Top 23 Games Similar to Спорт прогнозы ставки

Прогнозы на футбол ставки 1.0
Интерес к футболу в нашей странеобширен,тысячи людей неотрывно следят за каждым матчем любимойкоманды,пытаются предугадать результат будущего состояния и спорят,спорят.Для самых увлеченных любителей делать ставки нафутбол,мыпредлагаем подготовленные профессионалами прогнозы. Нашеприложениес ежедневно обновляемой информацией даст вам результатыработыаналитиков, на основании которых ваши ставки на спорт будутболееудачными. Ведь кроме вашего внимательного отслеживаниякаждойважной новости футбола, чтение статей о тренировкахспортсменов,изменениях в составе команд или переходе любимыхигроков в другойклуб, вы получаете готовый прогноз. Эта программане завалит васворохом слухов и новостей, как газета или телевизор,вы получитеитоговый вывод аналитиков, предсказание, чего ждать отбудущегоматча. И на основании этого ваш шанс на удачную ставкунафутбольный матч значительно увеличится.Interest in footballinour country is vast, thousands of people intently watchingeverymatch of their favorite team, trying to predict the outcomeoffuture state and argue and argue. For the most enthusiastic fanstobet on football, we offer trained professionals forecasts. Ourappwith daily updated information will give you the results oftheanalysts on the basis of which your bet will be moresuccessful.After all, other than your careful track of everyimportantfootball news, reading articles on the training ofathletes,changes in the composition of teams or favorite playersmoving toanother club, you get ready to forecast. This program doesnot fillup your pile of rumors and news, as a newspaper or a TV,you willreceive a final conclusion analysts predicting what toexpect fromthe future of the match. And based on this, your chancesof asuccessful bid for the football game willincreasesignificantly.
Betting Tips 15.0
Bets Soft
You win the bet with estimates updated every day.Withthisapplication you will receive completely freenow.PredictionsBetting added when we send notifications to you.Thisway you canbe aware of easily guessed. Predictions Bettingpracticecontinuesto serve in many other areas, including footballandbasketball.Betting Predictions application is in Germany,Spain,England,Italy, France, Turkey, Belgium, Portugal,Austria,Denmark,Scotland, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Argentina,Romania,Brazil,Poland, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland,Sweden,Norway,Czech Republic, Croatia and many other countries ofbetsarepublished. Please note that the Betting Tips are completelyfreeofcharge.
Флешскоре - Flashscore Myscore
The most current results, statistics and other data on 30+ sports.
Football Predictions Forebet 2.0.9
Mathematical Football Predictions, AI, Stats and Scores.
Betting Tips 16.0
Eser Soft
Free betting tips which will make you win everyday. We giveourVIPmembers highest bet odds and also with the highest winratio.%90win rate in the last week.
Betting Tips Sports 5.0
Football betting tipsWhen add new tips, come notification.
Приложение «МАТЧ! КЛУБ» – настоящийкомпаньондля любителей спорта и поклонников соревнований.Приложениепозволяет смотреть спортивные трансляции, видеоповторыопасныхмоментов и голов, делать прогнозы на события, выигрыватьпризы,следить за ходом соревнований, а также получать новости ивидео измира спорта.Трансляция прямого эфира «Матч ТВ» в приложенииосуществляетсясовершенно бесплатно (просмотр доступен на территорииРоссийскойФедерации).Кроме этого, пользователям предоставляется возможностьосуществитьплатную подписку на тематические каналы «Матч ТВ» врамках пакетов«Максимальный» и «Футбол», в том числе и поотдельности на каждыйиз каналов:- Наш футбол- Матч! ФУТБОЛ 1- Матч! ФУТБОЛ 2- Матч! ФУТБОЛ 3- Матч! АРЕНА- Матч! ИГРА- Матч! НАШ СПОРТ- Матч! БОЕЦФункция «Второй экран» приложения «МАТЧ! КЛУБ»,предоставляетпользователям уникальную возможность испытать своизнания иинтуицию, делая прогнозы на события в матчах во времяонлайнтрансляций на телеканале.Испытать свою эрудицию можно в таких видах спорта, как:Футбол,Хоккей, Формула-1 и Бокс.Для этого нужно установить приложение «МАТЧ! КЛУБ» на свойсмартфон,зарегистрироваться или авторизоваться с помощьюсоциальных сетей,войти в раздел «Второй экран» и выбратьинтересующую игру во времяпрямой трансляции на телеканале «МатчТВ».Наши редактора осуществляют прямой интерактив с игрой,загружаяинтересные вопросы и прогнозы на матч, вам остаетсясмотретьтрансляцию и делать свой выбор.Каждое правильное действие приносит пользователю баллы.Набранныебаллы суммируются и отражают место пользователя в общемспискерейтинга игроков каждого матча.Лучшие игроки, занявшие призовые места в рейтинге, получатподаркиот «Матч ТВ» или партнеров матча.Кроме этого, пользователи могут делиться своими впечатлениямииэмоциями о матче в чате каждой игры с другимиболельщиками,обсуждать сильные и слабые стороны команд, ход игры ичемзакончится соревнование.В приложении вас ждут такие турниры как: РФПЛ, Лига чемпионов,ЛигаЕвропы, Английская Премьер-Лига, КХЛ, Формула-1, Бои имногоедругое.Для остроты ощущений, во время каждой трансляциипользователюстановятся доступны к просмотру видеоповторы самыхинтересныхмоментов игры, а исторические факты, статистика и другаяполезнаяинформация в ленте, позволяет игрокам быть максимальноточными всвоих действиях и прогнозах при ответах на вопросы.Чтобы проверить свои знания уже сейчас:+ Скачай и установи приложение «МАТЧ! КЛУБ» на свой смартфон;+ Зарегистрируйся в приложении или авторизуйся с помощьюсоциальныхсетей;+ Войди в раздел «Второй экран» и выбери интересующийтебяматч;+ Запусти выбранный матч во время его онлайн трансляциинателеканале «Матч ТВ», отвечай на вопросы, делай прогнозы иучаствуйв опросах.Играй и поддерживай свою любимую команду с приложением «МАТЧ!КЛУБ».#БудьНаМатчеAppendix "MATCH! CLUB "-atrue companion for sports enthusiasts and fans of thecompetition.The app allows you to watch sporting events,videopovtory dangerousmoments and goals, to make predictions onevents, win prizes, tomonitor the progress of the competition, aswell as receive news andvideos from the world of sports.LIVE "TV Game" in the Annex is carried out free of charge(viewavailable on the territory of the Russian Federation).In addition, users are given the opportunity to carry out apaidsubscription to thematic channels "Match TV" in thepackage"Maximum" and "Football", including separately foreachchannel:- Our football- Match! FOOTBALL 1- Match! Football 2- Match! FOOTBALL 3- Match! ARENA- Match! A GAME- Match! OUR SPORTS- Match! FIGHTERThe "second screen" app "MATCH! CLUB "provides users with auniqueopportunity to test their knowledge and intuition, makingforecastsfor the events in the games during the online broadcast onthechannel.To test your erudition is possible in sports such asfootball,hockey, Formula 1 and Boxing.To do this, you need to install the application "MATCH! CLUB"onyour smartphone, write access via social networks, enterthe"second screen "section, and select the desired game during thelivebroadcast on the TV channel" TV match. "Our editor offering direct interactivity with the game byuploadinginteresting questions and predictions for the match, youhave towatch the broadcast and make a choice.Every action brings the user to the correct points. Summed scoreandposition reflect the user in the list of rating eachmatchplayers.The best players, who took the top places in the ranking,willreceive gifts from the "Match TV" or match partners.In addition, users can share their experiences and emotions ofthematch in every game chat with other fans and discuss thestrengthsand weaknesses of the teams, the game and what the outcomeof thecompetition.The application offers tournaments such as the PremierLeague,Champions League, Europa League, Premier League, the KHL,Formula1, Battles and more.For thrills, during each broadcast are made available to theuserfor viewing videopovtory the most interesting moments of thegame,and the historical facts, statistics and other usefulinformationin the tape, allowing players to be as accurate aspossible intheir actions and projections in the answers toquestions.To test your knowledge now:+ Download and install the app "MATCH! CLUB "onthesmartphone;+ Register in the app or log in via social networks;+ Please see "second screen" and choose the game you areinterestedin;Start + Select match during his online broadcast on the TVchannel"TV Game", answers questions, makes predictions andparticipate inpolls.Play and supports your favorite team with the application"MATCH!CLUB". # BudNaMatche
Ставки в плюсе 2.0.6
ЦСА «Ставки в плюсе» - это одно изкрупнейшихсообществ в сфере прогнозов спортивных событий! В нашемцентреспортивной аналитики работают лучшие прогнозисты, и нашастатистикатому доказательство. Мы не играем, а зарабатываем, иуверяем Вас,что на ставках на спорт можно зарабатывать. И мы Вам вэтом судовольствием поможем. С нами Вы всегда будете в плюсе!CSA "The stakes intheblack" - is one of the largest communities in forecastssportingevents! In our center, sports analysts working in thebestforecasters, and our statistics proof. We do not play, andearn,and assure you that betting on sports you can earn. And wewill inthis be glad to help. With us you will always be intheblack!
Pro Betting Picks 29.0
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Live soccer scores, news, stats, video & Fantasy Football game sports news 2022
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Betting Tips 20.0
Expert Sports
The world's best league of the fewspeciallyselected high success rate, but the vibe bettingpredictions. Everyday hold high your chances of winning by bettingthe new estimates.You win a lot in football and basketballpredictions. Bets will beadded when new notifications on yourphone.
Football Tips 1.0
Football tips is an app that providesdailybetting football tips, with a prediction rate above 70%successrate. An app that everyone who wants to bet should haveandconsider as a daily guide.Our tips are free and give you a very good chance of winning.You can check out the tips history plus some advice on howtoselect your matches.We also have statistics page withsomeinteresting charts about our picks so far.We do not use full screen adds and try not to sendannoyingnotifications. Enjoy our free application!Some of the leagues we use:AFRICA: World Cup - QualificationASIA: AFC Champions League - Play OffsASIA: World Cup - QualificationAUSTRALIA: A-LeagueAUSTRIA: Tipico BundesligaBELARUS: Belarusian CupBELARUS: Vysshaya LigaBELGIUM: Jupiler LeagueBELGIUM: Proximus LeagueBRAZIL: Série ABRAZIL: Série BBULGARIA: A PFGCHINA: Super LeagueCROATIA: 1. HNLCYPRUS: First DivisionCZECH REPUBLIC: MOL CupCZECH REPUBLIC: Synot ligaDENMARK: Landspokal CupDENMARK: SuperligaENGLAND: Capital One CupENGLAND: ChampionshipENGLAND: FA CupENGLAND: League OneENGLAND: Premier LeagueENGLAND: Vanarama National LeagueENGLAND: Vanarama National League NorthENGLAND: Vanarama National League SouthEUROPE: Champions LeagueEUROPE: Euro - QualificationEUROPE: Euro U19 - QualificationEUROPE: Euro U21 - QualificationEUROPE: Europa League - Group StageEUROPE: UEFA Youth League - Group StageFINLAND: VeikkausliigaFRANCE: Coupe de FranceFRANCE: Coupe de la LigueFRANCE: Ligue 1FRANCE: Ligue 2GERMANY: 2. BundesligaGERMANY: BundesligaGERMANY: DFB PokalGREECE: Super LeagueINDIA: ISLIRELAND: Premier DivisionITALY: Lega Pro - Group AITALY: Lega Pro - Group CITALY: Serie AITALY: Serie BJAPAN: Emperors CupJAPAN: J-League Division 2MALTA: Premier League - First stageNETHERLANDS: Eerste DivisieNETHERLANDS: EredivisieNETHERLANDS: KNVB BekerNORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA: World Cup - QualificationPORTUGAL: Primeira LigaPORTUGAL: Taça de PortugalROMANIA: Liga 1ROMANIA: Liga 2/Serie 1RUSSIA: Division 1RUSSIA: Premier LeagueRUSSIA: Russian CupSCOTLAND: PremiershipSERBIA: Super LigaSLOVAKIA: Fortuna ligaSLOVAKIA: Slovak CupSOUTH AMERICA: World Cup - QualificationSPAIN: Primera DivisionSWITZERLAND: Super LeagueSWITZERLAND: Swiss CupTURKEY: Super LigUKRAINE: Pari-Match LeagueUSA: MLSWALES: Premier LeagueWORLD: Friendly International
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Fantasy Bahis 1.2.4
Fantasy Football is played with virtualcoinsand tokens of a virtual betting game certainly does notreplacereal money. Fantasy can see the status of the coupon bet youmadeearlier, you can create new coupons and also can test yoursuccessin betting and participating in the tournament can winvariousprizes if you enter both rankings.
Чемпионат Англии - 2022 5.0.11
The main application about the Premier League. News,videos,statistics and match results online
Line Reversals by ZcodeSystem 3.1.0
Game-era inc.
REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTIONProfessional Sports Investors Tools: Line Reversals Powered "Line Reversals App" is anincrediblehelpful sports betting indicator on how the line movesand how theodds change through the day on different sports events.It willhelp you identify the sharp money moves and avoid bettingagainstVegas oddmakers. It also shows you vegas public percentageson yourteams. Make sure you watch the easy video tutorial tounderstandhow it works.This App will show you where the high rollers (SharpBettors)place their bets so you can follow the trend and bet withthem, notagainst them! This will help you filter the confidence ofyour betsand get much more winning bets! For example you are goingbig onYankees and suddenly see a line reversal against them(meaningSharp bettors are placing big bets on the opponent,expecting anupset) - you can pull off your confidence and save alot of money:) Of course sharp bettors don't win 100% of times butyou will besurprised how accurate this tool is, as they win most ofthetimes!Featuring:LIVE real time odds and charts for 4 Major Sports.No 30 minute delays, all moves are LIVENo middlemen - odds come directly from the bookieNo extra fees - Free App! No inApp purchases required.AUTO-UPDATE - no need to refresh the pageOneclick switch to the next game. No time wastewithnavigationCalendar - lets you go check lines from yesterday games oroldergamesODDS in TWO formats on iPad - friendly to US and EU membersNO CONFUSIONS: we clearly write which team you see, if itisunderdog or favoritePUBLIC Percentages are shown on the chart!Optional: Push Notifications with Smart and Sharp moneysignals!
Daily Soccer Tips 1.5
GK Software
Free football betting predictions postedeveryday by our professional tipsters.Please note that, you can not bet or play on this app. Itonlyoffers betting tips and predictions on football matchesforinformational purposes. We advise you to respect the lawsongambling in your country.Application includes three types of tips, low risky tips,mediumrisky tips and high risky with good odd tips.Betting can be very risky and users should only speculatewithmoney that they can comfortably afford to lose and shouldensurethat the risks involved are fully understood, seeking adviceifnecessary.
Sport Prediction
Daily sports predictions for all sports with great success rate
Betting Tips & Statistics 1.0
KodKey Inc.
Our Application have latest actual tips and statistics .Thistipsandstatistics entered from our crew daily.And thisstatisticscomingfrom scientific neural networks. Features: -DailyMatchStatistics-Daily Match Tips -Daily Sport Coupons-Updatenotifications -DateFilters -Match Filters CurrentAvailableSports: Football,Basketball, Ice Hockey, Tennis
Betting Tips 10.06
Best chance of winning with dailypreparedfootball, tennis and basketball tips, all given byqualified,professional team. Every bettor should have this app ontheirandroid devices. Free and daily betting tips are readyforyou.We have success rate of %80- %90 with our tips. We aim to givehighodds for you to earn more with high precision rate.Clean, clear, eye friendly and basic, minimal interface willhelpyou see the tips at a glance.You will be notified with push notification service when we addnewbetting tips.Enjoy the free application.Some of the leagues we give matches from are:UEFA Champions Cup,UEFA Europa League,England Premier League,Italy Seria A,Spain La Liga BBVA,German BundesLiga,France Ligue 1,Italy Serie B,Liga Adelante,German Second Bundesliga,France Ligue 2,Netherlands Eredivisie,Russia Premier League,Portugal Primeira Liga,Turkey Super Lig,Ukraine Premier League,Scottish Premiership,Pro League,Switzerland Super League,Prva HNA Liga,Austria Futbol Bundesliga
Pronostics foot!
The indispensable tool for your football forecasts.
Goell - Soccer Predictions 3.1.2
Goell is the App for all-round football fans.