2.0 / November 15, 2013
(3.6/5) (24)


La numerología se basa en la idea de que cadanúmero lleva asociado un significado oculto. Esta ciencia dependede la capacidad que tengamos para percibir, intuir, contemplar yregistrar nuestra propia realidad desde otra perspectiva.

En el momento de nacer existen diversos factores macrocósmicosque marcan nuestra existencia e influyen tanto en el carácter deuna persona como en su destino final.

En numerología existen diversos métodos para determinar estossignificados, pero el más utilizado es el número de la vida, porser el que mejor refleja el porvenir de la persona. Este número seobtiene reduciendo a un dígito nuestra fecha de nacimiento, sumandolos dígitos individuales que la componen.

Gracias al número de la vida puedes descubrir la procedencia detus reacciones, tus sentimientos internos, cómo te relacionas conlos demás, la personalidad que les manifiestas, cómo eres en elamor, qué te ayudaría a ser mejor, con quién puedes lograr unarelación duradera, qué cosas te pueden suceder este año.

Esta aplicación se ofrece como una herramienta para calcular elnúmero de la vida para cualquier fecha de nacimiento, y también daruna pequeña síntesis sobre el significado.

Numerology is based onthe idea that each number is associated with a hidden meaning. Thisscience depends on our capacity to perceive, intuit, see and recordour own reality from another perspective.

At the time of birth macrocosmic several factors that make ourexistence and influence both the character of a person or at hisfinal destination.

In numerology there are several methods to determine thesemeanings, but the most common is the number of life, because itbest reflects the future of the person. This number is obtained byreducing to one digit our birth date, adding the individual digitsthat compose it.

With the number of life can discover the source of yourreactions, your inner feelings, how you relate to others,personality manifest them, how you're in love, what would help youto be better, who can achieve a relationship durable, what thingscan happen this year.

This application is provided as a tool to calculate the numberof life for any date of birth, and also give a short summary of themeaning.

App Information Tu Número de la vida

  • App Name
    Tu Número de la vida
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 15, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Pedro A. Castillo
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Pedro A. Castillo Show More...

Wifi On/Off 2.0 APK
Small application to toggle wifi on/off. There are so manyavailable widgets that you can use; however in Android 4.1 (andhigher versions) phones, you can not add one of these widgets tothe launcher lower line of icons (see screen-shots). Thisapplication can be added to that line of icons so it is accesiblein any of the screens and you don't have to swipe the whole screento find shortcuts.
Diagnóstico OBDii - ELM327 6.0 APK
Esta aplicación realiza diagnósticos en nuestro coche a través deadaptadores bluetooth ELM327 usando el protocolo OBD-II.Actualmente se monitorizan los parámetros estándar del cochedisponibles (ver el enlace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs parauna descripción de todos ellos).A través de un adaptador ELM327 con bluetooth podemos obtener elestado de todos los sensores del coche en nuestro móvil o tabletAndroid.La pantalla principal muestra un velocímetro (representa lavelocidad que proporciona el ordenador del coche) y las RPM.Además, si tenemos activado el GPS, nos mostrará la posición GPSactualizada así como la velocidad que nos proporciona el GPS.Debajo (ver capturas de pantalla) se nos mostrará la informacióndetallada del resto de parámetros/sensores que nos envía elordenador del coche a través del adaptador ELM327.Estos adaptadores se pueden encontrar en cualquier tiendaespecializada en el automóvil. También en las tiendas on-line eninternet, p.ej. http://s.dealextreme.com/search/elm327 (ver laúltima captura de pantalla para ver ejemplos de adaptadores con losque se ha probado la aplicación).La aplicación crea una carpeta llamada OBDii_ELM327 en latarjeta de datos del móvil y cada día crea un nuevo archivo diarioen el que va guardando todos los datos de la monitorización.Thisapplication performs diagnostics on our car via bluetooth ELM327adapters using the OBD-II protocol.Currently the standard parameters are monitored car available(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs linkfor a description of these).Through an ELM327 bluetooth adapter we can get the status of allsensors in the car on our Android phone or tablet.The main screen shows a speedometer (represents the rateprovided by the car's computer) and RPM. Moreover, if we activatedthe GPS, it will show the updated GPS position and speed thatprovides the GPS.Below (see screenshots) we show the detailed information ofother parameters / sensor that sends the car's computer through theELM327 adapter.These adapters can be found in any store specializing in car.Also in the on-line stores on the Internet, eg http://s.dealextreme.com/search/elm327 (seelast screenshot for examples of adapters with which the applicationhas been tested).The application creates a folder called OBDii_ELM327 in mobiledata card each day and creates a new log file that is storing alldata monitoring.
File corrupter 1.0 APK
Using this application you can corrupt a file by overwritting itscontents.This can be useful when you must send some work but,unfortunately, you have not finished it! You can send a corruptfile on time, nobody will be able to use it due to a file orapplication problem ;)Terms of service: This application comes with absolutely nowarranty. Use at your own risk. Please, remember that you can looseimportant data if you choose the wrong file!
El Mundo Today + Rokambol 7.0 APK
La mejor aplicación que puedes utilizar paraleer las noticias de El Mundo Today, Rokambol o LoGarrofer en tumóvil o tablet.La aplicación tiene un funcionamiento sencillo y rápido: sólohay que lanzarla y pulsar sobre el botón de carga. A partir de ahí,obtendremos todos los titulares, y si lo deseamos, podemos pulsarsobre cualquiera de ellas para pasar a ver la noticia completa.En vez de tener que escribir la dirección de El Mundo Today,Rokambol o LoGarrofer y visualizar en un navegador en pantallapequeña, esta aplicación te ofrece la posibilidad de leer lasnoticias con un par de pulsaciones con tu dedo en la pantalla.The best application youcan use to read the news of the World Today, or LoGarrofer Rokambolon your mobile or tablet.The application has a simple and fast operation: just throw itand click the load button. From there, we will get all theheadlines, and if you wish, you can click on any of them to go tosee the full story.Instead of having to type the address of The World Today, Rokambolor LoGarrofer and displayed on a small screen browser, thisapplication offers you the possibility to read the news with a fewclicks with your finger on the screen.
Consumo eléctrico 1.0 APK
Aplicación para calcular el consumo energéticode diversos electrodomésticos.El funcionamiento es muy sencillo: sólo debemos pulsar sobre elaparato deseado para obtener una estimación del consumo de dichoaparato por hora, en un día, en un mes y en un año entero.Para esos cálculos, se supone que el electrodoméstico estáconectado y en funcionamiento durante todo ese tiempo.La aplicación permite indicar la moneda en que queremosvisualizar los resultados, así como el precio del kwh que nos cobrala empresa de servicio y los impuestos aplicables (el IVA).Application to calculatethe energy consumption of various appliances.The operation is very simple: we just click on the desireddevice to obtain an estimate of the consumption of the applianceper hour in a day, a month and a year.For these calculations, it is assumed that the appliance isconnected and working during that time.The application allows you to specify the currency in which weview the results as well as the price of kwh charges us servicecompany and applicable taxes (VAT).
Wifi AP on-off 1.0 APK
Small application to toggle wifi accesspoint(AP) on/off with just a touch on the main screen.There are so many available widgets that you can use; howeverinAndroid 4.1 (and higher versions) phones, you can not add oneofthese widgets to the launcher lower line of icons(seescreen-shots).This application can be added to that line of icons so itisaccesible in any of the screens and you don't have to swipethewhole screen to find shortcuts.And the best: all in only 26KB!!!
OBD2-ELM327. Car Diagnostics 7.0 APK
This application is an OBDII ECU diagnostics tool that usesabluetooth ELM327 adapter to connect to your car. Nowadaysallavailable car parameters are monitored(seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs for adetaileddescription). Using a bluetooth ELM327 device and ourAndroidmobile or tablet, we can check the car sensor values. Mainwindowshows speed and RPM. Also, if GPS is present, that windowwill showcurrent GPS position and GPS-speed. At the bottom,detailed sensorinformation is shown (and updated every second).Compatible ELM327adaptors can be found at any automobile shop andonline webs, i.e.http://s.dealextreme.com/search/elm327 Thisapplication stores alldata in the SD, in a folder calledOBDii_ELM327.
Password strength 5.0 APK
Having a strong password is very important. They are often thefirst (and possibly only) defense against intrusion. They are usedto protect personal information, financial information, healthdata, and/or private documents. In order to protect your security,you should follow some essential rules in order to choose a goodpassword: + Password length should be at least 8 characters inlength. + The more character in the passwords is better, as thetime taken to crack the password will be longer. 10 characters orlonger are recommended (this increases cracking time even more). +It should contain both small case and upper case characters as wellas numerical characters and special characters. + It should containat least 5 unique characters. The password must not contain yourlogin username or part of the username, it should not includesequences (i.e consecutive characters, numbers or adjacent keys ona keyboard), and it should not be based on dictionary words withnumber substitution. Finally, it is recommended changing yourpasswords at least once every 6 months. This application helps youto measure the strength of your passwords, using a simplealgorithm. It uses regular expressions that checks foruppercase-lowercase characters usage, the string length, the amountof numbers and special characters, and finally it generates a scorefor the password. This application is not perfect and it is meantto help users just to learn how to create stronger passwords.