1.0 / August 15, 2014
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    August 15, 2014
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  • Developer
    E Search Life
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韓國菜食譜 1.0 APK
E Search Life
韓國主菜 (88)韓國小吃 (18)韓國湯 (13)韓國配料 (29)韓國飯食 (39)韓國飲品 (3)韓國麵食 (21)要有良好的WiFi或3G網絡, 如没有用會不能打開內容Korean entrees (88)Korean snacks (18)Korean soup (13)Korean ingredients (29)Korean meals (39)Korean drinks (3)Korean pasta (21)Have a good WiFi or 3G networks, such as the content can not beopened without a will
愛情的名字叫孤單 (小說) 1.0 APK
E Search Life
我總是覺得晨恩會包容我,晨恩會體諒我, 所以不顧一切的對晨恩任性,對晨恩抱怨,甚至是惹火晨恩, 但是晨恩就像我所料到的一樣,不生氣,微笑包容,皺眉轉身, 不會大聲對我咆哮,可是這樣的晨恩是真正的晨恩嗎?晨恩把我抱在懷裡『我真的很擔心妳,我怕失去妳,不要讓我擔心妳好嗎?』晨恩越抱越緊,我把手放在他的腰上「我在這,不用擔心。走吧!」我安撫著晨恩。我還沒反應過來,他早我一步,稍微帶有侵略性,但是不輕也不激烈的吻,剛剛好那樣,我圈住他的腰, 放任自己躺在他的胸膛上。他--晨恩他--黎威恩她會選誰?!簡短的話語,透露出她心裡期待, 但這一切只能夠證明,她有多麼的無能,夾在兩者之間的她,無法做決定,而她所剩的時間, 也快不夠用了,最後,全都更加的證明 ”愛情的名字叫孤單”Hello!! 這篇小說是小哈在瘋狂未通過審核下完成的希望大家會喜歡~~第一次發文 請多多指教囉!!!希望訂閱人數多點~~全部章回○所謂的她 (上) ○所謂的她 (下) ○短暫改變 (上) ○短暫改變 (下)○另外的他 ○又來一次 ○令人擔心 ○一直踏入○突發事件 ○失去希望 ○他的坦白 ○轉移注意○相互接受 ○健康戀愛 ○情敵相遇 ○迫切需要○他的告白 ○最後期限 ○該道別了 ○到了終點作者: 哈比豬Well, I always feel thatthe morning would accommodate me,Morning Grace will forgive me, so desperate for wayward exmorning,Well on the morning complaining, even hot morning grace, but gracemorning as I expect the same,Do not get angry, smile inclusive, frown turned, not loud to meroar,But this morning was a real morning grace grace it?Morning Well put me in his arms"I'm really worried about you, I'm afraid of losing you, do not letme worry about you, okay? "Well hold more and more tightly morning, I put my hand on hiswaist"I'm here, do not worry.'s Go!" Well, I appease the morning.I did not react, he had me step, with a little aggressive,But not light nor intense kiss, just as good,I circled his waist, letting himself lying on his chest.He - Morning GraceHe - Liwei EnShe will choose?!Short words,Revealed she was expecting, but it is only able to provethat,How she incompetence,Sandwiched in between, she could not make a decision,And her remaining time, but also fast enough,Finally, allMore proof of "Love's name alone."Hello !! in this novel is a small HaCrazy is not approved for completionI hope you will like ~ ~The first dispatch exhibitions Hello !!!Number of multi-point wish to subscribe ~All chapters back○ called her (on) ○ called her (under) ○ short changed (on) ○ shortchanged (under)○ In addition, he once again ○ ○ ○ concern has been entered○ ○ emergencies lose hope ○ ○ shift attention to hisconfessionMutual acceptance ○ ○ ○ healthy love rival ○ meet the urgentneedHis confession ○ ○ ○ The deadline for bids farewell to the end○Author: Habib pig
本草綱目 1.0 APK
E Search Life
藥學著作,五十二卷,明·李時珍撰,刊於1590年。全書共190多萬字,載有藥物1892種,收集醫方11096個,繪製精美插圖1160幅,分為16部、60類。是作者在繼承和總結以前本草學成就的基礎上,結合作者長期學習、採訪所積累的大量藥學知識,經過實踐和鑽研,歷時數十年而編成的一部巨著。書中不僅考正了過去本草學中的若干錯誤,綜合了大量科學資料,提出了較科學的藥物分類方法,溶入先進的生物進化思想,並反映了豐富的臨床實踐。本書也是一部具有世界性影響的博物學著作。Pharmaceutical books, fifty volumes, Ming Li essays, published in1590. The book is more than 190 million words, containing 1,892kinds of medicines, medical side 11096 collection, beautifullydrawn illustrations 1160, divided into 16 and 60 classes. Is theauthor of inheritance and summarize the achievements of theprevious herbal medicine based on the combination of long-termlearning, interviews with the accumulation of a large number ofpharmacological knowledge, through practice and study, which lastedfor several decades woven a masterpiece. The book not only to testpositive in the past several errors herbal medicine, a combinationof a lot of scientific data, presents a more scientific method ofdrug classification, into the advanced ideas of biologicalevolution, and reflects the wealth of clinical practice. This bookis a natural history with a worldwide impact writings.
日本菜食譜 1.0 APK
E Search Life
可以app2sd不會在內部運行,減輕手機內存負荷共有250款食譜You can app2sdWill not run in-house, reducing phone memory loadA total of 250 models Recipes
香港食譜 Hong Kong Cooking 1.0 APK
E Search Life
成日有人話: "食色性也... 食色性也...", 可想而知 "食"對人類來說是何等的重要. 本食譜正正是為大家介紹各式各樣的美食和烹調方法, 希望喚起大家更深層次的味蕾享受...美食分類 :海鮮類雞鴨鵝類豬牛羊類素菜湯及飲品甜品粉麵類西式或其他Chengri someone saying:"Pleasures ... Pleasures ..." imagined "food" for humans is howimportant it is exactly the recipe to introduce variety. food andcooking methods, hoping to evoke a deeper taste buds to enjoy ...Food Category:SeafoodDuck and goose classPigs and sheep classesVegetable dishSoups and drinksDessertsNoodlesWestern or other
生活百科字典 1.0 APK
E Search Life
"生活百科字典Dailylife 2013" 是一個集婚姻,, 婚禮, 愛情,旅遊,自家菜美食, 育兒, 音樂, 和散文的應用程式., 可謂應有儘有, 色香味俱全. 來吧! 只要您準備好,就讓我們起航分享人生去吧.... ...如果您想認識有關您或我人生 一大事-婚姻, 您可以觀看"婚姻系列",我們為您守羅世界各地的婚姻習俗及特色,更會介紹現今流行的海外婚禮詳情, 當然中國人結婚的禮儀, 禁忌, 服飾, 籌備過程....也一一為您奉上.如果您們有興趣來中國旅遊, 就不能錯過"中國旅遊景點推介", 我們以過來人身份為您介紹一些中國著名城市的好去處,讓您出門前作最好的準備.生活在繁華都市的您我他, 相信每天每刻都感受到大都會中的壓力, 因而令身心疲乏不堪, 所以 "心理學探究"指在以簡最單角度為大家探討心理問題, 藉以抒發情感.其實要抒情感懷, 又怎少得音樂, 它不單是一種興趣,更是一種與您共度人生喜怒哀樂的良伴,,,但要學好樂器定是學好音樂卻是很多人所疏忽的問題,尢其父母對培養小朋友學樂器過程中所面對的常見問題, 讓我們在"小孩學鋼琴..音樂篇"為您解說.如果大家喜歡看短篇散文集或一些個人情感分享集, 相信您一定會喜歡 "我思我想" 和 "抒情曲--縈月"系列,想必令您留而忘返...當然,除此之外, 我們更有其他日常生活系列供您選擇, 包括 "自家家常小菜", "教育資訊系列", "樓宇買賣篇...地產","育兒系列" 及 "生活及家居雜項"等等.... ...所以莫再猶豫了, 請加入我們, 一起享受Daily Life 吧 !!!"Life EncyclopediaDictionary Dailylife 2013" is a collection of marriage, wedding,love, travel, home vegetable food, parenting, music, applicationsand prose, indeed everything, color, flavor and taste. Come on!Long as you prepare Well, let us sail to share their life go....... If you want to know about you or my life, a major event - marriage,you can watch the "marriage" series, we have for you to keep Loworld marriage customs and characteristics, will introduce today'spopular overseas wedding details, of course, the Chinese weddingetiquette , contraindications, clothing, preparatory process ....one by one to offer you. If you have any interest in travel to China, you can not miss"China Scenic Spots", as someone who we introduce you to someChinese famous city a good place, allowing you to go out before thebest preparation. You live in the bustling city I am he, I believe that every momentof every day metropolis felt the pressure, and thus so exhaustedphysically and mentally, so the "psychological inquiry" refers tothe most simple single angle as we explore the psychologicalproblems, in order to express their emotions . In fact, to lyrical recollections, how little was music, it is notjust one kind of interest, but also a ride with your emotions andlife companion, but is determined to learn to learn musicalinstrument is the question many people neglect, In particular, theparents of children to learn musical instrument training coursefacing common problems, so that we in the "kids learn piano ..music piece" for your explanation.If you like to see a number of short essays or share personalfeelings set, I believe you will like "I think I want" and "aria -Ying Month" series, presumably to make your stay exceptionallyenjoyable ... Of course, in addition, we have more other daily series for you tochoose, including its own "side dishes", "Education InformationSeries", "real estate conveyancing papers ...", "parenting series"and "Life & Home Miscellaneous "and so on ....... So Mo hesitate, please join us to enjoy Daily Life now!!!
凌盜 (小說) 1.0 APK
E Search Life
簡介:活在光明與黑暗之間,超凡人雖然永生不死,他們卻同時受到詛咒,需要每年吃取凡人記憶解除痛苦,代表光明的凌盜者,依附黑暗的吃屍族,每個超凡人都有著各自的特別故事。本故事之主角落在一名十七歲的少年身上,怪裡怪氣、憤世嫉俗的他遇上了被啟蒙成超凡人的難得機遇,到底一個稚氣未消的少年人如何游走於兩界之間,他會擁有怎樣強大的法力,面對如何難纏的敵人,而他的將來及命運將會如何發展,答案都在《凌盜》之中!目錄:第一章:覓食者與啟蒙(吃屍族-古絲)第二章:休假時的任務(凌盜者-桑比)第三章:天台的小酒館(凌盜者-桑比)第四章:三年前的春天(凡人-伊伊奇)第五章:看字條的背後(凡人-伊伊奇)第六章:沒有野心的人(凌盜者-桑比&沙文)第七章:由植物人開始(超凡人-伊伊奇)第八章:黑暗的狄米爾(超凡人-伊伊奇)第九章:一閃一閃的光(凌盜者-桑比)第十章:世上沒有英雄(吃屍族-雲林)第十一章:某人的傳心術(吃屍族-洛克)第十二章:比黑暗還卑劣(吃屍族-洛克)第十三章:比眼睛還要快(凌盜者-伊伊奇)第十四章:嗅不到的凌界(吃屍族-洛克)第十五章:挑戰者的遊戲(超凡人-伊伊奇)第十六章:已經是個死人(超凡人-伊伊奇)第十七章:會議室竊聽者.上篇(吃屍族-洛克)第十七章:會議室竊聽者.下篇(吃屍族-洛克)第十八章:痛苦脆弱之間.上篇(吃屍族-洛克)第十八章:痛苦脆弱之間.下篇(吃屍族-洛克)第十九章:最幸運中獎者(超凡人-伊伊奇)第 二 十 章 : 一 百 年 的 戰 爭作者: ocoh封面創作:JoshuaIntroduction:Live between light and dark, extraordinary, though immortal, butatthe same time they are cursed, you need to eat to take a yeartorelieve pain mortal memories, representing a bright LingPirateswho eat dark corpse dependent family, each person has theirownextraordinary The particular story. Protagonist of the story ofa17-year-old boy fell on him, eccentric, cynical enlightenmenthemet was a man of extraordinary rare opportunity, in the endachildlike young man disappeared how to walk in between thetwocircles, he What will have powerful magic, how to facetoughenemies, and his fate will be the future and how to develop,theanswers are in the "Pirates Ling" in!Table of Contents:Chapter One: foragers and Enlightenment (eat dead family -theancient Silk)Chapter II: Tasks (Ling Pirates - Sambi) vacation timeChapter III: rooftop bistro (Atom Pirates - Sambi)Chapter 4: Three years ago, in the spring (mortal - Yiyi Qi)Chapter 5: see note behind (mortal - Yiyi Qi)Chapter VI: people do not ambition (Ling Pirates - Sambi &SandMan)Chapter 7: by vegetative start (extraordinary person -YiyiQi)Chapter 8: Dark 狄米尔 (extraordinary person - Yiyi Qi)Chapter IX: flashing light (Ling Pirates - Sambi)Chapter 10: There is no hero (eat dead family - Yunlin)Chapter XI: someone telepathic (eat dead family - Locke)Chapter XII: Dark also despicable than (eat dead family-Locke)Chapter 13: faster (Atom Pirates - Yi Yiqi) than the eyeChapter 14: not smell Ling sector (eating dead family -Locke)Chapter 15: The Challenger games (extraordinary person -YiyiQi)Chapter XVI: already a dead man (extraordinary person -YiyiQi)Chapter XVII: conference room eavesdropper. Part I (eat deadfamily- Locke)Chapter XVII: conference room eavesdropper. Part II (eat deadfamily- Locke)Chapter XVIII: between pain fragile. Part I (eat dead family-Locke)Chapter XVIII: between pain fragile. Part II (eat dead family-Locke)Chapter XIX: The most lucky winners (extraordinary person -YiyiQi)Twentieth chapter: one hundred years of warAuthor: ocohCover creation: Joshua
紅之書系(二)——《檸檬男孩》言情小說 1.0 APK
E Search Life
紅之書系(二)——《檸檬男孩》周可兒是一位六年級的小學生,她像一個野孩子,既任性,也常跟男生玩在一塊,她在上天的安排下認識了喜歡檸檬味的凌峰,可是她卻一直被他玩弄,後來更走進了凌峰去的補習班,對他認識得更深,可是卻對他沒有感覺?百分百的初戀原味故事已經開始。作者︰秋葉紅Red Book Series (b)-"Lemon Boy"Zhou child is a sixth-grade primary school students, her likeawild child, both headstrong, often playing with the boys inanarrangement of God, she met like lemon flavor, Ling Feng, butshehas been playing go to the cram Ling Feng, and later went intomoredeeper understanding of him, NIV, but he did not feel?Hundredpercent flavor of love story has begun.Of ︰ red autumn leaves