Top 1 Apps Similar to 損保一般試験(損保募集人試験) 基礎100問題集2016

15-16年版パーフェクトFP技能士2級対策問題集 学科編 1.0.0
★ついに、きんざいのFP2級学科試験対策問題集がアプリで登場★試験で出題の可能性が高い項目と問題を重点的に掲載し、分かりやすい論点整理と解法の解説により大好評を得ている書籍版のパーフェクトFP技能士2級対策問題集学科編を完全収録※しています。問題には、過去の出題回数や傾向を分析した重要度を星印で表しており、重要度の高い問題から解答することで効率的な学習が可能ですし、難易度ごとの学習でレベルアップを確認することができます。また、分かりやすい論点整理と解法の解説により、広範囲から出題される技能検定の重要ポイントならびに出題傾向をつかみます。限られた時間で最大限の効果が得られる構成となっています。★出題頻度や重要度別に購入可能!★アプリ版だけの特典として、問題集を完全収録※した「全問収録版」と出題頻度が高く最重要の問題だけを集めた「最頻出版」があります。ご自身の学習時間や使用方法、実力に応じて選択いただけます。「最頻出版」は1200円、「全問収録版」は1600円です。※書籍版の巻末にある過去試験問題は収録していません。■主な収録項目■◆ライフプランニングと資金計画(A分野) 44問FPと関連法規/キャッシュフロー表/健康保険/雇用保険/国民年金/老齢給付/厚生年金/遺族年金/障害年金/確定拠出年金/個人年金/国民年金基金/公的年金と税金/住宅ローン/教育ローン など◆リスク管理(B分野) 53問契約者保護/保険法/生命保険の契約/生命保険商品/個人年金保険/団体信用生命保険/生命保険と税金/生命保険の経理処理/火災保険/地震保険/自動車保険/傷害保険/損害保険と税金/第三分野の保険 など◆金融資産運用(C分野) 51問経済指標/為替相場の変動要因/預貯金/投資信託/MMF・MRF/債券の仕組み/債券の利回り計算/株式取引/外貨建商品/ポートフォリオ/金融商品の税金/セーフティネット/金融商品に関する法規 など◆タックスプランニング(D分野) 55問所得税の仕組み/収入金額/課税方式/各種所得/損益通算/各種所得控除/住宅借入金等特別控除/確定申告/個人住民税・事業税/青色申告/法人税/減価償却/交際費/消費税/会社・役員間の税務/決算書 など◆不動産(E分野) 49問調査/鑑定評価/宅地建物取引業法/売買契約上の留意点/借地借家法/開発許可/用途制限/建ぺい率/建築基準法/区分所有法/取得の税金/保有の税金/譲渡所得/各種特別控除/各種特例/各種有効活用 など◆相続・事業承継(F分野) 59問贈与契約/贈与/相続時精算課税/法定相続人/遺産分割/遺言/相続税の課税財産/遺留分/債務控除/相続税額の加算と控除/相続税の申告と納付/各種財産評価/自社株評価の引下げ/納税資金対策 など※上記収録項目は、全問収録版の項目および収録問題数となります。★ finally, FP2gradewritten test measures problem collection of neighboringvillagesappeared in the app ★There is a high possibility of the questions in the test itemsandto focus on me for a problem, easy-to-understand issue organizeandbook version has gained great popularity by the description ofthesolution of Perfect FP Professional Skills Level 2 measuresproblemCollection Department of knitting a completerecording※doing.The problem, represents the importance of analyzing the pastofquestions number of times and trends with an asterisk, toprovidingefficient learning by answer from high importance problem,level upin the learning of every degree of difficulty You can checkthe. Inaddition, the description of the easy-to-understandDiscussionPaper and solution, grasp the important points andquestions trendof skills test that will appear on the exam from awide range. Ithas become a structure in which the maximum effect isobtained in alimited time.★ Can be purchased by questions the frequency andseverity!★As only benefits the app version, there is "the mostfrequentversion" a collection of only problem questions frequencyis highthe most important and it was complete recording of ※ theproblembook "all the questions recording version". Way of learningtimeand use your own, you can choose according to ability."The most frequent version" 1200 yen, "all the questionsrecordingversion" is 1600 yen.※ at the end past exam questions in the book version isnotrecorded.■ Major recording item ■◆ life planning and financial planning (A field) 44 questionsFP and related regulations / cash flow table / health insurance/employment insurance / national pension / old-age benefit /welfarepension / survivor's pension / disability pension /definedcontribution pension / private pension / National PensionFund /public pension and tax / mortgage / education loans,etc.◆ risk management (B field) 53 questionsPolicyholders Protection / Insurance Law / life insuranceofcontract / life insurance products / private pension insurance/group credit life insurance / life insurance and taxes / oflifeinsurance accounting treatment / fire insurance /earthquakeinsurance / car insurance / accident insurance /Insurance and tax/ third field of insurance, such as◆ Financial Asset Management (C field) 51 questionsThe economic indicators / exchange rate of the variable factors/savings / investment trust / MMF · MRF / bonds mechanism /bondyield calculation / stock trading / foreigncurrency-denominatedproducts / portfolio / instruments of tax /safety net / financialinstruments related to laws andregulations◆ tax planning (D field) 55 questionsIncome tax mechanism / revenue amount / taxation system /variousincome / profit and loss total / various income deductions/housing loans special deduction / tax return /individualinhabitant tax and business tax / blue return / corporatetax /depreciation / entertainment expenses / consumption tax suchas tax/ financial statements between / company and officials◆ real estate (E field) 49 questionsResearch / appraisal / Building Lots and BuildingsTransactionBusiness Law / sales contract Precautions / leaseholdHouse LeaseLaw / development permit / application limit / buildingcoverage /Building Standards Law / classification ownership method/acquisition of tax / holdings of tax / transfer income /variousspecial such as the deduction / various special / variouseffectiveutilization◆ inheritance and business succession (F field) 59 questionsDonation contract / gift / inheritance at checkout taxation /legalheirs / Heritage division / wills / inheritance tax oftaxableproperty / legally reserved portion / debt deduction /inheritanceadded tax and deduction / inheritance tax declarationand payment /various property evaluation / own shares such as cuts/ tax fundsmeasures of evaluation※ The above recording items, it will be the items andrecordingissue of the total number of questions recordingversion.