Top 11 Games Similar to 名人快打

Duel Otters
The cutest head-to-head (literally)2-playergame on mobile device."When was the last time you played a 2-player game and had ablasttogether?"Challenge your friends, grab each end of your device and getready.Compete in a series of wild missions all specially designedfor twoplayers to play on the same screen. Featuring lively andadorableotters.Having this game on your device is just like always having agameconsole and 2 controllers on you, ready to playtogetheranytime!Features :- 11 highly-competitive games that will put your reactionspeed,dexterity and finger muscles to the test.- In Two Player Mode, beat your friend in 3 out of 5 games towinthe match or play endlessly in big partyinchampion-stays-loser-switch style.- This game shines when played 2-player but an AI opponent isalsoincluded in Training Mode. Perfect your skills beforeyouultimately face off with your friends or earn AchievementPoints(AP) by defeating harder AI and completing specialchallenges, thentop the AP scoreboard in Game Center.- Select each game as you like, or choose "Random" for a truetestof dueling mastery.- Colorful otters! ...and they can (kind of) speak.Watch the official trailer : the official Facebook page to keep in touch!:
Boxing Fitness (Game-Bike Ver) 1.0.1
This product is specifically designed toworkwith Game-Bike BT.This Game Bike system based boxing game features both asingleplayer TrainingMode and an online multiplayer Versus Mode. Great forfitnesstraining at home or challenge friends from remotelocations!==Single Player Training Mode==Players can adjust the game difficulty based on personalpreference.There are several opponents of different difficultiesto choosefrom, giving players a sense of progression to maintain adesire toimprove.==Online Multiplayer Versus Mode==Find and challenge strangers or friends online and unboundbylocation. Who says fitness can't be entertaining?==Easy Rules & Intuitive Controls==Attacks require Stamina - charge Stamina by stepping on thepedalsand secure your victory by depleting your opponent's lifebarfirst.
にゃんこ海賊大戦争 1.1
Super Bear
好きなにゃんこを操作して戦おう!素早くタップするだけの簡単バトル!1人でも遊べるし、最大4人まで同時対戦可能!▼フリーバトル!モード麦わらのにゃんこを操作して、3つの海に潜む強敵と戦う1人用モード。イーストブルーから始まり、各海をクリアしていけば最後の新世界に挑戦できるよ!最強にゃんこ目指して挑戦しよう!▼友達とバトル!モード3本勝負2本先取した方が勝ちの2人対戦と、3~4人で戦うトーナメントモードがあるよ。友達を誘って遊ぼう!*このアプリは、人気漫画「ONEPIECE(ワンピース)」の非公式ファンアプリです。▼SpecialThanks!!音楽素材:魔王魂To challenge byoperatinga favorite Nyanko!Easy Battle of just a tap quickly!I can play even one person, and simultaneously play up to 4peoplemaximum!▼ Free Battle! ModeOperate the Nyanko of straw, one for mode and fightingformidableenemy lurking in the sea of ​​three.It starts from the East Blue, you can challenge the New Worldthelast if we clear the sea each!Let's challenge with the aim strongest Nyanko!▼ battle with friends! Mode2 player game of wins, there is a tournament mode to fight inthe3-4 people who were preoccupied three game two.Let's play and invite your friends!* This app is unofficial fan app "ONEPIECE (one piece)"ofpopular comics.▼ SpecialThanks!!Music material: Beelzebub soul
Tap Brave-The Best Casual Game 1.0.0
After a hundred years of world peace, agreatmisfortune befell in 426th year of King Calendar, a descendantofthe brave will to the tower for guarding the village. Are youreadyto fight?Tap Brave is an action role-playing game, you will be a cutesweetgirl or young handsome hunk and start your training journey.It isdefinitely a tale well worth playing.You can also trigger the hidden story of the main line, youwillfind some ancient secrets. The past is ancient and unbeknownjustlike its true power. Every day presents a new challenge inthegame.Key Features:- Challenge unlimited- Simple concept that anyone can grasp!- High level of combat and game screen- Fight longer, get stronger- Smooth and responsive game play.- Realistic physics.Join the most daring hit!
Mischief To Couple 1.0.8
I haven't been working.I have no friends.History of no girlfriend = AgeMy Life Is The WorstLet's Mischief to Couple !!
勇者快打-好玩休閒手機遊戲 1.0.0
目前遊戲因為需求系統要求較高,建議評估手機效能是否能支撐遊戲內容目前安卓6.0系統會有無法註冊的問題,我方已在緊急修正中!【遊戲特點】★獨尊無盡之塔★只怕神一般的對手,不怕豬一樣的隊友!在《Tap Brave》中沒有隊友!一切~只能靠自己,關關難過關關過,想證明個人實力來就對了!★極致打擊感★《TapBrave》讓你亂衝亂撞隨你玩,只是絕對會死很慘!想體驗彈指間絕殺快感、逆襲連招的秒殺力?請鍛鍊指尖技巧,不然生命值就像變了心的女朋友,永遠回不來了~★小氣福利送★免費獎勵絕對有,但可能會少到讓你忘記曾經存在!為了避免浪費你寶貴的時間,謝絕任何抱怨福利少的客服申訴唷!★助眠必備品★遊戲也可以治療失眠?你還為夜晚躺在床上輾轉未眠而煩惱嗎?趕緊下載無盡塔,玩過包你夜夜難忘,立刻秒睡!★決殺單機小品★這裡有一些NPC和海量的怪物!什麼?你說沒有辦法加好友~!你怎麼會覺得我們會讓你有call out的機會呢!來了,你就別想活著出塔!!別擔心~反正都要掛,只是看你掛的甘心不甘心~最後,非常感謝各位同遊《Tap Brave》的各位玩家!破不了關是嗎?你的痛苦就是我的快樂,啾咪!
海扁王 1.0.0
海扁王™  身处职场的你是否会觉得亚历山大?  成天被老板骂的生活很暴走,有木有!!  女友总闹情绪不得安宁的日子,有木有!!  情绪憋屈无人倾听,有木有!!  大姨夫,大姨妈的日子很烦躁,坑爹啊啊!!  为此,每个人都有自己排解压力的方法。其中运动流汗、旅行和朋友谈心等都是非常不错的减压方法,而今,这款游戏则是一个减压的最佳选择。  海扁王是一款卡通风格的横版过关动作游戏,在游戏中玩家可以随时抄起各种另类的武器砸向敌人。这可能也恰好映衬了时下都市人的生活状态,时不时的就积攒了一些莫名的压力。那么接下来就试着来排解一下吧!  ★★发泄你的小宇宙吧!海扁王帮你释放各种坑爹压力,带走烦恼!★★  @@@游戏特色@@@  ★3大特色主角,3项角色属性培养  ★12种变态发泄武器,让你的愤怒尽情释放  ★6种强化道具,帮助你达成最具挑战的任务成就  ★10种神秘Boss,击倒他们获得特别奖励  ★每日奖励及特色任务系统,让你轻松游戏
Beat Petty Person -Hit Villain 1.3.1
Beating Petty Person is a folkinmainlandChina. It is especially popular in Hong Kong. Itspurposeis to getrid of petty persons. This folk is also known asVillainHitting.This App lets you experience this folk any time anywhere.ThisVillain Hitting ritual is similar to the Voodoo ceremonyinthewest.In addition, you may use this app to relieve your angerorstress.Take/select a photo of the petty person who makes youangryorunhappy and then beat him/her by waving your mobile phoneupanddown. His/her face will be distorted following yourwavingaction.If no his/her photo, you may select a petty personpaperdollinstead.Remarks: The step Burn Paper Tiger and Throw Triumph Cupsarenotavailable in this trial version of Villain Hitting Apps. Ifyouareinterested, please buy the full version of VillainHittingApps.Version 1.3:-* In the 1st step (i.e. Select Petty Person): A numberofpettyperson paper dolls will be provided. This trial versionwillhavetwo paper dolls while the full version will have six.* In the 3rd step (i.e. Beat Petty Person): Several beatpettypersonslogans are included. This trial version will have twobeatpettyperson slogans while the full version will have three.Theapp willrandomly select one to play. Users may click Menu keytopause theslogan any time.Version 1.2:-* In the 2nd step (i.e. Write Name): User may click Menukeytochange the pen sizes any time.* In the 3rd step (i.e. Beat Petty Person): Beat pettypersonsloganis included. User may click Menu key to pause theslogananytime.* In the 4th step (i.e. Feed and Burn Tiger): The qualityoftheimage is improved.Version 1.1:-* In the 2nd step (i.e. Write Name): User may click Menukeytochange the pen colors any time.
Destroy Screen 1.10
Here You Are
You can use Flame / Water Droplets / Machine Gun / Knife / gun/Brush / Glass Crash / Throw Egg / Foot Print / Paint to destroyandshoot the screen. Press the menu button can select or take aphototo destroy, save image to file, restore the screen, set sound,setvibration. Destroy Screen is a good tool for you to ventemotions.You can destroy everything through your camera! Justdownload"Destroy Camera"
Heroes of Defence 2.09
90123 Mobile
★★In the legend, there was a hero classnamedMaster of defense, they led other heroes to uphold justiceanddefend the wall with consummate skills. At the chaotic timethatmagic thieves rose everywhere, the Master of defense protectedthelast pure land.★★After thousands of years, magic thieves are coming back againnow!But this time, only the one who get the name of legendaryMaster ofdefense can fight against the strong attacks from magicthievesarmy!【Game intro】★★Original combination of "fun single eliminationandcontrollable attack and cute tower defense"★★Passing massive hurdles bravely, and meet adorablemonsters.You'll be dauntless with the lead of magic.★★Lead the strongest league of legends, and feel the guidance ofthequeen.★★Challenge the fun achievements, earn big rewards.Welcome to the latest, coolest casual game to eliminateandfight!【Game features】1. Cute tower defense with diverting elimination gameplay!2. Super league of heroes fightback!3. Upgrade equipment to get extreme fighting capacity!4. Combo attacks, power explodes!5. Massive hurdles, the final fight is coming soon!6. Cool magic attack with various powerful defensive cannon!7. Excitement continues, big rewards everyday!【Contact us】Email:[email protected]:
寶貝訓練師 2.0.03
寵物新掛機每周固定維護時間為:每周二08:00至10:00(GMT+8)☆寵物新掛機 掛機練寵物☆2015最解放雙手,治癒心靈的最新掛機類型手機遊戲,讓你找回童年時的悸動☆☆☆小精靈重現江湖,回味童年純真時☆☆☆想念小時候一到下課,就迫不期待的拿出遊戲機來對打的童年時光嗎?懷念以前為了跟同學朋友對打不要輸,關燈悶在棉被裡面,拿著手電筒偷偷練功的青澀回憶嗎?還記得當時,你稱霸了全班,成為寶貝大師,受到全班同學膜拜的那一刻嗎!?2015年,你,可以回味這一切!!就在寵物新掛機,那份遺忘已久的感覺全部都回來了!!☆☆☆掛機練等無負擔,工作娛樂兩不誤☆☆☆最輕鬆,最無負擔的練功方式,寵物24小時奮力打怪不停歇,不管是在睡覺、上班、開車、上學、絲毫不耽誤,只要有空時上線來查看寵物認真打怪的成果就可以了!!這真是太輕鬆,太棒了!!☆☆☆多樣豐富系統,讓你玩的快樂☆☆☆你以為遊戲中就只有掛機而已嗎??那你就大錯特錯了!!遊戲中不但有道館、試煉塔等,可以讓你驗證自己培養出來的寵物之外,遊戲中更有所有玩家都必須參加的競技場系統,想成為萬人景仰,眾人膜拜的神奇寶貝大師嗎?在競技場中,就是你最好的舞台!!!☆☆☆圖鑑收集,成為寶貝大師吧!!☆☆☆遊戲中有數百種精靈所組成的圖鑑,從最常見的精靈,到傳說中的神獸,如果你自認為是一個寶貝大師的話,不要猶豫了,快點來把全部的圖鑑給收集完成吧!!Pets new hookweeklymaintenance time: every Tuesday from 08:00 to 10:00 (GMT + 8)Pet ☆ ☆ pet training new hook hook2015 most throbbing hands free, heal and latest mobile gamehooktype, so when you return to childhood☆☆☆ elf comeback, when the recollection of childhoodinnocence☆☆☆A child to miss a class, you do not expect to come up withgameconsoles forced to rally childhood it?To miss the rally with classmates and friends, not to lose, turnoffthe lights inside stuffy in blankets, flashlightssecretlypracticing Sentimental memories of it?Also remember, you dominate the class, become baby guru,byclassmates worshiped the moment you!?2015, you can finish it all !! Just pets new hook, the shareoflong-forgotten feeling all back !!☆☆☆ hang up without the burden of training and so on, workandplay correct ☆☆☆The easiest, most hassle-free way of practice, pets 24hoursstruggling to Daguai not stop, whether it is in sleep, work,drive,go to school, did not delay, as long as free on-line to seetheresults of pet Daguai serious it !! It was too easy,that'sgreat!☆☆☆ rich and diverse system that allows you to play happy☆☆☆Do you think the game will only hang of it you that you'rewrong?? !! game will not only proper way to shop, trials tower letsyouverify trained outside their own pets,The game all players must participate in more of the Arenasystem,people want to be admired, worshiped all Pokémon master it?In thearena, the stage is your best !!!☆☆☆ illustrations collection has become a master of it !!☆☆☆babyThe game has hundreds of illustrations consisting ofsprites,elves from the most common to the legendary animal, if youthinkyou are a master of the baby, do not hesitate, hurry to putall theillustrations to collect complete it! !