Artoon Games Apps
Egg Crush 2.6
Egg Crush is the crushing egg game with amazing powers andbeautiful graphics with three different modes Classic, Challengeand Timed. It's best in all jewel, diamond, bubble, gem, ruby,candy, fruit, cube elimination games. Also best in dash, match,crush, rush, blast diamond games. Match three eggs of the samecolour to clear them. This is just simple but addictive game whichyou loves to play. After playing game you will feel that it is bestgame ever you have played. Game attracts you with beautifulgraphics and lovely animation. You will enjoy game and it'sspellbound animation while playing with Eggs. Enjoy action bycrushing eggs. You have powers to clears levels very quickly. Ifyou wants to play simple mode then try classic mode. It's so easymode just crush certain eggs in limited time. If you wants somemore challenge then goto challenge mode. Where you founds somechallenging tasks. You have so limited time to clears more eggs.You have to play it with good concentration otherwise your gamewill be over. You can called it to funny game, nice game, goodgame, action game, arcade game, board game, puzzle game. It's allin one. Once you download it, you will loved it. Features of thegame: - Amazing environment - Beautiful egg crushing animation -Three different modes to play with egg - Four different powers withexcellent features a) Connectors b) Thunder c) Bomb d) Color Bomb -Share score with your friends via Facebook Amazing PowersConnectors - It will help you to connect either vertical orhorizontal eggs of different types. Bomb - It will clears 25 eggsof the board with beautiful animation. If you have two or more bombnearer to each other then you would have more fun. Row/Column - Itwill crush entire vertical column or horizontal row of eggs in onetap with wonderful thunder animation. Color bomb - It selectsrandomly one color egg and clears all eggs of the same color. Allpowers are comes randomly from above, also it will helps you tocomplete level very quickly and entertain you by beautifulanimation. Game have following four modes: Classic Crush the egg ofthe same type by tapping one of them if they are in a block of 3 ormore. A block can be formed in minimum of 3 egg. Hens areintroduced on board when certain amount of eggs are crushed. Youwill need to set out the Hens at the slots to clear the level.Timed Complexity will increase as the new eggs will comes frombottom and you would need to make hurry to complete the level. Ifthe eggs reaches to the top, you are gone. There is time limits tocomplete the level. You have to crush certain number of eggs inlimited time to complete the level. Challenge This is almost sameas "Classic" mode. You have to crush certain number of a eggs andhave to fill up whole slider within time limit to move to the nextlevel. Since it's name says Challenge, You have to crush eggs veryspeedily to complete the level in given limited time.
Vegetable Crush 1.9
Vegetable Crush is the crushing vegetable game with amazing powersand beautiful graphics with four different modes. Features of thegame: - Amazing environment - Beautiful vegetable crushinganimation - Three different modes to play with vegetable - Fourdifferent powers with excellent features a) Connectors b) Thunderc) Bomb d) Color Bomb - Share score with your friends via FacebookAmazing Powers Connectors - It will help you to connect eithervertical or horizontal vegetables of different types. Bomb - Itwill clears 25 vegetables of the board with beautiful animation. Ifyou have two or more bomb nearer to each other then you would havemore fun. Row/Column - It will crush entire vertical column orhorizontal row of vegetables in one tap with wonderful thunderanimation. Color bomb - It selects randomly one vegetable andclears all vegetables of the same type. All powers are comesrandomly from above, also it will helps you to complete level veryquickly and entertain you by beautiful animation. Game havefollowing three modes: Classic Crush the vegetable of the same typeby tapping one of them if they are in a block of 3 or more. A blockcan be formed in minimum of 3 vegetable. Hens are introduced onboard when certain amount of vegetables are crushed. You will needto set out the Hens at the slots to clear the level. TimedComplexity will increase as the new vegetables will comes frombottom and you would need to make hurry to complete the level. Ifthe vegetables reaches to the top, you are gone. There is timelimits to complete the level. You have to crush certain number ofvegetables in limited time to complete the level. Challenge This isalmost same as "Classic" mode. You have to crush certain number ofa vegetables and have to fill up whole slider within time limit tomove to the next level. Since it's name says Challenge, You have tocrush vegetables very speedily to complete the level in givenlimited time. Thank You.
Bubble Shooter Puzzle 1.8
From the makers of Shooting With Pals comes a brand new,heart-stopping, bubble-poppin’ gaming experience! Throw bubbles andmatch colors to pop and drop your way to victory! 1. 500 levels ofChallenging Puzzles! 2. Play with 5 different Bubble Boosts. 3.You’ll love the Exciting Animations and playful music! 4. EyeCatching graphics! and many more... Amazing Power-ups to help withchallenging levels! - Aiming Line : Extends your aim, which helpsyour accuracy. - 2X : Doubles the score. - Color fill : Fills samecolor for the bubbles of last three bottom row! - Horizontal Blast: Blast horizontally and clear bubbles from the row! - Bomb : Blastlike Bomb and clears surrounding bubbles! Do remember to rate“Bubble Shooter Puzzle”. It makes us happy to serve you evenbetter. Thank You.
Callbreak Multiplayer - Online Card Game 5.9
Callbreak Multiplayer is a Live, Online, trick-taking free gamingapp which you can play with your family, friends or anyone,anytime, anywhere in the world. Callbreak Free is a strategictrick-taking card game similar to spades. It’s played by fourplayers with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. The game iswidely popular in India and Nepal. After each deal player have tomake a "Call" or "bid" for the number of hands he/she can capture,and the objective is to capture at least that many hand in a round,and try to break other player. i.e. stop them from getting theirCall. After each round, points will be calculated and after fiverounds of play each player five rounds points will be added as atotal points and the player with the highest total points will win.Unique Features: 1. Play with Real Peoples: No robots like otherSpades game. Play with only real players anywhere in the world. 2.Play With Your Friends: Locate your friends and join their tablewith a simple click of a button. Awesome Features: 1. Extreme UserFriendly: Easy and refreshing interface. 2. Chat & Gift: Livein-game chat and exchange gifts and have lots of fun! 3. Works FastOn Slow Internet: Works smoothly on slow Internet connection evenlike 2G. 4. Play your way to top the Leaderboards! Get Free Chips:1. Initial Chips: Download now and get FREE chips! 2. Daily FreeChips: Get more free bonus chips than any other card game. 3.Invite Bonus Chips: Get more chips on inviting friends. 4. WeeklyWinner Chips: Get Millions Chips on every week by participating onWeekly Contest! Callbreak is also called Lakdi, Lakadi, Ghochi inother parts of India. This multiplayer cards game is different frominternational game Spades. Download online card game CallbreakMultiplayer for free!
Mahjong - Matching Puzzle Games 1.4
Mahjong is a matching game for one player. The goal of the game isto remove all tiles out of the board by pairs before times run-out.Select tiles with the same picture and they will disappear. Mahjonghelps to develop concentration skills, motor skills and eye-handcoordination as well as creative thinking, all without making amess! It includes 8 different packs. Each pack comes with a uniqueselection of beautiful tiles for you to discover in any way theylike. Mahjong features: - Unique levels each time you play! - Verysimple to learn - Game Center support for online game match,leaderboard, and achievements. - Easy layouts for beginners. - Highquality tile/background pictures. - Original sound effects andrelaxing music! - All the contents/functions of Mahjong Unlimitedare free to play. We at Artoon Solutions would like to express ourgratitude to all of our fans and supporters! If you like our game,please, rate it in the App Store!
Pop The Color Bubble 1.0
Tap in sequence to pop the bubble, but don't make a mistake oryou'll have to start from the beginning. How many bubbles can youpop? How far will you go? Have any questions? Email us [email protected]. Thank You!
Spades Online Free Card Games With Friends 7.1
Play SPADES ONLINE CARD GAMES with your family, friends or anyone,anytime, anywhere in the world. VIP Spades free have several modeslike Whiz, Mirror, Suicide & Solo. It is similar to Euchre& Bid Whist. Free Spades online card games also known as pairedbidding & blind bidding. It is one of the traditionaltrick-taking game like Hearts. This Free Games comes with classygraphics, super smooth gameplay, highly scalable difficulty &much more! You will love to play with real player. It is alwayschallenging and engaging. FEATURES OF SPADES CARD GAME: ★ ExtremeUser Friendly: Easy and refreshing interface. ★ Different Modes:Whiz, Mirror, Suicide & Solo. ★ Easy and fast to learn how toplay as spades rules are available. ★ Statistics for the games youplayed. ★ Change your names and avatars. ★ Chat & Gift: Livechat and exchange gifts and have lots of fun. ★ Play your way totop the Leaderboards! ★ Completely online free spades games! ★Experience vipspades! Get Free Chips: 1. Initial Chips: Downloadnow and get 10,000 chips!! 2. Daily Chips: Get more bonus chipsthan any other game. 3. Get chips after every few minutes as MagicBox Bonus. 4. Invite Bonus Chips: Get more chips on invitingfriends. 5. Weekly Winner Chips: Get Millions Chips on every weekby participating on Weekly Contest! Play Spades Multiplayer stable,fast, always improving! But above all, FUN! It is a very populartrick-taking game played by two partnerships. It is a fun cardgames that was invented in the U.S. The new overhauled version ofthe famous online games combines intuitive gameplay, pleasingdesign and advanced customization options to deliver endless fun.Spades online multiplayer games also have different modes likeWhiz, Mirror, Suicide & Solo, which are popular in differentcountries. Play Spades Online multiplayer card games however youwant! It’s VIP SPADES FREE games that millions enjoy around theworld.
Magic Ball 1.1
The purpose of the game is to break all the bricks using the ball.Bounce the ball back to break all the bricks, find the hidden ballsand power ups. This fantastic Brick Ball puzzle game progressesafter each level, you will see new features, tricks and stages!Main Features: - Impressive Graphics - 175 Puzzles - Awesome music- Game Center Integration - Many different power-ups - Explodingbricks, fire balls, bouncing bricks and more! - Universal Game WithFull HD graphics Types of level: 1. Score in a limited time 2.Clear all brick/level in limited time 3. Score in limited shoot 4.Clear all brick/level in limited shoot Types of Powers: A. NormalPowers: 1. Speed Up: Increase speed 2. One Up: Increase one life 3.One Down: Decrease one life 4. Slider Up: Slider will go up fromnormal position for 10 seconds 5. Slider Big: Slider width increasethan normal for 10 seconds 6. Slider Small: Slider width decreasethan normal for 10 seconds 7. Chain: Make one chain at bottom andprotect ball to go down 8. Magnet: Stop ball at slider 9. IncreaseBall (+3,+6,+8,+12): Increase ball accordingly 10. Level Complete:Display one image on the level and if ball goes into that imagethen level will be completed automatically 11. Gold Coin: Collectgold coin 12. Add shoot: Add 3 shoot in shoot counter B. BoosterPowers: 1. +6: Ball 2. Gun: Gun icon comes on left/right and firebullet from the slider (10 bullets only) 3. Fire Ball: Ball becomesfireball (for 5 seconds only) 4. Meteor: Meteor comes randomly fromabove and remove one/two column of brick 5. Color Bomb: Remove allbrick of same type 6. Missile: Missile comes randomly fromleft/right and remove one/two row of brick
Tennis Multiplayer - Sports Game 3.3
Join the world’s most popular Tennis Game and play live withthousands of real players! TENNIS MULTIPLAYER is the world's #1FREE Multiplayer 3D Tennis game based on 3D PHYSICS! Play Tennisagainst real people in real time! Tennis Multiplayer offers themost authentic tennis experience with its super intuitive controlsand multiplayer technology. Tennis Multiplayer is the only tennisgame based on 3D PHYSICS. With just a simple one-fingered swipeyou’ll soon be thumping crosscourt winners, yet at the core ofTennis Multiplayer is a highly sophisticated physics engine thatrewards tactical play. The game automatically adapts to your style- you can either play casually or have complete control on thecourt with strategic movements and variety of shots likeground-stroke, lob, drop, slice etc. FEATURES: 1. PLAY ONLINE –Compete in real time with global players! 2. HD GRAPHICS – Gorgeoustennis courts with variety of hard, clay and grass courts. 3. SUPERINTUITIVE CONTROLS – Hit shots like ground stroke, drop, slice andlob, give accurate direction to the ball and also move aroundanywhere on the court - everything intuitively! 4. IT JUST WORKS –Works well with all Android smartphones & tablets! Anysuggestions? We always love to hear from you and making this Appbetter. Email us at [email protected].
Spades Online - Ace Of Spade Cards Game 7.2
Play SPADES ONLINE CARD GAMES with your family, friends or anyone,anytime, anywhere in the world. Free Spades have several modes likeWhiz, Mirror, Suicide & Solo. It is similar to Hearst Online,Euchre & Bid Whist. Free Spades online card games also known aspaired bidding & blind bidding. It is one of the traditionaltrick-taking game. This Free Games comes with classy graphics,super smooth gameplay, highly scalable difficulty & much more!You will love to play with real player. It is always challengingand engaging. FEATURES OF SPADES CARD GAME: ★ Extreme UserFriendly: Easy and refreshing interface. ★ Different Modes: Whiz,Mirror, Suicide & Solo. ★ Easy and fast to learn how to play asspades rules are available. ★ Statistics for the games you played.★ Change your names and avatars. ★ Chat & Gift: Live chat andexchange gifts and have lots of fun. ★ Play your way to top theLeaderboards! ★ Completely online free spades games! ★ Experiencevipspades! Get Free Chips: 1. Initial Chips: Download now and get10,000 chips!! 2. Daily Chips: Get more bonus chips than any othergame. 3. Get chips after every few minutes as Magic Box Bonus. 4.Invite Bonus Chips: Get more chips on inviting friends. 5. WeeklyWinner Chips: Get Millions Chips on every week by participating onWeekly Contest! Play Spades Multiplayer stable, fast, alwaysimproving! But above all, FUN! It is a very popular trick-takinggame played by two partnerships. It is a fun card games that wasinvented in the U.S. The new overhauled version of the famousonline games combines intuitive gameplay, pleasing design andadvanced customization options to deliver endless fun. Spadesonline multiplayer games also have different modes like Whiz,Mirror, Suicide & Solo, which are popular in differentcountries. Play Spades Online multiplayer card games however youwant! It’s VIP SPADES FREE games that millions enjoy around theworld.
Crush The Fruits - Puzzle Game 3.7
Crush The Fruits is the crushing fruit game with amazing powers andbeautiful graphics with four different modes. It's best in alljewel, diamond, bubble, gem, ruby, cube elimination games. Alsobest in dash, match, crush, rush, blast fruits games. Match threefruit of the same flavor to clear them. This is just simple butaddictive game which you loves to play. After playing game you willfeel that it is best game ever you have played. Game attracts youwith beautiful graphics and lovely animation. You will enjoy gameand it's spellbound animation while playing with fruits and powers.Enjoy action by crushing fruits. You have powers to clears levelsvery quickly. If you wants to play simple mode then try classicmode. It's so easy mode just crush certain fruits in limited time.If you wants some more challenge then go to Timed mode. Where youfounds some challenging tasks. You have so limited time to clearsmore fruits. In Timed mode new fruits will come from bottom. Youhave to play it with good concentration otherwise your game will beover. Features of the game: - Amazing environment of fruit games -Beautiful fruit crushing animation - Four different modes to playwith fruit - Four different powers with excellent features. AmazingPowers: Connectors - It will help you to connect either vertical orhorizontal fruits of different types. Bomb - It will clears 9fruits of the board with beautiful animation. If you have two ormore bomb nearer to each other then you would have more fun.Row/Column - It will crush entire vertical column or horizontal rowof fruits in one tap with wonderful thunder animation. Color bomb -It selects randomly one fruit and clears all fruits of the samecolor. All powers are comes randomly from above, also it will helpsyou to complete level very quickly and entertain you by beautifulanimation. Game have following four modes: Classic: Crush the fruitof the same type by tapping one of them if they are in a block of 3or more. A block can be formed in minimum of 3 fruit. Ingredientsare introduced on board when certain amount of fruits are crushed.You will need to set out the Ingredients at the slots to clear thelevel. Clear All: You will need to clear the board by crushing allfruits. Bombs are introduced to help you clear the level whichwould crush all the fruits surrounding it. Filled: Complexity willincrease as the new fruits will get filled from bottom and youwould need to make hurry to finish the level. If the fruits reachesto the top, you are gone. Bombs will help you often to clear outthe level. No time limits to complete the level but instead somenumber of bubbles are crushed and you are move to next level!Endless: This is almost same as "Classic" mode. You have to achievecertain number of a score within time limit to move to the nextlevel. You can called it to funny game, nice game, good game,action game, arcade game, board game, puzzle game. It's all in one.Once you download it, you will loved it.
Call Break - Bridge Card Game 4.9
Call Break is a strategic trick-based card game similar to Spades.It's very popular in Nepal and India. which you can play with yourfamily, friends or anyone, anytime anywhere in the world. GameRules: Call break is a trick-taking card game played with astandard 52-card deck between four players. There are 5 rounds in agame. the vintage game of cards features 4 players with 13 cardseach to offer virtual gaming experience. There will be fivedeals/round in a game. Starting a game with a bid/call, a playercan compete against 3 computer players with effective artificialintelligence. Players' sitting direction and the first dealer areselected before the first round begins. To randomize player'ssitting direction and the first dealer, each player draws a cardfrom the deck, and based on the order of the cards, theirdirections and first dealer are fixed. Dealers are changedsuccessively in anti-clockwise direction in the following rounds.Callbreak is played in pairs in which spades is always the trump,unlike spades the term "hand" is used instead of trick, and "Call"is used instead of bid. Player then plays with a predefined rulesand make sure they win more than their called hands. Game has totalof 5 Rounds and player with maximum score at the end of 5 round isthe Winner. Bidding: All four players, starting from the player todealer's right bid a number of tricks that they must win in thatround in order to get a positive score, otherwise they will get anegative score. Scoring: Player that takes at least as many tricksas her bid receives a score equal to her bid. Additional tricks(Over Tricks) are worth an extra 0.1 times one point each. Ifunable to get the stated bid, score will be deducted equal to thestated bid. After 4 rounds are completed, scores are summed to helpplayers set a goal for their final round. After the final round,winner and runner-ups of the game are declared. Game End: At theend of fifth round the winner will be decided, player with highertotal points will win the game. Features: 1. Very Intuitiveinterface and gameplay 2. Smooth animations, runs decently on lowend and old devices also. 3. Counter-clockwise turn rotation likein real game play 4. Fast paced game play Any suggestions? Wealways love to hear from you and making this App better. Pleasedon't forget to Rate and Review Call Break. Play this timelessclassic card game call break anytime anywhere!
Solitaire Online - Free Multiplayer Card Game 4.8
Solitaire Free online multiplayer card game is the #1 knockoutsolitaire tournament game on android. Anyone can easily understandsolitaire rules. Try Most Popular & Traditional KlondikeSolitaire live in Multiplayer Mode and compete with your friendsand real players from all around the Worlds! Try our BESTSOLITAIRE FREE app now! Just move cards with a single tap or dragthem to the destination. You can make full use of your brain tocomplete the classic game. If you like card game, Our Solitairelive will give you endless fun and the most important thing is thatit is a Multiplayer card game and available for Free! Attraction: 1. Realtime Multiplayer 2. Tournament 3. World Tour 4.US Tour 5. Head To Head 6. Daily Rewards 7. Invite Bonus 8. WeeklyWinner Solitaire Online Game Features: 1. Easy andrefreshing interface. 2. Locate your friends and join their gamewith a simple click of a button. 3. No robots like other SolitaireFree Game. Play with only real players anywhere in the world. 4.Works smoothly on slow Internet connection even. 5. UnderstandSolitaire Rules & play your way to top the Leaderboards! 6.Daily Rewards: Get daily FREE MAGICS which helps you to win thegame. 7. Tournament: Compete against 8 opponents and show yourKlondike skills to them. 8. World Tour: Challenging LiveMultiplayer Card Games with Millions of players worldwide are readyto compete with you. Challenge Players from All over theWorld. Solitaire Online is the category of card gamesplayed with one or more card decks and which objective is to moveall the cards from one determined display to one pile or piles.Join the most popular Solitaire free online multiplayer card game!Knockout Solitaire Tournament applicable to Any Ages and play withyour friends NOW!
Cribbage 1.6
Cribbage is a card game traditionally for two players, but commonlyplayed with three. Cribbage, the classic card & board game thatfriends & family have been enjoying for decades! Object of theGame The goal is to be the first player to score 121 points. (Somegames are to 61 points.) Players earn points during play and formaking various card combinations. Any suggestions? We always loveto hear from you and making this App better.
Cricket Multiplayer 4.2
Bored playing single player version of the Cricket? Wasting timeplaying with Robots? Waiting for realtime live Cricket game whereyou can bowled to live user? Waiting for such a online cricket gamewhere you can hit SIX to live user? If Yes, Then this the rightplace for you. Welcome to the first ever Cricket game on GooglePlay where you can bowled to live user and can show your battingskills against live user bowling. Every cricket lover can now havethe most advanced 3D mobile cricket game at the palm of theirhands! You can play the maximum number of cricket shots includingthe famous Dil-scoop, the Helicopter shot and the Uper-Cut! UNIQUEFEATURE First Cricket game on Google Play where Batsman &Bowler both are real users! Batting against your Friends: You canshow your good batting skills against your friends's bowling. Let'shit SIX on every ball bowled by your friends! Bowling to yourFriends: You can show your bowling skills by hard bowling againstyour friend's batting. Having fun taking wickets on every ball!Other Features - Very easy to understand and extreme user friendly!- Simple and intuitive controls that compel you enjoy the game withease. - Challenge your Friends! - Super over and 3 overs playingoption. - 50+ different batting shots, including Helicopter Shot,Scoop Shot and Upper-Cut. - Excellent fielding with diving catches!- Cinematic cameras and real time lighting enhances the visualappeal. - Different field placement option to control real useropponent batsman. - Enhanced ball connection with bat even with lowconfiguration devices. Batting: Swipe your finger to play yourstroke. You can play Straight, Off Side and Leg Side. - Perfecttiming will result in a six but it is not very easy to execute. -Late timing might result in a catch or a top edge. - Early timingwill result in a low powered shot. Bowling: Surprise your opponentwith leg spin, off spin, swing and bowling speed variation withOver & Round the wicket bowling. Any suggestions? We alwayslove to hear from you and making this App better. Email us [email protected].
Bubbles Shooter 2.6
Bubbles Shooter is the popping bubble game with amazing powers andbeautiful graphics. It's best in all jewel, diamond, bubble, gem,ruby, candy, fruit, cube elimination games. Also best in dash,match, crush, rush, blast diamond games. This is just simple butaddictive game which you loves to play. After playing game you willfeel that it is best game ever you have played. You can called itto funny game, nice game, good game, action game, arcade game,board game, puzzle game. It's all in one. Once you download it, youwill loved it. - Get Bubbles shooter with more powers, more items,unlimited levels and much more specials! - This is a simple yetaddictive game with retina optimized and eye catching graphicsmaking the game most enjoyable and you will play it for hourswithout stopping. - Throw bubble and make combination of 3 or morebubbles to blast them. Which clears bubbles from board and takesyou to the next level. Features - No need to tap on button. Justtap on the game board where you want to shoot the ball. - Enjoyplaying of not only 60 seconds but 99 seconds - Successful 10consecutive shots gives you bonus 10 seconds time - Enchantinggraphics that will leave you spellbound - As you completes one byone level you will gets more and more powers to clears the bubblesquickly - It's more addictive! The more you play, the more you wantit! - It's fun, The graphics, The colors, The motion, The powers,The animation! - This game don't have finish - Enjoy hours of funwith this bubbles shooter game with mind blowing powers and theiranimation - Have 12 different powers, playing with that powerschanges your game experience - Can share score in facebook Powers1) 2x - Gives you double scores then normal 2) Bomb - Blast likesbomb and clears many surrounded bubbles 3) Thunder - Animationplays like thunder and clears many bubbles of the board 4) ColorBomb - Clears all bubbles of the same color 5) Fire ball - It givesyou two shots which will not stop until it touches to the wall 6)Clear all - Clears all bubbles of the board 7) 3x - Gives youtripple scores then normal 8) Random bubble - Randomly clearsbubbles from the board 9) 4 blast - Randomly makes 4 blast in theboard 10) Color drop - Change the all bubbles color to any onecolor 11) Horizontal Blast- Clear whole row of bubbles where youfire on the board 12) Magic Fire - Every shots becomes bomb. - Thisis a free version of bubbles shooter so you can try before you buy.You can unlock the powers by simply playing the game, no need to doIn-App. - If you will do In-App, you can experience powers from thefirst level and makes your game experience wonderful, Don't waitfor the powers to be unlocked and make power unlock with In-App.Thoughts on the game? We loves to hear your feedback. Pleasecontact us 1. 2. 3. [email protected] ThankYou.
Rummy - Free Offline Card Games 2.9
Rummy Free Card Game is one of the most popular games globally.This exciting games finally comes to Android! Play Rummy which isone of the Top Card Game in this season. Rummy Game is well-knownas Remi, Romme, Rummi, Ramey, Jummy, Rami & Ramino. It is anexciting classic card game that any player is sure to enjoy.Download app and play without internet connection. Rummy Games letsyou play whenever and wherever you want. Bunch of excitingfeatures: ❖ Get Highest Chips as a “Welcome Bonus”. ❖ Get freechips everyday as Daily Bonus. ❖ Win free chips every after fewminutes as Magic Box Bonus. ❖ Different Modes: Single Deck &Multi-Deck. ❖ Easy and fast to learn Rummy Rules. ❖ See statistics& Leaderboards. ❖ Really unique gaming experience. Play Rummyfree card game against simulated opponents playing with high-levelartificial intelligence. Download Rummy Games on your AndroidSmartphone or Tablet! Rummy Games is trying to reproduce theclassic card game experience as extensively and realistically aspossible on mobile devices. Play Rummy Free Games & challengeintelligent opponents without worrying about lives, timers or otherlimitations. Enjoy this fun games & Play Rummy Card Game!
28 Card Game Multiplayer 3.8
Join the world’s most popular 28 Cards Game and play live withthousands of real players. Playing 28 Cards Game with friends,family, and millions of players worldwide has never been easier! 28Card Multiplayer Game is a popular South Indian Card Game, alsoplaying in South Asian countries. 28 Card Multiplayer Game consistsof 4 players with 2 players facing each other forming a team. 32cards from a standard 52 card deck is used to play. 28 Card Game istrick-taking games in which Jack and Nine being the highest valuecards at 3 and 2 points respectively followed by aces and tens at 1point and K, Q, 8 & 7 with 0 points.The aim is to win trickswith valuable cards. Game Features: Easy and refreshing interface.Play With Your Friends Play with only real players anywhere in theworld. Create Private Tables and play with only invited players.Chat with other players and exchange gifts at the game tables andhave lots of fun. Works smoothly on slow Internet connection evenlike 2G, auto reconnect in network interruption. Play your way totop the Leader boards! Get Daily Free Chips and Bonus. Get MillionsChips on every week by participating on Weekly Contest! To reportany issues with usage or tell us how we can improve, you can sendus message from Game Feedback option or write [email protected]. Please don't forget to Rate and Review 28Card Multiplayer Game.
Do Teen Panch - 235 3.0
Play 2 3 5 (do teen panch) Card Game with 3 Players againstopponents playing with high-level artificial intelligence. 2 3 5 isan Indian card game commonly known as "do teen panch" it's alsocalled " teen do panch" "3-2-5 (teen do panch)" or "2-3-5(do teen panch)" is very similar to bridge, except that there arethree players instead of four, and all play individually. There area total of 3+2+5 = 10 possible tricks. On each trick, the highestof the led suit wins unless it is trumped or 7s of Hearts/Spades. 235 (do teen panch) has never-before-seen features makingyour card game play super easy and your "3-2-5 (teen do panch)" or"2-3-5 (do teen panch)" game that much more enjoyable. HowTo Play "3-2-5 (teen do panch)" or "2-3-5 (do teen panch)" :- - Each player becomes the dealer one by one. - The dealerhas to make 2 tricks, the next person (who chooses the trump) 5,and the third 3. - Dealing the Cards - first distribute a set of 5cards to each, as a single block of 5. The first person dealt tochooses the trump suit. Then the cards are dealt as another blockof 5 to each player. - First lead is by the player setting thetrump, subsequent ones are by the one who wins the trick. - The 7of Hearts and 7 of Spades are highest trumps - the order does go 7of Hearts, 7 of Spades, Ace of Trumps, and so on down. - In the endif someone makes more than what is required of him (like the dealermakes 4 instead of 2), then he can 'pick' a card each for the extratricks in the next round. i.e. if player 1 (the dealer) makes 4 andplayer 2 makes 2 (instead of 3) and player 3 makes 4 (instead of5), then player 1 has the option of pulling one card each from thecards of player 2 and player 3 in the next round. In return, he cangive back any of his unwanted (usually small) cards. 235 (doteen panch) is a strategic trick-based card game played by threeplayers with a deck of 30 playing cards. The game is widely popularin India and in Nepal. In each round total 10 hands can bemade. Dealer has to make 2 hands. The next person (who chooses thetrump) makes 5 and next player makes 3 hands. If any player makesmore hands than required, he gets privilege to pick cards fromanother player in the next round. (This is the most fun part) After each round, hands will be calculated and after totalrounds of play each players total rounds hands will be added as atotal hands and player with highest total hands will win. Inshort, 3-2-5 (teen do panch) or 2-3-5 (do teen panch) is indeed thebest game app for Android devices. It comes with onesimple-yet-effective User Interface and the best game playexperience. Bored sitting at home or the subway? No problem,just launch 2 3 5 (do teen panch) and rack your brains and win! Download 2 3 5 (do teen panch) this free app and startplaying the game instantly.
Gin Rummy - 2 Player Free Card Games 4.2
The ultimate Gin Rummy Free Card Game is now available onGooglePlay! It’s also known as Knock, Straight & Oklahoma.DownloadGin Rummy Card Game Now! Gin Rummy Free Card Game is amostpopular, top rated, 2 player game in the world. It is 100%freewith an amazing artificial intelligence that auto-adjusts toyourplaying level you are sure to have the rummy card gameexperienceever. Download Gin Rummy free ever conceived the Americanplayersand improve your skills. It comes with unique variationStraight,Oklahoma & Undercut! Features of Gin Rummy Free CardGame: ♠Beautifully illustrated graphics & smooth gameplay. ♠DifferentModes: Straight, Oklahoma & Undercut. ♠ Easy optionsto sortyour cards. ♠ Most authentic rummy card games experience. ♠Hoursof entertainment! ♠ Download Gin & Play offline. DonotRequirement Internet. ♠ Best Free Card Game! In Gin Rummy freecardgame where the aim is to form sets and runs of cards beforeyouropponent. It's simple and quick to play, and if you are new tothegame then this game provides everything you need to learn it!GinRummy free card game supplies classy graphics, supersmoothgameplay, highly scalable difficulty & much more!Download Ginto get your brain flying high! It can be relaxing,challenging andfar more! Stay sharp! Variations: Gin Rummy Free:only a playerwith 10 or fewer points of deadwood may knock.Knocking withdeadwood points is known as going down. Straight:Knocking is notallowed. Scoring and rules remain the same.Oklahoma: The value ofthe first up-card is used to determine themaximum count at whichplayers can knock. If the up-card is a spade,the hand will countdouble. The popular game is available inhigh-quality localizationsfor the following languages: English,German, Spanish, Indonesia,Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan.Download Gin Rummy free card gameon your phone and tablets todayfor hours of fun. It is a terrificGin Rummy card game that you'resure to enjoy!
Dominoes Online - Multiplayer Board Games 2.9
Discover Dominoes Online - Multiplayer Board Games Have funwiththis great classic Dominoes Online and Dominoes MultiplayerBoardGames! create private matches and play with your friends, trytodefeat your opponents with strategy, reasoning and a little bitofluck. Story: Dominoes Online - Multiplayer Board Games is oneofthe most played board games in the world. We worked hard toofferyou a free and exceptional Domino game experience. Enjoy theclean,easy to use interface, the fast and smooth game animations,and theself-adjustable intelligence or your opponent. You canchoosebetween the six most played game versions: All Fives,DrawDominoes, Block Dominoes, Jackass, Bergen and Mexican train.Thisboard game is also called Domino, muggins, dominoes and thetilesare sometimes referred to as bones. Feature :- - Play friendsandother players: Play online with your Facebook friends orchallengeother players from anywhere in the world! - 6 differentmodes:Choose your favorite Dominoes Multiplayer mode: Dominoes AllFives,Draw Dominoes and Block Dominoes, Jackass, Bergen andMexicantrain. - Matches with 2 or 4 players: Choose if you willcreate amatch with just two players or four players. Otherfeatures: - PlayOffline without internet connectivity. - Play withyour Facebookaccount. - Customize the table and the cards from thedeck -Statistics from your matches. - daily bonus - 2-4 players-friendly UI - tough AI - Display remarkable online - Playwithpeople all over the world! - Customize the table and thedominoesMultiplayer - different six types of unique mode. - in freetimeplay a mini game. Domino Multiplayer game is for FUN andamusementpurposes only! Play this timeless classic puzzle gameDomino andDomino Multiplayer anytime anywhere! Try now thisDominointeresting puzzle game Domino Multiplayer on your AndroidPhones& Tablets for FREE!! Dominoes Online - Multiplayer BoardGamesis a popular pastime for lunch breaks and family game nights.
Archery Master - King Of Shooting Bow Puzzle Games 1.5
The World’s #1 Archery Master - King Of Shooting Bow PuzzleGamesgame is now on mobile! Archery is the best and mostrealisticarchery simulation game. Test your skills and compete theArcherymasters from all over the world. Archery match for Masteralllocations and discover their secrets. Be the best archer andrulethe rankings! In Archery you’ll always face new challenges,Justaim and shoot, easy to play. Archery is a 3D mobile game whichhasamazing 3D shooting graphics, animations. Get ready for theintensechallenges from Archery champions. Take a breath, aim thetarget,shoot the arrow and hit the board target now! Will you bethe bestarchery or bowman? There are a variety of levels withdifferentfeatures and shooting challenges. Start now! Aim andshoot! Be theArchery Master! It's FREE!! ARCHERY GAME FEATURES -Feel you playArchery real in locations: Pine Forest, Archery Field,DeadlyDesert and Rain Forest. - Polished animation and realistic3Dgraphics. - Addictive levels in quick mode. - Smooth Graphicsandanimation. - Different difficulty round. - Play Offline!ArcheryMaster - King Of Shooting Bow Puzzle Games is more than just1-on-1matches. Play in single game modes, put yourself to the testandsee how far you can go!
Cell Connect - Puzzle Game 2.1
Cell Connect is easy addictive NUMBER PUZZLE GAME as it is a funbutchallenging game. It will keep you entertained for hours! HowTo Play: Match at least 4 identical number blocks to merge themandcreate a bigger number. Move the cell with same number ofthesame color together. When you connect cells the numbers add uptoform a new merged number block. If a block move does not resultincell connect, 4 new blocks will appear on play-board. ClassicMode:Enjoy game for any time, anywhere and a Long time. No TimeLimit inClassic Mode. Multiplayer Mode: Multiplayer mode is sameas classicmode but Play Game with Random Opponent user and morechallengingfor your brains to solve the grid. More you get ascore. GameFeatures: - Strategies to achieve high scores! - Youcan playoffline in anytime. - Enjoy game for any time,anywhere and ashort time. - Play Classic cell connect mode. -Support Leader boardfrom Google Play Games. Cell Connect is a funbut challenging numberpuzzle game. Come and give it a try!
Dunk Shot - Basketball Hit 1.3
Dunk Shot! An awesome arcade game with a hot, epic andbouncybasketball hit. Collect Star coin, finish the quest, unlocknewballs and themes. And most of all, beat other players highscoresaround the world to prove that you are the best! Features:●Addictive gameplay, Can`t stop playing! ● Bright effects&graphics! ● Unlock unique ball ● Endless arcade game. ● Easytocontrol, challenge the highest scores! ● Fun and relaxing toplay!Dunk Shot is a burning hot arcade game that anybody canenjoy!Shoot the hoops, unlock new balls, become the next basketballstar!The Best Dunk Shot Basketball Game!
Plasma Donor App 1.0
What Is Plasma? -Plasma is the often forgotten part of blood.Whiteblood cells, red blood cells, and platelets are important tobodyfunction. But plasma also plays a key role. This fluid carriestheblood components throughout the body. Donating plasma If youwantto donate plasma to help others in need, you will go throughascreening process. This is to make sure your blood is healthyandsafe. If you qualify as a plasma donor, you'll spend about anhourand a half at a clinic on every follow-up visit. During theactualblood donation process, your blood is drawn through a needleplacedin a vein in one arm. A special machine separates the plasmaandoften the platelets from your blood sample. This process iscalledplasmapheresis. The remaining red blood cells and otherbloodcomponents are then returned to your body, along with alittlesaline (salt) solution. People with the blood type AB are inthegreatest demand for plasma donation. They make up just 2 in50people, their plasma is universal. This means their plasma canbeused by anyone. people can donate plasma every 28 days, up to13times a year.
Woman Cricket Games - Quick Batting 1.4
It’s time to blow your own trumpet! Show off those battingskillsand get ready to have some endless fun and frolic with themostrealistic Woman Cricket Battle Game Do you think you havecricketbatting skills in you? Then get ready to hit hard or losebadly!Because playing online cricket match is even more amusing.Playwith the best players from across the world. Score high beatthemall and become the world champion!! Prepare and brace yourselftoplay the most enthralling cricket game ever. Super Cricket isanonline cricket match game that allows you to flaunt and tweakyouramazing batting skills. It is an excellent cricket game thatletsits players have a fun cricket experience right attheirfingertips. Features of Super Cricket Game 2020: * Simpleplaycontrols for batting * Very easy to understand andextremelyuser-friendly! * Challenge your friends with the most funcricketgame ever! * 1, 2 and 3 overs playing option. * Full 3Dgraphics,realistic animations, and batsman motion * Simple pick upand playcontrols for batting * Different eye-catching venues! *Experiencethe best cricket game in full HD 3D graphics. * 50+differentbatting shots, including Helicopter Shot, Scoop Shot,andUpper-Cut. * Cinematic cameras and real-time lighting enhancethevisual appeal. * Enhanced ball connection with bat even withlowconfiguration devices. How to play this enthralling stick game:*Swipe your finger to play your stroke. You can play Straight,OffSide and Leg Side. * Perfect timing will result in a six but itisnot very easy to execute. * Early timing & Late timingmightresult in a low powered shot. Play this engaging cricket matchwithanyone from any part of the world. Face off against epicchallengesset before you and become the world champion of thisexcitingcricket world cup game. Smash flying sixes and let theworld knowwho is really up for the champions trophy this time. Thisfun superpassion cricket game is free to download and play. It canbeoptimized for all smartphones and tablets. Let us see whobecomesthe real world champion and the Cricket Battle Game megastaris!
Symmetry Board - Casual Memory Games 1.6
Symmetry is a piece puzzle game that requires visualising andthinking before moving, in the quest of discovering all symmetries.Will you be able to do it? Train your brain & improve yourvisual-spatial ability while playing Symmetry ! Finding Symmetry isa fun and engaging logic puzzle that tests your geometric skills.All you need to do is to split the blocks into two groups so thateach group is symmetric in any way, vertically, horizontally, ordiagonally. Different patterns will show up and you have to reflectthe respective symmetric shape. During the game flow you will facea wide variety of obstacles that will test your IQ and make yourbrain work out! Flow freely on a relaxing and enjoyable gameexperience. Key Features: 1. Tap the squares and line to reflectthe pattern, like a mirror. 2. Totally free to play. Play OFFLINE.3. smooth animation with fantastic graphics. 4. Battle your friendsin the 2 players - 1 device Mode! 5. have two mode 1) Tap the Boxand 2) Tap the line. 6. Survival Infinity Mode. Do you think youare the best Symmetry Player in the World ? It is time to prove it!
Truco - Card Games 1.4
Truco is one of Brazil's most popular card games. Truco is apopulartrick-taking card game originally from Valencia andBalearic Islandsand played in Brazil. Play Truco with a group of 2or 4 or 6 playersagainst our bots. Features for you: ♠ Practice byyourself againstbots ♠ Rooms for different levels of Truco players♠ Excellentgraphics and game play ♠ Check your game statistics ♠Play with 2 or4 or 6 players ♠ Ranking among your friends andranking among allusers ♠ Train your memory and concentration witha fun hobby!!Download Truco, one of Artoon’s amazing game! Enjoythe best trucogame for young people and adults.
Car Race - Down The Hill Offroad Adventure Game 2.1
Car Race - Down The Hill Offroad Adventure Game lets you competewith opponents. Enjoy the ultimate down the hill offroad racing cargame! Beat crazy opponents and win the race in a selected cars.Attraction - Join the pre-poll survey of US ELECTION and vote forthe candidates. Select your president – Trump or Biden? Who is yourchoice? It’s the battle of the Presidents to be – Trump Vs Biden!And you get to choose the winner. Be a part of their journey, helpyour president reach their final destination- The White House!Select your president and compete with opponent candidates, racewith them and defeat your rivals. Democracy had never been so fun!Want to show off your off-road driving skills? Want to conquer therugged mountain hill climb, join here to experience the best roadracing car game experience. Prepare for challenging off-road racingdrive missions. On all sorts of thrilling paths, accomplish allkinds of difficult challenges. Car Race - Down The Hill OffroadAdventure Game: - Realistic 3D graphics - High-quality music andsound effects - Realistic car physics & exciting off-roadracing game - Simple and smooth control - A variety of game themes- Amazing Powerups - Climb the Leaderboards, Win Races, Vote foryour candidates and Become the Best! This game is going to be yourfavorite offroad racing game. Offroad Racing Car Game will satisfyyour ultimate driving dream. Enjoy the most incredible off-roadracing car game through a powerful impossible track. Download CarRace - Down The Hill Offroad Adventure Game and start beating youropponent! Accept your opponent challenge and defeat them. Show themwho is the boss!
Call Break Play 6.1.0
Call Break is a FREE gaming app. Callbreak or Lakdi is classiccardgame which is popular in India and Nepal. you can play Callbreakany time with millions of players from around the world. CallBreakis a strategic trick taking card game played by four playerswith astandard deck of 52 playing cards. Call break game is playedin 5rounds. Spades is always the trump. Dealer gives 13 cards toeachplayer.At the beginning of the game players will bid how manycardhands they will win. The game is about winning maximum numberofhands but also breaking other people’s bids. This is calledcallbreaking. Call break Unique Features: 1. Extreme UserFriendly:Easy and refreshing interface. 2. Play call break assingle playercard game. 3. 2 player card game with random smartcomputerplayers. 4. Play your way to top the Leader boards! 5.Simple andattractive design in 2 player card game. Call break is avery easycard game that anybody can learn how to play. Play thistimelessclassic card game Call Break anytime anywhere! Try nowthisinteresting card game Call Break on your Android Phones&Tablets for FREE!! Call Break is being constantly updated inorderto give you a better experience. Any suggestions? We alwayslove tohear from you and making this App better! Call Break is apopularpastime for lunch breaks and family game nights. It's alsoknown asLakdi/Lakadi in India.
Injection Hit - Kill The Virus & Save The World 1.7
The ultimate hit challenge is here! The ultimate AAchallengingpuzzle game with unlimited levels. Throw the injectioninto thedeadly virus to destroy them & save the world. Becareful tonot hit the injection else you will lose the challenge.Time youractions, target carefully and become the master! You haveonlylimited number of injection to complete your level. Can youfinishall the levels? If YES, What are you waiting for ThrowingandHitting the Target? Hit targets and show that you are thegreatesthit master, kill the deadly virus and save the world!
Pool 3D - 8 Ball Game For Free 1.2
Play Pool 3D - 8 Ball Game For Free. The most popular pool game.Thedevelopers has designed world’s #1 game with stunning features.“8Ball Pool game free" is all in one free 3D Pool gamespeciallydesigned for Android devices with spectacular HD graphicsandrealistic, accurate physics, the action is smooth and fastpaced!Ready for some realistic pool experience? With a ton of gamesandlots of fast paced action, 8 Ball Pool will keep the mostseasonedpro playing well into the night. Its realistic 3D graphicsandlinear shot guides help you line up your shot, modify theshootingangle, and see where your shot is going to land, making iteasy toline yourself up for your next move. You may also playagainstcomputer. GAME FEATURES: . Very amazing full screen 3D HDgraphics.. Stunning animations . Touch the screen to adjust thedirectionand drag down. . Single Player Mode & Quick Mode. .Playagainst the computer with four difficulty levels . PlayOffline. .Very Realistic Pool, Billiard and Snooker Physics .Different cuestick designs and pool table to choose from How toplay the 8 BallPool : 1) Player vs. Computer/Player Play againstthecomputer/Player with standard 8 ball rules. Touch the screentoadjust the direction and drag down the power-up in the RIGHTtostrike. Touch and hold at any point to move the cue-ball and taptoconfirm for Free-ball. (2) Single Player Play against thecomputerwith 8 Ball Pool, like in a professional snooker match. Youmayalso play against computer or in pass-n-play. If you'veeverthought about playing billiards or Snooker on a real table, 8BallPool is the perfect way to try a variety of games and pickyourfavourite. Use 8 Ball Pool as a recreational game, or useitsdead-on, real life graphics and geometry to help improveyourskills for league night. With place and play and pool drillmodes,this is the perfect app for tweaking your game, andpracticingthose tricky shots that require nerves of steel. WithPool onphone, you can enjoy the most realistic and thrillingbreakingexperience anywhere. From now on, let's enjoy a simpleandaddictive 8 ball Pool game! Try it for FREE now! Do remembertorate “8 ball Pool”. It makes us happy to serve you even better.Anysuggestions? We always love to hear from you and making thisAppbetter. Email us at [email protected] Do you think you arethebest 8 Ball Pool Player in the World ? It is time to prove it!
Maze 1.8
Maze 3D is puzzle and adventure game, you need to find the exitinthe maze. *** The game has a level that randomly generates anewmaze every time you play. 3D graphics make it feel like aclassicand maze game. new game modes keep the adventure fresh! —PlayOffline — - You can now play Offline with playing the gameagainstthe computer. You also seen opponent current movement. -playoffline level by level, clear one level with star. Amazing 3Dmazegame is now a available for FREE for android devices andissuitable for everyone. Enjoy unlimited fun with a selfgeneratedmaze. Every time you play, you will have a unique maze 3Dthat hasnot been created before. You will enjoy a new challengeevery timeyou play. Maze Game Feature : - Single player mode (Quickplay):you can advance by clearing each stages in order. - Supportalltablet devices. - Easy to play: forward, turn left andrightcontrols. - Playing control : play using joystick or swipefiger. -To jump tap in the middle of the screen. - Select your own3Dcharacter. - If you get stuck, use the hint button (left topcornerof the screen). The jump function also helps (tap in themiddle ofthe screen to jump). - 3D Maze features beautiful graphicsand alot of challenge. - Got daily free bonus. Maze game is for FUNandamusement purposes only! Mazes for kids of any age, Mazes withalllevels of difficulty with each level, so there is always anewchallenge to play! Play this timeless puzzle game Mazeanytimeanywhere! Try now this interesting puzzle game Maze on yourDevicefor FREE!!
Scopa - Card Gamess 1.6
Scopa is the classic Italian card game. Enjoy playingagainstchallenge your friends. You can play against one, two, threeorfour opponents. Discover what is your game strategy byconsultingthe statistics and do your best to get all theachievements. Youcan customize the game mode by modifying thefollowing options: -The score after the game: 11, 15 or 21 points;- You can choosefrom 3 different decks of cards (Neapolitan,Italian, Normal) -Variants of the game: Napula, Rebello, Ace takesall (or broomaces), Declaration and Sbarazzino. - The speed of theanimationsand sound effects. - Suits :-swords (spade),clubs (bastoni),cups (coppe) andcoins (denari). - The cards in eachsuit are Re, Cavallo,Fante, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A. In this game,which must be played in 2teams of 2, players are dealt all ten oftheir cards at the startof each round. Play proceeds around thetable until all playershave played all of their cards. The gamecomes with a STATISTICALCLASSIFICATION and a where you can comparewith their friends andwith all the other players who love thisgame. Try the amazingexperience to challenge other players ormeasure your skillsagainst three different game levels. Do rememberto rate “Scopa”.It makes us happy to serve you even better. Do youthink you arethe best Scopa Player in the World ? It is time toprove it!
Color Lines 3D - Endless Rush Free Line Games 1.7
Color Lines is the best hyper casual games available on GooglePlayStore. Tap Down to stop and Tap Up to run. Avoid allobstaclescoming on your way and climb the leaderboard. Color pathline willgive you amazing experience for sure. Flying colors &paintroad in the colorline game make high score. Tap down tostoprunning lines ball & beat all your opponent's score infreeline game. Download to play most favorite color lines game.Pressand touch on the screen and let the ball go withoutobstacles.Features of Color Lines 3D: - Very easy to play linecolor 3D game- Single tap and hold the line - Addictive color linesgameplay -Eye catching graphics & beautiful visual effects -Option tochange Balls - Option to change Backgrounds - Color fill3D -Twisty color road - colored boxes - cross the line - color runWhatare you waiting for? Let's play this addicting color lines 3Dhypercasual games & beat your opponent score! For anyadditionalquestion, please contact us at: [email protected]
TENS - Puzzle Games 1.8
TENS! is an addictive and fun combination of number puzzlegames.Move blocks to fill up the row or column with 10 score pointsandplay to your heart's content! Play endless mode torack-upyour high-score and challenge all the players in the worldwithrank-function. Grow your skills over a huge range ofdynamicpuzzles! Easy to play, and pleasurable game for allages. Nowglobally launched with a huge supply of collectible diceskins,hundreds of Adventure levels and social rankings! TENS!Features: - * The puzzle genre - addictive, satisfyinggameplay! * Play easily and quickly. * Soothing soundsandgorgeous visual effects * Smooth effect for puzzle game! * Easytolearn and fun to master game play * NO TIME LIMIT * uniquepuzzlesand progress through the levels! * See how yourendless scoreranks against your friends with socialleader-boards! * Extrafeatures such as dice skins and thesuper-tricky expert mode! * Add dice skins to your collectionby completing challenges! * Enjoy game for any time, anywhereand a short time. * You canplay offline in anytime. From now on,let's enjoy a simple andaddictive puzzle TENS game! Try it for FREEnow! Do you think youare the best TENS Player in the World ? It istime to prove it!
Batak 1.8
Batak game, the most popular card game in Turkey, is now withyouBatak an internet FREE in your android devices. Batak card gameisa variant of popular trick-taking card game Spades. BatakisPlayed by 4 players. A standard 52 card deck is used. The cardsineach suit rank (from high to low) A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 32. 13 cards are dealt to each player. A player leads the firstcard.Each player must follow the suit led, if he can. If not, heshouldplay the trump, or any suit if he has no trump. The playerwho hasplayed the card with the highest value ( the trump card orthe cardof the suit led, if no trump was played) wins the trick.Thatplayer then leads to the next trick. Continue until all trickshavebeen played and won. Game Modes :- The game has twovariants:Simple batak and Auction Batak In the simple batak gamethe objectis for each player to bid the number of tricks he thinkshe cantake in the hand, then to take at least that number oftricks. Inthe auction batak game a player offering higher bid winstheauction. He has to take bid number of tricks or more. Otherplayershave to win at least one trick. Batak - We are waiting foryourcomments.
Ludo Superstar 4.0
Ludo is a simpler form of the game Pachisi that originatedinancient India. Ludo Superstar is a classic board gameplayedbetween friends, family & kids. Ludo Superstar isacross platform multiplayer game that supports Android andiOSmobile platform at same time. Ludo Superstar game alsosupportoffline mode, where player can play with Computer or Localmode.Ludo Superstar Features: * Experience a variety ofhigh-qualityLudo. * Challenge Facebook friends/buddies * Againstrandom playeraround the world. * Play with your kids on a samedevice in localmode. * Get daily free chips on daily bonus. * Comeback every hourand you will get free chips on hourly bonus. * Makein gamebuddies, chat with them and send gifts to your friends. *Auto movesystem (No cheating allowed now!) * Real chat with friendsandbuddies * More user-friendly UI * No internet connectionrequired!* Private chat with your Facebook friends & Buddies. *Graphicswith a classic look and the feel of a royal game. LudoSuperstar is a family game as well as kids game that wasonceplayed by kings and now it can be enjoyed by you and yourfamilyand friends. The Ludo Superstar play might seem simpleatfirst, the Ludo Superstar is immensely enjoyable andchallenging. Ludo Superstar is a perfect time pass game ofLudo boardgame. You played Ludo in your childhood, now play on yourphone andtablet.