EcuaMobi Apps

CAPTcoin Faucet 1.0
This Android CAPTcoin Faucet lets you earn free CAPTcoins everyhour from your Android device.It offers you these features:• Claim every hour.• Automatic withdrawals every 15 claims. Don't wait to get yourcoins.• Get a referral code after 25 claims. Both you and the person yourefer earn an extra 10%.• Earn a bonus of 1% more every claim. Earn up to an extra100%.• Set up a notification that lets you know when you can claimagain. Don't waste your time checking the app every minute.• Claim your free coins anywhere!Read more information and help here: you have problems downloading the app from Google Play, youcan get the APK installer here:
Deck Bitcoin Wallet 1.0
DeckWallet is a simple application that allowsyou to generate up to 52 bitcoin addresses by entering the order ofa deck of cards plus an optional password.About security- Completely offline, it does not requires any permissions.- You don't need to type anything (except the optional password),so it's not vulnerable to keyboard malware.- Protection against typos and miss-entered cards.- 2FA: Option to enter a password (or more than one to createsecondary wallets) besides the deck itself.- Obscurity: An attacker won't know there are bitcoins in thatdeck, even if they find it.Instructions- Shuffle a deck of cards 7 times.- Select the number of cards to use. 52 is recommended.- Enter every card on the app.- Optionally enter a password you won't forget (it's not possibleto recover it!).- Touch "Go!" to generate up to 52 bitcoin addresses.- Optionally, copy the order of the cards into another deck, asbackup.- Double-check your deck wallet: Touch the 'Check' icon andre-enter the same password and card order.- After checking it, send some bitcoins to your deck wallet andstore your deck of cards in a safe place.Read more information and help here: is open source released under the MIT license: source code can be found here: more screen shots here: and tips are appreciated:17GXYDJEDUqw7hYtqquyN1kYWmtcmFKhK8The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose andnoninfringement.
Premine Wallet (PMC) 0.3.35
Premine - The Future of Bitcoin Revealed** ANNOUNCEMENT: Swap your PremineCoins for the new PreminePlus** (or just PMC) is a new cryptocurrency with zeroinflation and zero cost of maintenance. It is a 'proof of concept'that shows mining for transaction fees is a sustainable future forall deflationary cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin itself.PMC is extremely exclusive, with only 499 thousand to ever exist(Bitcoin: 21 million; Dogecoin: unlimited, more than 100billion).Premine Wallet allows you to have your Premines always with you!No computer required.FEATURES:• This wallet is de-centralized and peer to peer. No server isneeded.• Conversion to and from national currencies and Bitcoins.• Sending and receiving of Premines via NFC, QR-codes or PremineURLs (premine:address).• Address book for regularly used Premine addresses.• When you're offline, you can still pay via Bluetooth.• System notification for received coins.• App widget for Preminecoin balance.You can find more about Preminecoin at:•• CODE:• Android Wallet:• Preminecoinj, for any Java-related development:• Get free coins every day!• Premine Wallet is a fork of Andreas Schildbach's BitcoinWallet• License: GPLv3 at your own risk!
Assistant Launcher 1.0
Samsung now lets you set up your Bixby button to launch any apportask, except one: Google Assistant. This app launchesGoogleAssistant. Now you can follow these steps to assign this apptoyour Bixby button. As a result, that button will launchGoogleAssistant: - Go to you device's Settings - Select"Advancedfeatures" - Select "Bixby key" - Select "Double press toopenBixby" and enable "Use single press" - Touch "Use single press"-Select "Open app" and touch the settings icon - Select thisapp:"Assistant Launcher" Done! Now touch your Bixby button. Thefirsttime you may be asked to use Bixby or Google's Assistant.SelectGoogle Assistant and touch "Always".
File Finder (Gallery Droid plu 1.0
Quickly find🔍 your files by name or directory (GalleryDroid isrequired)
GalleryDroid: A File Manager m 1.4
What if a File Manager is displayed as a fully customizableGallery? 📄🖼️🎞️🔉
GalleryDroid: A File Manager m 1.4
What if a File Manager is displayed as a fully customizableGallery? 📄🖼️🎞️🔉