Astyestamahima206.App Apps

Wafiq Azizah│Mp3 offline full 1.1.1
App mp3 wafiq azizah berisi Kumpulansholawatdan lagu islam religi by wafiq azizah,putar lagu mp3 religidengansambung data internet ataupun tanpa sambung datainternet,terdapatstreaming mp3 al muqtashidah langitan yang bisaanda download andplay,app mp3 ini 100% free.* Feature app mp3 wafiq Azizah* Play App wafiq Azizah secara Offline ataupun online* New streaming and download mp3 al muqtashidah langitan* New streaming and download mp3 wafiq azizah* set as ringtone mp3 wafiq azizah* set as notification soundSebagai manusia yang tidak lepas selaku pengembang app ini mohonsaran dankritik nya apabia terdapat kesalahan dalam pengembanganappini.terimakasih semoga dapat bermanfaat.App mp3 wafiqazizahunbiased set of sholawat and Islamic religious song bywafiqazizah, play a song mp3 religion by connecting the datawithoutconnecting internet or internet data, there are streamingmp3 alMuqtashidah langitan you can download and play, mp3 app is100%free.* Feature app mp3 wafiq Azizah* Play App wafiq Azizah Offline or online* New streaming and download mp3 al Muqtashidah langitan* New streaming and download mp3 wafiq azizah* Set as ringtone mp3 wafiq azizah* Set as notification soundAs a man who is not free from errors asthedeveloper of this app and suggestions please her apabia thereareerrors in the development of this app.thanks may be beneficial.
Murottal│Qur’an Audio offline 1.0.4
Al-Qur'an adalah Firman Allah SWT yangtiadatandingannya, diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw sebagaipenutuppara nabi dan rasul dengan perantaraan malaikat Jibril as,ditulispada mushaf-mushaf kemudian disampaikan kepada kitasecaramutawatir, membaca dan mempelajari Al-Qur'an adalah ibadah,danAl-Qur'an dimulai dengan surat Al- Fatihah serta ditutupdengansurat An-Nas.- Didalam aplikasi ini, Murottal Qur'an audio kami suguhkanbeberapaQori' kids terkenal dengan mode OFFLINE maupunONLINE.- Terdapat future Mushaf Al-Qur'an lengkap 1-30 juz denganformatfile PDF,sehingga anda bisa menyimak bacaanayat-ayatAl-Qur'an.- Apilkasi ini simple dan mudah digunakan.The Qur'an is the WordofAllah unmatched, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as the sealofthe prophets and apostles through the angel Gabriel, writtenonManuscripts-Manuscripts are then submitted to us mutawatir,readingand studying the Koran is worship, and the Quran begins withtheletter of Al-Fatihah, and closed with a letter of An-Nas.- In this application, audio Qur'an Murottal we serve someQori'famous kids with OFFLINE or ONLINE mode.- There is a future Mushaf Al-Quran complete with chapters 1-30ofthe PDF file format, so you can listen to reading the verses oftheQur'an.- Apilkasi is simple and easy to use.
Murottal offline│Ahmad saud 1.1.1
Murrotal Qur'an surah pendek by Qari ahmadsaudapp ini berisi mp3 al-qur'anyang dapat diputar secara online ataupun online.Tidak perlu men download anda hanya perlu instaluntukmendengarkan Applikasi murrotal offline surah pendek by QariAhmadsaudFeatured :- Applikasi Audio Al-Qur'an ini 100% gratis- Streameng and download mp3 murrotal quran by qari ahmadsaud- full offline ( bisa dinikmati tanpa sambungan datainternet)- Instal dan dengarkan applikasi iniSebagai manusia yang tidak luput mohon saran dan bimbingan nyaapabila adakesalahan dalam pembuatan app ini :-)Semoga app ini dapat bermanfaat terimakasih.Murrotal shortchaptersQuran by Qari Ahmad saud This app contains mp3 quranwhich can be played online or online.No need to download you just need to install it to listenofflineApplicability murrotal short chapters by Qari AhmadsaudFeatured:- Applications Audio Quran is 100% free- Streameng and download mp3 murrotal Quran by Qari Ahmadsaud- Full offline (can be enjoyed without the internetdataconnection)- Install and listen to this applicationAs a man who is not infallible askheradvice and guidance if there are mistakes in the making of thisapp:-)Hopefully this app can be useful thanks.
Tilawatil Quran│Muamar Offline 1.1.1
Tilawatil Al-Qur'an app by muammarberisilantunan Mp3 surah ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'anDengarkan dan rasakan keistimewaan lantunan dari Qari HmuammarzaPutar applikasi ini dengan keadaan OFFLINE ataupun ONLINEFeatured :- Mp3 Al-Qur'an full 30juz by saad al-ghamdi mode online- Tilawatil Qur'an mode Offline by H.muammar za- Streameng and download mp3 Al-Qur'an- Mushaf untuk menyimak tiap bacaan Al-Qur'an- Mozaik islam sebagai penambah wawasan dunia islamTilawatil Quran appbyMuammar unbiased chanting Mp3 surah verses of the holyQur'anListen and feel privilege chanting of Qari H Muammar zaRotate this application with the state OFFLINE or ONLINEFeatured:- Mp3 Qur'an full 30juz by saad al-ghamdi online mode- Tilawatil Qur'an Offline mode by H.muammar za- Streameng and download mp3 Quran- Manuscripts to listen to each reading the Qur'an- Mozaik Islam as an addition to insights into the Islamicworld
Tilawatil Qur’an│ H.Muammar za 1.1.1
App Murrotal ini berisi lantunantilawatilquran yang dibawakan oleh H.Muammar Za dan app Murrotaliniterdapat juga Qari ternama Nabil al rifa'iy,Bacaan tilawatilquranyang Dibawakan oleh Qari ternama dari Indonesia H.Muammar zayangdikenal luas secara internasional.Murrotal quran by Nabil rifa'iyAplikasi Murrotal AL-Qur'an ini dapat diputar dengan 2metodeyaitu :- mode Offline- mode OnlineMode Offline terdapat beberapa surah yang dapat anda putaryaitu:- kumpulan surah juz amma by H.Muammar za- Tilawatul Qur'an surah Ar ruum ayat 21- Tilawatul Qur'an surah Fushilat ayat 30-46- Tiawatil Qur'an surah Al-Waqi'ah ayat 1-57Mode Online terdapat juga murrotal Al-qur'an full 30juz- Tilawatil Qur'an by Qari H.Muammar za- Al-Qur'an 30juz by Qari Mishari ibn rashid- Murrotal quran by Qari Nabil rifa'iyDownload aplikasi ini dan dengarkan suara lantunan indah dariQariternama indonesia.Sebagai manusia yang tidak lepas sebagai pengembang app murrotalQuranH.Muammar Za kami mohon saran dan kritik,apabila dalampengembanganapp murrotal ini terdapat kesalahan atau terdapat katakata yangtidak pantas.Terimaksih semoga bermafaatMurrotal AppcontainsTilawatil Quran chant sung by H.Muammar app murrotal Za andthereare also renowned Qari Nabil al rifa'iy, Reading TilawatilQuranthat Hosted by renowned Qari from Indonesia H.Muammar zawidelyknown internationally.Murrotal quran by Nabil rifa'iyApplications murrotal AL-Qur'an can be played bytwomethods: - Offline mode - Online modeOffline mode there are some suras which you canrotate,namely: - A collection of surah juz amma by H.Muammar za - Tilawatul Qur'an Surah Ar Rum paragraph 21 - Tilawatul Qur'an sura Fushilat verses 30-46 - Tiawatil Qur'an sura Al-Waqi'ah verses 1-57Online modes are also murrotal Qur'an full 30juz - Tilawatil Qur'an by Qari H.Muammar za - Al-Qur'an by Qari Mishari ibn 30juz rashid - Murrotal Quran by Qari Nabil rifa'iyDownload this app and listen to the beautiful sounds ofchantingrenowned Qari Indonesia.As a man who is not free from errors asappdevelopers murrotal Quran Za H.Muammar we ask advice andcriticism,when in the development of this app murrotal there are noerrors orinappropriate words.Terimaksih hopefully bermafaat
Tilawatil Quran by Muammar za 1.0
H.Muammar zainal asyikin atau yang lebihdikenal sebagai muammar za lahir di kota pemalang pada 14juni1945,beliau merupakan hafidz (penghafal Al-Qur'an) yangdikenalluas secara nasional maupun internasional.Didalam aplikasi ini astyestamahima206.appmempersebahkanbeberapa kumpulan lantunan indah ayat-ayat suciAl-Qur'an dari Hmuammar za yang dapat di putar secara Onlineataupun Offline.Terdapat juga news mozaik islam sebagai penambah wawasandalamdunia islam.H.Muammar zainalAsyikinor better known as Muammar za pemalang born in the city onJune 14,1945, he was hafidz (penghafal Al-Qur'an) is widelyrecognized bothnationally and internationally.In this application mempersebahkanseveralsets of beautiful chanting holy verses of the Quran from HMuammarza that can be played in Online or Offline.There is also news of mosaic islam as an addition toinsightsinto the Islamic world.
Mp3 Religi│Sholawat by Mayada 1.0.1
Sholawat Nabi mp3 by mayada aplikasi iniberisisyair syair mp3 religi islam yang di bawakan oleh mayadaApp Mp3 ini berisi juga tentang kajian islam religisehinggadapat menambah wawasan islam bagi pen download app mayadainiFeature app mayada :- Play mp3 Cinta Rosul by mayada- Play murrotal Quran- Daily Mail sebagai penambah wawasan islamSebagai manusia yang tidak lepas dari kesalahan mohonmaafapabila ada kesalahan dan kekurangan dalam pembuatanappini,sebagai pertimbangan mohonsaran dan masukan y kak :-)Terimakasih semoga dapat bermanfaatSholawat Prophet mp3bymayada this application contains the lyric poem mp3 religionofIslam brought by mayadaMp3 App contains also about the study of the Islamic religionofIslam that can add insight to the pen download this appmayadaFeature app mayada:- Play mp3 Love Rosul by mayada- Play murrotal Quran- Daily Mail as an addition to insights into IslamAs a man who is not free from fault I'm sorry if therearemistakes and shortcomings in the making of this app, asmohonsaranconsideration and input y kak :-)Thank may be beneficial
Maghfirah mp3 quran 1.0
Maghfirah M.Hussein (Mp3) is AssociateinNursing application that contains mp3 murottal Qur'an thatwasdelivered by a sister Maghfirah M.Hussein of town of BandaAceh,the melodious voice once to form hearts vibrate ifthismendengarnya.Aplikasi created for for mensyiarkanfacilitatepreaching and Muslim faith.Maghfirah mp3 quran recitationsurahcontains tunable.This application needs a affiliation from the web that'senoughto require the information,Maghfirah mp3 quran : there isrenownedreciter ahmad saud,Muhammad thaha al junayd,muhammad alhafiz.Feature app :- Download and play holy quran mp3- Listen quran recitation ahmad saud- Listen quran recitation maghfirah hussen- Listen quran recitation Muhammad thaha al junayd- Listen quran recitation Muhammad hafiz
Murottal│quran│mp3 1.2.2
The Quran (القرآن‎ al-qur'ān or Qur'anorKoran) is that the central writing of Islam, that Muslimsbelieveto be a revelation from God. it's wide considered the bestpiece ofliterature within the Semitic.We Developed Holy Al-Quran Kareem Mp3 Player app forsensiblephones, it'll be easier for everybody to concentrate therecitationof Quran within the voice of known Reciters.Murottalquran mp3:download and play nowUse this free app and share along with your family andfriends,Jazak God.Features:* Recitation of famous qura [Reciters]- AbdurRahman As-Sudaes- Mishary al afasy- Saad al ghamdi- Ahmad saud- Salah al hasim- Salah Bukhatir- Quran english translation- Quran Indonesia Translation- Mushaf
Quran│audio│mp3 1.1.1
Aplikasi murrotal mp3 quran audioberisikumpulan lantunan ayat ayat suci dari al quran yang dibacakan olehbeberapa qari terkenal internasional yaitu:mishari alafasy,ahmadsaud,thaha al junayd,abdulrahman al sudaes,syek alijaber.Terdapat 1-30juz surah yang dapat di putar,murrotal quraninidapat memutarsurah:ar-rahman,yaseen,al-maidah,yusuf,maryam,al-waqiah dan masihbanyakyang lainnya.instal dan dengarkan lantunan indah ayat suci quran dariqariternama:saad al ghamdi,murrotal h muammarza,mahgfirahhussen,tilawatil quran muammar,nabil al rifay,faredabas,mahermuaqly,mousa bilal, akan tetapi sebelum itu download daninstalaplikasi quran audio ini terlebih dahulu.Feature aplikasi quran audio:- Download and streaming surah- set as ringtone- set as notification sound- set as default alarm soundMurrotal mp3 quranaudioapp contains a collection of sacred chanting verses from theQur'anare read out by several internationally renowned Qarinamely:Mishari al Afasy, ahmad saud, Taha al-Junaid, Abdulrahmanalsudaes, syek ali jaber.There 1-30juz surah which can be played, it can playmurrotalQuran surah: ar-rahman, Yaseen, al-Maidah, Yusuf, Maryamal-waqiahand many others.install and listen to chant beautiful verses of the QuranfromQari renowned: saad al ghamdi, murrotal h Muammar za,mahgfirahhussen, Tilawatil Quran Muammar, nabil al rifay, faredabas, mahermuaqly, mousa Bilal, but before that, download andinstallapplications quran this audio first.Featured applications quran audio:- Download and streaming surah- Set as ringtone- Set as notification sound- Set as default alarm sound
Murottal│mp3│saad al ghamdi 2.2.2
App mp3 saad al ghamdi berisi lantunanindahayat suci quran berupa audio mp3,didalam app ini terdapatqariternama yaitu Mishari alafasy,abdulrahman alsudaes,nabilalrifay,dan saad al ghamdi.App mp3 murrotal ini memungkinkan anda untuk men downloadsurahquran dari juz 1-30,sesuai kesayangan mulaidari:surahal-fatiha,al-baqarah,al-imran,an-nisa,al-maidah,maryam,yaseen,muhammad,ar-rahmandanmasih banyak tilawatil quran h.muammar zaberisilantunan qiro'ah,sholawat indah ayat suci al quran,bacaanayat sucimurrotal ahmad saud,thaha al junayd al quran.. akan tetapisebelumitu download quran mp3 reciter saad al ghamdiFeature app:- Streaming and download surah quran mp3 by saad al ghamdi (HQ)HighQuality audio- Streaming and download surah quran mp3 by Mishari al afasy(HQ)Hight Quality audio- Streaming and download mp3 quran by Abdulrahman alsudaes (HQ)Hight Quality audio- Streaming and download mp3 murrotal quran by nabil al rifay(HQ)HIght quality audio- Set as surah quran mp3 sebagai nada dering- mozaik islam sebagai penambah wawasan dalam dunia islam.- Mushaf QuranApp mp3 saad alghamdibeautiful chanting verses contain either an audio mp3 HolyQuran,in this app are renowned Qari Mishari Alafasy ie,Abdulrahmanalsudaes, nabil al rifay, and saad al ghamdi.App mp3 murrotal allows you to download download Quran surahfromjuz 1-30, according pet ranging from: sura al-fatiha,al-Baqarah,al-Imran, an-Nisa, al-Maidah, maryam, Yaseen, muhammad,ar -rahmanand many Tilawatil Quran h.muammar zaunbiased reboundqiro'ah, beautiful sholawat holy Qur'an verse,scripture readingsmurrotal ahmad saud, Taha al-Junaid al quran ..but before thedownload quran mp3 Reciter saad al ghamdiFeature app:- Streaming and download surah quran mp3 by saad al ghamdi (HQ)HighQuality Audio- Streaming and download surah quran mp3 by Mishari al Afasy(HQ)Hight Quality Audio- Streaming and download mp3 quran by Abdulrahman alsudaes(HQ)Hight Quality Audio- Streaming and download mp3 murrotal quran by nabil al rifay(HQ)hight quality audio- Set as surah quran mp3 as ringtone- Mosaic islam as an addition to insights into theIslamicworld.- Quran Mushaf
Mp3│Sholawat wafiq azizah 1.2
Sholawat wafiq azizah: berisi alunandendang,mp3 qasidah sholawat wafiq azizah,mendengarkan lantunan danpujian sholawat nabi.Instal app ini dan rasakan kesejukan hati dalam alunan sholawatnabi,qasidah adalah merupakan bagian lagu Iranian language islamreligi principle populer.Download dan dengarkan sholawat nabi Iranian language aplikasi "mp3wafiq azizah",maka anda Akan menjadi tenang insya Allah anda Akandi berkahi.Download juga aplikasi religi seperti: Sholawat mayada,lagu islamanak,tebak artis anak jalanan,tebak liriklagu,lagu,ceramah,zainuddin mz,ahmad saud kids al-Qur'an,suratyasin,maghfirah mp3 al-Qur'an,ceramah ustad mansur,Iqro lengkapterbaru,alquran 30juz,ceramah zainudin,al Book Indonesiaterjemah,maryam masaud,taha al junayd,muammar za,habib riziqeterjemah,gudang lagu qosidah mp3,ceramah kh.junjun,surat juz ammalengkap,Habib segaf baharudin terbaru,Nasheed sholawatlengkap,alquran murattal lengkap,ceramah aqidah islam anyar,kisahtwenty five nabi dan rosul lengakapFeature App Sholawat Azizah:- transfer dan dengarkan mp3 religi sholawat wafiq azizah- Putar mp3 azizah app dengan mode on-line ataupun offline- Gunakan Sholawat sebagai nada dering handphoneSholawat wafiq azizah:contains strains sang, mp3 qasida sholawat wafiq azizah, listeningto chant and praise sholawat prophet.Install this app and feel the coolness of the heart in rhythmsholawat prophet, qasida is a part of Islam of religious languageIranian song popular principle.Download and listen sholawat application language Iranian prophet"mp3 wafiq azizah", then you'll be quiet, God willing, you will bein my blessings.Download any religion applications such as: sholawat mayada, songsislam children, street children guess the artist, guess what songlyrics, songs, lectures, Zainuddin MZ, kids ahmad saud al-Qur'an,letter Yasin, forgiven mp3 Koran, speeches Ustad Mansur, completeIqro latest, Quran 30juz, lectures Zainudin, al Book Indonesiatranslation, maryam masaud, taha al-Junaid, Muammar za, Habibriziqe translation, warehouse qosidah mp3 songs, lectureskh.junjun, letter juz amma complete, Habib Assegaf Baharudin Thelatest, Nasheed sholawat complete, complete murattal Quran, theIslamic aqeedah lecture brand-new, story of a prophet and messengertwenty five lengakapAzizah Sholawat App Feature:- Transfer and listen to mp3 religion sholawat wafiq azizah- Play mp3 azizah app with on-line mode or offline- Use as ringtone handphone sholawat
Kicau│Mp3 Trucukan Offline 1.1
Aplikasi mp3 trucukan berisi kumpulankicauburung master pilihan,jadikan burung kesayangan dengan isikankicauburung master dari aplikasi ini.Terdapat mp3 master kicau burung murai pilihan,mp3 masterkicaucucak ijo dan mp3 master kicau cucak jenggotDownload aplikasi mp3 master kicauberselancar tanpa sambung data internetJadikan burung peliharaan anda menjadi master kicau trucukanMp3 trucukanapplicationcontains a collection of birds chirping masterselection, make petbirds with chirping birds fill the master ofthis application.There are birds chirping magpie mp3 master selection, mp3mastercucak green chirping and chirping master mp3 cucakbeard Download mp3 master chirpingsurf the internet without connecting the dataMake your pet bird into a master chirping trucukan
Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan 1.0
Nouman Ali Khan is the founder and CEOofBayyinah and serves as a lead instructor for severalprogramsincluding Dream, traveling seminars and Bayyinah TV. HisseriousArabic training began in the U.S. in 1999 under Dr.Abdus-Samie,founder and former principal of Quran College inFaisalabad,Pakistan.Nouman served as a professor of Arabic at Nassau CommunityCollegeuntil 2006 when he decided to take Bayyinah on as afull-timeproject. Since then he has taught more than 10,000students throughtraveling seminars and programs. He currentlyresides in Dallas,Texas and is focusing on teaching his students,developing Arabiccurricula and filming material for Bayyinah TV.Features :- Play/Pause onlie stream- Background playback support- Download podcast onto deviceNouman Ali Khan isthefounder and CEO of Bayyinah and serves as a lead instructorforDream Including Several programs, traveling seminars andBayyinahTV. His serious Arabic Began training in the U.S. in 1999under Dr.Abdus-Samie, founder and former principal of the QuranCollege inFaisalabad, Pakistan.Nouman served as a professor of Arabic at Nassau CommunityCollegeuntil 2006 when he Decided to take Bayyinah on as afull-timeproject. Since then he has taught more than 10,000students throughtraveling seminars and programs. He currentlyResides in Dallas,Texas and is focusing on teaching his students,developing Arabiccurricula and filming material for Bayyinah TV.Features:- Play / Pause onlie stream- Background playback support- Download podcasts onto device
Book&Lectures by Ahmed Deedat 1.0
Syekh ahmed hussein deedat pendirimonotheismpropagation centre international ( IPCI ), lahir didaerah suratAsian nation pada tahun 1918,bermigrasi ke afrikaselatan untukmenyusul ayahnya.Mempelajari Alkitab berjudul Izharul-Hag mengungkapkebenaran.Bukuini berisi materi debat dan keberhasilan usaha-usahaumat islam diAsian nation rule sangat besar dalam memberikanargumen kepada paramisionaris kristen.- Aplikasi ini berisi mp3 lectures by ahmed deedat- book kompilasi tulisan ahmed deedat dengan Indonesian- book is that the bible gods word language english- profil by syekh ahmad deedatDownload aplikasi religi: surat,surt,surat yasin,al sacredtexton-line,murattal,al sacred text Indonesianterbaru,murottalal-Qur'an mp3,quran terjemah,juz amma lengkap,ahmadsaud childrensacred text,ceramahlucu,ceramah,kh,ceramah,zainuddinmz,kajian,ceramah Associate inNursing war wahid,mzInsya Allah anda Akan menemukan ketenangan hati,Amin..Sheikh ahmedhusseinDeedat founder of monotheism propagation internationalcenter(IPCI), was born in the letter of the Asian nation in1918,migrated to southern Africa to follow his father.Studying the Bible entitled Izharul-Hag reveal thiskebenaran.Bukucontains material debates and success of the effortsof Muslims inthe Asian nation a huge rule in giving arguments tothe Christianmissionaries.- This app contains mp3 lectures by Ahmed Deedat- Book compilation of writings Ahmed Deedat and Indonesian- Book is that the bible gods word english language- Profiles by Sheikh Ahmad DeedatDownload application religion: letter, surt, Yasin letter, alsacredtext on-line, murattal, the latest Indonesian al sacredtext, theQur'an murottal mp3, Quran translation, juz ammacomplete, ahmadsaud children sacred text, humorous lecture,lectures, kh, lectures,Zainuddin MZ, studies, lectures Associatein Nursing war bully,mzInshallah you'll find sobriety, Amen ..
Ost Cinta Suci Vidya Terbaru 1.0
As we know, this world of filmcountryextremely intimate with rapid climb, is not any exceptionfrom thestate aspect, particularly the state of the Indian, UnitedNationsagency is presently fashionable motion picture sinetronnya,throughtv quiz, films soap operas from Asian country severalditayangakan,like film sinetron popular: the bells of affection,Geet, thapki,Muhabbatein, and plenty of well-known films soapoperas ventilatedby quiz, quiz tv stations ar currently back canunharness the filmthe most recent Indian series, entitled "VidyaHOLY lOVE".The original titled Banoo Main Teri Dulhann this series is thattheinitial series, major Divyanka. Through this seriesadditionallyDivyanka name skyrocketed within the tv show businessin Asiancountry. So in 2013, he once more believed to be the mostcharacterin Mohabbatein.The story focuses on the character of Vidya (Divyanka Tripathi),agood looking lady from atiny low village in Asian country.Divyankatolerate his uncle and aunty additionally sepepunya evil.they aredoing not treat Vidya like a part of the family itself.Vidya wastreated sort of a servant associated failed to get aneducation,therefore at the age of mature, Vidya stillilliterate.Still simply Riview "HOLY LOVE Vidya",here we offer some common songs of the series quiz,amongothers:Bell love song, ost muhabbatein, Aashaqui complete, commonsongsAsian country, Asian country song warehouse,Download mp3 from sitcoms application additionally famous:OstPaakhi, rhymes latest sky, the sunshine of affection ostpesantran,blessing song of affection, romance Ost pulp, wirdaMansurmurattal, Kunt complete anta etc.Wait forthe update selanjutnnya !!!