Edukids Play Studio Apps
Indonesian Kids Songs 2.1.5
The offline app contains a collection of songs which is an app toeducate with age-appropriate songs to shape the child's characterfor the better. A stand-alone app that does not require links withother apps, just touch and play. The copyright of all songs andlyrics in this app is owned by the creator, musician and musiclabel concerned. If you are the copyright holder of this song anddo not want your song to be displayed, please contact us viadeveloper / developer email and let us know about your ownershipstatus of the song. We will remove the song or lyric right away. Weapologize for any errors in this app. Hopefully this application isuseful for the education of children's. thanks.
Lagu Anak Anak indonesia 1.0.4
Aplikasi offline berisi kumpulan lagu anak-anak - indonesia danjugasangat cocok untuk wilayah asia yang merupakan aplikasiuntukmengedukasi anak dengan lagu-lagu yang sesuai dengan umuruntukmembentuk karakter anak - indonesia maupun daerah asiamenjadilebih baik.Aplikasi stand-alone yang tidak membutuhkan linkdenganaplikasi-aplikasi lainnya, tinggal touch and play. Hakciptaseluruh lagu anak dan lirik pada aplikasi ini adalahmilikpencipta, musisi dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Jikaandaadalah pemegang hak cipta lagu yang ada di aplikasi ini dantidakmau lagu anda ditampilkan, silahkan hubungi kami melaluiemailpengembang/ developer dan beritahu kami tentang statuskepemilikananda atas lagu tersebut. Kami akan langsung menghapuslagu ataulirik tersebut. Kami mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan padaaplikasiini. Mudah-mudahan aplikasi lagu anak ini bermanfaatuntukpendidikan anak-anak Indonesia. Terima kasih.
BTS world Song Plus Lyrics - Offline 1.0
BTS song's application comes with lyrics in each song andthisapplication can run OFFLINE (without the need for internet),isdisplayed interactively with clear images that make it easierforusers, presented for FREE and can be saved in EXTERNAL MEMORY.Thefollowing albums and songs from BTS world: - Black Swan - On -MicDrop - MIKROKOSMOS - COMEBACK - BUTTERFLY - DANGER - I NEED YOU-JUST ONE DAY - A BRAND NEW DAY - DIONYUS - DREAM GLOW - MAKEITRIGHT - BEST OF ME - HOME - l'AM FINE - JAMAIS VU - ALL NIGHT -THETRUTH UNTOLD - HEARTBEAT - IDOL - AIRPLANE - SAVE ME -etc.Features: - Offline application - Free application - NextSongautomatically - Very easy to use - Equipped with lyrics -Completeapplication Dislaimer : The copyright of all content inthisapplication is wholly owned by the creator, musician andmusiclabel in question. If you are the copyright holder of thesongscontained in this application and do not like your songdisplayed,please contact us through the email developer and tell usaboutyour ownership status on the song.
Coloring games : coloring Dinosaurs 1.0.1
Dinosaurs Coloring Book is a free drawing and color game forkidsand adults specially who love to color, draw and paint thecolorfuldinosaurs. This app contains many beautiful dinosaursdrawingsoptimized for most of android devices and tablets! ABOUTDINOSAURSDinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles of the cladeDinosauria.They first appeared during the Triassic period, between243 and 231million years ago. DINOSAURS COLORING BOOK & DRAWINGBOOK GAMEFEATURES: ★ 100% Free application ★ With Music ★ FingerColoringExperience by dragging your finger on the screen ★ Easycolorpicker ★ High quality coloring dinosaurs pages ★ Includedbeautifulcoloring book and drawings for dinosaurs ★ Undo/Redofeatures tosave your time ★ Pick an eraser to erase your mistakes ★Save yourpainted pictures to your gallery ★ Nice doodling &coloringexperience ★ Share your creations with friends and family ★Norequired internet connection for this app Kids & Adultscandraw, paint and color with their imagination and fun. Let yourkidsbe creative by downloading this free coloring game that helpyoudraw & color beautiful dinosaurs Let's download this freecolor& drawing book game and start coloring now!
Sholawat Nabi Full Album 2021 Offline 1.1.3
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Sholawat Nabi Penyejuk Hati FullAlbumOffline 2021 adalah aplikasi musik yang berisikan lagusholawat,buat kalian yang sangat menyukai sholawat, aplikasi inisangatcocok untuk kalian download, isi lagu dari aplikasi inibanyaklho...... dan pastinya bikin hati kalian jadi ademjikamendengarkan lagu dari aplikasi ini, kami juga sajikandengankualitas suara musik yang sangat jernih sehingga kaliannyaman saatmendengarkan lagu dari aplikasi ini. Semoga kaliansemuaterhibur..... terimas kasih. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.Berikutdaftar lagu aplikasi ini : OFFLINE : - Nurul huda wafana -Man ana- Allah allah aghista - Addinu lana - Adfaita - Nariyah -Ahmad yahabibi - Al barq al yamani - Ahmad ya nurul huda - Sa’dunafiddunya- Allahuma labbaik - Ya nabi salam alaika - Ya rabbanatarafna -Lailla haillallah - Yahanana - Allahummarhamna bil qur’ankhotmilqur’an - Hasbi rabbi jallallah - Huwannur - Ibadallahrijalallah -Innal habibal musthofa - Asyghil - Syaikhona - Law kanabainanalhabib - Muhammad ibni abdillah - Ya rosulallah
iKON song 2.3
Feature - Offline application - Free Application and Free Music-MP3 HD - walk in the background - Automatic Replay - Very easytouse The ikon songs music application comes with lyrics oneverysong and this application can be run OFFLINE (without the needforan internet connection). with its clear voice andsimpleappearance. DISCLAIMER : All content in this application isnot ourtrademark. We only get content from search engines andwebsites.The copyright of all content in this application is fullyowned bythe creator, musician and music label concerned. If you arethecopyright holder of the songs contained in this application anddonot like your song being displayed, please contact us throughtheemail developer and tell us about your ownership status ofthesong, Thank you.
Best Indonesian Child Song 1.1.3
Lists of songs for the best Indonesian children are adapted totheage level where the tone and the language is still verybeautifuland worth to be listened to children. IndonesianChildren's Songconsists of 40 rows of songs that are ready toaccompany thechildren in appreciating music as well as a means tolearn tomemorize and speak. hope this simple application is usefulforchildren all over Indonesia and the World.