1.0.0 / August 1, 2012
(4.3/5) (28)



App Information 金剛經如是說

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    August 1, 2012
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
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  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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爱播听书 4.2.4 APK
爱播听书是一款面向小说阅读爱好者的音频播放软件,提供各类正版有声读物在线收听。内容涵盖明星访谈、有声杂志、网络小说、情感故事、穿越玄幻、悬疑推理、大师讲坛、英语学习、经融管理,以及各类幽默笑话、小品相声等,热门经典一网打尽。强大的MP3高音质播放,让你舒舒服服插上耳机,徜徉书海带来的乐趣中;蓝色清新UI界面,独特的收藏功能,热门排行及搜索功能,不让你落空每一份精彩;3G模式固然省钱,使用WIFI收听,更能免流量。每周节目更新,时时带给您一份听觉惊喜。无论是在公车地铁的上班途中,还是自驾出游的闲暇时光,爱播听书都是您首选的有声读物畅听软件。优质的配音团队,精良的后期制作,为您打造新一代中国好声音。Sowing love listening tobooks is a novel to read for lovers of audio playback software,offers a variety of legitimate online audiobook listening. Coveringstar interviews, audio magazines, online novels, emotional story,through fantasy, suspense reasoning, master pulpit, Englishlearning, through financial management, as well as all kinds ofjokes, comic sketches and other popular classics caught.Powerful high-quality MP3 player, allowing you to plug inheadphones comfortably, and wandering around in a sea of ​​bookspleasures; blue fresh UI interface, a unique collection offeatures, Top Ranking and search functions let you fall everywonderful; 3G model is certainly save money, use WIFI listen, morefree traffic.Weekly program updates, and always bring you a surprise hearing.Whether it is his way to work by bus subway, or car travel leisure,sowing love listening to books are your preferred listening toaudiobooks smooth software.Quality dubbing team, sophisticated post-production, you createa new generation of Chinese good sound.
李艷秋說故事 2.0.1 APK
Li Yan Qiu, personally created, vocals performances Let baby enjoya good listen to the story!
說唱相聲 1.1.3 APK
Rap comic, came a bow
愛播聽書繁體版 4.1.6 APK
華文世界最大有聲知識平台-愛播聽書,提供無所不在、隨手可得的有聲內容,以“尊重知識產權,淨化有聲內容市場”為主旨,讓用眼過度的繁忙現代人,可以張開耳朵來吸收知識,以聲音觸發現代人更多的想像空間,打造新型態閱讀模式,用聽覺銜接想像,探索有聲內容的無限可能!“愛播聽書”,以類型區分為十數個頻道,提供各類正版有聲內容的線上收聽,內容涵蓋國學經典、大師講壇、有聲書摘、相聲評書、少兒教育、語文學習、明星訪談、抒壓音樂及心靈饗宴、快樂生活、文學小說等各類有聲內容,皆一網打盡!MP3高音質播放,讓人舒服的聆聽;藍色清新的UI界面、獨特的收藏功能、熱門排行及強大的檢索,讓人隨時掌握每一分的精彩,無論是搭乘大眾交通工具或開車行進間,愛播聽書的有聲內容,充份展現知識內容的便捷性,翻轉閱讀新方式,讓聆聽成為閱讀新時尚!Sound knowledge of theworld's largest Chinese-language platform - love to listen tobroadcast book, to provide ubiquitous, readily available audiocontent to "respect the intellectual property, clean audio contentmarket" as the theme, so that overuse of busy modern people, canopen your ears absorb knowledge, in order to trigger sounds moremodern imagination, create new patterns reading mode, auditorycohesion imagine, explore the possibilities of audio content!    "Love broadcast listen to the book" tothe type divided into dozens of channels, providing all kinds oflegitimate online listen to audio content, covering Chineseclassics, Master Forum, audio summaries, comic storytelling,children's education, language learning, star interviews, all kindsof music to relieve stress and spiritual feast, happy life,literature, novels and other audio content, are caught!    High quality MP3 player, comfortinglistening; blue fresh UI interface, a unique collection offeatures, popular and powerful search ranking, people keep track ofevery minute of the wonderful, whether by public transport or bycar to travel between Love broadcast audio content to listen to thebook, to show the full knowledge of the contents of convenience,flipping reading new ways to read the listener to become the newfashion!
徐薇英文 2.1.8 APK
徐薇老師累積20多年的教學經驗,創立「徐薇UP學」學習英文的有效方法,就是Understand(了解)後,再加上不斷地Practice(練習)!徐薇是台灣知名度最高的英文老師,從1994年至今主持許多電視及廣播節目,並出版上百套英文升學教材,於升大學及國中、小學補教界任教逾二十年,教過的學生人數眾多,包括藝人林依晨及魔術師劉謙等多位知名人士。【徐薇英文,UP學堂】 1.包括從基礎到進階英文所需必備的單字、部首、字根、片語、聽力。天天聽、常常聽,英文突飛猛進!2.唯一徐薇授權,正版教學音頻內容。3.唯一可直接在APP裏透過社群通訊軟體,與徐薇老師直接分享英文學習心得,互動學習,保證英文能力快速提升!4.徐薇英文電台教學節目完整呈現,一刀未剪,薇薇笑聲中,聆聽英文ABC5.為台灣首位英文補教名師專屬的數位內容音頻發行與推廣平台,華人世界絕無僅有的徐薇英文APP
金剛經如是說 1.0.0 APK
《金剛經》全文五千八百余字,篇幅雖短,卻是哲理豐富。在般若經典中,受到普遍持誦的程度僅次于《心經》。“金剛”梵語意思是指質地最堅最利之物,擁有“不爲一切所摧,而能破一切”且堅利之質本來具足的特性。用來譬喻人的般若智慧不因貧富貴賤、聰明愚昧而有差別,只是被私心所生的煩惱遮蔽。如何降伏心中的煩惱?《金剛經》說:“菩薩于法,應無所住,行于布施”。意指與人行爲、財務,不在乎自我的利害得失,時時保持助人離苦得樂的慈悲心,就能降伏執著、煩惱,這就是《金剛經》所說的無住智慧。以無住的智慧融會運用在日常生活中,將爲生命開啓究竟的自由圓滿。聖嚴法師,佛學大家、教育家、佛教弘法大師、日本立正大學博士,也是禅宗曹洞宗的第五十代傳人、臨濟宗的第五十七代傳人、台灣法鼓山的創辦人。法師所推動的理念是,提升人的品質,建設人間淨土,以教育完成關懷任務,以關懷達到教育目的。他以中、日、英三種語言在亞、美、歐各洲出版的著作近百種。他再著作之中發行量最多的是《正信的佛教》,已超過三百萬冊,譯本最多的是《信心銘》,已有十種,系列冊數最多的是《寰遊自傳》及《禅修指引》,這些著述均受廣大讀者的歡迎。"DiamondSutra" Full Text hundred five thousand eight hundred words,lengthis short, but it is rich in philosophy. In Wisdom classic,subjectonly to the extent generally recite the "Heart Sutra." "KingKong"in Sanskrit means that the firm texture of the mostfavorablethings, have "not destroy all that, but can breakeverything,"Kennedy Lee's original quality and characteristics ofthe situationright. Wisdom metaphor for people not because of richand poor,wise and foolish a difference, just being selfish born totroubleshadowing.How to subdue heart trouble? "King Kong", said: "Buddha in thelaw,should Wusuo Zhu, the line in giving." Means and humanbehavior,financial advantages and disadvantages of self-care,always keephelping others find joy and escape compassion,perseverance canyield, worry, this is the "Diamond Sutra" said nolive wisdom. Nolive mix to use wisdom in everyday life, will open asuccessfullife exactly the freedom.Master Sheng Yen, the Buddhist people, educators, Buddhism,KoboDaishi, Japan's Rissho University PhD, also of the Soto sect ofZenfifty-generation descendant, Rinzai 57th generation descendantofthe founder of Dharma Drum Mountain in Taiwan. Masterdrivenphilosophy is to improve people's quality of construction ofa PureLand, to educate caring tasks to complete in order to achievecareeducational purposes. He, Japanese and English in threelanguages​​in Asia, America, Europe and every continent nearly ahundredpublished works. He then issued up to the amount of workbeing a"Buddhist belief," has more than three million, most ofthetranslation is "confident Ming", has dozens, up to the numberofcopies of the series is "atlas tour Autobiography" and "Meditationguidelines, "these writings are governed readerswelcome.
法鼓文化繁体版 2.2.7 APK
In hundreds of Buddhist works, is to lead all beings to Buddhahoodguide from Bono. Dharma Drum Mountain authorized agent.
糖果姐姐說故事PRO 1.2.7 APK
There are nearly 300 sound content books, including rich andwonderful character stories, classics, fables and fairy tales, toaccompany children to inspire their imagination, improve theirnational language ability, and build a good character.