maximum tension Ithas.▼ LINE's first MMORPG to play together with a variety of playersin one of the world'sIs the real thrill of the MMORPG, while moving the 3D field oflarge-scale, it will be able to battle and to carry out the questor monster. You can also use a lower left direction designationcontroller screen, by touching the screen by operating thecharacter, it is possible to move the 3D field freely.
LINE 猛擊三國 - 勇者前線系列作 2.5.0
本格日系RPG遊戲, 回到最初的感動,與三國名將一同闖蕩奇幻的三國世界!- 正統日系奇幻畫風歷史與奇幻的結合,華麗不脫俗的視覺新享受,200種以上武將馳騁在沙場上!- 簡易操控、打擊感十足彈指間三國梟雄任你指揮,最具震撼的動作特效!- 超必殺技、震撼全場當怒氣集滿時,可施放超絕必殺技,每個名將都有專屬動畫!- 領地內政玩法採集、煉丹、鍛造樣樣來,蒐集珍貴素材,打造最強兵器- 軍團對戰、比武場競技挑戰LINE的朋友、遊戲中玩家,爭取最高榮耀- 暢遊三國歷史史詩、外傳、名將專屬副本,等你來挑戰!準備好了嗎?日本谷米集團旗下台灣谷米開發、真日系風格,快加入我們一起LINE猛擊三國!請注意:※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔12級:12歲以上之人始得使用。The grid of Japanese RPGgame, return to the initial move, together with the three famousbattles of the Three Kingdoms fantasy world!- Orthodox Japanese fantasy styleCombining history and fantasy, gorgeous new visual enjoyment notrefined, more than 200 generals ride on the battlefield!- Simple manipulation, against the full senseFingertips Three Lawrence of any command you, most shocking ofaction effects!- Ultra-nirvana, shocking the audienceWhen set full of anger, can cast transcendent nirvana, each starhas a dedicated animation!- The territory's internal affairs playCollection, alchemy, forging everything to collect valuablematerial, to create the strongest weapons- Battle Legion, the tourney field athleticsLINE challenge friends, game players, the highest honor for- Three tour HistoryEpic, rumored to star exclusive copy, waiting for you tochallenge!Ready? Japanese sago Group Taiwan sago development, trueJapanese style, join us LINE Slam three!Please note:※ hierarchical management approach according to game software, thissoftware, supplemented by 12: people over the age of 12 may onlyuse.
ycon - make your emoticon 4.4.1
ycon is a hot new app that lets you createyour own original stickers and emoticons!!Using the same stickers as everyone else is boring. Why wasteyour time with traditional stickers when you can transform yourselfinto an alluring bunny girl or an ironic hipster with ycon! Thelist of available characters is practically endless, so downloadthe app and start sharing your selfie stickers with your friendstoday!Why use ycon?+ Making your own stickers is easy! Pick a template, take a selfie,and tap the OK button to create your own selfie stickers in just 3taps.+ Over 1,000 free stickers to choose from! You'll find over 1,000characters and designs created by artists from around the worldinside. It's a miracle stickers this good can be FREE.+ Searching for stickers is simple! Stickers are separated into 7categories like romance, happy, sad, and angry so you don't have tospend valuable time finding the right sticker for your currentmood.+ Add original captions! With over 10 different speech balloons tochoose from, adding messages to your stickers has never beeneasier. Add the perfect caption to your stickers and get yourmessage across immediately!+ Sharing stickers is a breeze! Your sticker masterpieces arebegging for attention. Share your creations on LINE, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks with ycon!ycon stickers are currently displaying as images in LINE chatson Android devices. We are currently working to fix this issue sothat they display as stickers. Please be patient while we make thisupdate.
LINE 天気 1.3.1
国内累計500万ダウンロード☆iOS1位★Android2位★獲得LINEキャラの天気ウィジェットも!*******************アプリソムリエで紹介されました。で紹介されました。(動画付き)*******************LINEの人気キャラクターが毎日の天気をお知らせ♪雨降りや災害情報もこれ1つでOK!LINEの天気予報・災害情報アプリ「LINE 天気」。■使い方はかんたん♪1. 天気を見よう!今日と明日、週間の天気予報を表示。LINEの人気キャラがお知らせします。2.詳しい天気も確認しよう!「3時間ごと」をタップすると詳しい天気を表示。通勤・通学、おしゃれ、洗濯のときに便利♪3. 地域を登録しよう。学校・会社・習い事など5つまで地域を登録可能。スライド操作で表示切替も簡単です。4. 友だちに送ろう♪LINEの友だちに天気を送信できます。お出かけ場所の相談にも使えます!5.通知を使いこなそう。毎日の天気や降雨情報、災害情報をプッシュ通知。あなたの安全・便利をサポートします。6.ウィジェットを設定しよう。アプリを起動しなくても天気の確認OK。毎日簡単に天気のチェックができます。■主な機能- LINEキャラクターの天気マーク- 今日と明日の天気- 全国の災害情報(地震、津波、台風、洪水、火山)- LINEキャラクターのコメント- 週間天気- 3時間ごとの天気、降水量、気温、湿度、風向、風速- 現在地の天気- 地域登録(最大5件)- 日本地図ボタンから登録地域以外の天気も確認可能- LINEの友だちに天気を送る機能- 通知1:天気の定期配信(今日または明日)- 通知2:雨の予想(雨降り、強雨)- 通知3:全国の災害(地震、津波、洪水、火山)- ホーム画面表示(ウィジェット)に対応■注意事項- 災害情報はlivedoor天気情報に移動します。- 日本気象協会(JWA)のデータを利用しています。
LINE Brush 1.0.1
Sketch and Draw on your Smartphone!!LINE Brush has been ranked no. 1 in the Free Apps category in 11countries including Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia,Malaysia, Macau.Let your creative side out with LINE Brush!With this free app you canmake artistic impressions from photos,and draw anything you wish!Afterwards you can share your finished masterpiecesusing LINE and other related apps!【LINE Brush Features】◆27 Stylish BrushesOf course, pens and crayons are available,but there are also water-colors and felt-tip pensto put a gorgeous and magical touch into your drawings!◆15 Photo BrushesSpecial pens that can make your photos into sketches!By waving these on top of your photosyou can create a sketch-like effect!The results are outstanding!It looks as though you drew the photo yourself!◆Adjust the Smallest DetailsAdjust the size of photos, brush sizes,even the opacity to your liking withadjustment bars!You can even delete the photo alone from your finish sketchleaving the photo-like magic drawing!◆Share Your Masterpiece!Send your finished drawings with LINE andimpress your friends!You can also share/save using other apps you are using!
LINE SHOP : Easy&Free Shopping 1.4.6
Everyday, the best deals that you have beenlooking for are HERE! Irresistible price and beneficial from ourexclusive items such as chic cosmetic, trendy fashion, hi-techgadget, cheap air ticket, love mom&baby, urban home decor, andetc. will never let you down!Also, there are plenty of activities from popular brands servingfor your new level of experiences. You will get splendid promotionsbefore anyone else.Moreover, you will have chances to win awesome brand item withunbelievable price from LUCKY PRICE campaign. By guessing theunique and lowest price which start from ~1฿. Bid and get it!Endless number of shops are waiting for you to Chat-and-Buy as youfeel like. Both sellers and buyers can enjoy trading in anywhereany moment. Let’s bargain!All of these you can find only in HERE!Download and live your life in LINE SHOP ★
LINE タワーライジング
■指でなぞる新感覚の探検!方向音痴の作者が作った、新しいスタイルのダンジョン探検です。ターンがなくなる前にゴールをめざしてください。■300種類以上のアイテム!ダンジョンで手に入る多種多様なアイテムをそうびして、探検を有利に進めましょう。■バトルはなんと1タップ!次々と現れる手強いモンスターとの戦いは1タップで決着します。それゆえアイテムとパラメータの振りわけがとても重要です。■友だちをガーディアンに!友だちの塔にいくと、その友だちがボスとして待ち受けています。勝つとあなたを守るガーディアンとして仲間にできて、一緒に探検することもできます。■顔も塔も自由にデザイン!アバターの顔や塔の見た目はスマホの写真や画像を使ってデザインを変更できます。みんなと共有しあうとさらに楽しくなります。■おわりにここまで読んで下さってありがとうございます!ちょっとの時間で遊べるゲームなので、できれば3日間、続けてみてください。それでもハマらなかったらごめんなさい。■ exploration of newsense of tracing with a finger!No sense of direction of the author has created, new styleIt is dungeon exploration. before the turn is lostPlease aim to goal. ■ 300 or more kinds of items!A wide variety of items that fall into the hands in thedungeonEquipped to, let's advantageous to proceed with exploration. ■ Battle whopping 1 tap!the fight against formidable monsters one after anotherappearIt settled in one tap. And therefore itemsBut parameters of the swing is very important. ■ friends to Guardian!If you go to the tower of friends, the friends and the bossAnd then you wait. Win and youto be able to fellow as guardian to protect,You can also explore together. ■ face and Tower also freely design!Avatar face and towers of looks Ya photo of SumahoUsing the image, you can change the look and feel.In addition we will happily When each other to share witheveryone. ■ ConclusionThank you for reading this far!Because it is a game you play with a little of the time,3 days, if possible, please try to continue.But I'm sorry you do not Hama-ra.
LINE TOYS 1.0.47
LINE TOYS, the fresh take on match 3 puzzles,where the puzzle pieces move!Match the dolls as they move left and right on conveyorbelts!The Plot:One fine day, to cheer up his friend who was feeling lonely, Edwardthe inventor decided to invent a doll-making machine. When Edward'sfriends heard he had finished the machine, they decided to throw aparty.But during the party, DUH-DUN-DUH-DDDUuuunNNNN! An evil wizardsuddenly appeared, and whisked away Edward's machine!But we won't let him get away! Join Brown, Cony and theirfriends on a quest to bring back Edward's machine!In the name of truth, justice, and toys for everyone!Game Introduction:- Jump in, it's easy to play! Just move the toy dolls around tomake matching rows of 3!- A moving pieces puzzle game! Match the dolls as they go leftand right!- Simple to play, but with tons of depth! Loads of missions andways to play!-A long lineup of LINE characters all dolled up in cute costumesjust waiting for you!-Travel to strange lands like the Ice World or the MysteriousForest where strange mushrooms grow!Dive into the fantasy world of LINE Toys with your friends!
Check where your family and friends are, whenever and wherever youwant.With LINE HERE, finding your family and friends is easier thanever!Don't want to share your location all the time? Use the timer toshare your location only for a certain amount of time.With the timer, location sharing automatically stops when the clockhits zero.★ Use LINE HERE when1. Hanging Out with FriendsYou're all ready to meet up with the gang, but where iseveryone?2. Clubs and Outdoor ActivitiesCycling, hiking... being outdoors is the best! Enjoy every momentand never lose the pack again.3. Stay Close, Stay SafeStuck in a crowded theme park and can't find your family?My daughter's not home yet. Where is that young lady?★ Key Features1. Find out exactly where your friends are in real timeYou can see where all the members of a location sharing room are inreal time.2. Intelligent place notificationsNo more checking your phone every time you want to find your familyor friends.LINE HERE's intelligent place notifications let you know exactlywhen any member arrives at or leaves a particular place.3. Share your location safely with the timerUse the timer to temporarily share your location withfriends.Timers can be set from 1 to 24 hours.4. Create and manage location sharing rooms whenever youwantFrom hanging out with friends and family to club meetings, you cancreate and manage location sharing rooms whenever you need to.5. Manage location sharing your wayEnable and disable location sharing whenever you like.6. Invite friends from other social networksYou can invite friends from other social networks like LINE,Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and WeChat.Note: LINE HERE uses GPS technology. Your location informationmay not be accurate when you are indoors.
Popcorn Buzz: Free Group Calls 1.3.2
Try Popcorn Buzz, the app that lets you talkwith up to 200 people at the same time, for free!Share your daily life with your friends,or get together and talk with the whole family, even if they livefar away!Make a group call with your gamer buddies, or hold a conferencecall with your business partners.Why Popcorn Buzz is Awesome- Free Group CallsTalk with up to 200 people at the same time, for free!- Easy InvitationsInvite anyone simply by sending them a URL.Inviting your LINE friends is easy when you log in with LINE.- See Who's TalkingYou can tell who's talking at a glance.You may be charged for data usage fees. We suggest you use a dataplan or connect to a Wi-Fi network.
LINE Wooparoo Saga 1.6.3
The global hit ""Wooparoo Saga"" officiallylaunches on LINE!Battle together with Wooparoos to purify the world.Devise strategies to dominate the battlefield! Play now for free!● Play to your heart's content through 600 full-scalestages!Each of the 600 stages is like a puzzle to be solved!Devise strategies and level up your Wooparoos to dominate thebattlefield!Encounter bosses as you make your way forward, and recruit them asallies after defeating them!Powerful bosses await... Will you be strong enough to defeatthem?!● Different Modes Keep Battles Fresh!Wooparoo Saga features a variety of battle modes and a grand scalethat's sure to suck you in!• Skirmish ModeEradicate your opponent with limited numbers!• Assault ModeDestroy your opponent's army with limitless waves of Wooparoos!• The Infinite ArenaHold out as long as you can against your foe's unendingbarrage!• Warfare ModeA single battle of power where all Wooparoos are deployed atonce!• The Real-Time ArenaEngage in real-time PvP with opponents, including your LINEfriends!● Upgrade and Evolve 500 Wooparoos!With 500 to choose from,there's no shortage of cute, cool, and unique Wooparoos!You're sure to find a Wooparoo you like!Each Wooparoo can be evolved up to three or four times!Evolve your favorite Wooparoos for cool new looks!● Create Your Own Decks to Suit Your Strategy!Strength alone is not enough!Devise tactics that take advantage of each Wooparoo's uniqueabilities!Out-strategize and take down opponents stronger than you!Proper preparation will ensure victory on each stage!* Supported OSOS 3.0.0 or higher
LINE: Free Calls & Messages
LINE reshapes communication around the globe,allowing you to enjoy not only messaging but also free voice andvideo calls wherever you find yourself.Download LINE and discover the reasons for its global popularityand number one ranking in 52 countries.LINE's latest features★ Intimate conversations or large round tables can happen anywherewith group video callsChat with up to 200 friends in your group simultaneously! Enjoyface to face video chats with friends as well!★ Use polls to quickly see what your friends thinkFrom where to meet to what to eat, avoid lengthy discussions andmake decisions easily by creating a poll.LINE's main features★ Free voice and video calls anywhere, anytimeEnjoy great quality calls at no charge, no matter where you are.Even international calls with up to 200 people at the same time arecompletely free! Use effects and filters for even more fun duringvideo calls. (Note that this feature may not be available oncertain devices.)★ Convenient chats where anything is possibleShare messages, photos, videos, stickers, voice messages, andlocations easily with friends.★ Fun and easy-to-use social networking featuresFrom messages and photos to videos and locations, share your dailymoments with friends on Timeline!★ Find the world's most popular characters at the StickerShopBrowse hundreds of popular free stickers plus adorable stickers ofthe world's favorite characters! Choose from a variety of LINEsticker sets to liven up your messages in your own uniqueway.★ Auto-sync your device and PCWhether on the go with the mobile version or connected to thedesktop version using your PC or Mac, your LINE chats are alwaysup-to-date and synced automatically across all versions.★ Your own personal storage space: KeepStore messages, photos, videos, and more in Keep where you caneasily share them with friends.★ Stay informed with LINE official accountsConnect directly with your favorite celebrities and companies byfriending their official accounts.★ Get connected to new appsLINE provides a gateway to entertainment and lifestyle apps thatwill keep you entertained and bring new convenience to yourlife.★ Make international calls with LINE OutPlace international calls to mobile phones and landlines at lowrates. You can even call friends who aren't on LINE.Plus, enjoy free calls after watching ads with LINE Out Free.■ We recommend using a data plan or connecting to Wi-Fi as you mayincur data usage fees otherwise.■ Please also use LINE with Android OS versions 4.1 and above toenjoy LINE to the fullest extent.**********If your network speed is too slow or you don't have enough devicestorage, LINE may not install properly.If this happens, please check your connection and try again.**********
LINE: ONE PIECE TreasureCruise 5.0.2
Form your own pirate crew and set sail foradventure!Use the simple tap controls to pull off powerful combos!The world of One Piece awaits you!*** An All-New Battle System Made Just for Your Smartphone!***LINE ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise features intuitive tap controlsthat’ll have you sending foes flying in no time! Tap yourcharacters at the right time to form combos and deal massivedamage! What’s more, each character possesses unique specialabilities that make battles even more exciting! Re-enact thrillingshowdowns from the original story using your favorite One Piececharacters!*** Relive Your Favorite Moments from the One Piece Storyline!***The tale begins in Fushia Village, where a young Luffy has hisfateful encounter with Red-Haired Shanks. With each Quest youcomplete, another chapter of the epic tale unfolds, allowing you toexperience the magnificent story of One Piece all over again!*** Form a Crew with Your Favorite One Piece Characters! ***Collect WANTED posters in battle and head to the Tavern to recruitnew characters for your crew! There are tons of recruits available,including both major and supporting characters! Gather yourfavorite pirates and train them to become the mightiest crew toever sail the seas!*** Perform “Tandem” Attacks to Deal Huge Damage! ***Chain together attacks with certain characters in a specific orderto perform a Tandem attack that deals incredible damage to allenemies!*** Play with your friends on LINE! ***When a battle gets difficult, ask your friends on LINE forhelp.You can ask your friends' character as a Helper to join in everybattle.Please note:※ It may take longer to connect to the game depending on your Wi-Fior network status.※ It is recommended that you use a Wi-Fi connection for improvedgameplay.Supported OS Versions: Android 4.0 or later©EIICHIRO ODA/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATIONGame © 2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.© LINE CorporationThis application is distributed under the official rights from thelicense holder.
LINE Cube Heroes 1.3.0
[Galaxy Invaders Kidnapped Our Friends!]Go rescue them with Cube Heroes!We've got to destroy the invader's obstacle cubes if we want tofind our friends!■ The Best Puzzle Game of 2015!Turn the cubes vertically or horizontally to match 3 cubes.■ Enjoy both Stage Mode and Battle Mode!Rack up huge points in Battle Mode by completing stage missionswith the highest score.Test your mettle in Battle Mode to earn the most precious Diamondsin the galaxy!■ Invite Friends to Play with You!You can connect your LINE account to play Cube Heroes with yourfriends!■ Requires version2.3 or later
LINEマンガ - 人気マンガが毎日読み放題の漫画アプリ
アプリダウンロード数1,600万突破!!「LINE マンガ連載」ではアニメ化・映画化の最新話題作や、LINEオリジナル作品など、200作品以上の連載マンガを毎日“無料”更新【主な連載作品】・町田くんの世界(集英社)・ジンメン(小学館)・人は見た目が100パーセント(講談社)など、アニメ化・映画化の話題作が続々登場【LINEマンガ限定配信】・文学処女 -遅咲きの恋のはなし-・マリーミー!・嘘にも恋がいる・ハードボイルド園児 宇宙くん・黒脳シンドロームなど、LINEマンガでしか読めないタイトルも続々追加中!____________________LINE マンガは「LINE」の公式電子マンガサービスです。無料でお楽しみいただける連載マンガに加え、約9万冊のマンガ・ライトノベルを購入して読むことができます。【LINE マンガの特徴】◆連載マンガが無料で読める!週刊少年ジャンプ、週刊少年サンデーなどに連載中の人気マンガをはじめ、毎週更新される200タイトル以上の話題作品を無料で読むことができます。◆約20万冊のマンガが買える!豊富な立ち読みに加え、期間限定で毎週1巻〜複数巻をまるごと無料で試し読みできるキャンペーンを実施中!話題作や人気作品を毎週じっくり試し読みできます!◆LINEスタンプがGETできる!対象シリーズのマンガを購入すると、LINEで使えるLINE マンガ限定スタンプが手に入ります。スタンプ付きマンガ一部抜粋・宇宙兄弟(講談社)・進撃の巨人(講談社)・私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!(スクウェア・エニックス)・鋼の錬金術師(スクウェア・エニックス)・アオハライド(集英社)・弱虫ペダル(秋田書店)※今後順次、追加予定です。【主なサービス内容】・連載毎日更新される連載マンガが無料でお楽しみいただけます。・ストア約20万冊のマンガやライトノベルを購入することができます。・購入した本同じLINEアカウントでログインをすれば、機種変更などを行っても購入した本を引き継いでご利用いただけます。スマートフォンで購入したマンガをタブレットで読むことができます。※最大3台まで同じLINEアカウントでログインしてご利用いただけます。また、ブラウザ版の LINE マンガ ( )では購入した本をPCの大画面で閲覧することもできます。【推奨環境】Android OS4.0以上※LINE マンガのご利用には、LINEアカウントが必要です。
LINE 三国志ブレイブ 1.6.8
LINE Rilakkuma LOOP 1.12.0
The adorable Rilakkuma puzzle game isnow available in English and Chinese!Gameplay is simple: just tap one of themany Stages in themes you know and love!◇◆◇Newbie Campaign Underway!◇◆Start playing today and you'll get 15K Coins![How to Play]Rilakkuma Loop has two modes:1) Stage ModeStrategize how to finish the mini-Missions (like clearing everyBall) in each Stage. The more you finish, the more challenging theybecome, so enjoy exploring the world of Rilakkuma!2) Rilakkuma Cup ModeAim for 1st place as you compete with friendsfor the highest score in the Weekly Ranking!You'll get Rewards for ranking in at the top♪[Gameplay Basics]To finish a Stage, clear every Ball! Lineup and clear 3 or more Balls of the same color by tapping to rollyour Marble!New rules are added with each Stage, making the world ofRilakkuma more fun to explore![Rules]・To clear Balls, line up 3 or more of the same color.・Try to clear Balls back-to-back (""Chain"") and get lots ofPoints!・Clear lots of Balls to MAX your Joy-o-meter!Using Skills gives you an advantage.・Clear enough Balls and a valuable ""Jolly Ball"" will appear![Enjoy Collecting Skill Items]・Save up the Coins you earn by playing Stages andcollect all of the cutest Skill Items!・If you can't seem to finish a Stage, try using a Skill!・Got Skills? Try completing Skill Missions to get even moreCoins!©San-X Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.©Imagineer Co., Ltd.
LINE WindSoul 1.1.6
From the creators of the ever popular LINEWIND runner, a game with 22 million downloads worldwide, comes thenext exhilarating game in the series!Take control of powerful heroes and their Summon Beasts to save theworld!Embark on a mind-blowing adventure in this action-packed RPG...Enter the world of LINE Wind Soul.- Story -For centuries, Sorcerers and Beast Summoners clashed in epicbattles and power struggles for control of the Crystals.Weary of wars and violence, both parties reached peace for a time,until...Someone seeks to bring about chaos once again by stealing theDark Crystal.Now the fate of the world rests with a small group ofknights...- Game Introduction -Gorgeously vivid 3D animation!Check out the awesome 3D animation not only in the storyline, butalso in the Main menu and Character and Item screens!You won't find graphics this good in any other smartphone game!- Get excited with this action-packed gaming experience! -A different kind of gaming experience where you summon loyal alliesto fight for you while you plunge right into the action by movingyour own commander around the battlefield!Control your characters and maintain a safe distance betweenyour team and the enemy.It's not just enough to dodge left and right! Some bosses willsneak up from behind...- Beautifully Complex Game System! -Power up and evolve more than 100 Hero Skills, more than 200Summons and grab tons of items to supe up your team!Three levels of difficulty! Get acquainted with the game in Normalmode, take on the extra challenge of Hard mode and feel the tense,nail-biting action of Hell mode!- Let the Japanese voices take you into this fantasy world!-Experience first hand the impeccable work of famous voice actorssuch as Rina Sato, Kana Ueda, Atsushi Abe and Minami Takahashi!
Online Free Comics-Webtoons- 1.0.9
Check out new webtoons everyday! Enjoy a widevariety of webtoons in Japanese Language.You can easily sort webtoons by update or title. You can alsosearch webtoons by title / webtoonist.If you subscribe a webtoon that you like, you can check out thelatest information from [MyPage] > [Subscribed Webtoon].With Naver Webtoons, you can:View by genre/day, update/title/webtoonist.Read favourite stories offline and save them for 7days.Manage the list of webtoons that are sorted by the latest viewed,subscribed, temporarily saved in [MyWebtoon].Thank you for using Naver services. we will constantly improveto serve you better, and to provide up-to-date services.
LINE ヤブサメ決戦クロニクル 1.1.1
------------------------------『ヤブサメ決戦クロニクルとは?』------------------------------疾走する馬上から狙いを定め相手を射抜く、新感覚「シューティングアクション」ゲーム!基本のバトルは1対1で行われ、リアルタイムで全国のプレイヤーと真剣勝負戦を重ねることで己の腕を磨き、装備を整え、最強のプレイヤーを目指せ!▼ 操作(ジャイロセンサー)- センサーは操作するのではなく体に覚えさせろ!- ヘッドショットや馬の頭を命中させると相手は一時的に混乱します。- 肉まん、ダブルショットなど、様々なアイテムを適切に使用すると、不利な状況を逆転させることができます。▼ カスタマイズ- 装備、乗り物、お供など、自分の個性に合わせてキャラクターを飾ることができます。- 進級するたびに支給される様々な武器や防具を身につけて、自分だけのキャラクターを作成してください。- より良い弓と鎧を介して、さらに強いキャラクターへ成長することができます。▼ ランキングシステム- 日本全国のユーザーとリアルタイムで対戦記録に挑戦してみてください!- 連勝回数が増えるほど、ボーナス点数も増えます。- 友人に挑戦状を出せば自動的に1:1対戦に招待されます。▼ ボスバトル- 様々なボスが出現します。- ボスを倒して強力な装備を手に入れろ!▼ 党派- 友達や仲間と党派(ギルド)を作成することができます。- 昨日の敵は今日の戦友! 戦の中で絆を深め、共に戦国乱世を駆け抜けろ!【推奨機種】AndroidOS:4.0以降~※一部機種では正常に動作しない場合もありますので、予めご了承ください。※非対応端末:GT-I8552/SC-02C/IS12M/KYY21------------------------------The "Yabusame battle Chronicle? "------------------------------The sprint to the Inuku the opponent aim from the horse, a newsense of "shooting action" game!Basics of battle is done on a one-to-one, hardball and nationalplayers in real timeShine yourselves of arms by superimposing the war, to equip, Aimthe strongest players!▼ operation (gyro sensor)- Sensor is Sasero remember the body rather than tomanipulate!- When to hit the head of the head shots and horse opponent willtemporarily confusion.- Meat, such as double shot, and proper use of various items, itwill be able to reverse the unfavorable situation.▼ customize- Equipment, vehicles, such as companion, you can decorate acharacter to suit your personality.- Wearing a variety of weapons and armor to be paid each time it ispromotion, please create your own character.- Through a good bow and armor from, you will be able to grow toeven stronger character.▼ ranking system- Please try to challenge the competition recorded by users andreal-time in Japan!- About winning streak number increases, the more bonuspoints.- Automatically if put out a challenge to friends 1: 1 will beinvited to play.▼ Bosubatoru- Various boss will appear.- And throw it into the hands of the powerful equipment to defeatthe boss!▼ partisan- You can create a friends and colleagues and partisan(guild).- Yesterday's enemies are today of comrades! To deepen ties in thewar, together Kakenukero the Sengoku troubled times![Recommended models]AndroidOS: 4.0 or later -Because there may not work properly with some models ※, pleasenote.※ non-compatible terminal: GT-I8552 / SC-02C / IS12M / KYY21
Bubble Play
Exciting bubble game with cutecharacters,'Bubble Play' released!Meet Cony, Moon, Brown, James and Sally inside of a bubble![How to Play]Match at least three of the same shape as the one thrown by cuteCony.The more bubbles popped, the higher score you get!Using various items enables you to achieve higher scores.Challenge your friends to get the highest scores![Enjoy playing with your Facebook friends!]You can link 'Bubble Play' to Facebook to play with your Facebookfriends.Give and take Carrots with your Facebook friends and become awinner in the ranking competition![Note]Please understand that we are able to respond user's questions inEnglish and Japanese only.
ycon for Messenger 1.0.1
This version of ycon is specially designed for Messenger.This hot new app lets you create your own original stickers andemoticons called "ycon"!!Using the same stickers as everyone else is boring. Why wasteyour time with traditional stickers when you can transform yourselfinto an alluring bunny girl or an ironic hipster with ycon! Thelist of available characters is practically endless, so downloadthe app and start sharing your selfie stickers with your friendstoday!Why use ycon?+ Making your own stickers is easy! Pick a template, take a selfie,and tap the OK button to create your own selfie stickers in just 3taps.+ Over 1,000 free stickers to choose from! You'll find over 1,000characters and designs created by artists from around the worldinside. It's a miracle stickers this good can be FREE.+ Searching for stickers is simple! Stickers are separated into 7categories like romance, happy, sad, and angry so you don't have tospend valuable time finding the right sticker for your currentmood.+ Add original captions! With over 10 different speech balloons tochoose from, adding messages to your stickers has never beeneasier. Add the perfect caption to your stickers and get yourmessage across immediately!+ Sharing stickers is a breeze! Your sticker masterpieces arebegging for attention. Share your creations on FacebookMessenger
LINE Dream Garden 1.4.12
Create your own bustling town in the excitingLINE Dream Garden, an official game from the free call andmessaging app LINE.Fill your attic with pretty houses, stylish stores, and adorablecharacters to make your very own tiny town.About the GameDolls shaped like various animals are gathering in the atticwhen one day Lewis decides to drop by for a long-awaited visit. Hespies the adorable Alice waking up from a long nap, and togetherthey decide to build a town in the attic to lift everyone’sspirits!- Listen carefully to the dolls’ needs to find out how todevelop the town!The whole game can be played just by tapping the screen. Tap toplace all kinds of cute buildings in the attic, and level up foreven more astounding variety.- Level up to reveal hidden locations!Level up to reveal hidden doors in the attic, and explore new areasfull of exciting friends.- Everything grows from nuts!Collect nuts on the ground to make items at the laboratory, andmake more items with those! Keep on collecting nuts and make yourcity magnificent!- Everyone’s happy when the carnival is in town!Tap the dolls walking around to give them a boost of excitement.Once you’ve got enough Happy points, host a carnival and watcheveryone’s spirits soar!- Enjoy the game with your LINE friends!Invite your LINE friends to visit their towns. Help them out to getCoins!About LINE GamesLINE Dream Garden is an official game from the free call andmessaging app LINE. Link the game with your LINE account to haveeven more fun with your friends.
LINE 伊米爾戰記 1.2.0
眾神激戰史詩鉅作現在就來成為雄壯冒險的勇士團一員吧!錯・過・絕・對・後・悔新開放,多種活動與獎勵等你來拿!【打造專屬英雄】7大職業200名史詩英雄強化!進化!超越!打造最強英雄【無限策略】尋找你的必勝戰法根據職業搭配裝備根據特性搭配隊伍專屬最強隊伍操之在己!勝負的結果無人能知!即時自動戰鬥打造最強隊伍!數百英雄!多樣裝備!無限組合!創造企劃開發都不知道的玩法!最強隊伍!最強戰法!操之在你!【史詩冒險】多種嶄新戰鬥等你挑戰!英雄祭壇,爭奪奇物!無限之塔,無盡挑戰!遺物探索,解放潛能!冠軍聯賽,戰上巔峰!【公會激戰】只要在一起就什麼冒險都不怕!最多五十人同場競技的要塞爭奪戰每週來襲的世界Boss2015年LINE GAME野心大作LINE 伊米爾戰記現在就來撰寫你的傳奇!Gods epic battleNow to become a member of majestic warrior group adventurenow! Wrong too · · · to · · After absolutely regretOther new opening, a variety of activities and reward you come getit! [Create exclusive hero]Seven career 200 Epic HeroImproved! Evolutionary! Beyond! To build the strongest heroes [Strategy] UnlimitedFind your winning tacticsAccording career with equipmentAccording to the characteristics with the teamExclusive of the strongest teams in the parade had! Man does not know the outcome of the results!Instant automatic battleTo create the strongest team! Hundreds hero! Diverse equipment! Unlimited combinations!Planning and development to create a play do not know!The strongest team! Strongest tactics! Exercises in you! [Epic Adventure]A variety of new combat challenges waiting for you!Hero altar compete odd thing!Infinite Tower, endless challenge!Relic exploration, liberation potential!Champions League, the pinnacle of the war! [Guild] Guild WarsAs long as together, they are not afraid of any adventure!Up to fifty people play together fortress battleWeekly struck the world Boss 2015 LINE GAME ambitious masterpieceLINE Imil WarsNow to write your legend!
LINE レヴァナントゲート 2.2.0
◆◇LINEゲームから本格3DアクションRPGが登場!◇◆『LINE レヴァナントゲート』は簡単操作で本格的な3Dアクションが無料で楽しめるRPG!!【ゲームのポイント】■武器ごとに変わる多彩なアクションやスキルも、 簡単なボタン操作でド派手に繰り出せる!■装備を変えればアバターの見た目も能力も変化! 自分だけの最強装備でミッション攻略!■LINEの友だちと協力やアイテム調合、クエスト など徐々に開放されるシステムが攻略をサポート■面倒な登録は一切不要!基本プレイ無料!【ストーリー】平和な島国に突如現れた、奇妙な紋様が描かれた石版「レヴァナントゲート」と冥界の悪しき魔物たち・・・謎多き王女、アリアとともに世界の危機を救え!<公式サイト>【LINEゲームについて】『LINE レヴァナントゲート』は無料通話・無料メールアプリ『LINE』の公式ゲームです【動作環境】本アプリはオンラインの機能を使っている為、サーバーと通信できる環境が必要です以下の機種で動作確認を行っております。CPU:デュアルコア以上RAM:1G以上OSバージョン:2.3以上◆ ◇ full 3D action RPGappeared from LINE game! ◇ ◆"LINE Revenant gate" is a full-fledged in easy operationRPG 3D action can enjoy for free! ![Point of the game]■ also a variety of actions and skills that vary for eachweapon,De with a simple button operation flashy I Kuridaseru!■ also change avatar looks capacity by changing theequipment!Mission capture the strongest equipment of your own!■ cooperation and items formulated with friends LINE, QuestSupport the system cheats to be gradually opened, such as■ cumbersome registration absolutely unnecessary! Basic play forfree![Story]Appeared suddenly in the peaceful island nation, strange A patternis drawn lithograph"Revenant gate" and the underworld of evil demon who ...Enigmatic princess, with Aria and Save the crisis of theworld! LINE game]"LINE Revenant gate" is free calls,Free e-mail app "LINE" is the official game[Operating environment]Since this app you are using the online function,Is required environment to be able to communicate with theserverI am performing the operation check with the followingmodels.CPU: dual core or moreRAM: 1G or moreOS version: 2.3 or higher
LINE 英雄乱舞 1.1.4
英雄たちが、ここに集う!超ド級アクションRPG「英雄乱舞」!!ド派手なスキルで敵を蹴散らし、英雄たちと戦場を駆け抜けろ!さまざまな世界・時代に活躍した神や英雄たち。そして彼らの魂が穏やかな眠りにつく地、光のヴァルハラ。ある日、謎の力によって時空間が歪み、次元の亀裂が発生。ヴァルハラに眠っていた多くの魂が、亀裂の闇へと吸い込まれていった。次元の亀裂から逃れ眠りから目覚めた英雄たちは、時空間の亀裂を閉じるための戦いへと向かうのだった。【ゲーム紹介】伝説の英雄たちを、ハイクオリティの3Dモデルでオリジナル再現!多彩なダンジョンや豊富なスキル、究極の英雄を作り上げ世界に光を取り戻そう!【戦闘システム】シンプル操作で豪快なバトルを展開!オートバトルなどのサポート機能でダンジョン攻略をスムーズに進めよう!さらに、強化・進化・ルーンなど多数の強化システムをご用意!英雄は☆6まで進化可能なので、お気に入りの英雄を極限まで強くできます!【豊富なコミュニティ!】ギルドを組んで戦友同士で攻略をサポート!協力の塔やギルドショップなど、ここでしか味わえない要素も盛りだくさん!さらに、プレイヤー同士で会話可能なオンラインチャット機能を採用!攻略情報やギルド探しなど、様々な場面で活用できます!【重厚なやりこみ要素!】ストーリーモードは難易度を選択可能!難易度が高いほど強さ・報酬がランクアップ!強力なボスを打ち破り、英雄たちと共にヴァルハラの真実に辿りつけ!チャレンジモードには、多数のPvPコンテンツが存在!ランキング上位入賞者には豪華報酬をプレゼント!Heroes, gatherhere!Super de class action RPG "hero boisterous dance"! !Soil and trampled the enemy with flashy skills, and Kakenukero theheroes and the battlefield!God and heroes who was active in a variety of world-era.And their souls land get to gentle sleep, light of Valhalla.One day, space-time is distorted by a mysterious force, thedimension of the crack occurred.Many souls that were sleeping in Valhalla is, were being suckedinto a crack of darkness.Hero who awakened from sleep to escape from the dimension of thecrack, was the towards the fight to close the rift between thespace-time.[Game introduction]The heroes of legend, the original reproduced in the 3D model ofhigh quality!Colorful dungeon and abundant skills, and bring back the light tothe world and created the ultimate hero![Combat system]Expand exciting battle with simple operation!Let Susumeyo the dungeon capture smoothly in support functions,such as auto Battle!In addition, the offer a number of enhanced systems, such asstrengthening and evolution Rune!Since the hero is a possible evolution to ☆ 6, I can stronglyfavorite hero to the limit![Rich community! ]Support the capture in comrades together formed a guild!Such as towers and guild shop of cooperation, even here only tasteelement miss!In addition, it employs a conversation possible online chatfeature with other players!Capture information and guild looking like, you can take advantageof in various situations![Heavy crowded element! ]Story mode can be selected degree of difficulty! Strength andremuneration higher the degree of difficulty rank up!A powerful boss defeated, put reached the Valhalla of the truthalong with the heroes!The challenge mode, there are a number of PvP content!Get the luxury rewards to top ranking winners!
Check out this new easy to play, difficult tomaster strategy RPG!Wage war with an amazing retinue of mythological and historicalcharacters in beautiful 2d in the thrilling world of LINE FantasyHeroes!------------------------------------------------------------------------Dane and Enji were two divine guardians, responsible forwatching over and protecting all of the dimensions inhabited byhumans.One day, consumed by ambition and the desire of power, Danedecided that he would become the sole ruler of all of thedimensions.Enji, concerned about the safety of the dimensions, called outto heroes of legend from across the dimensions to stop Dane'sterrible design.The motley assortment of heroes needs a brave and wise leader todirect them. Will you be the chosen one? Will you be the one hopeto save the multiverse from Dane?- Game Features1. Lead and train a unique gang of legendary heroes!Power up your heroes during the game and they will gain accessto 4 tiers of jobs! Would you lead Arthur to become a holy paladinor an dark swordsman? The choice is yours!2. Team up with up to 12 total heroes to fight dragons inexciting real-time battles!Team up with friends in thrilling real-time to battle giganticdragons!3. Your favorite legendary heroes are all here, realized as cute2d characters!Robin Hood, Arthur, Sun Wukong and many other heroes from acrossmythology and history join you in your fight to restore peace! Makeyour own unique team of fantasy heroes and become the light thatguides them to victory against the darkness of Dane!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LINE Dozer 1.7.1
All the LINE gang are here! Drop coins andbulldoze your way to a complete collection. Join Brown, Moon, Cony,and a host of other LINE characters in this easy-to-play pennypusher game.How To PlayIt's so easy! Just tap to drop a coin, and collect any coins thatget pushed off the end of the screen. Drop a coin into the pocketto revolve the slot and trigger special events. You may even win aprize!Beat your LINE friends to the Jackpot!Jackpot mode is a battle between friends. The more friends thatplay, the bigger the pot of coins to win. Who will get first placeand pocket the loot?*The game may not function properly if you have insufficientfree memory on your device.*If the game runs slowly, freezes, or automatically closes, closingany apps running in the background may restore normalfunctionality.
LINE 勇者コレクター 1.5.3
■□おかげさまで250万ダウンロード突破□■今ならチュートリアルクリアでレアカードGET!不思議な力を持った勇者カードを集めて、戦うカードRPG無料通話・メールアプリ「LINE」公式ゲーム。登録不要!基本無料!■特徴・ネイティブアプリによる快適な操作とリッチな演出・3種族の個性あふれる多彩なカードが600体以上!・LINEの友だちと一緒に遊べる!■ストーリー勇者カード。それは古の勇者たちの力を宿した不思議なカード。勇者カードを使ったバトルを行う者たちを人々は「勇者コレクター」と呼んだ。16歳の誕生日を迎えた少年は、勇者コレクターの頂点を目指し冒険へ旅立つ!伝承の災禍から果たして世界を救うことはできるのか?!■動作環境本アプリはオンラインゲームの為、サーバーと通信できる環境が必要です。■アプリのダウンロードができない場合下記の手順で端末のキャッシュを消去して下さい。1.MENUキーを押し、[設定] > [アプリケーション] > [アプリケーションの管理]の順にタップします。2.[すべて] タブをタップします。3.[Google Play ストア アプリ] を選択し、[データを消去]、[キャッシュを消去] の順にタップします。4.[ダウンロード マネージャー] を選択し、[データを消去]、[キャッシュを消去] の順にタップします。
LINE Battle Heroes 2.0.0
The Most Popular RPG/MOBA mobile game!Most Thrilling MOBA Battle has finally arrived!Invite your friends for battle and form a team with friends for thegrand battle![Featuring]- Story Mode: Travel through the realms of heroes and unravel theirlegendary stories.- Heroes: Collect and utilize powerful legendary characters- PvP Battles: Fight you way through monsters and villains or evenchallenge your friend's team with battles.- Power Up: Level Up to discover new methods of strengtheningyourself for more harsh battles.- Clan Formation: Create or join a powerful clan to ravage wars andsocialise with friends.- Ranking: Don't miss out on the opportunity to be the top amongyour friends.Inquiries:
Fruit Monsters -Great Escape- 1.0.6
About Fruit MonstersFruit Monsters is a match-three puzzle game.Match 3 fruit monsters of the same color to send signals to theirhome planet.Help every last fruit monster get back to their home planet!Fruit Monsters Main FeaturesFruit Monsters is a scenario-based puzzle game with 300 dynamicstages.Log in with Facebook or LINE to receive Energy and compete inrankings.Use items to rescue more fruit monsters. Items introduce a wholenew level of fun to the game.Clear bonus stages to receive items for free.You've never played a puzzle game like this before! The fruitmonsters are waiting for you!
LINE Magic Tanker 1.0.1
LINE proudly presents Ultimate Strategic RPGof the year, LINE Magic Tanker! Taking you to fantasy world withexcellent 3D effect. Unite your gangsters to conquer more than 200stages, confront Giant Boss and beat it! Come and joy ourcommunity!• Come with simple controls and Auto Play system for the ease ofmobile and portable gaming.• Customize your team in your own way with varietycharacters.• Challenging Missions and Quests to hunt for Gold, Runes andunique Weapons.• Venture in astonishing vibrant 3D effect and 360° dynamicperspective in fantasy world. Embark on journey to defeat themonsters.• Evolve your heroes to a higher rank to strengthen your overallattack and defense.• Fun with your friends on LINE! Invite your LINE friends to playand challenge them for PVP to win a Special Rewards.Install LINE Magic Tanker now and start playing today!