App Information cluBalance
- App NamecluBalance
- Package Namecom.Cluster.cluBalance
- UpdatedNovember 9, 2014
- File Size433k
- Requires AndroidAndroid 1.6 and up
- Version2.13z
- DeveloperCluster
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryCommunication
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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cluBalance 2.13z APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /9/26Requires Android: Android 1.6+ (Donut, API: 4)File Size: 432.8 kBTested on: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb, API: 11)File Sha1: e3727ba834b5ca4583fce0edbb0b440d032f930b
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cluBalance Pro 2.13z APK
Application to automatically check the balanceon your mobile phone via SMS messages, many operators offer thisservice for free.Features:- Knows how to seek balance automatically, at regular intervals,after the conversation, after disconnecting from GPRS/3G etc.- Displays separately how much money spent in the last conversationof the day, for the current month, etc.- Can be switched off automatically when roaming.- Information on the balance sheet can be displayed using widgetsplaced on the desktop. In this case the choice of widgets availablein different sizes: 4x1, 2x2, 1x1, for every taste and color.- Many operators is automatically configured when you firststart.- Able to store individual settings for different SIM cards.- Conducted a detailed log of expenditure.- You can view charts that let you visually compare the costs ofdifferent days / months.The principle is simple:1. Sent an SMS message with the specified text to a specifiednumber of the operator.2. It is expected an SMS message from a given number.3. Message is parsed for the balance in it.Keywords: balance check, widget, display balance
cluBalance 2.13z APK
Application to automatically check the balance on your mobile phonevia SMS messages, many operators offer this service for free.Features:- Knows how to seek balance automatically, at regular intervals,after the conversation, after disconnecting from GPRS/3G etc.- Displays separately how much money spent in the last conversationof the day, for the current month, etc.- Can be switched off automatically when roaming.- Information on the balance sheet can be displayed using widgetsplaced on the desktop. In this case the choice of widgets availablein different sizes: 4x1, 2x1, 1x1. For every taste and color.- Many operators is automatically configured when you firststart.- Able to store individual settings for different SIM cards.- Conducted a detailed log of expenditure.- You can view charts that let you visually compare the costs ofdifferent days / months.The principle is simple:1. Sent an SMS message with the specified text to a specifiednumber of the operator.2. It is expected an SMS message from a given number.3. Message is parsed for the balance in it.Keywords: balance check, widget, display balance
S-банк 1.7 APK
Неофициальное приложение для владельцев картбанка "Связной банк".Это приложение позволяет следить за балансом банковских карт,обрабатывая SMS сообщения от SMS-гейта Связного Банка.Возможности:- Виджет на рабочий стол, отображающий баланс и последнююоперацию- Уведомление при операциях с картами- Подробная статистика и история операций- Журнал, в котором всегда можно посмотреть историю расходов- Диаграммы расходов за разные промежутки времени- Экспорт статистики в CSV файлТребования:- Подписка на SMS уведомления о платежах- Наличие только одного счёта, несколько счетов приложение неразличает- Необходимо, чтобы SMS сообщения не перехватывали другиеприложения, такие как "Go SMS Pro" и подобныеUnofficial app for cardholders of the bank "Bank Messenger".This application allows you to monitor the balance of bank cardprocessing SMS messages from SMS-gate Coherent Bank.Features:- Widget to your desktop, showing the balance and the lastoperation- Notification for card transactions- Detailed statistics and history of operations- Journal, where you can always look at the history ofexpenditure- Flow rate for different time intervals- Export statistics to CSV fileRequirements:- Subscribe to SMS notifications about payments- The presence of only one account, multiple accounts applicationdoes not distinguish- It is necessary to intercept SMS messages are not otherapplications, such as "Go SMS Pro" and similar
Авангард-баланс 1.01 APK
Неофициальное приложение для владельцев картбанка "Авангард".Это приложение позволяет следить за балансом банковских карт,обрабатывая SMS сообщения от SMS-гейта банка.Возможности:- Виджет на рабочий стол, отображающий баланс и последнююоперацию- Уведомление при операциях с картами- Подробная статистика и история операций- Журнал, в котором всегда можно посмотреть историю расходов- Диаграммы расходов за разные промежутки времени- Экспорт статистики в CSV файлТребования:- Подписка на SMS уведомления о платежах- Наличие только одного счёта, несколько счетов приложение неразличает- Необходимо, чтобы SMS сообщения не перехватывали другиеприложения, такие как "Go SMS Pro" и подобныеUnofficial app forcardholders of the bank, "Vanguard".This application allows you to monitor the balance of cardsprocessing SMS messages from SMS-gate of the bank.Capabilities:- Widget on your desktop, displaying the balance and the lastoperation- Notification when dealing with cards- Detailed statistics and history operations- Magazine, where you can always look at the history ofexpenses- Flow chart for different time intervals- Export statistics to CSV fileRequirements:- Subscribe to SMS notifications about payments- The presence of only one account, multiple accounts, theapplication does not distinguish- It is necessary to SMS messages are not intercepted otherapplications, such as "Go SMS Pro" and similar
VBank Monitor (рублёвый счёт) 1.4 APK
Приложение для владельцев карт банкаВозрождение с рублёвым счётом.Это приложение позволяет следить за балансом банковских карт,обрабатывая SMS сообщения от банка. Разрабатывалось оноисключительно для себя, но решил и с народом поделиться. Основанона движке cluBalance.Внимание:- На Android 4.4 сообщения могут не глушиться без дополнительныхманипуляций.- Приложение нигде и никак не требует от Вас ввода номеров своихкарт (в SMS они урезаны) и не обладает правами, чтобы куда-товысылать информацию.Возможности:- Виджет на рабочий стол, отображающий баланс и последнююоперацию- Уведомление при операциях с картами, можно установить при этомпроизвольный звук- Подробная статистика и история операций- Журнал, в котором всегда можно посмотреть историю расходов- Диаграммы расходов за разные промежутки времени- Экспорт статистики в CSV файлТребования и ограничения:- Подписка на SMS оповещения об операциях с картой- Поддерживается только один рублёвый дебетный и один рублёвыйкредитный счета, карт при этом может быть сколько угодно.Application forcardholders bank Renaissance with Rublev score.This application allows you to monitor the balance of bank cardprocessing SMS messages from the bank. It was developed exclusivelyfor themselves, but with the people and decided to share. Based onthe engine cluBalance.Note:- On Android 4.4 messages can not smothered without additionalmanipulation.- Application of nowhere and does not require you to enter numbersof the cards (they are truncated to SMS) and has no rights tosomewhere to send information.Features:- Widget on the desktop, displaying the balance and the lastoperation- Notification when dealing with maps, can be set with an arbitrarysound- Detailed statistics and history of operations- Journal, where you can always look at the history ofexpenditure- Flow rate for different time intervals- Export statistics to CSV fileRequirements and Restrictions:- Subscribe to SMS alerts on card transactions- Supported only one debit and one Rublyovy Rublyovy credit accountcard, there may be any number.
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USSD piBalance—track balance APK
Track your balance/limits/credits/data overUSSD (Android 4.1+) or SMS requests and show changes in nicewidget. Full history/statistics supported in Pro version.Background requests supported after call, on schedule etc. If youuse code like *100# for getting your balance, you can easilyconfigure piBalance to use this code.And the following mobile operators supported out of the box:Australia: Optus, LebaraBelgium: Base (KPN Orange)Bosnia and Herzegovina: BH TelecomBolivia: TigoBrasil: VIVO, TIMChina: China mobile, China UnicomCosta Rica: Kolbi I.C.E., MovistarFinland: DNA FinlandFrance: FreeGreece: VodafoneIndia: Vodafone IN, TATA DOCOMO, Aircell, Reliance, CellOneIndonesia: INDOSATIreland: Vodafone IEKazakhstan: Tele2Kyrgyzstan: Megacom, BeelineLatvia: BITEMalta: VodafoneNigeria: Nigeria Communications (MTN)Namibia: MTCNew Zealand: VodafonePakistan: Ufone (Pak Telecom Mobile)Poland: OrangePortugal: Optimus (Sonaecom)Philippines: Globe, SunRomania: Orange (MobilRom)Russia: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline, SCS, UTEL, Smarts,BaykalWestCom, RostelecomSouth Africa: Vodacom, Cell-C, 8.taSerbia: TElenorSwitzerland: SwisscomSri Lanka: DialogTajikistan: MegaFonThailand: DtacTurkey: AVEATurkmenistan: CELL, MTSUK: T-mobile, O2, VodafoneUkraine: Life:), Kyivstar, MTS, Beeline, UtelUzbekistan: Beelinekw: balance, limits, ussd, widget, check balance
МТС Сервис 3.0.2 APK
«МТС Сервис» — приложение для абонентов МТСРоссия.Уважаемые клиенты! Если при первом запуске после обновления вынаблюдаете нестабильную работу приложения, рекомендуем удалитьприложение полностью и заново установить из Play Market.Обращаем ваше внимание: виджет доступен, если приложениеустановлено в память телефона, а не на SD-карту (ограничение ОСAndroid).С помощью «МТС Сервис» легко проверить баланс, пополнить счёт,подключить дополнительные опции, а также получить доступ кмножеству развлекательных сервисов.Приложение позволяет:∙ контролировать основной и бонусный балансы;∙ выбрать наиболее подходящий тариф;∙ подключать услуги и опции;∙ контролировать остатки по пакетам: интернет, звонки,сообщения;∙ воспользоваться приложениями МТС: «МТС ТВ», «МТС Локатор», «МТСВторая память» и т.д.;∙ найти ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы.------------* При загрузке, обновлении и использовании приложения «МТС Сервис»Интернет трафик оплачивается согласно условиям Вашего тарифа.Загрузка и работа приложения в национальном и международномроуминге оплачиваются согласно роуминговым тарифам на Мобильныйинтернет.Все ваши замечания и предложения, касательно работы приложения, выможете отправить на email [email protected]. Все отзывы внимательноизучаются.Спасибо, что Вы с нами! МТС."MTS Service" - anapplication for MTS Russia.Dear Clients! If at the first start after the upgrade, youexperience an unstable job application, be sure to completelyremove the application and reinstall from the Play Market.Please note: the widget is available if the application isinstalled in phone memory, not on the SD-card (limit OSAndroid).With "MTS Service" easy to check your balance, top up youraccount, connect options, as well as access to a variety ofentertainment services.The app allows you to:∙ control of the main and bonus balance;∙ choose the most appropriate tariff;∙ to connect services and options;∙ control residues on packages: the Internet, calls,messages;∙ use applications MTS "MTS TV", "MTS Locator", "MTS secondmemory", etc .;∙ to find answers to the most frequently asked questions.------------* When downloading, updating and using the application "MTSservice" Internet traffic is charged according to the conditions ofyour fare. Downloading and running applications in the national andinternational roaming are charged according to the roaming tariffsfor mobile internet.All your comments and suggestions regarding the application, youcan send email [email protected]. Allreviews are scrutinized.Thank you for being with us! MTS.
«МегаФон» Личный кабинет APK
«МегаФон» Личный кабинет позволяет управлятьуслугами связи с экрана мобильного телефона.Вы можете подключать и отключать услуги, изменять тарифный план,заказывать детализацию счёта, настраивать блокировку номера ивыполнять многие другие действия всего в несколько шагов.Для использования приложения необходима действующая SIM-карта сетиПАО «МегаФон»."MegaFon" Personalaccount allows you to manage communication services from a mobilephone's screen.You can connect and disconnect services, change the tariff plan,the details of the account to order, configure blocking numbers andperform many other activities just a few steps.To use the application requires a valid SIM-card network PJSC"MegaFon".
cluBalance Pro 2.13z APK
Application to automatically check the balanceon your mobile phone via SMS messages, many operators offer thisservice for free.Features:- Knows how to seek balance automatically, at regular intervals,after the conversation, after disconnecting from GPRS/3G etc.- Displays separately how much money spent in the last conversationof the day, for the current month, etc.- Can be switched off automatically when roaming.- Information on the balance sheet can be displayed using widgetsplaced on the desktop. In this case the choice of widgets availablein different sizes: 4x1, 2x2, 1x1, for every taste and color.- Many operators is automatically configured when you firststart.- Able to store individual settings for different SIM cards.- Conducted a detailed log of expenditure.- You can view charts that let you visually compare the costs ofdifferent days / months.The principle is simple:1. Sent an SMS message with the specified text to a specifiednumber of the operator.2. It is expected an SMS message from a given number.3. Message is parsed for the balance in it.Keywords: balance check, widget, display balance
Жду звонка 1.7 APK
Используйте приложение "Жду звонка" иоставайтесь на связи при любом балансе! Просто выберите контакт изтелефонной книги, и он тут же получит бесплатную sms "ПерезвониМне"! Бесплатно и без рекламы!У каждого из нас заканчивались деньги на счету сотового телефона.Приложение "Жду звонка" поможет Вам оставаться на связи даже прифинансовой блокировке. Все что нужно чтобы начать использование —выбрать Вашего сотового оператора*!— Вам не нужно помнить и вручную заполнять длинные коды запросов спросьбой перезвонить, приложение "Жду звонка" содержит всенеобходимые настройки.— Ваши недавние контакты у Вас под рукой, отправляйте запрос "Ждузвонка" в одно касание.— Поддерживаются номера 28 сотового оператора из России, Украины,Казахстана, Белоруссии, Абхазии и Молдовы.— Приложение помогает Вам быстро и удобно набрать длинный кодзапроса, не использует доступ в Интернет и не показываетрекламу.Для удобного скачивания приложения "Жду звонка" Вам предоставлен QRкод.Как работает приложение:1. При первом запуске приложения Вы выбираете своего сотовогооператора.2. Вы просто выбираете номер телефона из списка недавних вызововили из вашей телефонной книги.3. Программа подставляет длинный USSD запрос в стандартный экраннабора телефона.Вам остается лишь нажать кнопку звонка и отправить просьбу"Перезвони мне".Приложение не производит звонков или USSD запросов самостоятельно,не требует доступа к интернету.*стоимость услуги "Перезвони мне" уточняйте у Вашего сотовогооператораПриложение "Жду звонка" просто, удобно в использовании и готововыручить Вас в любой ситуации!Если Вы не нашли своего оператора или обнаружили ошибку - неспешите ставить низкую оценку. Напишите на почту [email protected] или в формуна сайте 1) названиевашего оператора; 2) описание вашей проблемы. И мы обновимприложение в течение трёх дней!Видеообзор предоставлен http://glafi.comПортал "Стекло и Палец". Видеообзоры игр для планшетов исмартфонов.Тэги: Позвони мне, Помощь при нуле, Перезвонилка,Звонилка-попрошайка, USSD, МТС, МегаФон, Билайн, TELE2, Мотив,Kyivstar, ActivUse the application"Waiting for a call" to stay in touch with any balance! Simplyselect a contact from the phone book, and he immediately receive afree sms "Call Me!" Free and no ads! We all run out of money on cell phone bill. Application "CallWaiting" will help you to stay connected even with the financialblockage. All you need to start using - select your carrier*!- You do not need to remember to manually fill long codes call backrequests, the application "Waiting for a call" contains all thenecessary settings.- Your recent contacts at your fingertips, send request "CallWaiting" one touch.- Supports mobile operator number 28 from Russia, Ukraine,Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and Abkhazia.- The application helps you to quickly and easily dial a long codequery does not use the internet and does not show ads.For easy downloading applications "Waiting for a call," Youprovided QR code.How does it work:1. When you first launch the application you choose a mobileoperator.2. You simply choose a phone number from a list of recent calls, orfrom your phone book.3. The program exposes long USSD request to set the standard screenphone.You just press the button and send the request to "Call meback."The application does not call or USSD request itself, does notrequire access to the Internet.* Cost of service "Call Me Back" please contact your mobileoperatorApplication "Call Waiting" is easy, convenient to use and readyto help you out in any situation!If you do not find your operator or find a bug - do not rush toput a low rating. Write on e-mail [email protected] or form onthe site 1) the name ofyour operator, and 2) a description of your problem. And we willupdate the application within three days!Video review provided http://glafi.comPortal "Glass and Smudge." Overview videos of games for tablets andsmartphones.Tags: Call me, Help with zero Perezvonilka, Dialers, beggar,USSD, MTS, Megafon, Beeline, TELE2, Motive, Kyivstar, Activ
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Messenger 432. APK
Instantly reach the people in your life—forfree. Messenger is just like texting, but you don't have to pay forevery message (it works with your data plan).Not just for Facebook friends: Message people in your phone bookand just enter a phone number to add a new contact.Group chats: Create groups for the people you message most. Namethem, set group photos and keep them all in one place.Photos and videos: Shoot videos and snap selfies or other photosright from the app and send them with one tap.Chat heads: Keep the conversation going while you use otherapps.Free calls: Talk as long as you want, even with people in othercountries. (Calls are free over Wi-Fi. Otherwise, standard datacharges apply.)Even more ways to message:Bring your conversations to life with stickers.Preview your gallery photos and videos without leaving theconversation--then choose the perfect ones to send.Record voice messages when you have more to say.Extra features:Know when people have seen your messages.Forward messages or photos to people who weren't in theconversation.Search for people and groups to quickly get back to them.Turn on location to let people know when you're nearby.See who's available on Messenger and who's active onFacebook.Create shortcuts to get to any conversation right from your homescreen.Turn off notifications when you're working, sleeping or just need abreak.Stay logged in so you never miss a message.
Opera Mini - fast web browser APK
The Opera Mini web browser for Android letsyou do everything you want to online without wasting your dataplan. It’s a fast, safe mobile web browser that saves you tons ofdata, and lets you easily download from social media andwebsites.New features• Opera Cricket - the fastest way to stay up-to-date oncricketNow Opera Mini delivers everything cricket*. Get live scores andstats delivered to you fast using our compression technology. Nevermiss a match again with match start notifications. It’s the easiestway to follow your favorite cricket teams and players.*Only in India.• Automatically scan sites for movie and music downloads -In extreme mode, easily download video and audio files withouthaving to search the website. When Opera Mini is in extreme mode,it will scan the site and let you know what files are available fordownload depending on what site you’re on.• Facebook notification bar - Never miss a beat with ourhandy Facebook notification bar. The new bar is added to yournotification drawer and it’ll keep you up-to-date on the latestnews, and activity from your profile.Why Choose Opera Mini?• Keep track of your data - Check your savings in thesettings menu and see how much data Opera Mini saves you.• Block ads - Opera Mini has a built-in ad blocker, so youcan surf the web without annoying ads.• Video download - A browser that supports video download.No time to watch videos? No problem. Tap the new download buttonand watch them when you're ready. (Doesn't work on YouTube videos,though – sorry!)• Multi-task - Keep lots of pages open at once withtabs.• Browse privately - We all have pages we don’t want toremember visiting. If you don’t want something saved in yourhistory, you can browse incognito with private tabs.• Smarter downloads - Download files in the background andhold off downloading larger files until you’re back on Wi-Fi. OperaMini will let you know as soon as your downloads are complete. Justclick the notification to open your download – no more diggingaround in folders.Other great stuff• Save your favorite sites: Tap the + button on the searchbar to save a page to your Speed Dial, add it to your mobilebookmarks or read it offline.• Get the latest news: The start page keeps everything in oneplace. Choose the categories you’re interested in and Opera Miniwill serve you the top stories and freshest content from across theweb.• Sync your devices: Give yourself access to all the bookmarks,Speed Dial shortcuts and open tabs from your other devices.• Night mode: Dim the screen to save your eyes.• Switch up your search: Assign your favorite default searchengine.Download Opera Mini web browser and try one of the fastest ways tobrowse the web on your mobile device.To learn more about the specific permissions Opera Mini uses,please visit the follow page: Mini may show ads from Facebook. To learn more, see questions or need help? Visit the latest news about Opera:Twitter – – User Terms:By downloading and/or using this product, you acknowledge and agreeto the end user license agreement at and Privacy Statement at
Google Chrome: Fast & Secure 97.0.4692.87 APK
Google Chrome is a fast, easy to use, andsecure web browser. Designed for Android, Chrome brings youpersonalized news articles, quick links to your favorite sites,downloads, and Google Search and Google Translate built-in.Download now to enjoy the same Chrome web browser experience youlove across all your devices.Browse fast and type less. Choose from personalized searchresults that instantly appear as you type and quickly browsepreviously visited web pages. Fill in forms quickly withAutofill.Incognito Browsing. Use Incognito mode to browse theinternet without saving your history. Browse privately across allyour devices.Sync Chrome Across Devices. When you sign into Chrome, yourbookmarks, passwords, and settings will be automatically syncedacross all your devices. You can seamlessly access all yourinformation from your phone, tablet, or laptop.All your favorite content, one tap away. Chrome is not justfast for Google Search, but designed so you are one tap away fromall your favorite content. You can tap on your favorite news sitesor social media directly from the new tab page. Chrome also has the“Touch to Search”- feature on any webpage. You can tap on any wordor phrase to start a Google search while still in the page you areenjoying.Protect your phone with Google Safe Browsing. Chrome hasGoogle Safe Browsing built-in. It keeps your phone safe by showingwarnings to you when you attempt to navigate to dangerous sites ordownload dangerous files.Fast downloads and view web pages and videos offline Chromehas a dedicated download button, so you can easily download videos,pictures, and entire webpages with just one tap. Chrome also hasdownloads home right inside Chrome, where you can access all thecontent you downloaded, even when you are offline.Google Voice Search. Chrome gives you an actual web browseryou can talk to. Use your voice to find answers on-the-go withouttyping and go hands free. You can browse and navigate quicker usingyour voice anywhere, anytime.Google Translate built-in: Quickly translate entire webpages. Chrome has Google Translate built in to help you totranslate entire web to your own language with one tap.Save Mobile Data. Turn on Chrome’s Data Saver to browse andnavigate the web while using less data. Save up to 60% of data asChrome compresses text, images, videos and websites withoutlowering the quality.Smart personalized recommendations. Chrome creates anexperience that is tailored to your interests. On the new tab page,you will find articles that Chrome selected based on your previousbrowsing history.
UC Browser - Fast Download Private & Secure APK
UC Browser is a free web browser forandroid devices with Fast Download, Data Saving, Ad-Blockfunctionality, and helps you access music, video, cricketinformation with smooth experience. Customized cricket feature isavailable on UC Browser. You can visit many cricket sites tosupport your team, and watch cricket live stream, and check outmatch scores on UC Browser.Main Features★ Small Window Mode★ Fast Download★ Smooth User Experience★ Cricket Card Feature★ Data Saving★ Ad Block★ Video for all tastes★ Facebook Mode★ Night Mode★ Small Window ModeOur small window mode enables the video window to be moved apartfrom the webpage, and hanged on screen top, while you expect tochat with friends, shop online or participate in other activitieswithout video watch interruption.★Fast DownloadsOur servers speed up and stabilize downloads. If any disconnectionor interruption occurs, UC Browser can continue downloading frombreakpoint. By accelerating downloading process, it saves you timefor downloadable files.★Smooth User ExperienceNo more frozen pages. Enjoy the smoothest Internet surfing. Yoursearch results instantly appear, quick access to socializing, websearching and entertaining.★Cricket Card FeatureUC Browser adds special Cricket feature for Cricket fans. Mostupdated Cricket match live, scores and related information caneasily be searched.★Data SavingUC Browser compresses data, speeds up navigation and helps you savea lot of celluar data traffic. The more you browse, the more datayou can save with UC Browser.★Ad BlockAd block functionality blocks different forms of ads that affectyour browse experience. It helps you visit webpages Ad-Free on yourandroid devices, no more pop-up banner ads.★Videos for all tastesUC Browser allows you to watch movie and TV series. The menucategorizes videos in different tastes: humor, clips, girls, anime,trailers, or even war films.★Facebook ModeThis unique feature speeds up Facebook regardless of your networkcondition. UC Browser always finds the way to increase your netowrkspeed.★Night ModeSwitch to night mode on UC Browser to read more comfortably atnight.About UCWebFacebook: help & feedback, please contact our help center (open in UC).
Viber Messenger APK
Viber Free Messenger and Phone Calls:Connecting millions worldwide! Write a text message, call, chat andshare with anyone, anywhere!Viber is your go-to free messenger, allowing you to message or callanyone in the world through your Internet connection*. Send a textmessage to friends and family with Viber Messenger. Call your lovedones using Viber’s live video chat or voice call, all part ofViber’s free and high-quality phone calls. Express yourself withcool stickers and emoji icons, share photos, and send your favoritevideos. The free messenger also lets you make international phonecalls for free.Connect with friends and family using instant messaging, voicecalls, or live video chatsChoose a contact from your phone book or simply enter a phonenumber to add a new contact on Viber messenger. Send a textmessage, or take advantage of the other amazing features that Viberoffers beyond just free messages! Share photos and videos, enjoyemoji icons and cool stickers, record audio messages, and even sendfiles.Group chat with up to 250 people!With Viber messenger, it’s easy to create and join group chats -with up to 250 people at once! Chat with your favorite people,‘like’ any user’s voice, or text message.Why users worldwide are choosing Viber Free Messenger:★Hassle-free, long-distance calls- Viber Messenger is yourfree international calling app! No need for a username or logininformation, simply activate by entering your phone number.★ Voice or video - Make your free phone call now! - Choosebetween the basic voice call or go with our live video chat if youneed a face-to-face! Whether you make a phone call domestically orhave international calls to make, all phone calls boast HD qualitysound.★ Instant video messages - Tap and hold the instant videoicon to capture the moment with 30-second videos, release tosend.★Secured communications - Viber messenger automaticallyencrypts text messages, video and voice calls, photos, videos, andgroup chats.★Express yourself with stickers - Bring your text message tolife by sending playful emoji icons and cool stickers.★Your personal messenger with “damage control” - Delete atext message or voice message even after it was sent.★‘Hidden Chats’ feature - Choose to hide specific chats fromyour messaging screen and access them later.Install Viber Free Messenger Now - Start Connecting!Facebook - -*) Wi-Fi or data plan - network data charges may apply.Viber is part of the Rakuten Group, a world leader in e-commerceand financial services.
Telegram 10.14.4 APK
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure,and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active usersin two and a half years.FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market,connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centersaround the globe.SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your devices at once.Start typing on your phone and finish the message from your tabletor laptop. Never lose your data again.UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without any limits ontheir type and size. Your entire chat history will require no diskspace on your device, and will be securely stored in the Telegramcloud for as long as you need it.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best securitycombined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats,groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bitsymmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, andDiffie–Hellman secure key exchange.POWERFUL: You can create group chats for up to 10,000 members,share large videos, documents of any type (.DOC, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.),and even set up bots for specific tasks. It's the perfect tool forhosting online communities and coordinating teamwork.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimum bytespossible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made.It works even on the weakest mobile connections.FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing tools and anopen sticker/GIF platform to cater to all your expressiveneeds.SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features, we aretaking great care to keep the interface clean. With its minimalistdesign, Telegram is lean and easy to use.100% FREE & NO ADS: Telegram is free and will always be free.We are not going to sell ads or introduce subscription fees.PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will never give thirdparties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Telegram offers SecretChats. Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destructautomatically from both participating devices. This way you cansend all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videos,and even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensurethat a message can only be read by its intended recipient.We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can do with amessaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers to catch upwith Telegram — join the revolution today.