Coppercod Apps

Hearts is the world's number one card game for four players!
Gin Rummy Premium 3.4.2
Play the world’s favorite card game now on your smartphone ortablet! One of Coppercod’s most popular games, Gin Rummy (or simplyGin) is a classic quick-fire card game for two players. Simple tolearn and addictive to play, it is perfect for unwinding withrepeated games. Play the premium game with no ads. Track yourStats. Take on smart AIs. Develop your card skills on easy mode andthen step up to the challenge in hard mode. It takes real skill tobeat the AIs with their perfect memory. Test your brain while yourelax and unwind with this fun card game! To win Gin Rummy, youmust score more points than your opponent. The winner is the firstto reach or exceed the target score, either 100 or 250. CustomiseGin Rummy to make it the perfect game for you. ● Choose your wintarget ● Choose simple or traditional scoring ● Choose between easyor hard mode ● Choose Classic Gin, Straight Gin or the Oklahoma Ginvariant, optionally adding the ‘Ace Must Be Gin’ or 'Spades DoubleBonus’ rules. ● Choose normal or fast play ● Play in landscape orportrait mode ● Turn single click play on or off ● Sort cards inascending or descending order Gin Rummy is a fun, competitive andquick to learn card game, but it will take time to master. Are youready to take it on? Quickfire Rules: A hand is made up of 10cards. The aim is to combine cards into melds in order to achieveGin or to have the lowest deadwood score at the end of a hand. Aplayer wins a hand either by having Gin, or by having the lowestdeadwood score when someone knocks. Face cards are worth 10 pointsand all other cards are worth their value.
Klondike Solitaire 1.5.0
Klondike Solitaire (known simply as solitaire or patience) isthebest known and played solitaire game in the world. The aim ofthegame is to build up four stacks of cards starting with Aceandending with King, all of the same suit, on one of thefourfoundations, at which time the you will have won! Thepremiumversion is completely ad free! This game is a fast andsimple cardgame. Each new hand is random and presents a newchallenge. Try andbeat your best score, or set a new fastest time!We've tried tomake it as simple to play as possible, you can chooseclick onceplay, click twice or drag cards at any time. How Klondikeplays:Klondike is a variant of solitaire played using one standarddeckof 52 cards. After shuffling, seven ‘piles’ of cards are laiddown,the first containing one card, the second containing two, andsoon, up to the seventh containing seven cards. The top card ofeachpile begins face up and the others face down. The remainingcardsform the ‘stock’ and are placed face down at the top of thescreen.The four ‘foundations’ are areas at the top into which cardsaremoved during play. The game is completed by moving all of thecardsto the foundations at the top of the screen. There is aseparatefoundation for each suit, and cards must be moved there inthefollowing order: Ace (low), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,Jack,Queen, King (high). To achieve this, face up cards are placedinconsecutive ordered piles of alternating colors with highercardsabove lower cards. For example, a pile could comprise theQueen ofHearts, then Jack of Spades, then 10 of Hearts, then 9 ofClubs,then 8 of Diamonds. The stock cards are turned face up,either oneby one or in groups of three depending on the settings,to form the‘talon’. The top card from the talon can be moved to apile orstraight to a foundation. Face up cards in a pile can bemoved,either on their own or with other cards in the same pile,toanother pile as long as this preserves consecutiveorderedalternating colors. Empty piles can be filled with a King ora pileof cards topped by a King. When a pile is moved to reveal afacedown card, it is turned face up. Cards are moved around in thiswayto release cards from the talon and piles to the foundations.Cardscan also be moved back out of a foundation to a pile, whichmayrelease otherwise blocked cards from the talon. When all ofthestock cards have been turned over, they can be ‘recycled’(turnedface down again and redrawn). Completing the game is notalwayspossible!
Oh Hell! - Contract Whist 3.1.1
Oh Hell! is the world's most popular trick-taking card game inwhichthe object is to take exactly the number of tricks bid. Alsoknowsas Contract Whist, Oh Well!, German Bridge, Blackout or Upand Downthe River. The aim of the game is to score points bywinning tricks(each trick scores one point) and by correctlypredicting how manytricks you will win each round (this scores 10points per round).The winner of the game is the player with themost points after afixed number of rounds. The rules of play arethose of standardtrick-taking games. A card is beaten by a highercard of the samesuit or any trump card. When a card is played, theother playersmust follow suit (play a card of the same suit) ifpossible. If theydo not hold any cards of the leading suit, theymay choose to trumpby playing any trump card to win, or throw awayby playing anynon-trump card to lose. Our version uses 'standard'rules, but a feware optional to appeal to everyone's preferred wayof playing ohhell: - You can set the 'screw the dealer' rule to beon or off -You can set nil bids to only receive 5 and not 10 bonuspoints ifthe contract is met - You can set the trump suit to bedetermined bythe next card or to alternate - You can set thenumber of players tobetween 3 and 7 - You can play 4 types ofgame; up, down, up anddown or down and up - You can set the AIlevel to be either easy, orhard for a bigger challenge A fast andfun card game for all levelsof players!
Oh Hell! - Contract Whist Premium 3.1.0
Oh Hell! is the world's most popular trick-taking card game inwhichthe object is to take exactly the number of tricks bid. Alsoknowsas Contract Whist, Oh Well!, German Bridge, Blackout or Upand Downthe River. The premium version is a completely ad freegame. The aimof the game is to score points by winning tricks(each trick scoresone point) and by correctly predicting how manytricks you will wineach round (this scores 10 points per round).The winner of the gameis the player with the most points after afixed number of rounds.The rules of play are those of standardtrick-taking games. A cardis beaten by a higher card of the samesuit or any trump card. Whena card is played, the other playersmust follow suit (play a card ofthe same suit) if possible. Ifthey do not hold any cards of theleading suit, they may choose totrump by playing any trump card towin, or throw away by playingany non-trump card to lose. Ourversion uses 'standard' rules, buta few are optional to appeal toeveryone's preferred way of playingoh hell: - You can set the'screw the dealer' rule to be on or off- You can set nil bids toonly receive 5 and not 10 bonus points ifthe contract is met - Youcan set the trump suit to be determinedby the next card or toalternate - You can set the number ofplayers to between 3 and 7 -You can play 4 types of game; up,down, up and down or down and up -You can set the AI level to beeither easy, or hard for a biggerchallenge A fast and fun cardgame for all levels of players!
Spades Premium 2.5.1
Spades is an enjoyable and popular partnership whisttrick-takinggame. It is the number one partnership trick-takinggame in theworld. Play now on your smartphone or tablet! Play thepremium gamewith no ads. Track your stats and play with smart AIs.Team up withone of our partner AIs to beat your opponents inCoppercod’s takeon this classic card game. Learn teamwork, strategyand logic whileyou unwind with this enjoyable and relaxing cardgame. Test yourbrain while you play and have fun! Spades is simpleto learn, buttricky to master as you take on AI opponents withperfect memory.Choose between easy and hard mode and make sure totrack your alltime and session stats to follow your improvement asyou learn!Make Spades the perfect game for you with ourcustomisablefeatures! ● Turn the bag penalty on or off ● Choosebetween easyand hard mode ● Choose normal or fast play ● Play inlandscape orportrait mode ● Turn single click play on or off ● Sortcards inascending or descending order You can also customise yourcolorthemes and card decks to choose from to keep thelandscapeinteresting! Quickfire Rules After the cards are dealtevenlybetween four players, each player bids on the number oftricks theythink they can win, based on their hand. Each playerthen plays onecard in turn, following suit if they can. If theycannot followsuit they may play any other card in their hand,including a Spade,which is the Trump. No player can lead with aSpade until the firsthas been played – Spades are broken. At theend of each round,points are scored by the number of tricks eachpartnership hascollected. 10 points are awarded for every trickcollected if thepartnership bid is matched or bettered, and 10points are deductedfor every trick bid if the partnership bid isnot matched. If anyplayer bids nil for a round, the partnershipreceived 100 bonuspoints if the player takes no tricks, but minus100 points if thenil bid fails.
German Whist
A fun two-player variation of the classic card game Whist
Classic Whist
Famous partnership trick-taking game Whist, perfect for learningcard skills!
Painter 1.3.0
A fast neon maze arcade style game! Paint all the boxes to completethe levels
Gin Rummy
Gin Rummy is the world's favorite classic card game for two players
Spades is the number one partnership Whist game in the world!
Bid Whist
Bid Whist is a classic and popular partnership trick-taking cardgame
Classic Bridge
Classic Bridge is one of the world’s most popular partnership cardgames
Operation Shockwave 1.0.1
A simple and fun clicker defence game. Our survival is in yourhands!
Minnesota Whist
A No Trump Partnership Whist game for your smartphone or tablet!
Classic Rummy
Classic Rummy is a fun, quickfire, competitive card game perfectfor unwinding!
Classic Euchre
Four player classic fast-paced partnership card game, Euchre!
Klondike Solitaire 2.2.4
Klondike Solitaire is the number one single player card game intheworld