2.0.7 / March 7, 2016
(4.1/5) (53)


Test your mental agility: think withefficiency, fast and well without distraction, focusing and keepingconstant the concentration levels

Great to test and improve cognitive functions such as attentionin its various basic components [reactivity, attention focused /selective / shared / sustained attentional switch] but also morecomplex cognitive strategies associated with the space analysis[visuospatial functions]

Suitable for any work included age children.

Infiniti and always different levels of play.

How to play?
very simply necessary to rotate the central panel to the right orleft so that the colored bricks come in contact with the samecolor.

The system automatically saves the last level completed thusallowing to start new gaming sessions without losing progress.

ranking online GOOGLE PLAY

Clean and essential graphics

Game suitable for any work included age children

Internet access is required only for AdMob banner and GOOGLEPLAY's leaderboards/achievements

This application is totally free and is supported only by admobbanners, however NOT PRESENT WHILE PLAYNG.

If you want to help translate into your language, please contactthe author

all contents of this application are free or licensed withCOMMON CREATIVE license [see http://www.creativecommons.it].
In case, however, even if in good faith, this application should becontain in any way materials and / or reference offensive to thecopyright laws or
that violate, even if in good faith, in any way, rights held bythird parties, please contact us for immediate removal at:
[email protected].

App Information BRAINSTORM: brain training

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ENNEAGRAMMA: test di carattere 1.0 APK
L’origine dell’Enneagramma è sconosciuta maantichissima. Molto probabilmente la matrice proviene dalmisticismo medio-orientale e dal mondo Sufi. Da sempretramandato per via orale è uno strumento che cerca di indagaresulla personalità ed il carattere degli individui.Geometricamente è composto da un cerchio suddiviso in nove partiuguali [da qui il nome] e la sua costruzione è moltoparticolare.E' un simbolo dinamico: ad ognuno dei nove punti presenti sullacirconferenza corrisponde un enneatipo, mentre le linee che licollegano rappresentano dei percorsi, delle tendenze che possonoprodurre, a seconda dei casi, un’evoluzione o un’involuzione dellapersonalità di ciascun individuo.Può rappresentare uno strumento di indagine psicologica,assimilabile a un test psicometrico, utile per capire perché ci sicomporta in un certo modo e, se usato correttamente, può aiutare acapire sé stessi e migliorare i propri rapporti con gli altri.Secondo questo impianto metodologico, ognuno di noi percepiscela realtà attraverso una lente [a seconda della sua personalità oenneatipo] che spesso ne altera l'oggettività. Nessuno dei novetipi è migliore o peggiore di altri, ognuno di essi ha doni unicima anche punti deboli.Attraverso la scoperta e la conoscenza del proprio tipo si puòavviare un processo di crescita e consapevolezza che, con impegno ecostanza, può portarci progressivamente a dominare e governare lenostre “spinte emozionali”, a sfruttare i nostri talenti innati, acogliere possibili percorsi evolutivi favorevoli, migliorando cosìil nostro comportamento, la visione di sé stessi e le relazioniinterpersonali."ENNEAGRAMMA test di carattere" consente di navigare tra diversilivelli di approfondimento per conoscere questo affascinante metodoe naturalmente di effettuare il TEST GUIDATO per scoprire ilproprio enneatipo, in modo del tutto semplice.Un sistema di acquisizione automatica e calcolo dei punteggi,genererà alla fine un profilo grafico della propria personalità conuna descrizione particolareggiata della prorpia "configurazione"tipologica.Questo prodotto non rappresenta nè sostituisce strumenti diindagine clinica [neuropsicologica] i quali devono esseresomministrati da personale medico adeguatamente addestrato, masemplicemente un divertente sistema di indagine introspettiva confinalità di intrattenimento, scambio, socializzazione, gioco,confronto.L'autore declina ogni tipo di responsabilità derivante dall'uso[qualunque esso sia] di questa applicazione che, si ribadisce, haesclusiva finalità di intrattenimento.Tutti i contenuti presenti in questo prodotto risultano essereliberi. Tuttavia, ove si rilevassero, anche se in buona fede,violazioni di diritti detenuti da terzi, si prega di contattarci alseguente indirizzo e-mail per la loro immediata rimozione: [email protected] Enneagram is unknownbut ancient origin. Most likely the matrix comes from themiddle-eastern mysticism and the Sufi world. Always passed downorally is a tool that seeks to investigate the personality andcharacter of individuals.Geometrically consists of a circle divided into nine equal parts[hence the name] and its construction is very special.It 'a dynamic symbol: for each of the nine dots on thecircumference corresponds to a Enneatype, while the linesconnecting them represent paths, trends that can be produced,depending on the circumstances, an evolution or involution of thepersonality of each individual.It can be a means of psychological investigation, similar to apsychometric test, which is useful to understand why we behave in acertain way, and if used properly, can help to understandthemselves and improve their relationships with others.According to this methodological framework, each of us perceivesreality through a lens [depending on his personality or Enneatype]which often alters their objectivity. None of the nine types isbetter or worse than others, each has unique gifts but alsoweaknesses.Through the discovery and knowledge of its type you can start aprocess of growth and awareness that, with commitment andperseverance, can lead progressively to dominate and govern our"emotional impulses" exploit our innate talents, to understand thepossible paths evolutionary favorable, thus improving our behavior,the vision of self and interpersonal relationships."ENNEAGRAM test of character" enables you to navigate betweendifferent levels of detail to learn about this fascinating methodand of course to make the TEST DRIVEN to discover their ownEnneatype, in quite simple.A system for automatic acquisition and calculation of scores,the end will generate a profile graph of your personality with adetailed description of prorpia "configuration" typological.This product does not represent nor replace tools of clinicalinvestigation [neuropsychological] which must be administered bytrained medical personnel, but simply a fun system of introspectiveinvestigation for purposes of entertainment, exchange,socialization, play, confrontation.The author disclaims any liability arising from [whatever it is]of this application, it is confirmed, he sole purpose ofentertainment.All content contained in this product are to be free. However,if they spot you, even if in good faith, violations of the rightsheld by third parties, please contact us at the following e-mailaddress for their immediate removal: dokthor.developerteam @gmail.com
Asteroids Space Shooter 1.4.2 APK
Asteroids Shooter is a restyling of theclassic arcade in which we have tried to maintain the spectaculargameplay in a more eye-catching graphics. At the moment it is stilla beta with some features disabled as the power ups [except theshield bonus], score saving and online ranking. The physics of themovements was calculated using algorithms that should make crediblethe trajectories and impacts between sprites over that frictionmanagement of the spacecraft in space both in the phase ofpropulsion and inertia.The gameplay is too simple and not require much explanation: weonly need to destroy all the asteroids to reach the next levelwithout getting hit. The spacecraft has a protective shield withoutwhich explodes. The destruction of the smaller asteroids enablesthe collection of power ups that recharges the shield.Finally: the yellow buttons rotate the spacecraft, blue buttonactive the booster, red button for laser fire, the white button forteleport in the central area at a cost of 2 shield point.Recommended installation of dual core smartphone or greater.all contents of this application are free or licensed withCOMMON CREATIVE license [see http://www.creativecommons.it].In case, however, even if in good faith, this application should becontain in any way materials and / or reference offensive to thecopyright laws orthat violate, even if in good faith, in any way, rights held bythird parties, please contact us for immediate removal at: [email protected].
MyChat encrypted lock 6.3.3 APK
MyChat is a simple suite that allows you tochat in a public room, or create an unlimited number of privateroom.Implemented coding/encoding system [Encrypted Lock System] basedon a encriptyng code decided by the user. This allows a extremelyhigh safety of the data entered: the reading will be possible onlyby those who possess the decrypting code. The level ofconfidentiality is made ​​inviolable by storing in mysql ONLY thedata encrypted [ELS], making it virtually impossible to be usedalso as a result of intrusion into the database.Structured so extremely essential not require any piece ofpersonal data but only a username and a password to register.In this way it is guaranteed to be totally the privacy of usersduring signup so that the product use.The system keeps the messages in load for 24 hours.now, with 6.2 version, was introduced a fun set of emoticons topersonalize your messages, implemented autorefresh system that, incase of a new message, sends an acoustic signal, either in publicor in private chat, revised and optimized the layout and managementof the panel buttons, fixed server-side management of messages withquotes that now are taken regularly.WARNING: The encryption code for security reasons is NOT storedon the database and MUST BE KEPT BY THE USER. Its LOST will resultin the impossibility of decoding the data being Encrypted LockSystem IRREVERSIBLE without the encryption code.The author disclaims any liability to third parties for director indirect damages resulting from improper use of thisapplication, such as the loss of the encryption code. This code isthe exclusive property of the end user and must be carefullypreserved. This application does not store the code in any way.
BRAIN STORM 2: brain training 2.0.6 APK
Test your mental agility in this newbrainstorming challenge: think and act with efficiency, speed andprecision, cold-blooded, focusing and keeping constant theconcentration levelsGreat to test and improve cognitive functions such as attentionin its various basic components [reactivity, attention focused /selective / shared / sustained attentional switch] but also morecomplex cognitive strategies associated with the space analysis[visuospatial functions]Suitable for any work included age children.Infinite and always different levels of play.How to play?very simply must hit [just touch the screen to shoot] spheressurrounded by a green ring while the black star turns withincreasing speed and changing direction suddenly. Tilt thesmartphone to move right / left the ship and avoid collision withshooting stars.The system automatically saves the last level completed thusallowing to start new gaming sessions without losing progress.ranking online GOOGLE PLAYClean and essential graphicsGame suitable for any work included age childrenInternet access is required only for AdMob banner and GOOGLEPLAY's leaderboards/achievementsThis application is totally free and is supported only by admobbanners, however NOT PRESENT WHILE PLAYNG.If you want to help translate into your language, please contactthe author [email protected] contents of this application are free or licensed withCOMMON CREATIVE license [see http://www.creativecommons.it].In case, however, even if in good faith, this application should becontain in any way materials and / or reference offensive to thecopyright laws orthat violate, even if in good faith, in any way, rights held bythird parties, please contact us for immediate removal at:[email protected]
Age of the Mage 2.0.5 APK
helps your mage to complete potions,hittingthe required ingredients with fireballs in ARCADE orSTRATEGICmode, enhances his ability using the magic hammer[increase themana's level, casting speed, health point, or preciousseconds],collect coins to customize your gaming experience! You'llneed bothspeed and strategy to complete the levels, alwaysdifferent, accessthe google play's online ranking, unlock severalachievements andshare with most important social network.Internet access is required only for AdMob banner andGOOGLEPLAY's leaderboards/achievementsThis application is totally free and is supported only byadmobbanners, however NOT PRESENT WHILE PLAYNG.all contents of this application are free or licensed withCOMMONCREATIVE license [see http://www.creativecommons.it].In case, however, even if in good faith, this application shouldbecontain in any way materials and / or reference offensive tothecopyright laws orthat violate, even if in good faith, in any way, rights heldbythird parties, please contact us for immediate removal at:[email protected].
MATEMAGIC - magia matematica 1.5.2 APK
MATEMAGIC - quando la matematica diventamagia!con MATEMAGIC potrai divertirti a sorprendere i tuoi amiciindovinando l'età il numero di scarpe calzato.L'effetto migliore lo potrai ottenere esibendoti "alla cieca"cioè senza sapere chi è la persona che si sta sottoponendo al tuocalcolo M/\t3M/\gic0, e facendoti passare il numero da inserirenella app da un "portavoce".Il tutto avverrà senza alcun trucco ma solo grazie ad unasemplice procedura matematica che potrai divertirti a scoprire perconto tuo.Il sistema è ripetibile in modo illimitato anche a più personepresenti contemporaneamente mantenedo inalterato il suo effetto disorpresa.Adatto a tutti, bambini inclusi.MATEMAGIC - when the mathbecomes magic!you can have fun with MATEMAGIC to surprise your friends byguessing the age of the number of shoes worn.The best effect you can get esibendoti "blindly", ie withoutknowing who the person is that you are submitting to yourcalculation M / \ T3M / \ gic0, and making you pass the number tobe included in the app as a "mouthpiece".All this will happen without any makeup but only thanks to asimple mathematical procedure that you can have fun to discover onyour own.The system is repeatable in an unlimited way even more peoplepresent at the same time keeping intact its surprise effect.Suitable for everyone, including children.
BRAIN STORM 3 train your mind 1.0.5 APK
Test your mental agility in this newbrainstorming challenge: BS3 POLYGONS lead you to think withefficiency, fast and well without distraction, focusing and keepingconstant the concentration levelsGreat to test and improve cognitive functions such as attentionin its various basic components [reactivity, attention focused /selective / shared / sustained attentional switch] but also morecomplex cognitive strategies associated with the space analysis[visuospatial functions], geometrical thinkingSuitable for any work included age children.Infinite and always different levels of play.How to play?It is very simple: the goal is TO BUILD POLYGONS, triangles,squares or pentagons and to do that you just TAP on GREENCIRCLES.More big is polygon's area more points you earn!Polygons can be OVERLAPPED but RED LINES must NOT TOUCH OR CROSSeach otherNOT BUILD ON RED CIRCLESBUILD ON BONUS: bonus of various types are available, multiplierscore, extra points and special bonuses for destroying the redrings in different directionsTIMER: is reset each time a polygon is completed. The secondsremaining will be converted EXTRA SCOREUNDO: with the UNDO button you can correct your moves beforecompleting the polygon constructionPOLYGONS PANEL: colored panels will indicate the number and typeof polygons to be built to complete the current levelThe system automatically saves the last level completed thusallowing to start new gaming sessions without losing progress.ranking online GOOGLE PLAYClean and essential graphicsGame suitable for any work included age childrenInternet access is required only for GOOGLE PLAY'sleaderboards/achievementsThis application is totally free and WITHOUT ANY ADS bannerIf you want to help translate into your language, please contactthe author [email protected] contents of this application are free or licensed withCOMMON CREATIVE license [see http://www.creativecommons.it].In case, however, even if in good faith, this application should becontain in any way materials and / or reference offensive to thecopyright laws orthat violate, even if in good faith, in any way, rights held bythird parties, please contact us for immediate removal at:[email protected]
GRAPHOLOGY: signature analysisit is a system that using mathematical algorithms of SIGNATUREANALYSIS, such as speed, regularity, fragmentation, resultingangular, vertical spikes, etc.., provides INTERPRETATION secondPROFILE 5 basic categories: management problems, management ofrelationships with others, pesonality, lived and currentexpectations, sense of accomplishment.WARNING: This application does not represent and not replacePSYCOLOGICAL TESTS that must be administered by MEDICAL STAFFPROPERLY TRAINED, but simply a funny way of signature'sinterpretation through mathematical algorithms derived from graphicline [resulting angular velocity etc.].The author assumes no liability arising from the use of thisapplication [whatever it is] that, it is confirmed, has not valueof PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST but should be considered purely a form ofentertainment, fun and socializing.