0.1 / August 3, 2015
(4.6/5) (5)


Dark Chat is a secure and reliable messengerapp that allows you to send messages, photos, videos and files toyour contacts!

It has features like :

SUPER FAST : Dark Chat is the fastest messaging app on themarket because it uses a distributed infrastructure with datacenters positioned around the globe to connect users to the closestpossible server.

SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best securityamong mass messengers. We heavily encrypts all your data withtime-tested algorithms.

PRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will never givethird parties access to your data.
For those interested in maximum privacy, Dark Chat offers SecretChats.
Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destructautomatically from both participating devices. This way you cansend all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videosand even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensurethat a message can only be read by its intended recipient.

CLOUD STORAGE: Dark Chat seamlessly syncs across all yourdevices, so you can always securely access your data. Your messagehistory is stored for free in the our cloud. Never lose your dataagain!

GROUP CHAT & SHARING: By using Dark Chat, you can form largegroup chats of up to 200 members, send broadcasts to up to 100contacts at a time, quickly share large videos, documents (.doc,.ppt, .zip, etc.), and send an unlimited amount of photos to yourfriends.

And many other cool features!

Just send anything you guys wanna say to me to : [email protected]

juneldi is an Indonesian straight guy ... maybe, some of youguys are curious :p

Dark Chat using your Internet connection to share pictures,videos, music and chat: 3G / EDGE or Wi-Fi when available. Pleasemake sure you have a data plan unlimited internet. When roaming /cruise mode, additional charges may apply for data. Please contactyour operator for more information.

App Information Dark Chat

  • App Name
    Dark Chat
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 3, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    JunedJuned Mobile Media
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Dark Chat Version History

Select Dark Chat Version :
  • 0.1 (1438418785) - Latest Version
  • Dark Chat 0.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /3/15
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 11.0 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)
    File Sha1: 35929dd31bed2f9c5bc33efff0bb78858f1c0c3b
    APK Signature: 813a3ad37d87aa36120dfec64146c311db5f4ca9

JunedJuned Mobile Media Show More...

Dark Chat 0.1 APK
Dark Chat is a secure and reliable messengerapp that allows you to send messages, photos, videos and files toyour contacts!It has features like :SUPER FAST : Dark Chat is the fastest messaging app on themarket because it uses a distributed infrastructure with datacenters positioned around the globe to connect users to the closestpossible server.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best securityamong mass messengers. We heavily encrypts all your data withtime-tested algorithms.PRIVACY: We take your privacy seriously and will never givethird parties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Dark Chat offers SecretChats.Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destructautomatically from both participating devices. This way you cansend all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videosand even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensurethat a message can only be read by its intended recipient.CLOUD STORAGE: Dark Chat seamlessly syncs across all yourdevices, so you can always securely access your data. Your messagehistory is stored for free in the our cloud. Never lose your dataagain!GROUP CHAT & SHARING: By using Dark Chat, you can form largegroup chats of up to 200 members, send broadcasts to up to 100contacts at a time, quickly share large videos, documents (.doc,.ppt, .zip, etc.), and send an unlimited amount of photos to yourfriends.And many other cool features!_____________________________________Just send anything you guys wanna say to me to : [email protected]_____________________________________juneldi is an Indonesian straight guy ... maybe, some of youguys are curious :p_____________________________________Dark Chat using your Internet connection to share pictures,videos, music and chat: 3G / EDGE or Wi-Fi when available. Pleasemake sure you have a data plan unlimited internet. When roaming /cruise mode, additional charges may apply for data. Please contactyour operator for more information.
62 Tanya Jawab Tentang Syiah 1.0 APK
62 Tanya Jawab Tentang SyiahDari Kitab al-Mihaj Syaikhul Islam Ibnu TaimiyahPenyusun : Syarif bin Ali al-RajhiPenerjemah : Daday Hidayat, Lc=============================================Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam, shalawat dan salamsemoga tercurah kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarganya, parasahabatnya semua, serta kepada orang-orang yang mengikuti merekadengan baik hingga hari pembalasan. Amma ba'du:Sesungguhnya Allah telah menjamin untuk menjaga agama Islam.Allah SWT berfirman :"Sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang menurunkan Al Quran, dan sesungguhnyaKami benar-benar memeliharanya" ( QS. al-Hijr : 9 ).Dan Allah telah menyediakan sebab-sebab untuk menjaga agama-Nya, diantaranya :Allah telah memberikan taufiq-Nya kepada para ulama rabbani untukmembela agama Islam, bersaksi untuknya serta menjelaskan perkarabid'ah dan bahayanya.Diantara ulama tersebut yaitu Syaikhul Islam Ahmad Ibnu Taimiyah– rahimahullah -, ia telah membangun urusan ini dengansebaik-baiknya, berjihad dan mendapatkan cobaan dengan baik.Diantara buah hasil jihadnya yaitu buku-buku yang sangat banyakyang ia karang, semoga Allah menerimanya. Setiap orang yangmencintai sunnah dan ahlinya, setiap orang yang menghendakikebaikan dan kebenaran, setiap pembela Islam dan umatnya bergegasmenyebarkan kitab-kitabnya.Diantara kesungguhan yang diberkahi apa yang telah dilakukanoleh Imam dan juga Raja, Abdulaziz Al Saud – rahimahullah – berupapercetakan dan penyebaran kitab-kitab syaikhul Islam sertamemberikan perhatian kepadanya, kemudian diikuti oleh anaknya yangbaik sepeninggalnya, semoga Allah merahmati yang telah meniggaldari mereka dan memberikan taufik kepada yang masih hidup diantaramereka.Kitab Syaikhul Islam ( Minhajussunnah an-Nabawiyah ) termasukkarangannya yang paling penting, ia mendapat perhatian besar daripara ulama, baik dengan membacanya maupun dengan meringkasnya.Dan "Lajnah daimah lil ifta" di Kerajaan Arab Saudi di bawahpimpinan Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz – rahimahullah - telah berwasiatuntuk membaca kitab ini dan menjadikannya sebagai rujukan.Oleh karena itu, saya ingin ikut serta dalam mendekatkannya danmenyebarkan faedahnya. Maka saya membuat beberapa pertanyaantentangnya dan menukil jawabannya secara tekstual dari perkataanSyaikhul Islam tanpa ada penambahan maupun perubahan dalamteksnya.Semoga Allah merahmati Syaikhul Islam dan mengampuninya, sertamembalasnya dengan sebaik-baik balasan terhadap jasanya bagi Islamdan umat Islam, serta melipatgandakan pahala bagi siapa saja yangmenyebarkan kitab-kitabnya dan membagi-bagikannya karena mengharappahala dari Allah azza wajalla.Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam, shalawat dan salamsemoga tercurah kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarganya, parasahabatnya semua, serta orang-orang yang mengikutinya dengan baikhingga hari pembalasan, amma ba'du :Inilah pertanyaan dan jawaban seputar ajaran Rafidhah yangpantas dijuluki dengan Syi'ah, Imamiyah, Ja'fariyah, dan Itsna'Asyariyah. Ini adalah sebutan yang berbeda-beda yang menunjukkanmakna yang sama, sekte yang sama, yaitu sekte Syi'ah yang palingbesar pada zaman ini.Jawaban-jawaban berasal dari Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dalamkitabnya Minhajus Sunnah.Sungguh Syaikhul Islam telah meruntuhkan pondasi bangunan mereka,maka runtuhlah atap bangunan menimpa mereka, maka pilar-pilarmereka roboh , pondasi-pondasi mereka hancur, mereka tidak bisamembantah hujjah-hujjahnya, tidak bisa memprotes perkataannya,karena dalil-dalil bersifat naqli dan aqli, serta diskusi yangsejuk di atas landasan-landasan yang benar dan membangun, makamereka pun bungkam dan berpaling, seolah mereka keledai yang laritunggang langgang dari singa.Semoga Allah merahmati Syaikhul Islam, memperbanyak pahalanya,serta mengangkat derajatnya.62 Questions &Answers About the ShiaMihaj of Kitab al-Shaykh al-Islam Ibn TaymiyyahAuthors: Sharif Ali bin al-RajhiTranslator: Daday Hidayat, Lc=============================================Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and greetingsmay shed our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions all, andto the people who follow them well until the Day of Judgment. Ammaba'du:Indeed, Allah has guaranteed to keep the religion of Islam.Allah says:"It is We who are lowering the Koran, and We really maintain it"(Qur'an, al-Hijr: 9).And God has provided reasons to keep his religion, amongothers:God has given His taufiq to the scholars Rabbani to defend Islam,testified for him and explain the case of heresy and danger.Among these scholars is Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah -rahimahullah -, he has built this business with the best, andstrive to get the ordeal well. Among the fruits of jihad, namelybooks so much that he corals, may Allah accept it. Everyone wholoves the Sunnah and experts, every person who wants goodness andtruth, every defender of Islam and his followers rushed spreadtheir books.Among the seriousness blessed what has been done by the Imam andalso the King Abdulaziz Al Saud - rahimahullah - such as theprinting and distribution of the books of Shaykh al-Islam as wellas giving attention to him, followed by his son are both after him,may Allaah have mercy that has meniggal of them and provide taufikto the living among them.Book Shaykh al-Islam (an-Nabawiyah Minhajussunnah) including themost important essay, he received great attention from thescholars, both to read and to summarize.And "The Standing Committee was lil IFTA" in the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia under the leadership of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz -rahimahullah - was intestate to read this book and make it as areference.Therefore, I would like to participate in and held it spreadboondoggle. So I made some inquiries about him and the answertextually quoting from the words of Shaykh al-Islam without anyadditions or changes in the text.May God have mercy on Shaykh al-Islam and forgive, and respondedwith the best of services to the backlash against Islam andMuslims, as well as doubling the reward for anyone who spread theirbooks and distribute them for expecting reward from Allah azzawajalla.Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and greetingsmay shed our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions all, andthose who followed the well until the Day of Judgment, ammaba'du:These are questions and answers about who deserved the titleRafidhah teachings with Shia Imami, Ja'fariyah, and Ithna'Asyariyah. It is a different designation that indicates the samemeaning, the same sect, the biggest Shiite sect today.The answers come from Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his bookMinhajus Sunnah.Indeed Shaykh al-Islam has undermined the foundations of theirbuildings, then collapsed roof of the building upon them, then thepillars of them collapsed, foundations they are destroyed, they cannot argue proof-hujjahnya, can not protest what he said, becausethe arguments are naqli and aqli , as well as a cool discussionover the correct foundations and build, then they clam up andturned away, as if they were donkeys who ran helter-skelter of thelion.May God have mercy on Shaykh al-Islam, multiply the reward, andraised in rank.
Seputar Shalat 1.0 APK
Seorang laki-laki tua datang kepada saya,rambutnya sudah memutih karena usia, setelah bersalaman ia punberucap, “Pak Ustadz, ketika bangkit dari ruku’, saya selalumengucapkan ‘Sami’allahu li man hamidah’.Kata penceramah di kampung saya, ma’mum yang melakukanperbuatanseperti itu, maka shalatnya batal. Bagaimanakah shalat saya selamaini?”.Dalam sebuah pengajian, terlihat seorang jamaah yangmelaksanakan shalat, ketika Takbiratul-Ihram ia angkat keduatangannya setinggi-tingginya, setiap kali tegak bangun dari sujudia kembali mengangkat kedua tangannya.Seorang muslim yang hidup bernafas karena nikmat dan karuniaAllah, detak jantungnya karena qudrat dan iradat Allah, tapi tidakpernah mau menempelkan dahinya untuk bersimpuh sujud ke hadiratAllah.Tiga kasus di atas memberikan gambaran kepada kita tentangpotret ummat saat ini.Saya berharap, meskipun jauh dari kesempurnaan, mudah-mudahan bukukecil ini dapat memberikan jawaban untuk ketiganya.Saya kemas dalam bentuk tanya-jawab untuk memudahkan pembaca.Biasanya, ketika membaca pertanyaan, akal bekerja ingin mencarijawaban, saat itulah jawaban datang, mudah mudahan lebih merasuk kedalam hati dan akal.Saya sebutkan beberapa pendapat mazhab, bukan untuk mengacaukanamalan ummat selama ini, akan tetapi untuk mengetahui bahwapendapat itu banyak dan masing-masing memiliki dalil, sikapmenghormati akan menguatkan ukhuwwah umat ini.Buku kecil dan sederhana ini jauh dari kesempurnaan, masih perlukritik yang membangun dari pembaca.Semoga menjadi bahan kritikan bagi para ulama, dapat menjadiinsipari bagi para pemula, menjadi bekal amal ketika menghadap YangMaha Kuasa.An old man came to me,his hair had turned white with age, after shaking hands he said,"Sir Ustadz, when rising from bowing, I always say 'Sami'allahu lihamidah man'.Said speaker in my hometown, ma'mum which actsSuch, then his prayer is void. How can I pray for this? ".In a study, it looks a congregation praying, whenTakbiratul-Ihram he lift his hands as high, whenever upright wakeof prostration he again raised his hands.A Muslim man who lives and breathes because the gift of God'sfavor, his heartbeat because qudrat and Iradat God, but neverpressed his forehead to his knees will bow down to God'spresence.The three cases above gives us a portrait of the ummahtoday.I hope, though far from perfect, hopefully this booklet can provideanswers to all three.I boxed in the form of questions and answers to facilitate thereader. Normally, when reading the question, reasonable work wantedto find an answer, that's when the answer comes, hopefully morepenetrated into the heart and mind.I mentioned some schools of opinion, not to confuse the ummahduring this practice, but to know that the opinion of many, andeach has a proposition, respect will strengthen ukhuwwahpeople.Small and simple book is far from perfect, still needconstructive criticism from readers.Hopefully the subject of criticism for the scholars, can beinsipari for beginners, a provision of charity when facing theAlmighty.