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Convergence of calendars, calendars, and other necessary functions

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中华万年历-日历壁纸随心换,老黄历浏览器,时间万能钥匙 6.8.5 APK
中华万年历,你的贴心生活助手!功能全,体积小;速度快,口碑好;免费提供云服务,无限空间用到老。 超过2亿华人的共同选择,全球用户数量领先的跨平台日历APP! 【浑身是宝】 1、日历:农历黄历随便看,假日节气道道全。 2、天气:中国天气网战略合作伙伴,支持天气背景随天气变化,提供空气质量、灾害预警等全方位信息; 3、个性阅读:新闻、亲子、情感、旅行、赛事…定制个人阅读口味,你在乎的,我们都懂; 4、生日、纪念日、倒数日:支持通讯录、社交网络上的重要日期一键导入; 5、记事:支持多次、周期性重复提醒,支持添加涂鸦、录音等信息; 6、云同步:支持手机、Pad、网页端实时同步; 7、实用工具:解梦月经算吉日,求签铃声换壁纸…传统文化与现代生活完美结合; 8、私人定制:支持全屏半屏日历样式、多种主题皮肤。 【抱紧我们】 在线帮助:请在APP中点击头像,通过「意见反馈」告诉我们。 QQ交流群:204980346(安卓)、76724787(苹果) 客服电话:010-84159031(工作日09:00~18:00) 微博/微信:@中华万年历 浏览器打开网页:http://www.zhwnl.cn/Chinese calendar, yourintimate life assistant! Full-featured, small size; fast, goodreputation; cloud services offer free, unlimited use of oldspace.More than 200 million Chinese common choice, the global leader inthe number of users of cross-platform calendar APP![Full of treasure]1, the calendars: Lunar almanac casual look, round after round offull throttle holiday.2. Weather: China Weather Network strategic partners to supportweather background changes in the weather, providing air quality,such as full disaster warning information;3, personalized reading: news, family, emotional, travel, events... customized personal reading tastes, you care about, we knoweverything;4, birthdays, anniversaries, countdown date: support contacts,important dates on the social network a key import;5, note: support many times, periodically repeated reminders, addsupport graffiti, recording information;6, cloud sync: Support phone, Pad, page end real-timesynchronization;7. Utility: dream menstrual considered auspicious, divinationringtones wallpaper changer traditional culture and modern life ...the perfect combination;8, private custom: half-screen supports full-screen calendarstyles, a variety of topics skin.[We] holdOnline help: Please click on the APP in the head by "feedback" tellus.QQ exchange group: 204 980 346 (Andrews), 76,724,787 (Apple)Customer Service Tel: 010-84159031 (weekdays 9:00 - 18:00)Weibo / micro letter: @ Chinese calendarBrowser to open the Web page: http: //www.zhwnl.cn/
中華萬年曆Pad-日曆 農曆 天氣 節日 日程 3.1.11 APK
【軟件名稱】中華萬年曆-日曆 農曆 天氣 節日 日程【關鍵字】萬年曆,天氣,日曆,農曆,日記,日程,黃曆,節日,星座,解夢,曆史,日期計算,生理規律,佛曆,QQ,微博万年历,天气,日历,农历,笔记,记事,黄历,节日【軟件簡介】中華萬年曆,小巧、全面、實用、漂亮的日曆軟件。提供公曆、農曆、天氣、日程、黃曆、筆記,記事、生日、節日、星座、解夢、生理規律等日曆實用功能。支持公曆和農曆提醒,占用內存小,運行流暢,符合百姓使用習慣,是群衆日常生活的必備軟件。完全免費,無廣告。[Software Name]  China calendar - Calendar Lunar weather holidayschedule【Keywords】  Calendar, weather, calendar, lunar calendar, diary,agenda, almanac, festivals, constellations, Dream, history, datecalculations, physical laws, the Buddhist calendar, QQ,microbloggingCalendar, weather, calendar, lunar calendar, notes, memos, almanac,festival[Software Information]  Chinese calendar, compact, comprehensive, practical,beautiful calendar software.  Provide the Gregorian calendar, the lunar calendar,weather, calendar, almanac, notes, memos, birthdays, holidays,horoscope, Dream, physical laws such as the calendar usefulfeatures.  Support Lunar calendar and reminders, small memory,running smoothly, meet people, habits, the daily life of the massesnecessary software.  Completely free, no ads.
万年历日历 6.8.0 APK
万年历,遇见美丽时光!看日期,查农历,明天气,晓凶吉,一指触碰中,细品晴雨岁月;读新闻,赏音乐,购生活,记心情,三版变化间,漫步四季人生。功能全,体积小;速度快,口碑好;免费的云服务,贴心的乐提醒,小图标,大世界,传统与现代的完美融合,走近我,和时光来场不分手的恋爱。 【我们的功能】 1、日历:农历黄历随便看,假日节气道道全。 2、天气:中国天气网战略合作伙伴,支持天气背景随天气变化,提供空气质量、灾害预警等全方位信息; 3、个性阅读:新闻、亲子、情感、旅行、赛事…定制个人阅读口味,你在乎的,我们都懂; 4、生日、纪念日、倒数日:支持通讯录、社交网络上的重要日期一键导入; 5、记事:支持多次、周期性重复提醒,支持添加涂鸦、录音等信息; 6、云同步:支持手机、Pad、网页端实时同步; 7、实用工具:解梦月经算吉日,求签铃声换壁纸…传统文化与现代生活完美结合; 8、私人定制:支持全屏半屏日历样式、多种主题皮肤。 【交个朋友吧】 在线帮助:进入设置-反馈,提交问题 QQ交流群:204980346(安卓)、76724787(苹果) 客服电话:010-84159031(工作日09:00~18:00) 微博/微信:@万年历浏览器打开网页:http://www.zhwnl.cn/Calendar, met beautifultime!Look date, check the lunar calendar, clear weather, Xiao Luck, afinger touch, the fine chemicals Qingyu years;Read the news, to music, buy life, remember the mood among threeeditions of change, walk four seasons of life.Full-featured, small size; fast, good reputation; free cloudservice, intimate music reminder, small icons, World, the perfectblend of tradition and modernity, approached me, and do not breakup the time to market of love.[We] function1, the calendars: Lunar almanac casual look, round after round offull throttle holiday.2. Weather: China Weather Network strategic partners to supportweather background changes in the weather, providing air quality,such as full disaster warning information;3, personalized reading: news, family, emotional, travel, events... customized personal reading tastes, you care about, we knoweverything;4, birthdays, anniversaries, countdown date: support contacts,important dates on the social network a key import;5, note: support many times, periodically repeated reminders, addsupport graffiti, recording information;6, cloud sync: Support phone, Pad, page end real-timesynchronization;7. Utility: dream menstrual considered auspicious, divinationringtones wallpaper changer traditional culture and modern life ...the perfect combination;8, private custom: half-screen supports full-screen calendarstyles, a variety of topics skin.【let's make friends】Online help: Go to Settings - Feedback, submit questionsQQ exchange group: 204 980 346 (Andrews), 76,724,787 (Apple)Customer Service Tel: 010-84159031 (weekdays 9:00 - 18:00)Weibo / micro letter: @ calendarBrowser to open the Web page: http: //www.zhwnl.cn/
美荔姐妹聊 5.1.2 APK
美妞們,你們的好夥伴“美曆”已經成長為“美荔”啦!美荔姐妹聊是千萬姐妹們的互動家園。美荔相信,每個女人都是一顆天然的荔枝,有倔強的外表和柔軟的內心。在美荔,姐妹們卸下防備,打開心扉。美麗秘笈,情感故事,八卦新聞,無所不聊!【曬出你的美麗】美容秘笈,護膚指南,穿衣搭配,統統可以曬給姐妹看。隨時隨地分享美麗秘笈,還能記錄自己的變美過程。美麗,就在美荔!【結識新的姐妹】全國各地的愛美姐妹們相聚美荔,你一定會在這裡遇到知音和閨蜜。私聊,群聊,語音聊,美荔姐妹聊讓心心相惜的姐妹之間沒有距離!【發現無窮話題】姐妹聊不停,天天新話題。姐妹們創造力無限,總有古靈精怪的新話題。你想聊點什麼?就來創造一個新話題,讓姐妹們加入討論吧!【分享生活故事】情感心事,日常生活,開心不開心都可以跟姐妹們互動。感受姐妹社區的溫暖力量,每個愛美荔的女孩都會得到關愛!【隨身貼心寶箱】經期工具幫你追蹤身體健康和生理週期,準確預測大姨媽。健康貼士助你戰勝痛經,便秘和痘痘,綻放美麗的你。更有貼心的記帳和日記小工具方便你的生活!相聚美荔,談天說地。好姐妹,在美荔!美荔官方QQ群:228012853beauty girl, are you a good partner, "US calendar" has growninto "Mei Lai" it!Mei Lai sisters sisters talk is that it must interact with theirhomes. Mei Lai believes that every woman is a natural lychee, thereare stubborn look and a soft heart. Lai in the United States, thesisters remove the guard, open your heart. Beauty secrets,emotional stories, gossip, nothing chat![Drying out your beauty]Beauty tips, skin care guide, dressing mix, all you can see the sunfor the sisters. Share anywhere beauty secrets, but also to changethe United States to record their process. Beautiful, just in theUnited States Lai!Meet new sisters] [Amy and sisters all over the country gather Mei Lai, you willencounter here Concert and girlfriends. Private chat, group chat,voice chat, chat Mei Lai sisters sisters Heart Xiangxi make nodistance between![Find endless topic]Sisters talked non-stop, every day a new topic. Sisters unlimitedcreativity, there is always a new topic weird. You want to talkabout something? Just to create a new topic, so the sisters to jointhe discussion now![Share their life story]Emotional feelings, daily life, happy not happy you can interactwith the sisters. Warm feelings sisters community strength, eachgirl will get Amy Lai care![Carry] intimate DatabaseMenstrual tool to help you track the health and menstrual cycles,predict the aunt. Health Tips to help you beat dysmenorrhea,constipation and acne, bloom beautiful you. Billing and moreintimate diary gadgets facilitate your life!Mei Lai together, chatting. Sisters, in the United StatesLai!Mei Lai official QQ group: 228 012 853
IMAX日历—运行速度最快的日历 1.0 APK
​始终专注于做一个好日历致力于打造最符合人民使用习惯的日历产品优化和日历相关的功能,提供极致的用户体验。运行速度最快的日历!Always focus on doing agood calendarWe committed to creating the best meet people's habits of calendarproductsOptimization and calendar-related functions,Provide the ultimate user experience.Fastest calendar!
手電筒 1.0.1 APK
即開即掃,一掃比價,流暢、直接、簡單快捷,支持GPRS網絡“0”流量控制,支持掃碼歷史同步備份, 支持信息查詢,歷史記錄編輯刪除,隨身出品,掃碼利器!全國海選各路超市優惠促銷,快速比價,童叟無欺,讓你的生活更精明!快遞追踪,一掃知曉;微博、微信二維名片,一掃關注,無縫鏈接,再也不用找軟件、找功能、找適合的掃碼工具,只需隨身掃碼手電筒,一維、二維、三圍……所有碼統統搞定小巧全能手電筒,一個工具,多樣功能,解決掃碼時光線不足,快速響應,實用多變。★全網比價,千萬級商品數據庫,不斷更新匯聚中:商品:食品,酒水,生鮮,日用,百貨,母嬰,服飾,家電,3C,圖書,音像等上千萬條碼商品信息;超市:沃爾瑪,家樂福,物美,華聯,樂購,歐尚,屈臣氏,新一佳,超市發…300多個城市60餘家知名品牌超市;網店:京東,淘寶,國美,蘇寧易購,噹噹,1號店,亞馬遜,庫巴,天貓,凡客,一淘…等國內所有知名網店。Which means that thesweep, sweep parity, smooth, direct, simple and quick, supportsGPRS Network "0" flow control, support for sweeping code historysynchronization backup, support information query, edit deletehistory, portable produced, scan code weapon!National auditions Promotions brightest supermarket, fastparity, fair trade, make your life smarter!Delivery tracking, swept know; microblogging, micro-channeltwo-dimensional cards, swept concern, seamless link, no longer haveto look for software, look for the function, find the appropriatescan code tool, just scan code to carry flashlights, one-, two-,All codes get all measurements ......Compact and versatile flashlight, a tool, multiple functions,solve scan code when insufficient light, quick response, practicaland changeable.★ whole network parity, ten million product database, constantlyupdated aggregation:Product: food, drinks, fresh, daily, department stores, mother andchild, clothing, household appliances, 3C, books, audio-visual andother product information on ten million yards;Supermarket: Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Wumart, Hualian, Tesco, Auchan,Watson, a new good, the supermarket hair ... more than 300 citiesof more than 60 well-known supermarket brands;Shop: Jingdong, Taobao, Gome, Suning Tesco, Dangdang, Shop No. 1,Amazon, Kuba, Lynx, where the customer, a scouring ... and allwell-known shop.
中华万年历 APK
Convergence of calendars, calendars, and other necessary functions