1.3 / April 27, 2017
(4.2/5) (440)


Cheap flights from hundreds of airlines andtravel agents globally.

The Cheapflights app helps you search, compare and book

Millions of people find cheap tickets with us every year. on lastminute flights, domestic flights, international flights, cheapairline tickets and low-cost airfare, the cheapest flights anddeals are just a download away.

Our flight comparison service is simple and completely free to use.All you need to do is search, filter and book your flights. We willthen send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book yourplane tickets without any hidden fees.

✓ Search and compare cheap flights to your destination forfree
✓ Find the cheapest days to fly with our interactive Price Calendarand Chart View
✓ Find just what you’re looking for by searching for flights bycity or airport
✓ See just the flights that fit your price range, airport,airlines, number of stops, take-off and landing times
✓ Filter results by the cheapest flight, the quickest flight or ahappy balance between the two
✓ Save flights from your search results to compare and booklater
✓ Log in to apply your flight search criteria across all yourdevices for a seamless experience
✓ Take a look at checked baggage and seat reservation fees soyou’re always prepared before booking
✓ Stay up-to-date on maximum carry-on or hand-luggage sizes andweights to avoid extra baggage costs
✓ See a snapshot of your selected flight dates and times so you canreview before booking
✓ When you’ve found your perfect flight tickets, we will send youdirectly to the airline or travel agent to book

Find cheap flight tickets to Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, HongKong, Bangkok and other countries around the world with our hugeselection of cheap tickets from low-cost and full-service airlines:AirAsia, Jetstar, Tigerair, Lion Air, Citilink, Firefly, Nok Air,Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Cathay Pacific, GarudaIndonesia, Emirates, Thai Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, Air France,Etihad Airways, traveloka, nusatrip,wego, agoda, booking.com andmany more.

For hotel booking, get amazing hotel deals on hand-selected hotelsfrom cheap to 5 star luxury hotels in major destinations includingSingapore, Malaysia, Bangkok, Japan: Hilton, Red Planet Hotel,Ibis, Novotel, Aston, Best Western, Fragrance Hotel, Marriott,Santika, Millennium & Copthorne, etc.

Fly with the best. Fly with us!
Find cheap flights and hotels with us now.

Search, compare and book flights with the award-winning Skyscannerflight comparison app!

Search millions of flights from hundreds of airlines instantly forfree, making it easier than ever to find the best airfare.

Looking for Cheap Flights Ticket for Malaysia? Search nomore!
This app provide easy access to all top airlines flights Malaysia.Domestic and international flights bookings. Search for low-fareand cheap tickets for your dream destination.

* Search and book flights directly from;
-Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
-Rayani Air
-Malindo Air

*Check flight status.

App Information Cheap Flights Booking Travel

  • App Name
    Cheap Flights Booking Travel
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 27, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    cheap hotel & cheap plane / flights
  • Installs
    100,000 - 500,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

cheap hotel & cheap plane / flights Show More...

Cheap Flights Booking Travel 1.3 APK
Cheap flights from hundreds of airlines andtravel agents globally.The Cheapflights app helps you search, compare and bookMillions of people find cheap tickets with us every year. on lastminute flights, domestic flights, international flights, cheapairline tickets and low-cost airfare, the cheapest flights anddeals are just a download away.Our flight comparison service is simple and completely free to use.All you need to do is search, filter and book your flights. We willthen send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book yourplane tickets without any hidden fees.✓ Search and compare cheap flights to your destination forfree✓ Find the cheapest days to fly with our interactive Price Calendarand Chart View✓ Find just what you’re looking for by searching for flights bycity or airport✓ See just the flights that fit your price range, airport,airlines, number of stops, take-off and landing times✓ Filter results by the cheapest flight, the quickest flight or ahappy balance between the two✓ Save flights from your search results to compare and booklater✓ Log in to apply your flight search criteria across all yourdevices for a seamless experience✓ Take a look at checked baggage and seat reservation fees soyou’re always prepared before booking✓ Stay up-to-date on maximum carry-on or hand-luggage sizes andweights to avoid extra baggage costs✓ See a snapshot of your selected flight dates and times so you canreview before booking✓ When you’ve found your perfect flight tickets, we will send youdirectly to the airline or travel agent to bookFind cheap flight tickets to Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, HongKong, Bangkok and other countries around the world with our hugeselection of cheap tickets from low-cost and full-service airlines:AirAsia, Jetstar, Tigerair, Lion Air, Citilink, Firefly, Nok Air,Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Cathay Pacific, GarudaIndonesia, Emirates, Thai Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, Air France,Etihad Airways, traveloka, nusatrip,wego, agoda, booking.com andmany more.For hotel booking, get amazing hotel deals on hand-selected hotelsfrom cheap to 5 star luxury hotels in major destinations includingSingapore, Malaysia, Bangkok, Japan: Hilton, Red Planet Hotel,Ibis, Novotel, Aston, Best Western, Fragrance Hotel, Marriott,Santika, Millennium & Copthorne, etc.Fly with the best. Fly with us!Find cheap flights and hotels with us now.Search, compare and book flights with the award-winning Skyscannerflight comparison app!Search millions of flights from hundreds of airlines instantly forfree, making it easier than ever to find the best airfare.Looking for Cheap Flights Ticket for Malaysia? Search nomore!This app provide easy access to all top airlines flights Malaysia.Domestic and international flights bookings. Search for low-fareand cheap tickets for your dream destination.Features:* Search and book flights directly from;-AirAsia-Malaysia Airlines (MAS)-Rayani Air-Malindo Air-Firefly*Check flight status.