2.3.16 / March 1, 2016
(3.7/5) (12)








App Information 亂世戰姬-萬千戰姬 實現你的君王夢

  • App Name
    亂世戰姬-萬千戰姬 實現你的君王夢
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 1, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
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炮娘戰艦--SLG深度海戰策略遊戲 1 APK
《炮娘戰艦》是一款以二戰時期的鋼鐵巨艦海上戰爭為背景題材的SLG深度海戰策略遊戲。遊戲中完美詮釋了二戰海戰的實景,劇情橫跨二戰的所有著名戰役,擁有城邦建築、艦隊佈陣、資源掠奪及稱霸海上世界等特色玩法。相信會給您帶來耳目一新的感覺。喜歡戰爭題材的您,肯定不容錯過,即將上演二戰大型海戰,戰爭準備打響!遊戲特色1、海戰經營:任性經營,自主分配資源建築2、陣型技巧:靈活運用兵種特性,排兵佈陣3、特色軍團:萬人集火副本,特色軍團戰,軍團技能4、長官技能:不一洋的屬性操作,締造自己的軍團5、配件系統:軍艦深度改造,技能大進階6、掠奪系統:無國界,無時限,全球掠奪7、關卡系統:詮釋二戰每一個經典戰役8、軍艦系統:各大軍艦,隨心開發,隨心操控軍艦開發,打造屬於自己的海上帝國在《炮娘戰艦》遊戲中,指揮官可以說是遊戲的中心人物,即是玩家在遊戲中的身份!指揮官不但要把自己的技能、聲望、等級等等經營好,還要維護好各個建築和軍艦!,遊戲的主城,以建築玩法為主核心,玩家可以通過建造、升級建築獲得更多資源,以及生成更高級的軍艦。每個採礦場由您隨意放置,打造屬於自己的城邦。要給敵人毀滅性的打擊,高級軍艦,配合指揮中心,必不可少。海戰經營,回歸最純粹而又特別的SLG經營是所有SLG的基礎,也是《炮娘戰艦》前期的重點,只要打好基礎,才能走得更遠,變得更強。在《炮娘戰艦》的資源建築裏,鋼材鋁礦和鈦礦這三種資源建築是沒數量上限的,所以哪一種建築應該建多少,全憑玩家自己需要。玩家可以根據部隊組成或者野外資源孤島情況來抉定自己資源建築分配,自由空間帶給您任性的玩法。"Mother gun battleship"is a steel ship in the war at sea during World War II as thebackground theme of the SLG depth of naval strategy game. Gameperfect interpretation of the World War II Battle of the real, thestory across all famous battles of World War II, with the citybuilding, fleet lineup, resource plunder and dominate the Sea Worldand other characteristics of play. I believe you will bring a freshfeeling. You like the theme of war, and certainly not to be missed,will be staged large-scale naval battle of World War II, warpreparations started! Game Features1, naval business: capricious management, independent allocation ofresources building2. formation techniques: flexible use of arms features,formations3, features legion: people set fire to a copy of thecharacteristics of the Legion war, corps skills4, sir skills: different foreign property operations, create theirown corps5, Accessory System: warship depth transformation, Advanced Skillslarge6, predatory system: no borders, no time limit, globalplunder7, level system: the interpretation of each of the classic battleof World War II8, warships system: the major warships, heart development, heartmanipulationWarship development, to create their own maritime empire    In "Mother gun battleship" game, thecommander can be said that the game's central character, that is,the identity of the player in the game! Commanders should not onlytheir skills, prestige, rank, and so well-managed, but alsosafeguard the individual buildings and ships! , The game's maincity, to play the main core of the building, players can build,upgrade the building to get more resources and produce moreadvanced warships. Each stope randomly placed by your build theirown city. Give the enemy a devastating blow, advanced warships,with the command center, is essential. Naval operations, return to the most pure and special SLGSLG is the foundation of all business, but also "Mother gunbattleship" pre-emphasis, just lay the foundation to go further andbecome stronger. In "Mother gun battleship" resource building,bauxite and titanium steel construction of these three resources isno maximum number, so what kind of building should be built howmuch, depends on the player's own needs. Players can form based onforce or resource islands field situation given their own resourcesto Jue building allocation, free space to bring your waywardplay.
公主千人斬--女體亂戰,妳HOLD得住嗎? 2.1.171 APK
《公主千人斬》是一款Q版女體性轉題材的策略類戰鬥卡牌遊戲。  遊戲以策略布陣,實時技能拖放為核心玩法,真正將策略性融入了兩軍對陣的戰場中。同時真正將AI做到了同場12個武將和100多個小兵中,使戰鬥的每一個過程都能讓妳覺得有更多的細節可看,有更多的策略可挖。  遊戲特色  一、遠不同於寫實派的Q版女體轉化,更容易被大眾接受  二、定點的技能釋放和策略布陣,戰鬥中的策略元素遽增  三、精美的卡牌、語音和戰鬥畫面,視覺效果極佳  四、完善的助刀、公會設計,讓社交更加有效女體性轉,美艷等妳駕馭《公主千人斬》所有武將全為性轉角色,化身為性格各異的絕色美艷女將,帶來另類的感官把玩體驗。玩家在遊戲中成為一方諸侯,通過多樣化的方式收集、養成專屬自己的美女軍團征戰亂世。是時候展示真正的魅力去征服,告訴她們誰才是主人!百人混戰,唯美沖擊暴力盛世之末,亂世之始,主公們在征服女將後,更需在亂世中屹立爭奪最終的王權。《公主千人斬》采用即時戰鬥設定,帶妳感受一個真實的戰鬥一觸即發、危機四伏的世界。遊戲最高支持百人同屏大混戰,每一場戰鬥都波瀾壯闊、聲勢浩大,令人激情澎湃。女體亂戰,妳HOLD得住嗎?操作簡單,實時拖放技能戰鬥場景雖然激烈,但《公主千人斬》卻摒棄繁瑣回歸簡單操作體驗。遊戲中,玩家提前排兵布陣、安排出戰女將後即可參與戰鬥,運籌帷幄掌控全局。戰鬥中融入趣味十足的策略元素,只要拖動對應女將技能至施放區域,即可便捷施放絕殺,改寫戰局。
夢小喬-三國最in羈絆組合 人妻時代登場 1.0 APK
玩法特點: 全面還原夢三國英雄,技能,裝備神器。交互性: 三國經典關卡戰役,夢三國經典關卡Boss。內容特點: 採用Unity3D引擎,3D角色特效,配合2D場景,打造出更加絢麗的戰鬥遊戲場景。玩法特點: 強化社交/PVP, 打造更長的生命線。付費特點: 繼承成熟的卡牌收集養成《夢小喬-夢三英雄傳》主打觸屏釋放大招的操控理念,多元化武將養成的樂趣,結合Moba高強度競技的風格,進行諸如征討關卡、武林大會、赤壁遠征、黃巾雙雄、三國志、城池攻防以及好友樂鬥的多重遊戲體驗,力求讓玩家置身其中感受變幻莫測的三國風雲!國民三國大作編輯作為電魂2015手遊大作,《夢小喬》繼承《夢三國》經典人物,並融合時代手遊特性,完美還原《夢三國》競技情懷。原汁原味的角色、明快活潑的色彩、輕鬆智能的觸屏玩法、自由開放的小隊系統以及樂趣橫生的社交互動,呈現一個似曾相識而又新奇不斷的三國冒險世界!Moba經典玩法編輯進可孤身一V五,退可滿血搶人頭,無雙奧義激情碰撞,絕世武將榮耀降臨。只有絢麗酷爽的視覺特效,沒有紛繁複雜的操作要領,給你Moba的激情,還你風騷的自信!三大種族,不分陣營,實力上陣,為與眾不同的你提供獨特個性的真我選擇!多重玩法跨界編輯征討敵軍、武將升階、武林大會、客棧招募、裝備附魔……《夢小喬》為你網羅多種經典手遊人氣玩法,更有黃巾雙雄、三國志、赤壁遠征等獨有的潮流玩法。根據需求自由選擇,合理定制成長計畫,海量活動伴你行,總有一款適合你!Play Features: FullRestore dream three heroes, skills, equipment artifact.Interactivity: Three classic checkpoint battle, dream three classiclevels Boss.Content Features: Unity3D engine, 3D character effects, with 2Dscene, to create a more brilliant fighting game scene.Play Features: strengthening social / PVP, to create a longerlifeline.Premium Features: Inheritance develop sophisticated cardcollection"Missy dream - dream three Heroes' flagship touch-screenmanipulation of the concept release of the big move, diversifiedmilitary commanders to develop fun, combined with high-intensityathletic style Moba performed such crusade levels, symposium, Chibiexpedition, the Yellow Turbans planes, Three Kingdoms, offensiveand defensive fortresses and friends fight music multi-gamingexperience, and strive to make the players feel the exposure to thevagaries of the three countries where the situation!Three national masterpiece editorSoul 2015 as an electrical hand tour masterpiece, "Dream Missy"inherit "dream three" classic characters, and the era ofconvergence hand travel features, perfect to restore the "dreamthree" competitive feelings. Authentic role, bright and livelycolors, easy touch-screen smart play, free and open squad systemand social phenomena of interactive fun, presents a familiar yetconstantly Three new adventure in the world!Moba classic gameplay editorCan alone into a V V. retreat full of blood rush to succeed,unparalleled esoteric passion collision, peerless generals glorycome. Only gorgeous cool cool visual effects, no complicatedoperating essentials, you give passions Moba, but also yourconfidence flair! Three races, regardless of faction, the strengthto battle, as you provide a unique distinctive personality reallymy choice!Multiple gameplay transboundary editorCrusade enemy, the generals Ascending Order, symposium, innsrecruit, equip enchant ...... "Dream Little Joe" for you to recruitmore of the classic play popular mobile games, more planes YellowTurbans, Three Kingdoms, Red Cliff and other unique expeditiontrend play. According to demand freedom of choice, customizationreasonable growth plan, mass activity with your line, there isalways a right for you!
亂世戰姬-萬千戰姬 實現你的君王夢 2.3.16 APK