23.0 / August 15, 2015
(4.0/5) (29)


Não basta só ser Cristão, é necessário ter umbom aplicativo da Biblia Sagrada de João Ferreira de Almeida (JFA)instalado em seu celular! Ver e ouvir a palavra do maior e melhorhomem que veio a passar pela Terra e saber interpreta-la, levando-aalém dos olhos e chegando ao coração.
Este bonito app traz de forma natural o texto igual o que está naBíblia.
Quem crer no Deus vivo, que tem a mão da verdade, claro que éfeliz! Podendo sonhar naturalmente alto com dias e noitesmelhores!
Em qualquer tempo, pode-se ler a bíblia, seja dia, tarde ou noite.Agora você a terá sempre em sua mão, passando as mais gostosashoras de sua vida lendo as palavras de amor do filho do grande pai,seja em casa, na rua ou no trabalho!
Novo Testamento é a porta para os livros e as cartas escritas pelosapóstolos de Jesus Cristo, pessoa de espírito bom, filho do Senhor,cuja mãe tem como nome Maria, mulher simples, alegre e doce, queteve como marido, José.
Já no Velho (Antigo) Testamento, um pouco mais longo, mas não menosbelo, é a vez de ler os ricos textos sagrados, podendo ir dacriação ao apocalipse sem sair de seu lar.
Qualquer usuário tem o poder de compartilhar os versículos com oamigo, a namorada de maneira gostosa sem o perigo de vírus. Mesmoquando estiver a falar ou comer, poderá ouvir os áudios, no formatoMP3, com a mesma facilidade que se escuta músicas.
Desenvolvido por: Anitta Barriga de Deus
It is not enough just tobe a Christian, you must have a good application of the Holy BibleKing James Version (NIV) installed on your phone! See and hear theword of the biggest and best man who came to spend the earth andknow interpret it, taking it beyond the eyes and reaching theheart.
This beautiful app brings naturally the same text that is in theBible.
Who believe in the living God, who has the hand of the truth, ofcourse is happy! Can dream naturally high with days and nightsbetter!
At any time, you can read the Bible, is day, afternoon or evening.Now you will always have in your hand, spending the hottest hoursof his life reading his son's love of words of the great father,whether at home, on the street or at work!
New Testament is the door to the books and letters written by theapostles of Jesus Christ, people of good spirit, son of the Lord,whose mother has the name Maria, simple, cheerful and gentle womanwho had a husband, Joseph.
Already in the Old (Old) Testament, a little longer but no lessbeautiful is the time to read the rich sacred texts and can go fromcreation to apocalypse without leaving your home.
Any user has the power to share the verses with his friend, thegirlfriend of tasty way without the danger of viruses. Even whenyou are talking or eating, you can hear the audio in MP3 format,with the same ease you hear music.
Developed by: Anitta belly of God

App Information Bíblia da Mulher MP3

  • App Name
    Bíblia da Mulher MP3
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 15, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Jack Sparroww
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Italiano Bibbia 2.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
La Bibbia cristiana comprende l'AnticoTestamento ed il Nuovo Testamento, specifico cristiano, cioè laparte relativa a Gesù e alla nascente Chiesa apostolica.Le chiese protestanti, seppure con differenze a seconda deiperiodi, escludono dall'Antico Testamento gli stessi libri esclusidal Canone ebraico[6]. La Chiesa cattolica e quelle ortodosseseguono invece il Canone alessandrino (con alcune differenze), checomprende libri in origine scritti sia in ebraico che ingreco.I libri che non appartengono al canone della Bibbia ebraica sonodetti deuterocanonici dai cattolici mentre sono consideratiapocrifi dai protestanti, i quali il più delle volte li inserivanocome appendice a parte fra i due testamenti.Anche per il Nuovo Testamento, scritto in greco (anche se forsel'evangelista Matteo compose il suo libro in ebraico o aramaico),in età antica vi erano state differenze fra le varie chiese sulnumero dei libri da recepire come ispirati. In particolare eranosorti dubbi sulle epistole non attribuite a Paolo di Tarso esull'Apocalisse. I libri controversi del Nuovo Testamento furonodetti nell'antichità antilegomena.L’indice della Bibbia cattolica non segue la cronologia dei testi,ma è divisa in quattro parti in base al contenuto: cioè ilPentateuco, i Libri Profetici (anteriori = Libri Storici eposteriori = profetici propriamente detti), Scritti (tra i quali iLibri Sapienziali), Deuterocanonici. Il numero, l'ordine ed iltitolo dei vari libri varia a seconda dei diversi canoni. I libricontenuti al suo interno sono 46 e parlano del popolo ebraico, deisuoi padri, re e profeti. Ci sono anche testi appartenentiall'epoca ellenistica, prima della nascita di Gesù, tranne Sapienzaultimo libro della Bibbia (Antico Testamento) scritto nell'eracristiana all'inizio del I secolo d.C. (Fonte: La Bibbia Ed. sanPaolo, 2009 - Pag. 1374). I Libri deuterocanonici non sonoriconosciuti come ispirati e quindi appartenenti al canone dallechiese protestanti e da alcune altre confessioni.[7]Il Nuovo Testamento, facente parte della sola Bibbia cristiana,redatto originariamente in greco con numerosi semitismi, è compostodai quattro Vangeli, dalle lettere dell'apostolo Paolo, dalleLettere cattoliche, dagli Atti degli Apostoli e dall'Apocalisse,per un totale di 27 scritti (tra parentesi l'abbreviazione usatanelle citazioni bibliche). Tra le diverse confessioni cristiane(cattolica, ortodossa, protestante) c'è un sostanziale accordo sulnumero e l'ordine dei libri del Nuovo Testamento, con la soladifferenza che nell'ordine luterano gli ultimi libri sono ideuterocanonici neotestamentari, cioè Ebrei, Giacomo, Giuda eApocalisse, separando Ebrei dal corpus paolino e Giacomo e Giudadalle lettere cattoliche. Non è così invece per il VecchioTestamento, dove la canonicità di alcuni libri non è riconosciutadalle chiese protestanti e da alcune altre confessioni.The Christian Bibleincludes the Old Testament and the New Testament, specificallyChristian, that is, the part relating to Jesus and to the nascentapostolic Church.Protestant churches, albeit with differences depending on theperiod, excluding the Old Testament books themselves excluded fromthe Hebrew canon. [6] The Catholic Church and the Orthodox followinstead the Alexandrian Canon (with some differences), whichincludes books originally written in both Hebrew and greek.The books that do not belong to the canon of the Hebrew Bible arecalled deuterocanonical by Catholics and are considered apocryphalby Protestants, who more often than inserivano them as an appendixin part between the two testaments.Even for the New Testament, written in greek (though perhaps theEvangelist Matthew wrote his book in Hebrew or Aramaic), in ancienttimes there were differences between the various churches on thenumber of books to be transposed as inspired. In particular,questions arose about the epistles not attributed to Paul of Tarsusand the Apocalypse. The controversial books of the New Testamentwere called in ancient Antilegomena.The index of the Catholic Bible does not follow the chronology ofthe texts, but it is divided into four parts according to thecontent: ie the Pentateuch, the Prophetic Books (front and rear = =Historical Books prophetic proper) and Writings (including theWisdom Books), Deuterocanonical. The number, the order and thetitle of the various books varies according to the different fees.The books contained within it are 46 and speak of the Jewishpeople, of his fathers, kings and prophets. There are also textsbelonging to the Hellenistic period, before the birth of Jesus,except Sapienza last book of the Bible (Old Testament) wrote in theChristian era at the beginning of the first century AD (Source: TheBible Ed. St. Paul, 2009 - p. 1374). The deuterocanonical books arenot accepted as inspired and therefore belong to the canon of theProtestant churches and some other denominations. [7]The New Testament, which is part of the only Christian Bible,written originally in greek with numerous semitisms, is composed ofthe four Gospels, the letters of the Apostle Paul, the CatholicLetters, the Acts of the Apostles and the Apocalypse, for a totalof 27 written (in parentheses the abbreviation used in the biblicalquotations). Among the various Christian denominations (Catholic,Orthodox, Protestant) there is substantial agreement on the numberand order of the books of the New Testament, with the onlydifference that the order Lutheran last deuterocanonical books arethe New Testament, that Jews, James, Jude and Revelation,separating Jews from the Pauline corpus and James and Jude Catholicletters. Not so however for the Old Testament, where the canonicityof some books is not recognized by the Protestant churches and someother denominations.
Bible: Zulu, Xhosa, English 55.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
The Holy Bible in Zulu language, Xhosa andEnglish.Application targeted to users in South Africa.Free download and use completely offline.
Military Diet (3 days) 55.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
Military Diet?You can lose up to 10 pounds per week on the Military Diet withoutstrenuous exercise or prescriptions. And best of all, the MilitaryDiet is free! The 3 day Military Diet is probably cheaper than whatyou’re eating right now. The food combinations in the Military Dietare designed to burn fat, kick start your metabolism and loseweight fast. In fact, the Military Diet is one of the best naturaldiets known for rapid weight loss without a prescription.No need for strenuous exercise or expensive pills on the MilitaryDietLose weight fast on the military dietMaybe you’ve heard the termshape up or ship out? If you’re not measuring up to your own ideal,then the Military Diet might be for you. The diet is a combinationof low calorie, chemically compatible foods designed to worktogether and jump start your weight loss. And because the diet is 3days on and 4 days off, the Military Diet doesn’t slow down yourmetabolism like other diets. The people that fail on the MilitaryDiet simply don’t have the drive and determination that you do.They complain about hunger or low energy because they are used toeating way more calories in a day. That’s how they gained weight inthe first place, by eating more calories than they burned off. Mostimportantly, some people aren’t committed to weight loss. What’sthree days a week of dieting in exchange for losing up to 10 poundsa week?You can lose weight FAST on the Military DietThe Military Diet works works in an emergency situation. Let’s sayyou have to fit into a wedding dress pronto, take a cruise, or yourex is coming to town and you want to make him drool. The MilitaryDiet is for people who need to lose weight fast or lose more weightover the long term. If you follow the Military diet for a month,you can lose up to 30 pounds. The Military Diet is all natural withfast results to keep you motivated. A hunger pang here and theredoesn’t compare to getting on the scale and seeing actual results.Overweight people spend billions of dollars every year on productsand services that promise miraculous results. Losing weight isn’tcomplicated on the Military Diet. If you stick to the diet plan,you’ll see the kind of results that are often promised by othersand never delivered. Don’t waste your money on diets that don’twork. The Military Diet is free.
Quran Hindi 13.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
The Quran (English pronunciation: /kɔrˈɑːn/[n 1] kor-ahn; Arabic:القرآن‎ al-qur'ān, IPA: [qurˈʔaːn],[n 2] literally meaning "therecitation"; also romanised Qurʾan or Koran) is the centralreligious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelationfrom God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah).[1] Its scriptural status among aworld-spanning religious community, and its major place withinworld literature generally, has led to a great deal of secondaryliterature on the Quran.[2] Quranic chapters are called suras andverses are called ayahs.Manuscript of the Quran. Brooklyn Museum.Quran - in Mashhad, Iran - written by Ali.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammadthrough the angel Gabriel (Jibril),[3][4] gradually over a periodof approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,[5] whenMuhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of hisdeath.[1][6][7] Muslims regard the Quran as the most importantmiracle of Muhammad, a proof of his prophethood,[8] and theculmination of a series of divine messages that started with themessages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad. They considerthe Quran to be the only revealed book that has been protected byGod from distortion or corruption.[9]
Kannada Bible 1.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tàbiblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts sacred inJudaism and Christianity. There is no single canonical Bible andvarious religious traditions have produced different recensionswith different selections of texts. These do largely overlaphowever, creating an important common core.[1]The Bible is widely considered to be the best selling book ofall time,[2][3][4] has estimated annual sales of 100 millioncopies,[5][6] and has been a major influence on literature andhistory, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printedbook. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever printed usingmovable type.
Zulu Bible 80.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tàbiblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts sacred inJudaism and Christianity. There is no single canonical Bible andvarious religious traditions have produced different recensionswith different selections of texts. These do largely overlaphowever, creating an important common core.[1]The Bible is widely considered to be the best selling book ofall time,[2][3][4] has estimated annual sales of 100 millioncopies,[5][6] and has been a major influence on literature andhistory, especially in the West where it was the first mass-printedbook. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever printed usingmovable type.The Bible (from KoineGreek τὰ βιβλία, Chap biblía, "the books") is a canonicalcollection of Texts Sacred in Judaism and Christianity. There is nosingle canonical Bible and various religious traditions haveproduced different recensions with different Selections of Texts.These do largely overlap However, creating an Important commoncore. [1]The Bible is widely considered to be the best selling book ofall time, [2] [3] [4] has estimated annual sales of 100 millioncopies, [5] [6] and has been a major wide on literature andhistory, especially in the West where it was the first mass-Printedbook. The Gutenberg Bible was the first Bible ever Printed usingImmovable type.
Quran Uzbek 13.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
The Quran (English pronunciation: /kɔrˈɑːn/[n1] kor-ahn; Arabic: القرآن‎ al-qur'ān, IPA: [qurˈʔaːn],[n 2]literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanised Qurʾan or Koran)is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to bea revelation from God (Arabic: الله‎, Allah).[1] Its scripturalstatus among a world-spanning religious community, and its majorplace within world literature generally, has led to a great deal ofsecondary literature on the Quran.[2] Quranic chapters are calledsuras and verses are called ayahs.Manuscript of the Quran. Brooklyn Museum.Quran - in Mashhad, Iran - written by Ali.Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammadthrough the angel Gabriel (Jibril),[3][4] gradually over a periodof approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,[5] whenMuhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of hisdeath.[1][6][7] Muslims regard the Quran as the most importantmiracle of Muhammad, a proof of his prophethood,[8] and theculmination of a series of divine messages that started with themessages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad. They considerthe Quran to be the only revealed book that has been protected byGod from distortion or corruption.[9]
Bíblia da Mulher 24.0 APK
Jack Sparroww
Não basta só ser Cristão, é necessário ter umbom aplicativo da Biblia Sagrada de João Ferreira de Almeida (JFA)instalado em seu celular! Ver e ouvir a palavra do maior e melhorhomem que veio a passar pela Terra e saber interpreta-la, levando-aalém dos olhos e chegando ao coração.Este bonito app traz de forma natural o texto igual o que está naBíblia.Quem crer no Deus vivo, que tem a mão da verdade, claro que éfeliz! Podendo sonhar naturalmente alto com dias e noitesmelhores!Em qualquer tempo, pode-se ler a bíblia, seja dia, tarde ou noite.Agora você a terá sempre em sua mão, passando as mais gostosashoras de sua vida lendo as palavras de amor do filho do grande pai,seja em casa, na rua ou no trabalho!Novo Testamento é a porta para os livros e as cartas escritas pelosapóstolos de Jesus Cristo, pessoa de espírito bom, filho do Senhor,cuja mãe tem como nome Maria, mulher simples, alegre e doce, queteve como marido, José.Já no Velho (Antigo) Testamento, um pouco mais longo, mas não menosbelo, é a vez de ler os ricos textos sagrados, podendo ir dacriação ao apocalipse sem sair de seu lar.Qualquer usuário tem o poder de compartilhar os versículos com oamigo, a namorada de maneira gostosa sem o perigo de vírus. Mesmoquando estiver a falar ou comer, poderá ouvir os áudios, no formatoMP3, com a mesma facilidade que se escuta músicas.Desenvolvido por: Anitta Barriga de DeusIt is not enough just tobe a Christian, you must have a good application of the Holy BibleKing James Version (NIV) installed on your phone! See and hear theword of the biggest and best man who came to spend the earth andknow interpret it, taking it beyond the eyes and reaching theheart.This beautiful app brings naturally the same text that is in theBible.Who believe in the living God, who has the hand of the truth, ofcourse is happy! Can dream naturally high with days and nightsbetter!At any time, you can read the Bible, is day, afternoon or evening.Now you will always have in your hand, spending the hottest hoursof his life reading his son's love of words of the great father,whether at home, on the street or at work!New Testament is the door to the books and letters written by theapostles of Jesus Christ, people of good spirit, son of the Lord,whose mother has the name Maria, simple, cheerful and gentle womanwho had a husband, Joseph.Already in the Old (Old) Testament, a little longer but no lessbeautiful is the time to read the rich sacred texts and can go fromcreation to apocalypse without leaving your home.Any user has the power to share the verses with his friend, thegirlfriend of tasty way without the danger of viruses. Even whenyou are talking or eating, you can hear the audio in MP3 format,with the same ease you hear music.Developed by: Anitta belly of God