Decarbon Apps

Decarbon 3.1.0
Feel empowered to take action on climate change! Decarbon isasimple app to help you understand and lower your carbonfootprint.It's like FitBit for carbon tracking. Automated carbonfootprinttracking: - Set a carbon budget and reduce the impact ofyourpurchases over time - 100% transparent - Open sourcecarbonfootprint assessments - 100% free (no ads or paywalls) HowDecarbonworks: 1. Link your bank (or don't) 2. Automaticallytrackpurchases 3. Learn to reduce your emissions 4. Try carbonoffsetsfor $1 ==================== I started Decarbon becauseI'm...scared. The climate emergency feels more and more desperate,andfor years I've struggled to understand both what my contributiontothe problem is and what I can actually do about it.HopefullyDecarbon will serve as a simple tool to help demystifythose thingsfor us. If understanding the climate impact of apurchase was justas easy as knowing it's price, if trackingeverything was supereasy, and if we all reduced our impact towithin a sustainableamount, maybe we can start to turn this shiparound. (I know thatoil companies and governments bear the biggestresponsibility, butthat doesn't mean we should do nothing!) Lastly,we're committed tokeeping Decarbon completely free for everyone -no paywalls, ads,or selling your data (yuck!). Peace and love,Kyle==================== Why does Decarbon track CO2e? Carbondioxideequivalents (CO2e) is a standardized way to compare thetotalgreenhouse gases embodied in our purchases. For example,eventhough burning gasoline when we drive our cars includes methaneandnitrous oxide gases in addition to carbon dioxide, we can useCO2eas a total metric for it’s impact. Decarbon tracks CO2e tokeepthings simple and to help you easily compare the impact ofyourpurchases apples-to-apples. How does Decarbon calculate theCO2eimpact of my purchases? Tap the info icon on your purchase toseethe exact calculation Decarbon made! The CO2e impact foryourpurchases is a simple multiplication of the purchase amount,theCO2e emissions factor (CO2e per $) of the purchase category,andany modifiers that you can apply to the purchase to make itmoreaccurate. What should my annual CO2e budget be? It should be aslowas humanly possible! The initial goal on Decarbon is 7 metrictonsof CO2e per year, so you can start with that and then lower itasyou begin to understand your impact. Ultimately, we need tolimitclimate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius, so your goal should beaslow as possible to support that. How does Decarbon connect tomybank? Decarbon uses Plaid, a trusted third-party tool, toconnectto your bank and get transaction information from yourchecking andcredit card accounts. Plaid is used by Venmo, AmericanExpress,Coinbase, and others to manage their user’s bankconnections. Whatbank data does Decarbon have access to? Once youconnect a bank,Decarbon will have view-only access to thetransactions of yourassociated checking and credit card accounts.Decarbon never hasaccess to your bank login credentials, accountnumbers, or routingnumbers. Decarbon can’t make any transactions onyour accounts.Will Decarbon work outside the USA? You can useDecarbon anywhere,but the experience is currently optimized forindividuals living inthe United States. >>> Learn more>>> Contact us at [email protected] Give adamn aboutclimate change!