1.4 / March 12, 2016
(4.0/5) (67)


Pemberitahuan waktu shalat untuk muslim dinegara Indonesia.
Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda dapat melihat perbedaan waktu shalatuntuk beberapa kota di Indonesia.
Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan alarm untuk mengingatkanpergantian waktu shalat sesuai dengan lokasi kota tempat andaberapa.
Pada fitur alarm pengingat, anda dapat mengatur waktu alarmberbunyi, seperti 10 menit sebelum pergantian waktu shalat atau 10menit setelah pergantian waktu shalat. Dan anda dapat mengaturalarm tersebut dengan bunyi normal atau suara adzan.
Pada aplikasi ini juga terdapat fitur pencarian masjid. Pada fiturini anda dapat mencari masjid terdekat dari lokasi andaberada.
Terdapat pula daftar hari-hari besar Islam seperti bulan Ramadhan,Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, dan lainnya. Pada aplikasi ini, jugaterdapat tanggal hijriah saat ini.
Berikut adalah beberapa kota di Indonesia yang tersedia dalamaplikasi ini :

Ambarawa, Ambon, Amlapura, Amuntai, Argamakmur, Atambua, Babo,Bagan Siapiapi, Bajawa, Balige, Balik Papan, Banda Aceh,Bandarlampung, Bandung, Bangkalan, Bangkinang, Bangko, Bangli,Banjar, Banjar Baru, Banjarmasin, Banjarnegara, Bantaeng, Banten,Bantul, Banyuwangi, Barabai, Barito, Barru, Batam, Batang, Batu,Baturaja, Batusangkar, Baubau, Bekasi, Bengkalis, Bengkulu,Benteng, Biak, Bima, Binjai, Bireuen, Bitung, Blitar, Blora, Bogor,Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Bontang, Boyolali, Brebes, Bukit Tinggi,Bulukumba, Buntok, Cepu, Ciamis, Cianjur, Cibinong, Cilacap,Cilegon, Cimahi, Cirebon, Curup, Demak, Denpasar, Depok, Dili,Dompu, Donggala, Dumai, Ende, Enggano, Enrekang, Fakfak, Garut,Gianyar, Gombong, Gorontalo, Gresik, Gunung Sitoli, Indramayu,Jakarta, Jambi, Jayapura, Jember, Jeneponto, Jepara, Jombang,Kabanjahe, Kalabahi, Kalianda, Kandangan, Karanganyar, KaranganyarKebumen, Karawang, Kasungan, Kayuagung, Kebumen, Kediri,Kefamenanu, Kendal, Kendari, Kertosono, Ketapang, Kisaran, Klaten,Kolaka, Kota Baru, Kota Bumi, Kota Jantho, Kota Mobagu, KualaPembuang, Kuala Tungkal, Kudus, Kuningan, Kupang, Kutacane,Kutoarjo, Labuhan, Lahat, Lamongan, Langsa, Larantuka, Lawang,Lhoseumawe, Limboto, Lubuk Basung, Lubuk Linggau, Lubuk Pakam,Lubuk Sikaping, Lumajang, Luwuk, Madiun, Magelang, Magetan,Majalengka, Majene, Makale, Makassar, Malang, Mamuju, Manna,Manokwari, Marabahan, Maros, Martapura, Masohi, Mataram, Maumere,Medan, Mempawah, Menado, Mentok, Merauke, Metro, Meulaboh,Mojokerto, Muara Bulian, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim, Muara Teweh,Muaro Sijunjung, Muntilan, Nabire, Negara, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Nunukan,Pacitan, Padang, Pagaralam, Painan, Palangkaraya, Palembang,Palopo, Palu, Pamekasan, Pandeglang, Pangkajene, Pangkalanbun,Pangkalpinang, Panyabungan, Pare, Parepare, Pariaman, Pasuruan,Pati, Payakumbuh, Pekalongan, Pekan Baru, Pemalang,Pematangsiantar, Pendopo, Pinrang, Pleihari, Polewali, Pondok Gede,Ponorogo, Pontianak, Poso, Prabumulih, Praya, Probolinggo,Purbalingga, Purukcahu, Purwakarta, Purwodadigrobogan, Purwokerto,Purworejo, Putussibau, Raha, Rangkasbitung, Rantau, Rantauprapat,Rantepao, Rembang, Rengat, Ruteng, Sabang, Salatiga, Samarinda,Sampang, Sampit, Sanggau, Sawahlunto, Sekayu, Selong, Semarang,Sengkang, Serang, Serui, Sibolga, Sidikalang, Sidoarjo, Sigli,Singaparna, Singaraja, Singkawang, Sinjai, Sintang, Situbondo,Slawi, Sleman, Soasiu, Soe, Solo, Solok, Soreang, Sorong, Sragen,Stabat, Subang, Sukabumi, Sukoharjo, Sumbawa Besar, Sumedang,Sumenep, Sungai Liat, Sungai Penuh, Sungguminasa, Surabaya,Surakarta, Tabanan, Tahuna, Takalar, Takengon, Tamiang Layang,Tanah Grogot, Tangerang, Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Redep, TanjungSelor, Tapak Tuan, Tarakan, Tarutung, Tasikmalaya, Tebing Tinggi,Tegal, Temanggung, Tembilahan, Tenggarong, Ternate, Tolitoli,Tondano, Trenggalek, Tual, Tuban, Tulung Agung, Ujung Berung,Ungaran, Waikabubak, Waingapu, Wamena, Watampone, Watansoppeng,Wates, Wonogiri, Wonosari, Wonosobo, Yogyakarta dan beberapa kotalainnya

- Dan berbagai kota di Indonesia lainnya

Notice the prayer timesfor Muslims in the country of Indonesia.
With this app, you can see the difference prayer times for severalcities in Indonesia.
You can enable or disable an alarm to alert the turn of the prayertimes according to the location of the town where you how.
In a reminder alarm feature, you can set the time the alarm sounds,such as 10 minutes before the turn of the prayer time, or 10minutes after the turn of the prayer time. And you can set thealarm to sound normal, or call to prayer.
In this application there is also a search feature mosque. In thisfeature you can search for the nearest mosque from the location youare.
There is also a list of holy days of Islam such as Ramadan, Eidal-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and others. In this application, there isalso the date of the Hijra today.
Here are some of the cities in Indonesia provided in thisapplication:

Ambarawa, Ambon, Amlapura, Amuntai, Argamakmur, Atambua, Babo,Bagan Siapiapi, Bajawa, Balige, Balik Papan, Banda Aceh, BandarLampung, Bandung, Bangkalan, Bangkinang, Bangko, Bangli, Banjar,Banjar Baru, Banjarmasin, Banjarnegara, Bantaeng, Banten, Bantul,Banyuwangi, Barabai, Barito, Barru, Batam, Stem, Stones, Balfour,Batusanggkar, Baubau, Bekasi, Bengkalis, Bengkulu, Fortress, Biak,Bima, Binjai, Bireuen, Bitung, Blitar, Blora, Bogor, Bojonegoro,Bondowoso, Bontang, Boyolali, Brebes, Bukit Tinggi, Bulukumba,Buntok, Cepu, Ciamis, Cianjur, Cibinong, Cilacap, Cilegon, Cimahi,Cirebon, Curup, Demak, Denpasar, Depok, Dili, Dompu, Donggala,Dumai, Ende, Enggano , Enrekang, Fakfak, Garut, Gianyar, Gombong,Gorontalo, Gresik, Gunung Sitoli, Indramayu, Jakarta, Jambi,Jayapura, Jember, Jeneponto, Jepara, Jombang, Kabanjahe, Kalabahi,Trump, Kandangan, Karanganyar, Karanganyar Kebumen, Karawang,Kasungan , Kayuagung, Kebumen, Kediri, Kefamenanu, Kendal, Kendari,Kertosono, Ketapang, range, Klaten, Kolaka, Kota Baru, Kota Bumi,Kota Jantho, City Mobagu, Kuala Pembuang, Kuala Tungkal, Holy,Brass, Kupang, Kutacane, Kutoarjo Labuhan, Lahat, Lamongan, Langsa,Larantuka, Lawang, Lhoseumawe, Limboto, Lubuk cone, Lubuk Linggau,Lubukpakam, Lubuk Sikaping, Lumajang, Luwuk, Madiun, Magelang,Magetan, Majalengka, Majene, Makale, Makassar, Malang, Mamuju ,Manna, Manokwari, Marabahan, Maros, Martapura, Masohi, Mataram,Maumere, Medan, Mempawah, Manado, Geese, Merauke, Metro, Meulaboh,Mojokerto, Muarabulian, Muara Bungo, Muara Enim, Muara Teweh, MuaroSijunjung, Muntilan, Nabire, State, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Nunukan,Pacitan, Padang, Pagaralam, Painan, Palangkaraya, Palembang,Palopo, Palu, Pamekasan, Pandeglang, Pangkajene, Pangkalanbun,Pangkalpinang, Panyabungan, Pare, Pare Pare, Pariaman, Pasuruan,Pati, Payakumbuh, Pekalongan, Pekan Baru, Pemalang,Pematangsiantar, Hall, Pinrang, Pleihari, Polewali, Pondok Gede,Ponorogo, Pontianak, Poso, Prabumulih, Praya, Probolinggo,Purbalingga, Purukcahu, Purwakarta, Purwodadigrobogan, Purwokerto,Purworejo, Putusibau Raha, Rangkasbitung, Rantau, Rantauprapat,Rantepao, Rembang, Rengat, Ruteng, Sabang, Salatiga, Samarinda,Sampang, Sampit, Sanggau, Sawahlunto, Sekayu, Selong, Semarang,Sengkang, Serang, Serui, Sibolga, Sidikalang, Sidoarjo, Sigli,Singaparna, Singaraja, Singkawang, Sinjai, Sintang Situbondo,Slawi, Sleman, Soasiu, Soe, Solo, Solok, Soreang, Sorong, Sragen,Stabat, Subang, Sukabumi, Sukoharjo, Sumbawa Besar, Sumedang,Sumenep, Sungai Liat, Full River, Sungguminasa, Surabaya ,Surakarta, Tabanan, Tahuna, Takalar, Takengon, Tamiang Layang, LandGrogot, Tangerang, Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Redep, Tanjung Selor,Tapak Tuan, Tarakan, Tarutung, Tasikmalaya, Tebing Tinggi, Tegal,Temanggung, Tembilahan, Tenggarong, Ternate, Tolitoli, Tondano,Terri, Tual, Tuban, Tulung, Edge Berung, Ungaran, Waikabubak,Waingapu, Wamena, Watampone, Watansoppeng, Wates, Wonogiri,Wonosari, Wonosobo, Yogyakarta and other cities

- And various other cities in Indonesia

App Information Waktu Shalat

  • App Name
    Waktu Shalat
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 12, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    TopOfStack Software
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Mahfuza Tower (7th Floor), 36/37 Probal Housing Adabor,Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh
  • Google Play Link

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হায়াতুস সাহাবাহ 1.9 APK
হুজুর পাক(সঃ) এর অতীব নিকটবর্তী মানুষেরা হলেনসাহাবা(রাঃ)গন।যাদের সম্পর্কে স্বয়ং রাসুলে কারীম(সঃ) এরশাদ ফরমান, "আমার সাহাবীরাহল আকাশের নক্ষত্রের ন্যায়। যদি তোমরা তাদের মধ্য থেকে কোন একজনেরজীবনাদর্শ অনুযায়ী নিজের জিন্দেগীকে পরিচালনা কর তাহলে তোমরা সঠিকপথপ্রাপ্ত হবে।"হায়াতুস্ সাহাবাহ্ নামক এপ্লিকিশনটিতে রাসুল(সঃ)এর সাহাবা(রাঃ)দেরজীবনের কিছু ঘটনা 'হায়াতুস্ সাহাবাহ্' বই থেকে নিয়া হয়েছে।হযরত আব্দুল্লহ ইবনে মাসউদ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহু বলিতেন, “যে ব্যক্তিদ্বীনের পথে চলিতে চাহে সে যেন সেই সকল লোকদের অনুসরণ করে যাঁহারাঅতীত হইয়া গিয়াছেন আর তাঁহারা হইলেন হযরত মুহাম্মাদ সল্লাল্লহুআ’লাইহি ওয়া সাল্লামের সাহাবাহ রদিয়াল্লহু আ’নহুম। কারণ তাঁহারা এইউম্মতের শ্রেষ্ঠ ভাগ। তাঁহাদের অন্তর ছিল অত্যন্ত পবিত্র এবং তাঁহাদেরজ্ঞান ছিল সর্বাপেক্ষা গভীর। তাঁহাদের মধ্যে কোন কৃত্রিমতা ছিল না,আল্লহ তায়া’লা আপন নবীর সাহচর্য ও তাঁহার দ্বীন প্রচারের জন্যতাঁহাদিগকে বাছাই করিয়াছিলেন। অতএব তাঁহাদের সম্মানকে স্বীকার করিয়াতাঁহাদের পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ কর। তাঁহাদের আখলাক ও আদর্শকে মজবুত করিয়াধর। কারণ তাঁহারা হেদায়েতের উপরে ছিলেন।”‘হায়াতুস সাহাবাহ’ কিতাব খানি মুলতঃ আরবী ভাষায়। অনারব ও আরবীভাষায় অনভিজ্ঞদের উক্ত কিতাব হইতে উপকৃত হইবার উদ্দেশ্যে উহার অনুবাদকরার প্রয়োজন বিধায় হযরতজী মাওলানা এনআমুল হাসান রহমাতুল্লহআ’লাইহির অনুমতিক্রমে উর্দু ও অন্যান্য ভাষায় উহা অনুবাদের কাজচলিতেছে।*****************************************************************************Hayatus-Sahaba (Lives of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad(sm) )by Shaykh Maulana Yusuf Kandhalwi now in Bengali (বাংলা).This Masterpiece presents in graphic detail each and everyaspect of the many splendored and exalted lives, morals andstruggles of the Sahabah, based on authentic and original sourcesof Ahadeeth, Sirah, Tabaqat and Islamic History.Hayatus Sahabah is a Large Collection ( 2000+ pages) of eventsand incidents involving the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA),meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals theseincidents symbolise. The author has organised together a vastamount of information to paint a vivid picture of the struggle forDa'wah of the Sahabah, and their training by the Prophet (SAW), apicture meant to leave an inedible mark on the reader.Originally written in Arabic by the well known scholar MaulanaMuhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi the book has been highly acclaimed as oneof the most authentic book of its kind, throughout the Islamicworld. As such, it is necessary for all those who wish tounderstand the basic Islamic forces at work, in the lives and timesof the Sahabah, which turned the tide of history.Volume 1DawahBay’ahHardships in Propagation of DeenHijrahVolume 2NusrahStriving in the Path of AllahUnityVolume 3Spending in the Path of AllahHow Sahabahs Relinquished Carnal DesiresVolume 4Character of SahabahSahabah’s Belief in the UnseenSahabah and SalaatKnowledgeVolume 5DhikrDuas made by SahabahLectures by SahabahAdvices of SahabahUnseen Help of AllahThe Author has relied mainly on Authentic Hadith and Works ofrenowned Classical Scholars.'Every Sahaba (Companion of our Prophet Sallallahu AlaiyhiwaSallam) has a unique story, and quite a few suspense-filledadventures on their way to the divine truth. Reading about them,one is bound to be inspired and amazed at the power of the humanspirit to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles.'The Sahabas (RA) are the yardstick of Guidance , we would goastray if we don't keep up on their Straight (With whom Allah TalaHimself is pleased).Master Pak (RA) is veryclose to the people of the Companions (ra) mass.Self rasule whom Muhammad (peace be upon him) decree, "MyCompanions are like the stars of heaven. If you own any of them,according to one jibanadarsa jindegike sathikapatha manage, thenyou will be."Hayatus sahabah eplikisanatite the Prophet (peace be upon him)and his Companions (RA) of certain facts of life 'hayatus sahabah'is near to the book.Hadrat Ibn Masood abdullaha radiyallahu anahu spoke, "a religionthat pleases him to walk in the way that all those who follow theProphet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi past was gone and peace be uponhim sahabaha anahuma radiyallahu. Because they share the best ofthis nation. Most of them had knowledge of their heart was verypure and deep. There was not any of them artificial, allaha tayalahis prophet and his company had made to them for the promotion ofreligion. Therefore, at the expense of respect for them and followin their footsteps. Take them to strengthen their intelligence andideology. Because they were above guidance. ""Hayatusa sahabaha" Essentially accelerates the book in Arabic.Foreign and Arabic languages ​​for the purpose of benefiting fromthe beginner to the need to translate the book because Mr. enaamulahayarataji rahamatullaha alaihira permission to publishtranslations of the work going on in Urdu and other languages.*****************************************************************************Hayatus-Sahaba (Lives of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad(sm))by Shaykh Maulana Yusuf Kandhalwi now in Bengali (Bengali).This Masterpiece presents in graphic detail each and everyaspect of the many splendored and exalted lives, morals andstruggles of the Sahabah, based on authentic and original sourcesof Ahadeeth, Sirah, Tabaqat and Islamic History.Hayatus Sahabah is a Large Collection (2000+ pages) of eventsand incidents involving the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA),meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals theseincidents symbolise. The author has organised together a vastamount of information to paint a vivid picture of the struggle forDa'wah of the Sahabah, and their training by the Prophet (SAW), apicture meant to leave an inedible mark on the reader.Originally written in Arabic by the well known scholar MaulanaMuhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi the book has been highly acclaimed as oneof the most authentic book of its kind, throughout the Islamicworld. As such, it is necessary for all those who wish tounderstand the basic Islamic forces at work, in the lives and timesof the Sahabah, which turned the tide of history.Volume 1DawahBay'ahHardships in Propagation of DeenHijrahVolume 2NusrahStriving in the Path of AllahUnityVolume 3Spending in the Path of AllahHow Sahabahs Relinquished Carnal DesiresVolume 4Character of SahabahSahabah's Belief in the UnseenSahabah and SalaatKnowledgeVolume 5DhikrDuas made by SahabahLectures by SahabahAdvices of SahabahUnseen Help of AllahThe Author has relied mainly on Authentic Hadith and Works ofrenowned Classical Scholars.'Every Sahaba (Companion of our Prophet Sallallahu AlaiyhiwaSallam) has a unique story, and quite a few suspense-filledadventures on their way to the divine truth. Reading about them,one is bound to be inspired and amazed at the power of the humanspirit to overcome even the most insurmountable obstacles. 'The Sahabas (RA) are the yardstick of Guidance, we would goastray if we do not keep up on their Straight (With whom Allah TalaHimself is pleased).
Коран български 1.2 APK
Assalamu Alaikum за всеки. Смятате ли,рецитират Корана Шариф редовно? Ако е да, тогава ние сме тук, за дави помогне да рецитира Коран Маджид по-удобен начин.Можете да получите цялата Коран Шариф в нашия Ал-Коран българскакандидатура. Заинтересованите читатели могат да получат достъп дотова приложение само с няколко докосвания, които ще им помогнат дадобавите повече склонност към Корана. В момента се водинай-натоварените живот, че понякога ние не може да носи СвещенияКоран Mazeed в нашата малка чанта. При това обстоятелство, акоимаме нужда от знамения от Корана във всеки един момент, а следтова на средата или нещо подобно средата на Коран се нуждаем, чеможе да побере цялата Свещения Коран в тялото. Можете просто даизползвате това приложение, за да се изкорени този вид трудност.Това е начина, това приложение може да ви помогне.Всеки знае, че има общо 6236 ayats в Ал-Коран и читател щеполучите десет sawab за една буква от Корана. Прочитането наСвещения Коран Шариф: "Няма съмнение, че Коран Шариф е най-добриятводач в този свят". Нашата Ал-Коран български приложение поддържапътя като книга под формата на Коран Маджид самата поддържа. Такачитател може да не са изправени пред някакъв проблем в момента нарецитация. Следователно, с почит и уважение, можете да я държичетене чрез нашия Ал-Коран Bulgarianapplication като подобно,докато четете книгата на Коран Шариф преди.Характеристика :1. Търсене по сура2. Търсене по тема / дума3. Hafizi Коран (Para / джуз & сура Списък)4. Възпроизвеждане на аудио стих по стих5. възпроизвеждане на аудио6. Запомнете знамения / стих7. Share знамения / стих8. Три reciters аудио добавени- Абдула Али Джабер- Maher Al-Muaiqly- Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisAssalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharifregularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quranmajid more convenient way.You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Bulgarianapplication. Interested readers may access this application withjust a few touches that will help them add more inclination toQuran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can notcarry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, ifwe need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium orsomething like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the wholeholy Quran in a body. You can just use this application toeradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application canhelp you.Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats in Al-Quranand a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran. Recitationof the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that Quran Sharif isthe best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Bulgarian applicationmaintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintainsitself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time ofrecitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it readingthrough our Al-Quran Bulgarian application as like as you read thebook of Quran Sharif before.Features :1. Search by Sura2. Search by Topic/word3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)4. Play audio verse by verse5. Play audio6. Bookmark ayat / verse7. Share ayat / verse8. Three reciters audio added- Abdullah Ali Jaber- Maher Al-Muaiqly- Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisAssalamu Alaikum toeveryone. Do you recite the Quran Sharif regularly? If yes, then weare here to help you recite Quran Majid more convenient way.You can get all our Quran Sharif in Al-Quran Bulgariancandidacy. Interested readers can access this application with justa few touches that will help them add more prone to the Koran.Currently leading the busiest life that sometimes we can not beheld Quran Mazeed in our little bag. In this circumstance, if weneed verses from the Koran at any time, then the middle orsomething like mid Qur'an need that can hold the entire Holy Quranin the body. You can just use this app to eradicate this kind ofdifficulty. This is how this application can help you.Everyone knows that there are a total of 6236 ayats in Al-Qur'anand the reader will get ten sawab for one letter of the Qur'an.Reading the Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that the Quran Sharifis the best guide in this world." Our Al-Quran Bulgarianadministration maintains the road as a book in the form of QuranMajid itself supported. Thus the reader may not face any problem atthe time of recitation. Therefore, with honor and respect, you cankeep reading our Al-Quran Bulgarianapplication as similar as youread the book of Quran Sharif before.characteristics:1. Search by sura2. Search by topic / word3. Hafizi Quran (Para / Juz '& Surat List)4. Play the audio verse by verse5. audio playback6. Remember the signs / verse7. Share Signs / verse8. Three reciters audio uploads- Abdullah Ali Jaber- Maher Al-Muaiqly- Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisAssalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharifregularly? If it's yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quranmajid more convenient way.You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-Quran Bulgarianapplication. Interested readers may access this application withjust a few touches that will help them add more inclination toQuran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can notcarry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, ifwe need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium orsomething like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the wholeholy Quran in a body. You can just use this application toeradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application canhelp you.Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats in Al-Quranand a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran. Recitationof the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that Quran Sharif isthe best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Bulgarian applicationmaintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintainsitself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time ofrecitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it readingthrough our Al-Quran Bulgarian application as like as you read thebook of Quran Sharif before.Features:1. Search by Sura2. Search by Topic / word3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)4. Play audio verse by verse5. Play audio6. Bookmark ayat / verse7. Share ayat / verse8. Three reciters audio added- Abdullah Ali Jaber- Maher Al-Muaiqly- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Salat Time Universal 1.0 APK
Universal salat time for whole year.You can see different waqt time for any picked date, for anylocation worldwide.You can set alarms for different waqt. Alarm will change timeaccording to waqt time.Mosque finder to find the nearest mosques near your currentlocation.List of important islamic dates like ramadan, lailatul kadr, hajjetc.You can customize alarm and set azan for it.
চড়ুই 1.0 APK
চড়ুই একটি ফ্ল্যাপ্পি প্ল্যাটফর্মার গেম.পাখি নির্বাচন করে খেলা শুরু করুন। কাক, ঈগল, বাদুড়ের মত বিভিন্নবাধাএড়িয়ে পরবর্তী লেভেল অ্যাক্সেস করুন।ধানক্ষেত,কাশবন,সাগর,রাতের আকাশ,শহুরে, বিভিন্ন প্লাটফর্মে ও লেভেলে।Start the experience of adventure with the birds, theflyingbirds through the nature by dodging obstacles. Gain thebestscores.Select your bird & start playing. Avoid variousobstacleslike crow, eagle, bats and gain access to next levels.Chorui is a flappy game prepared withbangladeshimaterials,* Bengali birds as characters* Bangladeshi fields, sky,sea as background* Eagle, crow,bat as obstacle.You can chose characters.Several levels.A sparrowphlyappiplatformer game.Start the game by selecting birds. Crow, Eagle, like bats toavoidobstacles to access to the next level.Paddy fields, kasabana, the sea, the night sky, urban,differentplatforms and levels.Start the experience of adventure with the birds, theflyingbirds through the nature by dodging obstacles. Gain thebestscores.Select your bird & start playing. Avoid variousobstacleslike crow, eagle, bats and gain access to next levels.Chorui is a flappy game prepared withbangladeshimaterials,* Bengali birds as characters* Bangladeshi fields, sky, sea as background* Eagle, crow, bat as obstacle.You can chose characters.Several levels.
Logo Match 1.1 APK
Ready to challenge your memory daily with"Logo Match"?A fun game to exercise your memory & check out logos ofdifferent brands!GAME FEATURES
- Match pairs of logos
- Different levels of difficulty
- The grid adjusts automatically to your device
- Colourful logos to be easily remembered
Quick Diary 1.0 APK
Quick note, sticky note and diary - in onefree application. Get the part of your daily life with you from nowon....You can save any writing instantly, edit later or delete, searchby text or date and share any note whenever you wish.Please visit support URL for detail on how to use.http://topofstack.site40.net/quickdiary/v2.0/index.html
Alfabeta indonesia 1.1.9 APK
Visual alfabeta Indonesia adalah sebuahpermainan bagi semua kalangan dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasauntuk mengenal lebih banyak mengenai kosakata dan huruf alfabetapada bahasa Indonesia. Permainan ini memberikan visualisasi gambarbenda-benda disekitar kita dipadukan dengan awalan huruf yangmenunjukkan alfabeta kosata bahasa Indonesia.Dengan permainan ini, mereka yang baru mempelajari bahasa Indonesiaakan mudah mengingat benda-benda di sekitar sesuai dengan kosakatabahasa Indonesia.Di dalam aplikasi ini, terdapat macam permainan :- Menentukan Gambar dari kosakata Indonesia yang diberikan- Menentukan kosakata dari gambar yang diberikanKeuntungan dari permainan ini :- Kita akan terbiasa dengan benda-benda bahasa Indonesia di sekitarkita- Visualisasi gambar akan memudahkan kita memahami bahasaIndonesiaBelajar melalui metode menyenangkan, sangat tepat untuk semuakalangan teutama kalangan anak-anak.Visual Alfabeta Indonesiais a game for all people from children to adults to get to knowmore about the vocabulary and letter Alfabeta in Indonesian. Thisgame gives the visualization of images of objects around us,combined with the prefix letters indicating Alfabeta kosataIndonesian.With this game, they were new to learn Indonesian will easilyremember things around according to the Indonesian vocabulary.In this application, there is a kind of game:- Define Image of a given vocabulary Indonesia- Determining the vocabulary of the rendered imageAdvantages of this game:- We will be familiar with Indonesian objects around us- Visualization of images will help us understand theIndonesianLearning through fun methods, it is appropriate for all agesteutama among children.
বেহেশতী জেওর 1.2 APK
বেহেশতী জেওর -হাকীমুল উম্মত মুজাদ্দিদুল মিল্লাত হযরত মাওলানা শাহ্ আশরাফ আলীথানভী(রহঃ) এর লেখা ও শামসুল হক ফরিদপুরী (রহঃ) এর অনুদিত।কতিপয় সত্য ঘটনাআক্বীদার কথা:শিরক ও কুফরবেদআৎ-কুপ্রথা:কতিপয় বড় বড় গুনাহ্গুনাহর কারণে পার্থিব ক্ষতিনেক কাজে পার্থিব লাভওযূর মাসায়েল ওযূর তরতীবঃওযূ নষ্ট হইবার কারণমাযূরের মাসআলাগোছলের বয়ানওযূ ও গোছলের পানিকূপের মাসআলাঝুটার মাসায়েলতায়াম্মুমের মাসায়েলমোজার উপর মছহেশরমের মাসায়েলগোছলের মাসায়েলবে-গোছল অবস্থার হুকুমবে-ওযূ অবস্থার মাসায়েলআহকামে শরার শ্রেণিবিভাগপানি ব্যবহারের হুকুমপাক-নাপাকের আরও কতিপয় মাসায়েলপেশাব-পায়খানারসময় নিষিদ্ধ কাজঃএলম শিক্ষার ফযীলতওযূ-গোসলের ফযীলতওযূর সময় পড়িবার দো’আনাজাছাত হইতে পাক হইবার মাসায়েলএস্তেঞ্জার মাসায়েলনামাযনামাযের ওয়াক্তআযানআযান ও এক্বামতআযান ও এক্বামতের সুন্নত ও মোস্তাহাববিভিন্ন মাসআলানামাযের আহকাম বা শর্তক্বেবলার মাসায়েলফরয নামায পড়িবার নিয়মঃসিজদা করিবার নিয়মঃনামাযের ফরয:নামাযের কতিপয় সুন্নতফরয নামাযের বিভিন্ন মাসায়েলপুরুষ ও স্ত্রীলোকের নামাযের পার্থক্যনামায টুটিবার কারণনামাযে মকরূহ এবং নিষিদ্ধ কাজজমা’আতের কথা (গওহার)জমা’আত সম্বন্ধে ইমামগণের ফৎওয়াজমা’আত ওয়াজিব হওয়ার শর্তসমূহজমা’আত তরক করার ওযর ১৪টিজমা’আতে (নামায পড়ার) হেকমত ও উপকারিতাজমা’আত ছহীহ হইবার শর্তসমূহএক্তেদা ছহীহ হওয়ার শর্তএক্তেদা দুরুস্ত নাইঃজমা’আতের বিভিন্ন মাসায়েলইমাম ও মোক্তাদী সম্পর্কে মাসায়েলকাতারের মাসায়েলজমা’আতের নামাযের অন্যান্য মাসায়েলজমা’আতে শামিল হওয়াযে যে কারণে নামায ফাসেদ হয়আরম্ভ নামায ছাড়িয়া দেওয়া যায়নামাযে ওযূ টুটিয়া গেলে -বেঃ গওহরবেৎর নামায-(বেঃ জেওর)সুন্নত নামাযতাহিয়্যাতুল ওযূএশরাকের নামাযএশরাকের নামাযচাশত নামাযআউয়াবীন নামাযতাহাজ্জুদ নামাযছালাতুত তসবীহনফল নামাযের আহকামনামাযের ফরয, ওয়াজিব সম্বন্ধে কতিপয় মাসআলা-(গওহর)নামাযের কতিপয় সুন্নতঃতাহিয়্যাতুল মসজিদ-(বেঃ গওহর)এস্তেখারার নামাযছালাতুত তওবাছালাতুল হাজত (বর্ধিত)সফরে নফল নামায (গওহর)তারাবীহর নামায(গওহর)কুছুফ ও খুছুফের নামায(গওহর)এস্তেস্কার নামায(গওহর)ক্বাযা নামায(বেঃ জেওর)ছহো সজদা(বেঃ জেওর)তেলাওয়াতের সজদা(গওহর)পীড়িত অবস্থায় নামায(বেঃ জেওর)ঃমুসাফিরের নামাযঃবেহেশতী গওহর হইতেভয়কালীন নামাযজুমু’আর নামাযজুমু’আর দিনের ফযীলতঃজুমু’আর দিনের আদবজুমু’আর নামাযের ফযীলত এবং তাকীদজুমু’আর নামায ওয়াজিব হওয়ার শর্তসমূহজুমু’আর নামায ছহীহ হইবার শর্তসমূহখুৎবার মাসায়েলহযরত রসূলুল্লাহ (দঃ)-এর খুৎবাহযরতের (দঃ) খুৎবায় কতিপয় উপদেশআর নামাযের মাসায়েলঈদের নামাযঈদুল ফিৎরের দিন ১৩টি কাজ সুন্নত।কা’বা শরীফের ঘরে নামাযমৃত্যুর বয়ানমাইয়্যেতের গোসলকাফনশিশুর কাফনজানাযার নামাযদাফনশহীদের আহকামজানাযা সম্বন্ধীয় বিভিন্ন মাসআলামসজিদ সম্বন্ধীয় কতিপয় মাসআলাঃআরও কতিপয় বিভিন্ন মাসআলাহায়েয ও এস্তেহাযাহায়েযের আহকামএস্তেহাযার হুকুমনেফাস ও হায়েয ইত্যাদির আহকামনামাযের বয়ানঃযৌবনকাল আরম্ভ বা বালেগ হওয়ানামাযের ফযীলতHowever, in heaven-Millat Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Shah mujaddidula hakimulanationthanabhi (R) of the writing and Shamsul Haque Faridpuri (R)to betranslated.Some factsOf belief:Polytheism and disbeliefBedaat-bad customs:Some major sinBecause the world of sinfulWorldly gain good workRuling Ozu Ozu taratibahOzu being wasted becauseMayurera MattersEverything statementAblution and bath waterMatters springRuling falseRuling TaiyammumMachahe on socksRuling sarameraEverything RulingEverything the command BayRuling Bay ablution conditionsSarara categories ahakameMandate the use of waterSeveral more unclean and the clean RulingUrine-payakhanarasamaya prohibited are:Elm merits of educationMerits of ablution showersDoa during ablution shrinkRuling from being twisted najachataRuling estenjaraPrayerPrayerAzanAzan and IqamatAzan and Sunnah and Eed IqamatVarious MattersPrayer Rulings or conditionRuling kbebalaraShrink the obligatory prayer rulesTo prostrate rulesPrayer is obligatory:Some prayers circumcisionRuling of prayerPrayer is the difference between men and womenPrayer for tutibaraMakaruha prayer and work banJamaatera the (gaohara)About jamaata Imams phatoyaJamaata the obligatory conditions14 excuses for missed jamaataJamaate (prayer), Wisdom and BenefitsConditions to be authentic jamaataThe condition of authentic ektedaEkteda durusta naihRuling of jamaateraRuling about the priest and the moktadiQatar's RulingOther jamaatera Prayer RulingJamaate be includedThat is why prayer is that phasedaPrayer can be started fromAfter the prayer, ablution tutiya Gauhar behBetra namaya (However, beh)Prayer circumcisionOzu tahiyyatulaPrayer esarakeraPrayer esarakeraPrayer casataPrayer auyabinaPrayer tahajjudSalatut tasabihaRulings prayerObligatory prayer, obligatory about some masaala (Gauhar)Some Prayer sunnatahTahiyyatula mosques (beh Gauhar)Prayer estekhararaRepent SalatutSalatul prisons (extended)Tour prayer (Gauhar)Tarabeeh Prayer (Gauhar)Kuchupha and khuchuphera prayer (Gauhar)Esteskara Prayer (Gauhar)Due Prayer (However, beh)Chaho sajada (However, beh)Recitation sajada (Gauhar)Prayer distressed condition (However, beh): TheTraveler namayahGauhar from heavenPrayer bhayakalinaFriday PrayerFriday day phayilatahManners Day FridayFriday Prayer and the merits of enduranceFriday prayer is obligatory conditionsFriday prayer to be authentic conditionsRuling khutbaThe Holy Prophet (pbuh) 's sermonProphet (pbuh) advised some KhutbaThe Prayer RulingEid prayersEid-ul-Fitr day in 13 circumcised.Sharif Kabah prayer roomCopy of deathMaiyyetera showerShroudBaby shroudFuneral prayerBuriedRulings martyrsMatters of funeral homesSome clinics mosque masaalahSome of the more MattersMenstruation and estehayaRulings that herEstehayara commandRulings nephasa and menstruation, etc.Prayer bayanahYouth to start or reached maturityMerits of Prayer