Dubai Maritime City Authority Apps
DMCA 1.3
Dubai Maritime City Authority Application DMCAFounded in 2007, Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA) hasbrought about a radical change in the local maritime sector throughan extensive range of industry initiatives and regulations whichsupport its ambitious approach to creating a safe investmentenvironment for industry leaders from all over the world, whilereaffirming Dubai’s position as a first-class internationalmaritime hub. Established to monitor, develop and promote maritimeactivities, DMCA provides a platform of excellence and quality asit develops world-class regulations and guidelines to raise the baron the maritime industry and boost its infrastructure, operationsand logistics services while offering investment opportunities toboost Dubai’s competitiveness at the regional and internationallevels.DMCA aims to build effective and strategic partnerships withrelevant government agencies, private businesses and stakeholdersin line with its vision to create a safe and vibrant maritimesector and therefore drive economic sustainability and growth inthe emirate. The Authority is keen on expanding its scope of workand laying down effective policies under the highest standards ofmaritime safety and best environmental practices, in adherence withthe local and international laws to develop a safe maritimeenvironment for maritime operations and businesses.