Top 18 Apps Similar to Microsoft Australia Events

Microsoft Startup Directory 1.0
Learn about and contact the startups Microsoft is workingwithacross the globe. Innovation is happening at a breakneckspeed.Microsoft is working with some of the best and brighteststartupminds today – from consumer games to big date enterprise.Searchthe directory to learn and connect with startups buildingthesolutions of tomorrow.Features:• Search the directory to learn and connect withstartupsbuilding the solutions of tomorrow.• Learn about and contact the startups Microsoft is workingwithacross the globe.
Intune Company Portal 5.0.5273.0
The Company Portal provides access to corporate appsandresourcesfrom almost any network. Your company mustalreadysubscribe toMicrosoft Intune, and your IT admin must set upyouraccount beforeyou can use this app. Features: • Enroll toaccesscorporateresources • Browse and install company apps • Viewandmanage allyour enrolled devices • View IT departmentcontactinformation •Change your work account password • Unenrollorremotely wipedevices Important: This app requires you to useyourwork accountto enroll in Intune. Some functionality isunavailablein certaincountries. If you have issues with this app orquestionsabout itsuse (including your company’s privacy policy)contact yourITadministrator and not Microsoft, your networkoperator,oryourdevicemanufacturer. Company Portal: Before you can uninstallCompanyPortal,you need to unenroll your device from Intune first.Hereare thesteps: 1) Follow these directionstounenroll:,you can uninstall Company Portal like you would any otherapp
Microsoft Power BI 2.2.230521.21104448
Keep your data with you, wherever you are.
Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta
Would you like to test drive the newMicrosoftRemote Desktop Beta? You can connect to a remote PC andget yourwork done wherever you are.Getting Started- Configure your PC for remote access first. Download theRDassistant to your PC and let it do the work foryou: Learn more about remote desktop appshere: Access to remote resources through your RemoteDesktopGateway- Rich multi-touch experience with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)andRemoteFX supporting Windows gestures- Secure connection to your data and applications withbreakthroughNetwork Level Authentication (NLA) technology- Simple management of all remote connections from theconnectioncenter- Seamless audio and video streaming
Microsoft Authenticator 6.2107.5010
The Microsoft Authenticator lets youquicklyand securely verify your identity online, for all of youraccounts.A variety of features are available for all typesofaccounts.Two-step verification:Two-step verification helps protect your account by providinganextra layer of security beyond simply your password. Here's howitworks – when signing in, after entering your password, you'llbeasked for an additional way to prove it's really you.Eitherapprove the notification sent to the Microsoft Authenticator,orenter the verification code generated by the app. Withthisfeature, even if someone manages to find your password, they'llbestopped if they don't have access to your phone too.Phone sign-in:Introducing phone sign-in for personal Microsoft accounts!Afterenrolling your account through the app, you can sign in toyouraccount with only your phone. Just approve the notificationsent tothe Microsoft Authenticator after entering your username.Availableon most Android devices.Device registration:Some organizations require that you register your devicebeforeaccessing certain files, emails, or apps. This way, they knowthatthe sign-in request is coming from a trusted device. Thiscaneasily be completed through the app.This app replaces the Azure Authenticator, Microsoft account,andMulti-Factor Authentication apps.Enroll in our beta program! Follow this link for an early previewofour latestupdates:
Microsoft Advertising
Microsoft Ads helps you stay on top of your campaigns whileyou’reon the go.
Dynamics AX 3.3
Alert: We will soon be deprecating this app and request alltheusersto a new app DynamicsAX2012( same functionality. For use with Microsoft DynamicsAX 2012R2,this application enables you to capture yourexpensetransactions andreceipt information. This application alsoallowsyou to create andsubmit timesheets. The information capturedwiththis applicationwill be available when you enter or updateanexpense report and/ortimesheets in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012R2.If your organizationuses Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 andhasenabled these features,you will be notified by yoursystemadministrator. Update: - Bugsfixes
Dynamics 365 for Phones 4.3.22042.2
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is theessentialbusiness solution for busy professionals who need toengage withcustomers while staying productive at work and on thego. Arriveprepared for every appointment and update notes, tasks,andattachments – along with relevant service and sales records –whilethe details are still fresh.Dynamics 365 provides salespeople, agents, and supervisors withthebest tools for managing their data, and updating records andstatusboth online and offline. A seamless set up experience enablesyouto configure the app once and deploy it everywhere – onmobile,desktop, or tablet.Features· New look and feel with compact layouts and stackedelements,optimized to give essential info at a glance· All-new Workspace, a personalized action hub to help you gettocommon tasks, suggestions and records quickly· Enhanced note taking experience with seamless access to cameraandother device capabilities· Offline access with synchronization, so you can be productiveonthe go· Access your activities, accounts, contacts, and leads fromaneasy-to-use home page· Guided contextual business process· Track progress for key performance indicators visuallywithcharts· Access your personalized views of lists and grids so that youseethe data most important to youWhat’s new• Stacked elements – more efficient view of your dashboardsandrecords• Workspace, a personalized action hub• Access to camera, photos, video & audio recording,barcodescanner, and more• Improved user interface
Office 365 Partner Admin 1.9
Office 365 Partner Admin provides key functionality of theOffice365 Partner Admin Center on a mobile device. MicrosoftPartners areable to reset user passwords on behalf of Office 365clients, viewclient Message Centers, view and update client SupportTickets, andview recent client Service Incidents. Office 365organization Admincredentials are needed to log into the app.
Dynamics NAV 2.6.9101
With Microsoft Dynamics NAV for Android tablet and Androidphone,youget the familiar Dynamics NAV experience in a freshandmoderninterface designed for mobile devices. Microsoft DynamicsNAVis aglobal business solution that provides small andmidsizebusinessesgreater control over their financials and cansimplifytheir supplychain, manufacturing, and operations. It'squick toimplement andeasy to use, with the power to support yourgrowthambition. Makesmart decisions based on the latest businessdata andget real workdone after hours, at home or on the go withMicrosoftDynamics NAVfor Android tablet and Android phone. This istheperfect companionfor service engineers, sales fieldorganizations,executives,decision makers, or anyone in yourorganization whowants access toDynamics NAV from a touch-enabledmobile device. Getvisibilityinto every angle of your business inone of the manygraphsavailable on your Home screen in Dynamics NAV.Tap to drillintodetails about your customers, vendors, inventory,or anyotherdata. Quickly create invoices and quotes, and email themwithjusta few taps. On tablets, requires access to MicrosoftDynamicsNAV2015 or later. On phones, requires access to MicrosoftDynamicsNAV2016 or later. Requires Android 4.4.3 or later.NOTIFICATION:Withthe release of Android 7, we will be discontinuingsupportforAndroid 4 in an upcoming update during early 2017.Features•Manage your finances, customers, vendors, inventory,orotherMicrosoft Dynamics NAV data that you have access to. •Approveorsend documents for approval. • Get an overview of yourbusinessinthe Home screen. • Tap and swipe to get to your data anddrilldowninto details. • Use your device camera to uploadpicturestoDynamics NAV. • Sign in with your Office 365 account,oryourpreferred Dynamics NAV credentials. • Export datatoMicrosoftExcel to share and collaborate with colleagues.Byinstalling oraccessing this app, you accept the Terms of Use ©2017Microsoft.All rights reserved.
Microsoft Ignite 2.0
Download the Microsoft Ignite officialmobileapp - open to registered attendees onlyThis essential event app allows you to manage yourpersonalagenda, view session details, submit session feedback,accessinteractive venue and show floor maps, and much more.Log in with the Microsoft account e-mail address and thepasswordassociated with your conference registration.Features Include:My Schedule: Access and modify the list of sessions, speakers,andexhibitors that you have added as favorites in the app or ontheconference website Schedule BuilderSchedule Builder: View and search the full conference sessionlist.Select a session to favorite it, view details, submitsessionevaluations, and take notes.Exhibitors: Find sponsors & exhibitors you want to meet.On-site Guide: Find important event information and read aboutkeyevent highlights to enhance your on-site experience.Maps: Find your way around the venue.Social & News: Read current news and follow and jointheconversation through our social channels.For more information about Microsoft Ignite, visit theMicrosoftIgnite website
Microsoft Convergence 1.0
Download the Microsoft Convergenceofficialmobile app – open to registered attendees onlyThis essential event app allows you to manage yourpersonalagenda, view session details, submit session feedback,accessinteractive venue and show floor maps, and much more.Log in with the Microsoft account e-mail address and thepasswordassociated with your conference registration.Features Include:My Schedule: Access and modify the list of sessions, speakers,andexhibitors that you have added as favorites in the app or ontheconference website Schedule BuilderSchedule Builder: View and search the full conference sessionlist.Select a session to favorite it, view details, submitsessionevaluations, and take notes.Exhibitors: Find sponsors & exhibitors you want to meet.On-site Guide: Find important event information and read aboutkeyevent highlights to enhance your on-site experience.Maps: Find your way around the venue.Social & News: Read current news and follow and jointheconversation through our social channels.For more information about Microsoft Convergence, visittheConvergence website.
Microsoft Expert Summit 2014 1.6
Microsoft Expert Summit tobezpłatnaogólnopolska konferencja dla profesjonalistówbranżyinformatycznej, którzy chcą odnaleźć się w świecienowychtechnologii i biznesu. Konferencja MES 2014 jestspotkaniemwyjątkowych ludzi, wyjątkowych dzięki swojej pasji iambicji,wierzących ze wyzwolenie człowieka można osiągnąćpoprzezsamodoskonalenie jednostki. Wydarzenie zrzesza pasjonatównowychtechnologii, programistów, designerów, projektantów bazdanych,projekt managerów, specjalistów od zabezpieczeń,administratorówsieci czy przedstawicieli wielkiego biznesu. Jest tojedyne takrenomowane wydarzenie w Polsce zapewniające najwyższypoziomwykładów prowadzonych przez najwybitniejszych specjalistów wswoichdziedzinach. Podczas konferencji wystawiają się jedynieuznane naświecie firmy informatyczne, których obecność zwiększarangęwydarzenia.13 listopada 2014 roku na wspólnym obiekcieInkubatoraTechnologicznego i Lubelskiego Parku Naukowo -Technologicznego naul. Dobrzańskiego 1 i 3 odbędzie się największana wschodzie Polskikonferencja – MES 2014.Microsoft Expert Summitisa free national conference for information professionals whowant tofind themselves in the world of new technology andbusiness. FEM2014 Conference is a meeting exceptional people,exceptional thanksto his passion and ambition, believing the man'sliberation can beachieved through self-improvement of theindividual. The eventbrings together enthusiasts of newtechnologies, programmers,designers, database designers, projectmanagers, securityprofessionals, network administrators andrepresentatives of bigbusiness. It is the only such renowned eventin Poland providing thehighest level of lectures given by leadingexperts in their fields.During the conference set only recognizedworld companies, whosepresence increases the importance of theevent.November 13, 2014 for a joint facility of theTechnologyIncubator and Lublin Science - Technology Park on thestreet.Dobrzański 1 and 3 will be the largest in the easternPolishconference - MES 2014.
Dynamics 365 for Tablets
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is theessentialbusiness solution for busy professionals who need toengage withcustomers while staying productive at work and on thego. Arriveprepared for every appointment and update notes, tasks,andattachments – along with relevant service and sales records –whilethe details are still fresh.Dynamics 365 provides salespeople, agents, and supervisors withthebest tools for managing their data, and updating records andstatusboth online and offline. A seamless set up experience enablesyouto configure the app once and deploy it everywhere – onmobile,desktop, or tablet.Features· New look and feel with compact layouts and stackedelements,optimized to give essential info at a glance· All-new Workspace, a personalized action hub to help you gettocommon tasks, suggestions and records quickly· Enhanced note taking experience with seamless access to cameraandother device capabilities· Offline access with synchronization, so you can be productiveonthe go· Access your activities, accounts, contacts, and leads fromaneasy-to-use home page· Guided contextual business process· Track progress for key performance indicators visuallywithcharts· Access your personalized views of lists and grids so that youseethe data most important to youWhat’s new• Stacked elements – more efficient view of your dashboardsandrecords• Workspace, a personalized action hub• Access to camera, photos, video & audio recording,barcodescanner, and more• Improved user interface
Microsoft WPC 2016 2.0
Download the Microsoft WPC official mobileapp- open to registered attendees only. Use the Microsoftaccountcredentials you used to register for the event, and be suretoopt-in for full access to the following features and more:- Schedule builder- Evaluations- Speakers- Agenda- Conference Info- Sponsors & Exhibitors- Maps- Social MediaFor more information about Microsoft WPC, visit the MicrosoftWPCwebsite
TimexApp for Microsoft Project 1.1
Thomas Quach
This app requires MicrosoftProject.TimexAppfor Microsoft Project is the timesheet app for yourprojectteam.When you publish your projects to TimexApp, your teammemberscanreport actual hours against their assigned tasks ontheiriPhoneapp. Actual hours can then be downloaded to yourMicrosoftProject.For more information and how it works,pleasevisit or watch thisdemovideo
ACCDB MDB Database Manager - Viewer for MS Access 3.0.5
John Li
Open Microsoft Access database on your Android DevicewithAccessDatabase Manager, you can view it easily with Zoom,SortandPaging. You can even edit it directly on your phone orpadwithin-app purchase feature 'Edit Data'. We have justreleasedProversion 'Access Database Manager Pro' without any in-appproductinGoogle Play. ****** 'Access Database Manager' availableonAndroid,Mac and iOS ****** Demo videoonYouTube: Version: • Microsoft Access 2000 • MicrosoftAccess2002 •Microsoft Access 2003 • Microsoft Access 2007 •MicrosoftAccess2010 • Microsoft Access 2013 Features • Support mdband accdbMSAccess database format. • Build-in file explorer tofinddatabasefiles on your Android Device • Open Database fromDropbox ,EmailAttachment and other File Explorer/File Manager•Share/Senddatabase file via email or Dropbox • View table datawithpaginglist • Sort table data by touch on the column header •Sharetabledata in CSV file format • Zoom View Table Data • UIThemeCoolBlack and White • UI works well on phone and pad device•Openencrypt database (version 2000~2010) • Big databasesupport,testedon 300MB size database, table rows over 2 million •Cancelcurrentdata load by touch the Back button when it's too muchdata •Setmax rows on menu Setting UI ( If your phone have verylimitmemory,change this lower if app crash because not enough ofmemory) •Browser data after 'Max View Rows' by touch next tofetchnextbulk(Max View Rows) of rows. The first,last,sort onlyapplytocurrent bulk rows. In-app Purchase "DB Creator" • CreateDatabase•Create Table UI Guide • Create View based on filter andcolumns•Create contact table by import phone contacts or call log•CreateSMS table by import phone SMS (use it for backup orsearch)In-appPurchase "QuickLook": • View Row Detail data • Viewphoto inthedatabase • Share detail record data via email • Showgeolocationdata on map • HTML View with CustomisableTemplate,templateincluded sample Pie Char, Bar Chart, Line Chart,you canmodify itto suit your needs. (Chart need internet access touseGoogleService.) In-app Purchase "Edit Data" • 10+ InputControls,includeText Input, Number Input, Color Chooser, Checkbox,Dropdownsingleselect, multi-select, Geolocation Map, Camera/PhotoImage,BarcodeScan ... • Insert/Delete/Update Row Data • QuickUpdateSingleField • Date Time control for update date value •ColorPicker toupdate column 'color' • Photo update support, takephotoor selectfrom photo library • Import CSV data to table •Delete allrows •Get Geolocation data by search address field, andupdate itto yourdata ( the data format is {lat:12.346,lon:78.012} )•UpdateGeolocation data by point and choose on Map ( Twoformatsupport:1. latitude,longitude column 2.{lat:12.346,lon:78.012} )In-appPurchase "Advanced Search andFilter" • Filter on specificcolumn •Combined search criteria oncolumns • Select column to show• DragDrop Re-order column to show •Create Search Form to reusewithcustomize UI In-app Purchase"Convert DB" • Choose filefrombuild-in file explorer or Dropbox tofind CSV, XLS, PDB filesandconvert it automatically • Convert Excel(XLS format supportonly,XLSX not support yet) to Access databasedirectly • ConvertCSVfile to Access Database directly • ConvertPalm DatabasestandardPDB format file to Access Database In-appPurchase "FormDesigner"• Design your customised edit/update form •All dataeditor controlreuse support • Native UI Control Please sendusemail if you haveany issues with this App, we are glad tohelp:[email protected]
Dynamics Time Management
Microsoft Dynamics Time Management is atabletapplication that enables users of Microsoft Dynamics GP tocreate,view, edit and submit timecards. The application offersusers theflexibility to manage vacation and sick time in Payroll orentertime against benefit time codes if using Human Resources.Microsoft Dynamics Time Management integrates withMicrosoftDynamics GP through Service Based Architecture (SBA). Whena useredits or submits a timecard using Microsoft DynamicsTimeManagement, the information automatically updates theMicrosoftDynamics GP database and is entered into a workflowprocess.This application is dependent on Microsoft DynamicsGP2015R2.This application is supported with US English only.