Ayz Digital II Apps
Battery Saver - Power Saver 1.1
Ayz Battery Saver is an app that saves your battery and make yourbattery long laster and can help you to save battery back up. Italso gives you battery saving tips, how you can save battery doingsimple tips One Tap and you're done , all you need to do is one tapon optimization and it will save you battery Smart Charge Displaycharge status in real time, accurately estimating remaining chargetime. Help fight against deceptive ads Ayz Digital is dedicated toproviding a safer mobile experience for our global users, so we’recommitted to fighting against misleading downloads. We’ve foundthat some ads/redirected pages might be malicious promotion fromunknown channels. If you come across one of these ads, you can helpus to take them down. Please send us the link and screenshots ofthese ads at [email protected] We appreciate your kindly help.