By Beardy Apps Apps
Pixelot: Pixelate, Blur Photos
Pixelot provides an easy method for blurringor censoring regions of a photo with pixels. Use this app to hidefaces, license plates, names & addresses, etc. Then share yourpicture on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, email, and more*.Simply open Pixelot, choose an image from the gallery or take a newpicture, and then drag your finger around the region you wish tocensor. Alternatively, you can pick a specific color to use in theblur or select a common color from the image using the samplefeature. Use this to mask faces, account numbers, signatures, orjust use it to do some fun unnecessary censorship.***Pixelot has a one-time in-app purchase that supports appdevelopment.**** You must have Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc apps installed inorder to use this Share feature.