Top 26 Apps Similar to Smith Wigglesworth on Prayer

KENNETH HAGIN - FAITH - Free Christian Books 1.0
Get Christian FAITH books written by Kenneth E. Hagin forFREE!Whenwas the last time you read a Christian Book? "Mypeoplearedestroyed for lack of knowledge"---Hosea 4:6 Do youadmiretheGrace and Ministry of Kenneth E. Hagin and will like tobeguidedby his teachings? DID YOU KNOW? >>>One waytoconnect toGreat Men is through their Books. >>>EveryGreatLeader isan Avid Reader. >>>In your Christian Walk,youwill need aGuide. "If I'm taller today, it's because I stood ontheshouldersof giants"--- Sir Isaac Newton. INSTALL NOW: KENNETHHAGIN- FAITH- Free Christian Books, And instantly access manyChristianFAITHBooks written by Kenneth E. Hagin at absolutely nocost - forFREE!IN THIS APP: >>>Read all Kenneth E.Hagin'sbooks,>>>Easily Download Kenneth E. Hagin's booksdirectlyintoyour device, >>>Make a book request and haveit appearinthe App! Get current and future books by Kenneth E.Hagin allforFREE! ABOUT Kenneth Erwin Hagin (August 2, 1917 –September19,2003) was an American Charismatic preacher. He is oftenreferredtoas the "father" (or "granddaddy") of the "Word ofFaith"movement,a title he did not accept.[2] Many of his followerswouldoftenrefer to him affectionately as "Dad Hagin", "PapaHagin",or"Brother Hagin"; the term "Pastor Hagin" typically referstohisson, Kenneth Hagin, Jr. Check out ourotherApps to have an App made for Ministry, Business orPersonal use?ForSuggestions, Enquiries and Complaints, feel freeto reachthedeveloper: [email protected] +2348117958630 (CallsandWhatsApp)
Christ’s Object Lessons 1.0
Beautiful Jesus parables explained in a simple way. Anexcellentbookto complement the preaching of the gospel. The book"Christ'sObjectLessons" written by Christian author Ellen White isone oftheliterary treasures to help you grow in your spirituallife. Inthisbook you will find in detail many teachings thatJesuspresented tothe people when he was in this world. Theseteachingshave forcenturies helped many people to understand moredeeplywhat theKingdom of God is. Ellen White (November 26, 1827 –July16, 1915)was a prolific author, writing more than 40 booksand5000 periodicalarticles during her lifetime. Today there areoverone hundred 50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She wasone ofthe founders of theSeventh-day Adventist Church, believed bymanyreaders to have thespiritual gift of prophecy described intheBible. White wasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure byhiscritics, with muchof the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionary experiencesand the use of other sources in hiswritings.She experienced herfirst vision shortly after the GreatMilleriteDisappointment of1844. Historian Randall Balmer hasdescribedWhite as "one of themost important and colorful figuresin thehistory of Americanreligion." Walter Martin described it as"oneof the most fascinatingand controversial characters everappearedon the horizon ofreligious history" Mrs. White's visionsprovidedthe basis for theAdventist movement to consider that the"gift ofprophecy" wasmanifested in her, which endowed her writingsofgreat importance tothe believers of this denomination. EllenG.White promotedvegetarianism as well as the evangelizationandspread of Adventismin different parts of the world. Remembertocheck out the More Appssection and you'll be amazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faithand soul
The Great Controversy 1.0
The Great Controversy is more than the story ofthemillennialstruggle between good and evil. It is the keytounderstanding thefuture of events and divine plans for ourworldand for theuniverse. It is one of the most important booksofSeventh-dayAdventism. In this app you will find historicallyhowthe powerfuland invisible hand of God has been guiding andweavingall yourfaithful children throughout the history of thisworld. Butinaddition you will be able to realize how the historyofthehumanity will finish in these last times with thegloriousreturnof the Lord Jesus to this earth. Some chapters l:-Destruction ofJerusalem - Persecution in the First Centuries -TheApostasy -Huss and Jerome - Luther’s Separation from Rome -LutherBefore theDiet - The Swiss Reformer - The French Reformation- IntheNetherlands and Scandinavia - Later English Reformers -TheBibleand the French Revolution ................. EllenWhite(November26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was a prolific author,writingmore than40 books and 5000 periodical articles during herlifetime.Todaythere are over one hundred 50,000 manuscript pages ofherwritings.She was one of the founders of the Seventh-dayAdventistChurch,believed by many readers to have the spiritual giftofprophecydescribed in the Bible. White was consideredasomewhatcontroversial figure by his critics, with much ofthecontroversycentered on his reports of visionary experiences andtheuse ofother sources in his writings. She experienced herfirstvisionshortly after the Great Millerite Disappointment of1844.HistorianRandall Balmer has described White as "one of themostimportantand colorful figures in the history of Americanreligion."WalterMartin described it as "one of the mostfascinatingandcontroversial characters ever appeared on the horizonofreligioushistory" Mrs. White's visions provided the basis fortheAdventistmovement to consider that the "gift of prophecy"wasmanifested inher, which endowed her writings of great importancetothebelievers of this denomination. Ellen G.Whitepromotedvegetarianism as well as the evangelization and spreadofAdventismin different parts of the world. We respect thecopyright,A workgoes into the public domain when the patrimonialrightshaveexpired. This usually happens after a deadline has passedsincethedeath of the author (post mortem auctoris). Theminimumterm,worldwide, is 50 years and is established in theBerneConvention.Many countries have extended this period widely.Forexample, inEuropean law, it is 70 years since the death oftheauthor. Oncethat time has passed, such work can then be usedinfree form,respecting moral rights. Remember to check out theMoreAppssection and you'll be amazed with wonderful free apps tofeedfaithand soul
The Power Of The Spoken Word 1.6
Erike Uzoma
Speak what the word of God says about you everyday of yourlife.forthe word of God is life, it is spirit and it is power.Somanypeople came from troubled homes,chaotic family backgrounds,somanycarry the wounds of their abusive past. humanity are moreorlessliving in fear of the unknown, most have a mindset thathavebeenso messed up or afflicted, so much so that it takes morethanapsychologist to fix them up; but only God can. The Biblesays"Butthose things which proceed out of the mouth come forthfromtheheart, and defile the man" (matthew 15:18). God wants tohealyourmind and your heart, God wants your mind and your hearttobecompletely overhauled to work in his Power and Glory, andyoucando that by saying what God says and saying it by faith inGod.
12 Steps To Intercession 1.3
This app contains a training course based on 12 Biblical stepstoIntercession
FREE Christian Books - Bishop David Oyedepo 1.0
Get the founder of Living Faith Church (Winner'sChapel),BishopDavid Oyedepo's Christian books for FREE! When wasthe lasttimeyou read a Christian Book? "My people are destroyed forlackofknowledge"---Hosea 4:6 Do you admire the Grace ofBishopDavidOyedepo and will like it to work for you? DIDYOUKNOW?>>>One way to connect to Great Men is throughtheirBooks.>>>Every Great Leader is an AvidReader.>>>Inyour Christian Walk, you will need a Guide."If I'mtaller today,it's because I stood on the shoulders ofgiants"---Sir IsaacNewton. INSTALL NOW: FREE Christian Books -David OyedepoAndinstantly access many Christian Books written byPapa, BishopDavidOyedepo for FREE! Check out ourotherApps to have an App made for your ministry?ForSuggestions,Enquiries and Complaints, feel free to reachthedeveloper:[email protected] +2348117958630 (CallsandWhatsApp)
Prophets and Kings 1.0
One of the greatest literary jewels in the Christianworld.Writtenby the Christian author, Ellen G. White more than 100yearsago, ineach one of its chapters, it expands in detail whattheHolyScriptures have to teach us. When Israel was a unitedandgloriouskingdom, endowed with a magnificent temple, center ofthetrue cultin the world . The most outstanding spiritual truthsofthebiblical account, from Salmon to the birth of ChristSomechaptersin this tool: - Solomon - The Temple and Its Dedication-Pride ofProsperity - Results of Transgression -Solomon’sRepentance - TheRending of the Kingdom - Jeroboam -NationalApostasy - Elijah theTishbite - The Voice of Stern Rebuke -Carme -From Jezreel toHoreb - “What Doest Thou Here?” - “In theSpirit andPower ofElias” - Jehoshaphat - and more ... The booktalks aboutseveralimportant topics like the following: - Theascent, the gloryandthe fall of Solomon, the wisest king that hasever existed. -Thedivision of the Kingdom of Israel after the deathof Solomon. -Thelife of the prophet Elijah in the time of Israel'sapostasy. -Thecall and ministry of the prophet Elisha. - Jonah andthe peopleofNineveh, - Daniel, his friends and the reign ofBabylon. - Inthetime of Queen Esther. - Reconstruction of the wallsof Jerusaleminthe time of Ezra and Nehemiah. - The coming of thegreatLiberator.Ellen White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) wasaprolificauthor, writing more than 40 books and 5000periodicalarticlesduring her lifetime. Today there are over onehundred50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She was one of thefoundersofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church, believed by manyreaders tohavethe spiritual gift of prophecy described in theBible. Whitewasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure by hiscritics,withmuch of the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionaryexperiences and the use of other sources in hiswritings.Sheexperienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall BalmerhasdescribedWhite as "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin thehistory of American religion." Walter Martin describedit as"oneof the most fascinating and controversial characterseverappearedon the horizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovidedthe basis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowed herwritingsofgreat importance to the believers of this denomination.EllenG.White promoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationandspread of Adventism in different parts of theworld. Remembertocheck out the More Apps section and you'll beamazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
Apostle Joshua Selman Messages & Songs
Download all Apostle Joshua Selman Messages, Songs, Chants from2011till date.
Naijasermons 1.2.2
Naijasermons is an application that gives you access to thousandsoflife changing sermons and teachings by prominent teachers oftheword, both in Nigeria and Africa at large. Some of the benefitsyouwill enjoy from this app include powerful teachings by:ApostleJoshua Selman Apostle Arome Osayi Apostle Mike Orokpo Bro.GbileAkanni Pastor Adeboye Pastor W.F. Kumuyi Rev. Sam Adeyemi Dr.PaulEnenche Dr. D.K. Olukoya Pst. David Ogbueli Pst. DavidIbiyiomie DrMyles Munroe kathryn kuhlman Pastor Kingsley OkonkwoChris DelvanBenson Idahosa Bishop David Abioye Bishop David Oyedepoand manyother anointed men of God. That's not all; the app alsocontainssome deep songs and soaking worships that you can listen toand setyourself on fire for God - perpetually. This includes songsby:Apostle Joshua Selman Dr. Paul Enenche Lawrence OyorTheophilusSunday Dunsin Oyekan to name but a few. #ADDITIONALFEATURES# Inorder to serve you better, here are some of thevaluable featuresyou will find on this app: 1. REQUEST FOR A SERMON- when you clickon this button, you will be able to request for anysermon you wantfrom us and we'll give you the direct download linkASAP. 2.KOINONIA VIDEOS - this feature allows you to watch latestkoinoniavideos with Apostle Joshua Selman 24/7 3. KOINONIA RADIO -you willbe able to livestream all koinonia programme whenever theministryis holding any programme on air. 4. SWITCH THEME - thisallows youto switch in between white and dark theme, you can tweakit to yourdesired taste. #MENUS# 1. About us - Where you get toknow moreabout our ministry. 2. Contact Us - Should in case youwant toreach us for a particular issue 3. Follow Us - To follow uson allour social media platforms for latest sermons and worshipsongsThis app is developed by
Koinonia - Messages & more 2.0.1
Audio Messages, Bible, Christian Books & More.
Handbook For Believers (v2) 2
A helpful tool for biblical study, counselling &personalevangelism.
Bible Prophecy And Truth free book 3
Free book on Biblical prophecy, Biblical truth, andCreationvsEvolution based on Biblical facts. Search within all 3bookswiththe search utility. Make notes for yourself ondifferentchaptersand interesting finds! World War 3 is looming onthehorizon! Is itin Bible prophecy? When is the End of theWorld?What's going onright now in Biblical prophecy? Did you know,thattoday's news waswritten 2500 years ago? It's all in the Bible!Thisapp isdedicated to the study of Biblical Truth, BiblicalProphecy,andexposing the lies of the devil. Who is Jesus Christ?What isthetruth of Gods Word? Can prophecy really be understood?
The Believer's Authority By Ke 0.0.2
We as a Church have authority on the earth that we've neveryetrealized...
Faith Point Holy Spirit 1.5
Faith Point - Holy Spirit helps you understand Bible info ontheHoly Spirit.
Rhapsody Of Realities OFFLINE 1.0.32
Rhapsody of Realities Devotional By Pastor Chris (2018-2021)OFFLINEand ONLINE
Preacher's Complete Homiletica 1.21
Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary (Trial Version)
FREE Christian Books - Kenneth Copeland - Faith 1.0
Read all Christian books written by Kenneth Copeland forFREE!Whenwas the last time you read a Christian Book? "Mypeoplearedestroyed for lack of knowledge"---Hosea 4:6 Do youadmiretheGrace and Ministry of Kenneth Copeland and will like tobeguidedby his teachings? DID YOU KNOW? >>>One waytoconnect toGreat Men is through their Books. >>>EveryGreatLeader isan Avid Reader. >>>In your Christian Walk,youwill need aGuide. "If I'm taller today, it's because I stood ontheshouldersof giants"--- Sir Isaac Newton. INSTALL NOW:FREEChristian Books -Kenneth Copeland - Faith, And instantlyaccessmany Christian Bookswritten by Kenneth Copeland for FREE! INTHISAPP: >>>Readall Kenneth Copeland'sbooks,>>>Easily Download KennethCopeland's books directlyintoyour device, >>>Make a bookrequest and have it appearinthe App! Get current and future FAITH& VICTORY books byKennethCopeland all for FREE! Check outourotherApps to have an App made for your Ministry, Business orPersonaluse?For Suggestions, Enquiries and Complaints, feel freeto reachthedeveloper: [email protected] +2348117958630 (CallsandWhatsApp)
The Message of The Hour 0.2
Quick Reference Guide By Ronnie Millevo, Rev. William MBranhamSermons HandBook
The Family Altar ~ Daily Manna 0.0.3
Volume1,2&3 Daily Bread Bible & Rev. William MarrionBranhamSermons By T.A.Dodd
Evangelism Bible Quotes/Tools 0.1
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work ofanevangelist, make full proof of thy ministry" ~2 Timothy 4:5Value,what is valuable? Getting a soul saved. For he who wins asoul iswise. The soul you win will be a star in your crown inheaventhrough eternity. And a soul is worth more than ten thousandworlds.But as we have something precious we must know how topresent it aswell, else we do more harm than good. This apps isdesigned withscriptures on topical biblical teachings that canhelp you get quickscriptures to explain to someone on a topicwhilst you arewitnessing, obeying the Lord's command of the greatcommission. Wehope it will be of great help to you.
Bible Study Buddy - Prophecy 1.1.2
Your very own bible study tools in one app!
Glory to God: Hymns, Psalms, & 3.5.2
Glory to God is a Mobile edition of the ecumenical hymnal GlorytoGod.
Daily Manna 2021 1.0.2
Daily Manna is an extraction of God's Word designed todrawthesincere seeker closer to God on daily basis throughaninsightfulexposition and analysis of God's Word. Adevotionalmaterial ofchoice for individual and family worship, itprovidesspiritualnourishment for those truly committed to knowingandwalkingclosely with God. APP FEATURES - Night mode - Font size/styleselection - Share devotion with friends and loved ones -Addtostarred (for quick access) - In-app bible text DISCLAIMER:Thisappis unofficial
Guidelines: Bible Study 1.9.5
Aimer Media
Guidelines let you take your Bible study with you wherever you go.
Unlocking Revelation 1.0.0
Discover the most accurate interpretation of the book ofRevelation.
God's Word 2.0.10
St Pauls
God's Word is an annual publication of ST PAULS