/ March 22, 2017
(4.7/5) (70379)


Aplikasi Alkitab multifungsi, multiversi,gratis, dan tanpa iklan.

Berbagai terjemahan Alkitab. Terdapat 300+ versi terjemahanAlkitab dalam bahasa Indonesia dan daerah/suku, bahasa asli Alkitab(Yunani/Ibrani), dan bahasa asing lainnya. Cukup diunduh/downloadsatu kali, setelah itu dapat dibaca offline.

Pencarian. Cari kata-kata dan frasa dengan cepat dancanggih. Temukan ayat-ayat dengan beragam pilihan pencarian.

Versi Pembanding. Bandingkan versi-versi terjemahan Alkitabyang ditampilkan dengan tampilan ganda 'split screen'. Pelajarifirman Tuhan dalam berbagai bahasa dengan mudah dalam satulayar.

Referensi Silang. Temukan ayat-ayat terkait, yang salingterhubung dalam Alkitab (untuk beberapa versi terjemahanAlkitab).

Catatan. Anda dapat membuat catatan pribadi pada ayat apapun yang dipilih. Alamat ayat yang dituliskan dalam catatan, akanmenjadi link/tautan yang dapat diklik untuk membuka ayattersebut.

Riwayat/History. Berisi daftar ayat yang pernah Anda bukasebelumnya. Ayat-ayat terakhir yang Anda baca telah ditandai dandapat dibuka kembali dengan cepat.

Pembatas Buku, Label, dan Jejak. Ada beberapa jenis'bookmark' — Tandai ayat-ayat yang Anda baca; Anda juga bisamembuat sendiri sistem topik pribadi.

Sync. Pastikan pembatas buku, catatan pribadi, sorotan,label, dan data-data lainnya milik Anda aman dengan mengaktifkanSync. Dengan Sync, jika Anda mempunyai lebih dari satu perangkat,data Anda akan bisa diakses dari semua perangkat.

Gali Lebih Dalam. Terintegrasi dengan aplikasi Tafsiran,Panduan,Kamus,dan PetaAlkitab, Anda dapat belajar Alkitab dengan lebihmendalam.

Copy/Salin Ayat dan Bagikan. Anda dapat menyalin ayat, danjuga dapat mengirimkannya melalui berbagai cara (SMS, email,Bluetooth, Facebook, Twitter, dan media sosial lainnya).

Renungan Setiap Hari. Baca renungan setiap hari dariberbagai sumber, dan memperdalam pengenalan akan firmanTuhan.

Rencana Baca. Pilih dari bermacam jadwal/metode/rencana, danbaca Alkitab setiap hari menurut pasal/perikop/ayat yangditentukan. Anda juga bisa membuat sendiri.

Buku-Buku Kidung. Lirik dari 15+ buku Nyanyian/Pujian.Beberapa dilengkapi dengan 'Play' untuk mendengarkan musik/lagusaat online.

Penampilan/Settings. Tampilan Alkitab dapat diatur sesuaiselera — layar, font, ukuran, dan warna. Juga tersedia modegelap/malam dan layar penuh/fullscreen.

Widget. Dapatkan penyegaran dari ayat-ayat pilihan setiaphari melalui widget di home screen Anda.

Renungan yang tersedia
Santapan Harian (Scripture Union Indonesia)
Renungan Harian (Yayasan Gloria)
Renungan Pagi (Charles Spurgeon, Terj. B. Indonesia)
My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers, Terj. B.Indonesia)
Morning & Evening (B. Inggris)

Buku Nyanyian yang tersedia
GB: Gita Bakti
KJ: Kidung Jemaat
KPPK: Kidung Puji-Pujian Kristen
KPRI: Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili
NKB: Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru
NKI: Nyanyian Kemenangan Iman
NP: Nyanyian Pujian
NR: Nafiri Rohani
PKJ: Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat
PPK: Puji-pujian Kristen

Dan masih banyak lagi buku pujian bahasa suku, Inggris, dan bahasalain!

Kunjungi Situs Kami

Website Resmi http://www.bibleforandroid.com
Kidung Online http://www.bibleforandroid.com/songs
Renungan Pagi Onlinehttp://www.bibleforandroid.com/renunganpagi
Perkenalan Fitur Terbaru http://blog.bibleforandroid.com
Donasi untuk Pengembang:http://www.bibleforandroid.com/donate

Kemuliaan bagi Allah saja – Soli Deo Gloria!

Application Bible multifunctional, multiversi, free, and noads.

Various translations of the Bible. There are 300+ versions ofBible translations in Indonesian and regional / tribal, biblicallanguages ​​(Greek / Hebrew), and other foreign languages. Quitedownloaded / download one, after which it can be readoffline.

Search. Search words and phrases quickly and sophisticated.Discover verses with a variety of search options.

Version Comparison. Compare translations of the Bible displayedwith a dual view 'split screen'. Learn the word of the Lord indifferent languages ​​with ease in a single screen.

Cross Reference. Discover verses related, interconnected in theBible (for some versions of the Bible translation).

Notes. You can make personal notes on any selected verses. Addressverses written in the notes, will be the link / link they can clickto open the passage.

History / History. Contains a list of verses that opened before.Last verses that you read has been marked and can be reopenedquickly.

Bookmarks, Labels, and trail. There are several types of 'bookmark'- Mark the verses you read; You also can create your own system ofpersonal topics.

Sync. Make bookmarks, personal notes, highlights, labels, and otherdata belonging to you secure by enabling Sync. With Sync, if youhave more than one device, your data will be accessible from alldevices.

Dig Deeper. Integratedwith applications interpretation, Free, Kamus , and MapsBible , you can study the Bible more deeply.

Copy / Copy Verses and Share. You can copy a paragraph, and canalso send them through various means (SMS, email, Bluetooth,Facebook, Twitter, and other social media).

Reflections Every Day. Read devotional every day from a variety ofsources, and deepen the knowledge of God's word.

Read Plan. Choose from a variety of schedules / methods / plans,and read the Bible every day according to article / passage / versespecified. You can also create your own.

Song Books. The lyrics of the song of 15+ books / Praise. Some areequipped with a 'Play' to listen to music / songs online.

Appearance / Settings. Display Bible can be adjusted according totaste - the screen, font, size, and color. Also available is a darkmode / night and fullscreen / fullscreen.

Widget. Get the refreshment of selected verses every day via awidget on your home screen.

Devotional available
Daily Eats (Scripture Union Indonesia)
Daily Devotional (Gloria)
Morning Devotional (Charles Spurgeon, trans. B. Indonesia)
My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers, trans. B.Indonesia)
Morning & Evening (B. English)

Songbook available
GB: Gita Bakti
KJ: Song of the Church
KPPK: Song of Praise-Praise Christian
KPRI: Song of the Evangelical Reformed Fellowship
NKB: Sing a New Song
NKI: Songs of Faith Triumphs
NP: Songs of Praise
NR: Spiritual Nafiri
PKJ: Complementary Song of the Church
PPK: Praise Christian

And many more books praise tribal language, English, and otherlanguages!

Visit Our Site

Official Website http://www.bibleforandroid.com
Song Online http://www.bibleforandroid.com/songs
Morning Devotional Onlinehttp://www.bibleforandroid.com/renunganpagi
Introduction of Latest Featureshttp://blog.bibleforandroid.com
Donate to Developer: http://www.bibleforandroid.com/donate

Glory to God alone - Soli Deo Gloria!

App Information Alkitab

Alkitab Version History

Select Alkitab Version :
  • 4.5.3 (14000380)
  • 4.4.0 (14000300)
  • 4.3.8 (14000258)
  • 4.3.7 (14000257)
  • 4.3.6 (14000256)
  • 4.3.4 (14000254)
  • Alkitab 4.5.3 APK File

    Publish Date: 2018 /9/29
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 5.8 MB
    Tested on: Android 8.1 (Oreo, API: 27)
    File Sha1: 837a86aa38007a9097b07853e10275fd255ad755
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937
  • Alkitab 4.4.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /3/30
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 5.7 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)
    File Sha1: 695fbd01ec1806995df09c663d1f68cab68ef6e1
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937
  • Alkitab 4.3.8 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /10/19
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 6.0 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)
    File Sha1: 2021440c581da322eba9cd4e3e0798aa8ca8cd1e
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937
  • Alkitab 4.3.7 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /4/28
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 5.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)
    File Sha1: 011a308c30ef3d8c1fd757db0cb4b6dfa79b5d75
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937
  • Alkitab 4.3.6 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /3/1
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 5.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)
    File Sha1: deb1dda1ee944e0e7a26156330b4aa8109f29ae9
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937
  • Alkitab 4.3.4 APK File

    Publish Date: 2015 /12/8
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 5.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)
    File Sha1: 3d7c1c32bcb283366b34660a1442547e8b4da28d
    APK Signature: 4a0b7866c206b91ec54dc14b6453ad78bb184937

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Alkitab APK
Aplikasi Alkitab multifungsi, multiversi,gratis, dan tanpa iklan.Berbagai terjemahan Alkitab. Terdapat 300+ versi terjemahanAlkitab dalam bahasa Indonesia dan daerah/suku, bahasa asli Alkitab(Yunani/Ibrani), dan bahasa asing lainnya. Cukup diunduh/downloadsatu kali, setelah itu dapat dibaca offline.Pencarian. Cari kata-kata dan frasa dengan cepat dancanggih. Temukan ayat-ayat dengan beragam pilihan pencarian.Versi Pembanding. Bandingkan versi-versi terjemahan Alkitabyang ditampilkan dengan tampilan ganda 'split screen'. Pelajarifirman Tuhan dalam berbagai bahasa dengan mudah dalam satulayar.Referensi Silang. Temukan ayat-ayat terkait, yang salingterhubung dalam Alkitab (untuk beberapa versi terjemahanAlkitab).Catatan. Anda dapat membuat catatan pribadi pada ayat apapun yang dipilih. Alamat ayat yang dituliskan dalam catatan, akanmenjadi link/tautan yang dapat diklik untuk membuka ayattersebut.Riwayat/History. Berisi daftar ayat yang pernah Anda bukasebelumnya. Ayat-ayat terakhir yang Anda baca telah ditandai dandapat dibuka kembali dengan cepat.Pembatas Buku, Label, dan Jejak. Ada beberapa jenis'bookmark' — Tandai ayat-ayat yang Anda baca; Anda juga bisamembuat sendiri sistem topik pribadi.Sync. Pastikan pembatas buku, catatan pribadi, sorotan,label, dan data-data lainnya milik Anda aman dengan mengaktifkanSync. Dengan Sync, jika Anda mempunyai lebih dari satu perangkat,data Anda akan bisa diakses dari semua perangkat.Gali Lebih Dalam. Terintegrasi dengan aplikasi Tafsiran,Panduan,Kamus,dan PetaAlkitab, Anda dapat belajar Alkitab dengan lebihmendalam.Copy/Salin Ayat dan Bagikan. Anda dapat menyalin ayat, danjuga dapat mengirimkannya melalui berbagai cara (SMS, email,Bluetooth, Facebook, Twitter, dan media sosial lainnya).Renungan Setiap Hari. Baca renungan setiap hari dariberbagai sumber, dan memperdalam pengenalan akan firmanTuhan.Rencana Baca. Pilih dari bermacam jadwal/metode/rencana, danbaca Alkitab setiap hari menurut pasal/perikop/ayat yangditentukan. Anda juga bisa membuat sendiri.Buku-Buku Kidung. Lirik dari 15+ buku Nyanyian/Pujian.Beberapa dilengkapi dengan 'Play' untuk mendengarkan musik/lagusaat online.Penampilan/Settings. Tampilan Alkitab dapat diatur sesuaiselera — layar, font, ukuran, dan warna. Juga tersedia modegelap/malam dan layar penuh/fullscreen.Widget. Dapatkan penyegaran dari ayat-ayat pilihan setiaphari melalui widget di home screen Anda.Renungan yang tersediaSantapan Harian (Scripture Union Indonesia)Renungan Harian (Yayasan Gloria)Renungan Pagi (Charles Spurgeon, Terj. B. Indonesia)My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers, Terj. B.Indonesia)Morning & Evening (B. Inggris)Buku Nyanyian yang tersediaGB: Gita BaktiKJ: Kidung JemaatKPPK: Kidung Puji-Pujian KristenKPRI: Kidung Persekutuan Reformed InjiliNKB: Nyanyikanlah Kidung BaruNKI: Nyanyian Kemenangan ImanNP: Nyanyian PujianNR: Nafiri RohaniPKJ: Pelengkap Kidung JemaatPPK: Puji-pujian KristenDan masih banyak lagi buku pujian bahasa suku, Inggris, dan bahasalain!Kunjungi Situs KamiWebsite Resmi http://www.bibleforandroid.comKidung Online http://www.bibleforandroid.com/songsRenungan Pagi Onlinehttp://www.bibleforandroid.com/renunganpagiPerkenalan Fitur Terbaru http://blog.bibleforandroid.comDonasi untuk Pengembang:http://www.bibleforandroid.com/donateKemuliaan bagi Allah saja – Soli Deo Gloria!Application Bible multifunctional, multiversi, free, and noads.Various translations of the Bible. There are 300+ versions ofBible translations in Indonesian and regional / tribal, biblicallanguages ​​(Greek / Hebrew), and other foreign languages. Quitedownloaded / download one, after which it can be readoffline.Search. Search words and phrases quickly and sophisticated.Discover verses with a variety of search options.Version Comparison. Compare translations of the Bible displayedwith a dual view 'split screen'. Learn the word of the Lord indifferent languages ​​with ease in a single screen.Cross Reference. Discover verses related, interconnected in theBible (for some versions of the Bible translation).Notes. You can make personal notes on any selected verses. Addressverses written in the notes, will be the link / link they can clickto open the passage.History / History. Contains a list of verses that opened before.Last verses that you read has been marked and can be reopenedquickly.Bookmarks, Labels, and trail. There are several types of 'bookmark'- Mark the verses you read; You also can create your own system ofpersonal topics.Sync. Make bookmarks, personal notes, highlights, labels, and otherdata belonging to you secure by enabling Sync. With Sync, if youhave more than one device, your data will be accessible from alldevices.Dig Deeper. Integratedwith applications interpretation, Free, Kamus , and MapsBible , you can study the Bible more deeply.Copy / Copy Verses and Share. You can copy a paragraph, and canalso send them through various means (SMS, email, Bluetooth,Facebook, Twitter, and other social media).Reflections Every Day. Read devotional every day from a variety ofsources, and deepen the knowledge of God's word.Read Plan. Choose from a variety of schedules / methods / plans,and read the Bible every day according to article / passage / versespecified. You can also create your own.Song Books. The lyrics of the song of 15+ books / Praise. Some areequipped with a 'Play' to listen to music / songs online.Appearance / Settings. Display Bible can be adjusted according totaste - the screen, font, size, and color. Also available is a darkmode / night and fullscreen / fullscreen.Widget. Get the refreshment of selected verses every day via awidget on your home screen.Devotional availableDaily Eats (Scripture Union Indonesia)Daily Devotional (Gloria)Morning Devotional (Charles Spurgeon, trans. B. Indonesia)My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers, trans. B.Indonesia)Morning & Evening (B. English)Songbook availableGB: Gita BaktiKJ: Song of the ChurchKPPK: Song of Praise-Praise ChristianKPRI: Song of the Evangelical Reformed FellowshipNKB: Sing a New SongNKI: Songs of Faith TriumphsNP: Songs of PraiseNR: Spiritual NafiriPKJ: Complementary Song of the ChurchPPK: Praise ChristianAnd many more books praise tribal language, English, and otherlanguages!Visit Our SiteOfficial Website http://www.bibleforandroid.comSong Online http://www.bibleforandroid.com/songsMorning Devotional Onlinehttp://www.bibleforandroid.com/renunganpagiIntroduction of Latest Featureshttp://blog.bibleforandroid.comDonate to Developer: http://www.bibleforandroid.com/donateGlory to God alone - Soli Deo Gloria!
Nutrition Facts APK
Find nutrient information of over 8,000 kindsof food easily.Reliable Data. All data are based on the latest USDA SR27data. It includes more than 30 nutrition values for most fooditems. Standard measures (ounces, cups, spoons, etc) for each foodmakes it easy to understand. Detailed classifications of food itemshelp for more accurate search.Check Your Daily Intake. Daily Reference Intakes (DRI) formen, women, children, infants, pregnant and lactating women showsyou whether you are getting enough amount of nutritionsdaily.Complete Nutrition Values. Proximates (e.g. energy,carbohydrates, protein, fat), minerals (e.g. calcium, iron,sodium), vitamins, and fatty acids are included. In total there aremore than 80 kind of nutritions.Support Us. Enjoy additional features by upgrading to thePRO version for only $0.99. Copy and share nutritional data and nomore advertisements._________________________Location access is asked for anonymous and aggregrated tracking byPlaced Inc. to support the developer. Location is accessedonly if you give an explicit consent to it, and will not beused for any other purposes: https://www.placed.com/privacy-pledge.You can disable it any time from the About screen.
Bible Maps APK
Complete Bible Map app featuring every location mentioned in theBible.
Quick Bible APK
Fast, reliable and feature-rich offline Bible.
Lagu Rohani Kristen 3.1.0 APK
Christian Praise Songs in Indonesian - Free and without ads.
Morning & Evening Devotional 2.5.2 APK
Christian daily devotional by Charles Spurgeon.