/ July 31, 2015
(3.3/5) (34)


Conversação para viagens - uma guía de línguas do mundo inteiro Aaplicação é acessível GRATUITAMENTE em Google Play. O seu conteúdotextual na sua extensão completa vai ser disponível imediatamentedepois da descarga y da activação da aplicação no seu dispositivo.Está viajando de férias ou em negócios a um país estrangeiro e nãoconhece a língua local? Em países estrangeiros você percorre ummeio desconhecido, mas tem de se mexer nem que seja para ir àscompras, ao restaurante comer, por vezes procurar alojamento,alugar um carro ou sair à noite para se divertir. PortantoConversação para viagens é um guia necessário em qualquer país ondevocê não possui o domínio da língua local. Alem disso, oshabitantes locais ficam sempre contentes quando você tenta ao menosfalar com eles na sua própria língua. Com certeza que com o Inglêsé possível falar em 89 países, com Alemão em 10 e com Italiano em7, mas Conversação para viagens ajuda a falar praticamente em todoo mundo. Com a colecção completa Conversação para viagens, a qualcontem 22 línguas, você será capaz de falar em aproximadamente 215países (mais informações emhttp://www.smart-phrase.com/pratica-conversacao-viagem-estados).Toda a Conversação para viagens é dividida em 31 temas os maisfrequentemente necessários em viajem, portanto é conveniente atépara situações do dia-a-dia (por exemplo, cumprimentos eapresentações, o tempo, transportes públicos, refeições,alojamento, no banco). Os temas individuais contêm frases (locuçõesou palavras), as quais são preparadas por falantes da línguamaterna. O alcance dos temas cobre as situações mais convencionaisque poderá encontrar no seu caminho. Quer não apenas ler, masprincipalmente ouvir estas frases, portanto treinar a sua pronúnciatorna-se bastante simples. Desta forma você não tem de se esforçarpara falar, é suficiente tocar uma locução alto e bom som e aaplicação ‘falará‘ por si. Depois de comprar a sua língua emparticular, ou a colecção financeiramente mais vantajosa, aslocuções estão preparadas para ser baixadas para o seu dispositivo.Não precisa estar on-line – tem estas locuções à sua disposição emqualquer momento. As particularidades da Conversação para viagensdiferem por vezes de uma língua para outra devido às especificaçõesde cada país onde a mesma é falada (geografia, gastronomia,cultura, etc). Em qualquer língua você encontrará 31 temas: *TERMOS GERAIS * SAUDAÇÕES E APRESENTAÇÕES * INTERROGAÇOES EPERGUNTAS GERAIS * PALAVRAS OPOSTAS * HOTEL, ALOJAMENTO *RESTAURANTE * PEQUENO ALMOÇO * ENTRADAS * SOPAS * CARNE * PEIXE EMARISCOS * ACOMPANHAMENTOS * LEGUMES E SALADAS * FRUTAS E DOCES *BEBIDAS * RECLAMAÇÕES * VIAJANDO DE COMBOIO * VIAJANDO DE AVIÃO *VIAJANDO DE BARCO * VIAJANDO EM TRANSPORTES URBANOS * O TAXI *ALUGUER DE AUTOMÓVEIS * VISITA A MONUMENTOS * DIVERTIMENTO ECULTURA * COMÉRCIO E SERVIÇOS * BANCO * CORREIO * TELEFONE * DATA,HORA E TEMPO * NÚMEROS * EMERGÊNCIA Toda a Conversação para viagenscontem aproximadamente: * 600 frases (congruente com uma sérielinguística) * 30 minutos de gravações áudio * 770 palavras únicas(inventario verbal)

App Information Conversação para viagens

  • App Name
    Conversação para viagens
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 31, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Euvit, s.r.o.
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Kpt. O. Jaroše 1724/27 Prostějov 79604 Česká republika
  • Google Play Link

Euvit, s.r.o. Show More...

Günlük İngilizce APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 English language learning application - Everyday English forTurkish-speaking * Would you like to know a meaning of a word?-> Use a dictionary. * Would you like to translate a sentence?-> Use a translator. * Would you like to analyze a foreignlanguage? -> Learn grammar. * Do you need to remember singlewords? -> Use a flashcards system. * Are you really going toSPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and even better directly THINK inENGLISH? If you are interested to understand native speakers, speakwith a correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you! Every single lesson of the Everyday English iscarefully prepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics arebased on such situations that are common in real life. Top featuresof the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely natural method oflearning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciously learngrammar by repeating of a large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands Youwill get: * Ability to understand native speakers and will speakwith correct pronunciation * Easy to understand how to constructEnglish sentences SmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use.There are no unnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures,icons, animations, etc). FREE – just as a sample lesson - How tostudy English: * 8 minutes * 44 sentences * 264 unique words(vocabulary) The Complete course consists of: * 6,5 hours of voicerecords (a subject of purchase from within the application) * intotal 18 lessons For more information about the method andapplication, please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.
Základní angličtina 1 APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 aplikace pro angličtinu - vstřebávejte angličtinu zábavně - učtese bez biflování a přirozeně! Chcete CIZÍ JAZYK OPRAVDU OVLÁDAT arovnou v něm i MYSLET, tj. rozumět rodilým mluvčím a mluvit sesprávným přízvukem bez překládání? Pak POZORNĚ čtěte dál! Výukaangličtiny naprosto unikátní metodou, vědecky podloženou a jižověřenou mnoha našimi zákazníky po celém světě. Je tonejefektivnější metoda pro výuku cizích jazyků pro samouky!Využijete až 97 % svých smyslů a logickou paměť – nejúčinnější druhpaměti, kdy se informace ukládají v logickém celku (celá věta,příběh). Podobným způsobem se rodný jazyk naučí i malé děti, takproč ne vy?! Nejdříve poslouchají, pak napodobují dospělé a nakonecse samy snaží tvořit vlastní slovní spojení a věty. Naučíte se JENsprávnou výslovnost - slyšíte jen opravdové rodilé mluvčí.Jednotlivé lekce jsou pečlivě vybrány rodilými mluvčími z USA a UK.Konverzace je tedy založena na praktických situacích, v kterých semůžete běžně ocitnout i vy. Výhody metody: * nebiflujete sesamostatná slovíčka * neučíte se nudnou gramatiku * nepotřebujetežádný slovník * snadno pochopíte, jak správně sestavovat anglickévěty Aplikace má snadné a intuitivní ovládání. Kurz obsahuje tytolekce: * Jak studovat - 8 minut zvukových stop ve 44 větách *Hláskování a výslovnost - 7 minut, 18 vět * Představování - 18minut, 121 vět * Den v rodině - 35 minut, 236 vět * Naše rodina -20 minut, 123 vět * Malý rozhovor - 17 minut, 312 vět Chcete-livíce lekcí, vyzkoušejte aplikace Klasická angličtina, Obchodníangličtina nebo Angličtina PREMIUM, ke kterým získáte Nepravidelnáslovesa + Hláskování a výslovnost zdarma jako BONUS. Pro dalšíinformace navštivte prosím www.Smart-Language.com. Na kvalitě avaší spokojenosti nám záleží. Pokud nám chcete něco sdělit, učiňtetak prosím nejlépe přímo z aplikace odesláním zprávy na podporu -jen tak vám na to můžeme reagovat.
Angielskie czasowniki nieregularne APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
# 1 English language learning application - English irregular verbsfor Polish-speaking SmartLanguage is the newest and the fastestlanguage learning method. It is similar to the learning methodadopted by children who learn to speak their mother language. Atfirst, they listen to adults when they learn to imitate them andfinally they create their own sentences and phrases. If you areinterested to understand native speakers, speak with a correct andauthentic pronunciation and without any need of translation orlearning it by heart, then this application is the best for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely naturalmethod of learning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciouslylearn grammar by repeating of large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands TheComplete course consists of: * 42 minutes * 1 377 sentences * 1 873unique words For more information about the method and application,please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.
基本英会話Ⅱ APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1英会話アプリケーション 楽しんで英会話を吸収する 詰め込まず、自然に学ぶ!つまり、ネイティブ・スピーカーの英語を理解し、翻訳せずに正しく発音したいですか?それでは注意深く読み続けてください。科学的に証明され、世界中のお客様によって認められたユニークな英会話学習法。それは最も効果的な独習用の外国語学習法です!論理的記憶(文章やストーリーといった形で格納された情報は最も効果的なタイプの記憶)や感覚の97%を活用。子供が母国語を学ぶのと同様に学んでみませんか?!初めに聴き、後で大人の口をまね、最後は自分で言葉や文章を作るという方法です。ネイティブ・スピーカーの発音を聴き、正しい発音を学べます。の英語の各レッスンはアメリカやイギリスのネイティブスピーカーによって丁寧に作られたものです。トピックは日常生活に良くある状況に基付いています。このメソッドの強み: * 単語ばかり丸暗記しない * つまらない文法は覚えない * 辞書も要らない *正しい英文の作り方が理解しやすい アプリケーションは、操作が非常に簡単で直感的です。ムダがありません。コースには下記のレッスンが含まれています: * 英語学習方法: 8分、44文章、264ユニークワード * 発音とスペル:7分、18文章、158ユニークワード * 行動、感情、気持ち: 45分、334文章 * 娯楽: 40分、252文章 * 電話での会話:13分、222文章 * 仕事の面接: 18分、245文章それ以上のレッスンが必要な場合は、「日常英語」か「ビジネス英語」アプリケーションもお試しください。それに「不規則動詞」と「発音とスペル」は無料!学習法やアプリのより詳しい情報をお求めなら、いつでも気軽に商品サイトwww.Smart-Language.comをご覧ください。ご意見、ご要望はアプリから直接送信してください。-この方法でのみご返答可能となっております。
Английский ПРЕМИУМ APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 English language learning application - English PREMIUM forSlovak-speaking * Would you like to know a meaning of a word? ->Use a dictionary. * Would you like to translate a sentence? ->Use a translator. * Would you like to analyze a foreign language?-> Learn grammar. * Do you need to remember single words? ->Use a flashcards system. * Are you really going to SPEAK andUNDERSTAND ENGLISH and even better directly THINK in ENGLISH? Ifyou are interested to understand native speakers, speak with acorrect and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you! Every single lesson of the Everyday English iscarefully prepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics arebased on such situations that are common in real life. Top featuresof the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely natural method oflearning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciously learngrammar by repeating of a large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands Youwill get: * Ability to understand native speakers and will speakwith correct pronunciation * Easy to understand how to constructEnglish sentences SmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use.There are no unnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures,icons, animations, etc). FREE – just as a sample lesson - How tostudy English: * 8 minutes * 44 sentences * 264 unique words(vocabulary) The Complete course consists of: * Everyday English +Business English * 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchasefrom within the application) * in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences,58543 words For more information about the method and application,please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.
Klasická angličtina SK APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 English language learning application - Everyday English forSlovak-speaking * Would you like to know a meaning of a word? ->Use a dictionary. * Would you like to translate a sentence? ->Use a translator. * Would you like to analyze a foreign language?-> Learn grammar. * Do you need to remember single words? ->Use a flashcards system. * Are you really going to SPEAK andUNDERSTAND ENGLISH and even better directly THINK in ENGLISH? Ifyou are interested to understand native speakers, speak with acorrect and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you! Every single lesson of the Everyday English iscarefully prepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics arebased on such situations that are common in real life. Top featuresof the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely natural method oflearning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciously learngrammar by repeating of a large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands Youwill get: * Ability to understand native speakers and will speakwith correct pronunciation * Easy to understand how to constructEnglish sentences SmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use.There are no unnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures,icons, animations, etc). FREE – just as a sample lesson - How tostudy English: * 8 minutes * 44 sentences * 264 unique words(vocabulary) The Complete course consists of: * 6,5 hours of voicerecords (a subject of purchase from within the application) * intotal 18 lessons For more information about the method andapplication, please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.
Obchodní angličtina APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 English language learning application - Business English forCzech-speaking * Would you like to know a meaning of a word? ->Use a dictionary. * Would you like to translate a sentence? ->Use a translator. * Would you like to analyze a foreign language?-> Learn grammar. * Do you need to remember single words? ->Use a flashcards system. * Are you really going to SPEAK andUNDERSTAND ENGLISH and even better directly THINK in ENGLISH? Ifyou are interested to understand native speakers, speak with acorrect and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you! Every single lesson of the Business English iscarefully prepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics arebased on such situations that are common in real life. Top featuresof the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely natural method oflearning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciously learngrammar by repeating of a large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands Youwill get: * Ability to understand native speakers and will speakwith correct pronunciation * Easy to understand how to constructEnglish sentences SmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use.There are no unnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures,icons, animations, etc). FREE – just as a sample lesson - How tostudy English: * 8 minutes * 44 sentences * 264 unique words(vocabulary) The Complete course consists of: * 2,5 hours of voicerecords (a subject of purchase from within the application) * intotal 9 lessons For more information about the method andapplication, please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.
Klasická angličtina APK
Euvit, s.r.o.
#1 English language learning application - Everyday English forCzech-speaking * Would you like to know a meaning of a word? ->Use a dictionary. * Would you like to translate a sentence? ->Use a translator. * Would you like to analyze a foreign language?-> Learn grammar. * Do you need to remember single words? ->Use a flashcards system. * Are you really going to SPEAK andUNDERSTAND ENGLISH and even better directly THINK in ENGLISH? Ifyou are interested to understand native speakers, speak with acorrect and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you! Every single lesson of the Everyday English iscarefully prepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics arebased on such situations that are common in real life. Top featuresof the SmartLanguage methods: * Absolutely natural method oflearning - NO learning by heart * You will subconsciously learngrammar by repeating of a large amount of sentences * New'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - this is alsohelpful for learners to feel how spoken English works in sentenceand dialogue. * It's also done in the format of a story with a plot- so this is cohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and getemotionally involved * No need of a dictionary (there is a word byword translation) * The study plan is completely in your hands Youwill get: * Ability to understand native speakers and will speakwith correct pronunciation * Easy to understand how to constructEnglish sentences SmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use.There are no unnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures,icons, animations, etc). FREE – just as a sample lesson - How tostudy English: * 8 minutes * 44 sentences * 264 unique words(vocabulary) The Complete course consists of: * 6,5 hours of voicerecords (a subject of purchase from within the application) * intotal 18 lessons For more information about the method andapplication, please feel free to visit the product site onwww.smart-language.com. If you would like to express anything tous, please send a message to our support directly from theapplication – that’s only way where we are able to respond. In caseyou like this application then leave your feedback on Google Play –we really appreciate that.