Fitechz Apps

Kumpulan Doa Anak Sehari-hari 1.1
Aplikasi Doa Sehari hari ini adalah sebuahaplikasi yang memuat doa-doa pendek secara lengkap yang sehari haribiasa dipakai, seperti doa bangun tidur, doa sebelum belajar, dll.Aplikasi ini di disain untuk anak anak dan cocok untukpembelajaran anak kecil. Dilengkapi dengan huruf arab, carapembacaan dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.Aplikasi ini dibuat agar kita umat muslim untuk tidak melupakansegala doa-doa yang pernah dipelajari dan juga diamalkan.Tentunya jika kita mengawali semua dengan doa, maka keberkahan yangakan kita dapatkan dari Allah SWT.Fitur:1. Doa sehari-hari seperti1. Bangun tidur2. Sebelum makan3. Masuk wc4. Bepergian5. Puasa6. Berpkaian7. Melepas pakaian8. Bercermin9. Masuk rumah10. Bepergian11. Dan masih banyak lagi2. Lafadz Alqur'an3. Cara pembacaan4. Terjemahan5. Tampilan menarik6. GratisApplications Prayer Daytoday is an application that contains the prayers of the completeshort daily are commonly used, such as waking prayer, prayer beforelearning, etc.This application is designed for children and is suitable forsmall children learning. Equipped with the Arabic alphabet,readings and meaning in Indonesian.This application is made so that we Muslims not to forget all theprayers ever learned and practiced.Obviously if we start all by prayer, then we are going to get theblessing of Allah SWT.Features:1. Prayer everyday like1. Wake up2. Before eating3. Sign wc4. Traveling5. Fasting6. Berpkaian7. Removing clothing8. Lesson9. Log houses10. Traveling11. And many more2. Lafadz Quran3. How readings4. Translation5. Display interesting6. Free
Kumpulan Tausiyah Islam 1.0.0
Aplikasi Kumpulan Tausiyah Singkat Islamadalah kumpulan beberapa ceramah penyejuk hati dari beberapa syekhdan ustadz yang dapat dibaca offline maupun online. Aplikasitausiyah islam ini menjadi motivasi kita semua untuk selalumengingat dan mencintai Allah. Aplikasi ini bisa dibaca untuk semuakalangan, mulai dari anak-anak, remaja hingga orang dewasa. Ceramahterlengkap memudahkan muslimah dalam mendapatkan ilmu seputar agamaislam. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi tampilan yang menarik danelegan, yang membuat pengunjung betah membacanya. Tausiyahramadhan, puasa dapat dibaca di sekolah, kantor dan dapat dibacasaat waktu luang. Bisa digunakan sebagai bahan materi untuk kultum,khutbah atau dalam acara lain seperti halal bihalal singkat maupunpanjang.Fitur- Berisi banyak kumpulan tausiyah mulai dari ustad yusuf mansyur,aa gym, uje, syekh ali jaber, habib munzir dan masih banyaklagi- Berisi ceramah terbaru, terlengkap, terbaik- Tampilan menarik- Mudah digunakan- Ceramah yang menyentuh hati dan penyejuk hatiApplication Brief setTausiyah Islam is a collection of several lectures Air hearts ofseveral sheikhs and religious teacher can be read offline oronline. Applications tausiyah Islam is a motivation all of us toalways remember and love of God. This application can be read forall people, ranging from children, adolescents and adults. Lecturescomplete the Muslim ease in getting knowledge about the religion ofIslam. This application also features an attractive appearance andelegant, which makes visitors feel at home reading. TausiyahRamadan, fasting can be read in schools, offices, and can be readin your spare time. Can be used as resource materials for Kultum,sermons or in other events such as religious gatherings short andlong term.Features- Contains many tausiyah collection ranging from Ustad Yusufmansyur, aa gym, Uje, sheikh ali jaber, Habib Munzir and muchmore- Contains the most recent lecture, the most complete, best- Display interesting- Easy to use- Lecture that touch the heart and liver conditioning
Quiz Math Practice 1.1
This is a great game for your kids and adults.Quiz math Practice is math games, can increase mathematicalability,brain is challenging, increased ability to concentrate onmath, prepare for the math test.You will be in get answer from you about that. Every matter ismade up of four answers. if you answer correctly you will continueto the next question. There is table math for facilitating thechild's learning or memorizing the math from Addition,Substraction, Multiplication with on positive and negativenumbers.3 levels with increasing difficulty,4 Choice Answers every question,There are 4 types of questions: addition, substraction,multiplication and division,Mathematica table,English language onlyGives you more education on mathematica outside of school. Theis game is great for people actually trying to learn.
Belajar Membaca Anak Kecil 1.0.0
Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi pendidikan yangmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal huruf a sampai huruf z.Mencakup huruf besar dan huruf kecil. Aplikasi ini didesain khususuntuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d 6 tahun. cocok untuk belajar anak anaktk dan sd. Ayo bunda, kita ajak anak-anak untuk belajar mengenalhuruf sejak dini. anak-anak akan dikenalkan pada dunia belajar yanglebih menyenangkan dan akan cepat bisa dan juga dikenalkan dengandunia hewan.aplikasi ini menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi dengan Gambargambar lucu untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalam belajar.fitur1) tampilan menarik2) mudah digunakan3) tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet4) menagajarkan anak cara membaca dengan benar5) terdapat contoh bacaan6) dilengkapi cara mengeja per suku kata7) memperkenalkan dunia hewan kepada anak8) dilengkapi dengan gambar hewan yang lucu dan menarik9) belajar setiap hurufAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajar anak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar, belajarinteraktif.This application is theeducational application that helps children in learning torecognize letters a through z. Include uppercase and lowercaseletters. This application is specially designed for children ages 2s / d 6 years. suitable for children's learning and sd tk. Comemother, we encourage children to learn to recognize letters early.children will be introduced to the world of learning more enjoyableand will quickly be and are also introduced to the animalworld.This application combines the concepts of learning and playing intoone that gave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. Thematerial will be presented in an attractive form comes with Picturefunny pictures to attract children's interest in learning.features1) look interesting2) easy to use3) does not require an internet connection4) advocate children how to read correctly5) there are examples of reading6) fitted to spell per syllable7) introduce the animal to children8) is equipped with a cute animal pictures and interesting9) learn each letterThese applications can be classified into children's learning apps,educational apps, educational games, book learning, interactivelearning.
Belajar Membaca Al Quran 1.1
Aplikasi belajar membaca dan mengaji alquranadalah media pembelajaran online maupun offline yang memudahkananak-anak remaja bahkan orang dewasa dalam belajar alquran. Mulaidari penulisan huruf hijaiyah, pembacaan huruf hijaiyah, pengucapansampai tahap cara memahami angka dalam bahasa arab. Aplikasi inijuga dilengkapi dengan tampilan yang menarik dan interaktif. Ada 5tahap pembelajaran sampai mahir. Cara mudah belajar membacaalquran, dengan metode yang cepat dan tepat. Belajar alquran yangcocok untuk anak anak dan orang dewasa. Cocok juga buat yang masibelajar iqro.Aplikasi pendidikan untuk belajar mengaji lewat android hanyalewat rumah ataupun kantor. Membuat anak anak dapat belajar sendiridengan teknik dan lafal tajwid yang benar. Didalam aplikasi jugaterdapat tampilan yang menyenangkan dan menarik. Terdapatterjemahannya yang lebih memudahkan pengguna. Kita sebagai muslimwajib belajar alquran sebagaimana hadist.Fitur :- Sangat mudah di gunakan oleh siapa saja- Tampilan lebih menarik- Mengajarkan cara membaca yang baik dan benar- Cocok untuk anak-anak dan dewasa- Terdapat contoh suara bacaan- Terdapat 5 cara belajar alquranSelamat belajar dan semoga sukses dan bisaApplications learn toread and recite the Quran is the online and offline learning mediathat allows teenagers and even adults in learning Quran. Hijaiyahranging from writing letters, reading the letters hijaiyah,pronunciation to stage a way of understanding the numbers inArabic. The application also comes with an attractive appearanceand interactive. There are 5 stages to advanced learning. An easyway to learn to read the Quran, the method is fast and precise.Learning the Quran which is suitable for children and adults.Suitable also for the masi learn Iqro.Educational apps for android only to learn the Koran passingthrough your home or office. Makes the children can learn on theirown with the techniques and tajwid correct pronunciation. In theapplication there is also a view that is fun and interesting. Thereare translations that make it easier for the user. We as Muslimsare required to learn the Quran as Hadith.Features:- Very easy to use by anyone- Look more attractive- Teach you how to read the good and true- Suitable for children and adults- There is a sound example of reading- There are 5 ways to learn the QuranCongratulations and good luck learning and could
Kumpulan Kata Bijak 1.0.0
Aplikasi Kumpulan Kata Bijak ini adalahaplikasi kumpulan kata kata bijak, mutiara, terbagus untukpenyemangat dan pemberi motivasi dalam hidup anda. Selain kata-katamutiara bijak dalam aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi kumpulangambar-gambar cinta romantis yang membuat aplikasi menjadi lebihlengkap.Kamu dapat memilih dan menjadikan kata kata tersebut menjadi sebuahstatus atau motivasi diri. Dapat diakses online maupun offline darimana saja sesuai kebutuhan anak-anak, remaja maupun dewasa.Kata-kata tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai DP BBM, Photo Profil diSosial Media atau bisa juga digunakan sebagai wallpaper. Aplikasiini juga sangat mudah di gunakan dan tampilannya yang menarik.Selamat menikmati kata-kata mutiara bijak, semoga bermanfaat.Terima kasih.Applications Words ofWisdom set is a collection of application of wise words, pearls,excellent for giving encouragement and motivation in your life.Besides wise aphorisms in this application also features acollection of images of romantic love that makes applicationsbecome more complete.You can choose and make the words that became a status orself-motivation. Can be accessed online or offline from anywheresuit the needs of children, adolescents and adults. Those words canbe used as fuel DP, Photo Profile in Social Media or can be used aswallpaper. This application is also very easy to use and looksattractive.Enjoy wise aphorisms, may be useful. Thank you.
Kumpulan Dongeng Anak 1.0
Kumpulan dongeng anak indonesia adalahaplikasi android yang berisi sekumpulan cerita dongeng anak sebelumtidur. Dengan membacakan anak dongeng sebelum tidur dapatmelekatkan hubungan anak dengan orang tua. Membaca dongeng jugadapat menambah psikologi anak, emosi dan kecerdasan pada anak anda.Juga terdapat hikmah, pelajaran dan amanah di dalamnya. Kumpulandongeng anak juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bacaan buah hatipada saat luang dan untuk sarana pelajaran anak. Kumpulan dongenganak-anak indonesia juga dapat digunakan buku bacaan remaja danorang dewasa untuk mengingat cerita lama. Ebook ini berisi ceritarakyat, Fabe atau cerita Binatang, Cerita tentang tumbuhan, putridan pangeran dan si kancil.Indonesia is a collectionof fairy tales android application which contains a bunch of fairytales child before bedtime. By reading the children a bedtime storycan attach the child's relationship with parents. Read fairy talescan also add child psychology, emotion and intelligence in yourchild. Also there is wisdom, lessons and trustful in it. Acollection of fairy tales can also be used as reading material babyat the time of leisure and learning facilities for children. Acollection of children's tales Indonesia can also be used textbookteenagers and adults to remember the old story. This ebook containsfolklore, Citizen or animal stories, stories about plants, princessand prince and the deer.
Teka-teki Labirin 1.0.0
Teka-teki labirin adalah permainan terbaru danpaling keren. Permainan labirin ini gratis dan dapat dimainkansecara online maupun offline. Terdapat banyak tingkatan, mulai daritermudah hingga tersulit. Teka teki labirin ini tidak menakutkan,tetapi mengasah otak dan kreatifitas anak anak, remaja maupun orangdewasa. Game labirin android dapat dimainkan dimana saja, rumahatau kantor dan untuk mengisi waktu senggang atau waktu luang. Kitabisa berpetualang menjelajah banyak labirin. Permainan ini jugadilengkapi dengan tampilan yang menarik dan interaktif.Fitur- Sangat mudah digunakan untuk semua kalangan, baik anak-anakmaupun orang dewasa- Tampilan lebih menarik- Mengasah otak, edukasi, menambah pengetahuan- Terdapat banyak levelPuzzle maze is the newestand coolest games. This maze game free of charge and can be playedonline or offline. There are many levels, ranging from easiest tohardest. Maze puzzle is not scary, but sharpen the brain andcreativity of children, adolescents and adults. Android maze gamecan be played anywhere, home or office and for pleasure or leisure.We could have a lot of adventure exploring the maze. The game alsocomes with an attractive appearance and interactive.Features- Very easy to use for all people, both children and adults- Look more attractive- Sharpen the brain, education, increasing knowledge- There are many levels
New Guide for FIFA 16 1.1
This is not a game!Player Guide FIFA 16 it's a guide with all controls for: Skillmoves, Set pieces, Tactics, Basic controls, Shooting, Crossing,etc.Please note - This is not a game!! It's is Only gameguide.This is an UNOFFICIAL Guide app created by us.This app is an unofficial FIFA 16 guide only, it is notauthorized or created by the creator of the game.This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fairuse". If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us directly.There is a very useful guide in this app, Please download and giveit a good Feadback
Modern House in MCPE 1.0.0
This is not a game!Please note - This is not a game!! It's is Only gameguide.This is an UNOFFICIAL Guide app created by us.This app is an unofficial Minecraft guide only, it is notauthorized or created by the creator of the game.This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fairuse". If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us directly.There is a very useful guide in this app, Please download and giveit a good Feadback
Cool Little Shelter in MCPE 1.0.0
This is not a game!Please note - This is not a game!! It's is Only gameguide.This is an UNOFFICIAL Guide app created by us.This app is an unofficial Minecraft guide only, it is notauthorized or created by the creator of the game.This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fairuse". If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us directly.There is a very useful guide in this app, Please download and giveit a good Feadback
Base Map Clash of Clans Guide 1.0.0
This is not a game!Please note - This is not a game!! It's is Only gameguide.This is an UNOFFICIAL Guide app created by us.This app is an unofficial Clash of Clans guide only, it is notauthorized or created by the creator of the game.This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fairuse". If you feel there is a direct copyright or trademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fair use"guidelines,please contact us directly.There is a very useful guide in this app, Please download and giveit a good Feadback
Funny Selfie Camera 1.0
Turn every Selfie into a funny Selfies, itincludes a set of funny icons. Will be selected randomly which makeit more fun and surprising. When you open the camera on mostdevices, it starts with the rear-facing camera. To take a selfie.This app start your front camera and provides a simple button totake a selfie and you can access your photos anytime in the future.They are stored in you phone’s Photo Gallery.
Kumpulan Kata Mutiara Terbaru 1.0.0
Kata kata mutiara sering sekali digunakanolehsekelompok anak remaja untuk dijadikan sebagai status. Selainuntukdijadikan sebagai update status kata kata mutiara jugabanyakdigunakan sebagai ucapan kata cinta buat pacar. Kumpulan katakatamutiara ini sangatlah bijak dan penuh dengan makna yangterkandungdidalamnya. Sebenarnya kata kata mutiara terbagi menjadibeberapabagian diantaranya adalah kata kata mutiara tentang cinta,islam,galau, kehidupan, lucu dan ada juga kata mutiara dalambahasainggris. Kata kata mutiara bisa diucapkan kepada kekasih,sahabatdan juga kepada orang tua kita masing-masing.The word proverboftenused by a group of teenagers to serve as status. In additiontoserve as an update status words pearl is also widely used asagreeting word of love for a boyfriend. This pearl set of wordsarewise and full of meaning contained therein. Actually thewordpearls is divided into several sections which are saidaphorismsabout love, islam, confusion, life, funny, and there arealsoquotes in the English language. Pearls can be spoken words toalover, a friend and also to our parents respectively.
Tes Sidik Jari Kejombloan 1.0.0
Aplikasi Tes Sidik Jari Kejombloanadalahsebuah aplikasi untuk mengukur tingkat kejombloan andasampaiberapa persen. Semakin tinggi tingkat kejombloan anda akansemakinlama juga anda sendirian, tetapi jika semakin kecil hasiltes makatingkat kejombloan anda akan segera berakhir.Anda bosan sendiri, bingung mau ngapain? Cobalah aplikasi inidantentukan sampai kapan anda akan mengakhiri masa lajang atausendirianda.Ajak Teman teman, sahabat, atau keluarga untuk melakukan tessidikjari kejombloan ini.FingerprintTestKejombloan application is an application to measure the levelofkejombloan you how many percent. The higher the level you willbemore long kejombloan also you alone, but if the smaller thelevelkejombloan test results then you will soon be over.You yourself bored, confused what to do? Try this applicationanddecide how long you will end the single or own you.Invite friends of friends, friends, or family to do thiskejombloanfingerprint tests.
Funny Monster Trucks Stunt 1.1
What on earth is Monster Truck SpeedStuntsinformation about?Have you ever before dreamt of driving a Monster Truck? Getbehindthe wheels of those massive vehicles, and perform gutwrenchingstunts! Spin around in the monster trucks and turn thestuntwinner. Jump over thrilling obstacles and rate throughterrifyingloops! This new stunt game will blow your mind quicklythe racecourse! Get set for plenty of adventures and a great dealofexciting challenges!Features of Monster Truck Speed Stunts•there are many interesting character•Funny stunt situations•lot of fun•Realistic huge truck driving expertise•Amazing background new musicMonster trucks shall be your new preferred addiction!
24 Yoga Position Daily Workout 1.0.0
24 Daily Yoga Positions is a applicationwillhelp you to relieve stress, get flexible and calm your mind.24Daily Yoga Positions is a yoga coaching application suitableforall level - beginners, intermediate and advanced.
Football Quiz 2015-2016 1.0.0
This game contains questions gameaboutfollowing soccer 2015-2016 team such as , and top player suchasthis game is very easy to play, no need to read boringinstructionin this game just two button and support for android thequestioncontains all about english football. this game is very funto playand designed for kids and teen and also for adult. this gamecan beplayed online or offline and it's an interesting game don'tmissany detail and don't forget any information.There will be questions about the origin of the name oftheplayer and club players, we choose between two answers. Puzzlesarevery easy and simple to use. Which will increase knowledgeaboutthe most new players or newer.- The game is free- Many information of football- There is no time limit in answering- It's very simple and also it's so fun answer- There are only two possible answers, true or false- Attractive appearance- Frequent application updates- No registrationAre you a really fan's of football? Do you know allaboutfootball?? Are you sure? Try the game Football Quiz2015/2016
Office Workout 1.0.0
Do the following stretches every day. Easeintoeach move, breathe, and allow your muscles to relax. Holdeachstretch for 30 seconds. Complate the stretches in a row aslistedbelow, then repeat the sequence.
Kumpulan Pantun Indonesia 1.0.0
Berikut ini adalah aplikasi kumpulanpantunjenaka, lucu, nasehat, pendidikan dan masih banyak lagi yangbisakamu lihat sebagai bahan refresing dan lucu untukmenyegarkanpikiran. Pantun terbagi menjadi beberapa macam, misalnyapantunnasihat, pantun jenaka, pantun percintaan dan lain - lain.Inilahyang membuat pantun tetap eksis sampai sekarang, sudahsepatutnyakita sebagai anak bangsa, untuk melestarikan budaya kitaini. Dalampantun ada bermacam-macam genre, salah satu genre yangpalingdigemari masyarakat adalah komedi. Pantun lucu dibuat dengantujuanmengajarkan nilai-nelai tertentu pada generasi penerusmelalui carayang mudah diterima, menggelitik dan jenaka. Agarmereka tidakterlalu skeptis dalam menyerap informasi yang barusajaditerimanya. Pantun lucu juga digunakan dalam kehidupansehari-harisebagai pencair suasana, pengerat hubungan dankomunikasi. Bukanhanya itu, dalam budaya suku tertentu pantunsering dijadikanmantra kudus upacara sakral dan keagamaan, sebutsaja suku betawidan badui.Here is a collectionofapplications limerick, funny, advice, education and many morethatyou can see as a refreshing and funny to refresh the mind. Poemisdivided into several types, such as advice poem, limerick,rhymesromance and others - others. This is what makes the poemstillexist until now, it is fitting for us as a nation, to preserveourculture. In the poem there are various genres, one of themostpopular genre is comedy community. Funny rhyme created withthepurpose of teaching the value-specific nelai the next generationina way that is easily accepted, tickling and witty. So that theyarenot too skeptical in absorbing the information he hadjustreceived. Funny rhyme is also used in everyday life asliquefyingthe atmosphere, rodents relationships and communication.Not onlythat, in certain tribal cultures rhymes are often used as asacredmantra and sacred religious ceremonies, call betawi andBedouintribes.
Belajar Matematika Anak-Anak 1.0.0
Aplikasi Belajar Matematika ini berisicaraberhitung, mengenal angka untuk anak-anak, balita, paud, usiadini.Dilengkapi tampilan yang menarik dan animasi keren. SiKembarakanmenemani anak dalam bermain dan belajar.The MathLearningapplication shows you how to count, recognize numbers forchildren,toddlers, early childhood education, early age. Equippedattractiveappearance and cool animations. The twins will accompanythechildren play and learn.
Belajar Angka dan Berhitung 1.0.0
Aplikasi belajar angka dan berhitungadalahmedia pembelajaran online ataupun offline sekaligus aplikasidanpermainan matematika terbaru yang membantu anak-anak dalambelajar.Aplikasi cocok buat anak balita, paud atau anak usia dini,TK danSD atau sekolah dasar usia antara 2 tahun sampai 12 tahun.Ada 4tahap pembelajaran sampai mahir dengan metode yang tepat dancepat.Dapat membantu anak berhitung dengan cepat. Dilengkapidengangambar yang menarik dan bewarna sehingga membuat anak anaksuka.Permainan matematika kreatif, asyik, edukasi dan edukatifinimenambah logika anak berhitung, dilengkapi dengan permainanyangmenarik dalam proses pembelajaran. Dapat diakses di rumah,sekolahatau dimana saja, untuk membantu anak dalam ulangan ataupunujian.Fitur- Bahasa Indonesia- Gratis- Mudah digunakan oleh siapa saja- Tidak terhubung ke internet atau offline- Tabel Matematika- Mengenal angka atau Belajar angka- Berhitung dengan gambar buah-buahan- Kuis matematika mulai dari perkalian, pembagian, penjumlahandanpengurangan- Soal dengan jawaban- Tampilan yang menyenangkan, menarik dan interaktifSelamat BelajarApplications learnnumbersand arithmetic are online or offline learning media at thesame timethe latest applications and math games that help childreninlearning. Applications suitable for young children, earlychildhoodeducation or early childhood, kindergarten and elementaryschool orelementary school between the ages of 2 years to 12years. There arefour stages of learning to advanced with a fastand accurate method.Can help children count quickly. Equipped withinteresting picturesand colored so as to make children love.Creative math game, fun,educational and instructive adds logic tocount children, equippedwith an interesting game in the learningprocess. Can be accessed athome, at school or anywhere else, tohelp children in replay orexams.Features- Indonesian- Free- Easy to use by anyone- Do not connect to the Internet or offline- Table Math- Know the numbers or Learning numbers- Counting with pictures of fruits- Quiz math ranging from multiplication, division, additionandsubtraction- Questions with answers- Display a fun, exciting and interactiveHave a good study
True or False Math Quiz 1.0.0
★★ Best True or False Quiz for Android ★★True or false math quiz game for free to play and learn. Thisisa good game for kids, teens or even adult. Good to fill yourfreetime, your children, your family.Add skills mathematical, mathtestpreparation, patience, teach, dexterity, precision you todomath.True or false game is very simple and interesting. This is agameof guessing the answer is right or wrong. There is no timelimit tofinish, so you are free to think longer. There are 4 typesof mathoperations.★ Easy to play: Very simple questions with twopossibleanswers★ Player must choose correct answer, True or False answer★ There is no time to answer questions★ Many types of questions include: addition,substraction,multiplication and division★ English language