1.06 / July 3, 2015
(3.7/5) (3)



2001: 引進先進白內障超音波乳化儀 universal II (Alcon) 無痛免縫線白內障手術。
2002: 1. YAG儀器、治療青光眼及後發性白內障。
2.和名醫丘子宏眼科中心合作進行 LASIK , PRK手術。
2003: 新型眼壓計及自動電腦驗光機 ( Topcon)。
2005: 1. 擴大營業丶重新裝潢。
2. 成立蘆洲、三重地區眼科中心附設專業級手術室。
2006: 成立蘆洲第一間屈光雷射中心,引進最新型屈光雷射儀器( VISX STAR S4 IR)
2009: 蘆洲地區第一部Octopus視野計,使青光眼患者免於為做視野檢查奔波醫學中心之苦。
2010: 引進醫學中心級Alcon Infinity 白內障超音波乳化儀。
2011: 引進SBK手術,提升雷射近視手術品質。
2012: 更新Leica手術顯微鏡,引進三蘆地區第一台與台大馬偕相同之Zeiss眼球電腦斷層掃描儀,診斷及追蹤視網膜及視神經疾患提升至醫學中心等級。
2013: 引進眼底彩色攝影儀,使病患及家屬也能看見視網膜病變情形,IOLMaster引進,最新Topcon可校正眼角膜厚度眼壓計,讓病患眼壓測量更為精準可靠。

Qingming Eye Clinic since2001 and took over the yellow celebrate 林义博 physician physicians,namely to provide a three-Lo where people can enjoy a cordial andconvenient medical center medical grade level, and clinics for theefforts of the goal, more than ten years, has served sixty tens ofthousands of bits of patients, and get Luzhou former Mayor Lee WengYuee recognition.

2001: The introduction of advanced ultrasound emulsificationcataract universal II (Alcon) pain-free cataract surgerysutures.
2002: 1. YAG instrument, after the treatment of glaucoma andcataract.
2. Eye Center and doctors Qiuzai Hong cooperation LASIK, PRKsurgery.
2003: The new tonometer and automatic computer optometry machine(Topcon).
2005: 1. Dian renovated to expand the business.
2. The establishment of Luzhou, triple regional ophthalmologycenter attached to the professional theater.
2006: Established Luzhou first refractive laser centers, theintroduction of the latest refractive laser instrument (VISX STARS4 IR)
And leading wave instrument (Wavescan) and anterior chambertomography (Pentacam).
2009: Luzhou first Octopus perimeter areas, so that glaucomapatients from rushing to do perimetry pain medicine centers.
2010: Introduction of the medical center stage Alcon Infinitycataract ultrasound emulsification.
2011: introduction of SBK surgery, laser eye surgery to enhancequality.
2012: Update Leica surgical microscope, the introduction of threereed areas of Malaysia and Taiwan the same eye-kai Zeiss firstcomputer tomography scanners, diagnostic and tracking the retinaand optic nerve disorders upgraded to Level Medical Center.
2013: Introduction of fundus photography meter, so patients andtheir families can also see retinopathy circumstances, IOL Masterintroduced the latest Topcon can correct corneal thicknesstonometer, so patients are more accurate and reliable measurementof intraocular pressure.

App Information 慶明眼科診所

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    July 3, 2015
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張惠琴中醫診所 1.04 APK
張惠琴中醫診所診所介紹本診由院長 張惠琴帶領中醫師-唐慶齡中醫師、盧永欣中醫師三位女醫師秉持著關心、用心、細心來替大眾服務。本診所採線上預約掛號制,初診請來電~Zhang Huiqin clinicClinic presentationThe consultation led by the president Zhang Huiqin practitioners -Tang Qingling practitioners, Lu Yongxin practitioners uphold threefemale physicians care, intentions, careful to back publicservices.The clinic collected online appointment registration system, thefirst visit, please call ~
林漢邦.仁邦診所 1.11 APK
林漢邦醫師在林口看診逾10年,並於民國98年3月5日設立林漢邦診所。本院設有家庭醫學科、內兒治療、外科、骨科及復健治療,從1歲至99歲都是我們照顧的範圍。我們堅持提供優質且完整的專業醫療服務,以期成為每個社區家庭的家庭醫師。Linhan Bang PhysicianVisits in Linkou over 10 years, and the establishment of theRepublic of China 98 years Linhan Bang Clinic March 5. There theCourt Family Medicine, within child therapy, surgery, orthopedicsand rehabilitation treatment, ranging from 1 year to 99 years oldare our care. We insist on providing high-quality and completeprofessional medical services to families in each community tobecome family physicians.
慶明眼科診所 1.06 APK
慶明眼科診所自2001年由林義博醫師與黃種慶醫師接手以來,即以提供三蘆地區民眾能享有醫學中心等級的醫療水準,及診所的親切方便為努力目標,十餘年來,已經服務六十幾萬位病患,並獲得前蘆洲市長李翁月娥表揚。2001: 引進先進白內障超音波乳化儀 universal II (Alcon) 無痛免縫線白內障手術。2002: 1. YAG儀器、治療青光眼及後發性白內障。2.和名醫丘子宏眼科中心合作進行 LASIK , PRK手術。2003: 新型眼壓計及自動電腦驗光機 ( Topcon)。2005: 1. 擴大營業丶重新裝潢。2. 成立蘆洲、三重地區眼科中心附設專業級手術室。2006: 成立蘆洲第一間屈光雷射中心,引進最新型屈光雷射儀器( VISX STAR S4 IR)及前導波儀(Wavescan)及前房斷層掃描儀(Pentacam)。2009: 蘆洲地區第一部Octopus視野計,使青光眼患者免於為做視野檢查奔波醫學中心之苦。2010: 引進醫學中心級Alcon Infinity 白內障超音波乳化儀。2011: 引進SBK手術,提升雷射近視手術品質。2012: 更新Leica手術顯微鏡,引進三蘆地區第一台與台大馬偕相同之Zeiss眼球電腦斷層掃描儀,診斷及追蹤視網膜及視神經疾患提升至醫學中心等級。2013: 引進眼底彩色攝影儀,使病患及家屬也能看見視網膜病變情形,IOLMaster引進,最新Topcon可校正眼角膜厚度眼壓計,讓病患眼壓測量更為精準可靠。Qingming Eye Clinic since2001 and took over the yellow celebrate 林义博 physician physicians,namely to provide a three-Lo where people can enjoy a cordial andconvenient medical center medical grade level, and clinics for theefforts of the goal, more than ten years, has served sixty tens ofthousands of bits of patients, and get Luzhou former Mayor Lee WengYuee recognition.2001: The introduction of advanced ultrasound emulsificationcataract universal II (Alcon) pain-free cataract surgerysutures.2002: 1. YAG instrument, after the treatment of glaucoma andcataract.2. Eye Center and doctors Qiuzai Hong cooperation LASIK, PRKsurgery.2003: The new tonometer and automatic computer optometry machine(Topcon).2005: 1. Dian renovated to expand the business.2. The establishment of Luzhou, triple regional ophthalmologycenter attached to the professional theater.2006: Established Luzhou first refractive laser centers, theintroduction of the latest refractive laser instrument (VISX STARS4 IR)And leading wave instrument (Wavescan) and anterior chambertomography (Pentacam).2009: Luzhou first Octopus perimeter areas, so that glaucomapatients from rushing to do perimetry pain medicine centers.2010: Introduction of the medical center stage Alcon Infinitycataract ultrasound emulsification.2011: introduction of SBK surgery, laser eye surgery to enhancequality.2012: Update Leica surgical microscope, the introduction of threereed areas of Malaysia and Taiwan the same eye-kai Zeiss firstcomputer tomography scanners, diagnostic and tracking the retinaand optic nerve disorders upgraded to Level Medical Center.2013: Introduction of fundus photography meter, so patients andtheir families can also see retinopathy circumstances, IOL Masterintroduced the latest Topcon can correct corneal thicknesstonometer, so patients are more accurate and reliable measurementof intraocular pressure.
重安養生中醫診所 1.00 APK
重安養生中醫診所院長簡介中醫師 曾國峰中國醫藥大學中醫學系畢業,七年制主修中醫及西醫雙學位,畢業後在台北市立聯合醫院和平院區從事眼科醫師,經歷SARS後,轉向中醫執業,至今中醫執業近十年,以針傷科為主。近來結合AMCT安全整脊療法、疼痛點療法、動氣療法、貼針療法、按照每位病患的狀況給予適當的全人整體醫療照護。成立理念與宗旨宗旨:上工治未病(預防勝於治療)。以教育為目的,推廣正確姿勢及養生保健,從根本解決因姿勢不良所引起的酸痛,包括坐姿、站姿、睡姿、家居姿勢、運動姿勢、工作姿勢等,並往下扎根,讓小朋友坐有坐相,站有站相,維持正確體態。服務態度:「面笑、嘴甜、腰軟、手腳快、目色利(會看臉色)」成為「服務品質」口碑第一的中醫診所。目標:視病如親,愛人如己。善待病患,關懷弱勢。安排義診,回饋社會。理念:不以營利為目的,從事醫療事業,促進社會公益福利為理念。遠景:希望藉由教育、養生、預防醫學讓大眾能維持正確體態,提升國人整體健康,節省醫療浪費與支出。治療模式已故陳立夫先生曾說:救人的方法越多越好。因 此本診所將建構一套完整健康醫療的配合模式。<中藥調理+針灸傷科+美式整脊+按摩鬆筋+復健運動+教育養生>An important healthclinicDean IntroductionChinese medicine practitioners have Guofeng Medicine Universitygraduate, majoring in traditional Chinese medicine and Westernmedicine seven - year double degree after graduationophthalmologist at the hospital established a joint peace HospitalDistrict, Taipei, after the experience of SARS, turned to Chinesemedicine practitioners, has been practicing Chinese medicine fornearly a decade to needle traumatology based. Recently, chiropractic therapy combined AMCT safe,pain-point therapy, therapy angry, stick a needle therapy,according to the condition of each patient given proper medicalcare holistic whole.Founded concept and purposeMission: stage a treating disease (prevention is better thancure). For educational purposes, to promote proper posture andhealth care, from the fundamental solution due to pain caused bypoor posture, including sitting, standing, sleeping, home posture,posture, posture work, and put down roots, to enable children tosit There sit phase, Stand up, maintain the correct posture.Service attitude: "face laugh, Zuitian, waist soft, quick handsand feet, Muse Lee ('ll see his face)" into "service quality"reputation of the clinic first.Target: as diseases such as pro, love your neighbor as yourself.Treat patients, care for the disadvantaged. Arrangements clinic,contribute to the community.Concept: not-for-profit, in the medical career, the promotion ofsocial welfare benefits for the idea.Vision: I hope that by education, health, preventive medicine sothat the public can maintain the correct posture, improve theoverall health of people, save medical waste and spending.Treatment modalitiesThe late Mr. Chen Lifu said: the better way to save. Therefore,this clinic will be constructed with a complete model of healthcare.
六福堂中醫診所 1.20 APK
六福堂中醫診所關於我們六福堂在地故事身體健康是福、平安順心是福、笑口常開是福、家庭和樂是福、子孫滿堂是福、知足常樂是福。這是人生中的六大福氣,而唯有「身體健康」才能擁有「六福」。「六福堂」從民國80年開始,秉持著關懷三重埔在地人身體健康的理念,在三重最繁華的大街-正義北路為民服務。幾十年來,「六福堂」最為三重人所津津樂道的就是那視病猶親的醫病精神,也因此成了三重一帶 家喻戶曉的中醫診所。「六福堂」視病猶親的精神讓診所洋溢著如同家的溫馨,診所小姐親切的問候、推拿師賣力的協助復健 、護理師無微不至的照護、醫師的仁心仁術,在在都讓患者們感到備受呵護。「把患者當作家人一樣照顧、當作朋友一般關懷」就是「六福堂」的大長老-吳晉宗先生一直秉持的精神。數十年如一日,為了帶給患者們最專業的服務以及貼心的關懷,吳先生默默的堅持著六福堂的經營。平日經常可見他親切的身影穿梭在診所內,那爽朗的笑聲、真誠的問候為診所帶來輕鬆愉快的氣氛 。這些年來,六福堂有許多被傳為佳話的故事,最為人所稱許的就是:除夕夜前一晚,月已低垂,星光黯淡之時,寂靜的大街上,唯一燈火通明的正是「六福堂中醫診所」。為了病患可以在年假期間照常服藥,醫師盡心的看病到凌晨、診所小姐用心的替病患煎、熬、燒、煮,送上滿懷關心的藥。這樣的付出,只為了能夠成 為患者們最可靠的肩膀,遞送最溫暖的關懷。「望、聞、問、切」是中醫看診的基本步驟,殷切地為您觀氣色、仔細地聽聞您氣息、懇切地詢問您病情、準確地為您把脈象。六福堂的醫病精神全都融入在這四個步驟之中了,我們期許能夠成為您健康的守護者, 讓您擁有人生中的「六福」。Six Futang clinicAbout UsFutang six stories to the groundGood health is a blessing, peace seemed to be a blessing, smilingis a blessing, family and music is a blessing, many children are ablessing, contentment is a blessing. This is the life of the sixblessings, but only "in good health" in order to have "LukFook.""Six Futang" 80 years from the beginning of the Republic, touphold the triple Po care of people in the health concept, triplebusiest streets - just North of serving the people. For decades,the "six Futang" the most talked about man is triple that, as thedisease still pro-healing spirit, and thus became a household namein the vicinity of the triple clinic."Six Futang" pro-Jewish, as the disease so that the clinic wasfilled with the spirit like a warm home, Miss clinic cordialgreetings, massage teacher hard to assist rehabilitation,meticulous care nurse, ER physician in the patient are They feelcared for."As a family to take care of the patient, the general care as afriend," is "six Futang" big elders - Mr. Wu Jinzong always upholdthe spirit. Several decades, in order to bring the patients are themost professional service and intimate care, Mr. Wu quietlypersisted six Futang business. He can often be seen weekdaysgracious figure shuttle in the clinic, hearty laughter and sinceregreetings to the clinic to bring a relaxed atmosphere.Over the years, six Futang many stories passed for theelephants, the most praiseworthy promise is this: New Year's Evenight before, the month of falls, when the dim starlight, the quietstreet, the only lights in precisely " six Futang clinic. " Forpatients with medication as usual during annual leave, a physiciandedicated to the doctor early in the morning, Miss intentions forclinic patients fry, boil, roast, cook, brought with great caremedicine. Such pay, just to be able to be the patient's shouldersare the most reliable, most warm care delivery."Look, smell, and asked, cutting" are the basic steps to see thedoctor of traditional Chinese medicine, eagerly concept of colorfor you, listen carefully to hear your breath, sincerely ask foryour condition, exactly as you put pulse. Six Futang's healingspirit in all integration among these four steps, and we expect tobe the guardian of your health, so you have in life, "LukFook."
太子宮 1.02 APK
太子宮位於新營與鹽水交界,民國七十三年在祖廟後方興建新廟,刻意保存原祖廟的縣定古蹟,呈現新舊廟並呈的守舊迎新傳承。祖廟建築及泥塑剪黏古雅細緻,新廟增設三樓-凌霄寶殿,供奉玉皇大帝,五樓-無極殿,不設形象,極為特殊。象徵太子爺主殿到三樓、五樓的一脈相承,一樓熱鬧,三位太子爺(哪吒三太子、金吒大太子及木吒二太子)和土地公、虎爺為眾生服務;三樓玉皇大帝,統領天地人三界神靈;五樓是無極,要空、要無,讓人來到這裡可以靜坐、靈修。Too uterusis located at the junction of the new camp and brine, 73 years tobuild a new temple in the Temple in the rear, deliberatepreservation of the original Temple in the county Republicanscheduled monuments, showing old temple and showed the conservativeorientation heritage. Temple in the quaint buildings and clayJiannian detailed, additional new temple on the third floor - Peakpalace, dedicated to the Jade Emperor, the fifth floor - Promisetemple, no image, very special. Quick, to the third floor of themain hall symbol, the fifth floor of the same strain, the firstfloor of a lively, three Taizi (Rebels Third Prince, Prince andJinzha large wooden upbraid two Prince) and the Earth God, Tigerservice for all beings; the third floor Jade, who command the threerealms of the gods of heaven and earth; the fifth floor is thePromise, to empty, to no, people come here to sitspirituality.
御生婦幼診所 1.04 APK
御生婦幼診所以提供完整先進的產前檢查診斷,提高婦幼衛生保健水準為主旨,醫師團隊皆來自訓練嚴謹國家級醫學中心,更開診所醫療先例,引進醫學中心級之精密產檢及生產設備。除此之外,本院秉持服務為本的精神,打破舊有醫院傳統觀念,提供舒適寬敞的就診空間、六星級的病房設施,期許媽媽們在整個孕程裡都能享受孕育生命的美好。To provide a completeadvanced prenatal diagnosis Yushengtang maternal and childclinics, Improve maternal and child health care standards for thesubject, Team physicians are from the National Medical Center,rigorous training, More open medical clinics precedent The introduction of sophisticated medical center stageproduction inspection and production equipment.In addition, Court uphold the service-oriented spirit, Breaking the old hospital of traditional concepts, Offers comfortable and spacious treatment room six-star wardfacilities, Expectations throughout the pregnant moms can enjoy thebreeding process in the goodness of life.
仁心中醫診所 1.05 APK
仁心 中醫 診所泉安堂為本宗十八世祖國納公於清、嘉慶年間始創於福建泉州南安縣石井鎮(延平郡王鄭成功故里)虔修膏丹,濟世活人,後世均承祖業,傳至廿一世祖德義公,精嫻內外各科,尤擅針灸,懸壺於泉漳金廈之間,濟困扶危,不慕榮利,得地方耆宿推許,譽為「鯉城神針」。先父廿二世傳銘公幼承庭訓,德義公親授歧黃,及長沙要訣,至十三歲時繼承祖業為泉安堂第五代傳人,並於抗戰勝利後遷館至金門沙美,其後因戰火日熾,先父於民國四十四年遷臺,初始于南昌街應聘行醫,復於民國四十七年在永和路舊址開創「卓家老舖」藥號並設「泉安堂中醫診所」,民國五十至六十年代,並任教於台中中國醫藥學院,教授「黃帝內經」、「國藥專修選讀」作育英才、桃李滿門。民國六十七年擔任台北縣中醫師公會第十一屆理事長,健全會務,嘉惠同道。後因永和路拓寬故遷館於復興街十號繼續服務桑梓,聖手佛心,譽滿杏林。先父於民國七十七年退休,將「卓家泉安堂老舖」永和本店傳于六子播儒,克紹其裘,並於民國八十九年中秋興辦板橋市北門街「仁心中醫診所」,廣召各科高手,擴大服務,細心診治,健全管理,規模初具。先父得享遐齡,以一○一歲高壽辭世,臨終猶諄諄祖訓「醫學無止境,望能術德並重,切記為醫者應本有人無我之精神,始稱為醫」。父子兩代於永和落地生根,當以維護永和市民之健康為懸念,是故特於民國九十七年仲秋「泉安堂中醫診所」於永和市復館,子承父志,一本初衷。An Tang Quan benevolenceclinic-based case-eighth World motherland Carolina public QingJiaqing Ishii town was founded in Quanzhou, Fujian Nanan County(Koxinga Zheng Chenggong's hometown) Qianxiu paste Dan, save theworld of the living, later were 承祖 industry I pass Zhinian 祖德义public, both inside and outside Xian Jing subjects, especially goodacupuncture, hanging pot between Kinmen-Xiamen Zhang Quan, the poorof distress, not Murong Li, where Nestor was acclaimed, hailed as"The Magic Licheng" .My father Nianer Ming Shi Chuan male child for the motto, Deyipublic Qinshou Huang Qi, and Changsha tips, to 13 years of age toinherit ancestral property for Quan An Tang fifth generationdescendant, and after the war moved to the museum in Golden GateSamet, then because Chi-war days, my late father moved to Taiwan inthe Republic of forty-four years, the initial candidates topractice medicine in Nam Cheong Street, complex in the Republic offorty-seven years in Yonghe Road site to create a "Zhuo old shop"drug number and set up "Quan An Tang Chinese medicine clinics."Republic of fifty to sixty years, and taught at the China MedicalCollege in Taichung, Professor, "Yellow Emperor", "Medicinesspecializing Readings" for education excellence, peaches and plumsover the door. Taipei County in 1978 as the eleventh president ofthe Association of Chinese medicine practitioners, sound business,AirPlus fellow. Therefore, due to road widening Yonghe Hall movedto 10th Street revival continue to serve their homeland, KathrineBuddha's heart, famed Kyorin.My father retired in 1987, at the "Church Zhuojia Quan An old shop"Yonghe shop pass in six sub broadcast Confucianism, Keshao theirfur, and in the Republic of China 89 years to set up Banciao City,Mid-North Gate Street, "benevolence clinic "Guang Zhao mastersubjects, expand services, careful treatment, sound management, andits scale. My father to enjoy old age, with a one year oldlongevity ○ died, dying still earnestly teachings of ourforefathers "medicine indefinitely, both hope to surgery Germany,remember this is the healer should someone not of my spirit, cameto be called doctor." Father of two generations in Yonghe roots,when in order to safeguard the public's health Yonghe for suspense,especially in the Republic of the actual occurrence of the autumnninety seven, "Quan An Tang Chinese medicine clinics" in YongheCity Hall complex, inherited his father's blog, one of the originalintention.