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CAFIB - Fila Brasileiro
O CAFIB foi fundado em 1978 numa reaçãocontraamestiçagem, realizada por criadores inescrupulosos quesemcontrole,sem planejamento, sem seleção e usando o ilegalartificiodafalsificação de pedigrees, registravam “filas-mestiços”no entãoBKCcomo se Filas Puros fossem. Foi uma reação tambémaosdirigentes doentão BKC que sempre se mantiveram omissos eoptarampelo aumento dofaturamento deste clube.Os fundadores do CAFIB começaram do zero, organizando nossoclubecomPadrão, Regras e Estatutos rígidos e criaram a famosa ebemsucedidaAnalise de Fenótipo e Temperamento, assim como viajaramdeNorte aoSul do Brasil selecionando Filas Típicos atéformaroplantel-CAFIB.Sendo assim, o CAFIB é o único Clube responsável porresgatardaextinção e preservar o Fila Brasileiro Puro atéhoje.Decorridos 37 anos, o CAFIB é um sinônimo de sucesso nacriaçãodochamado Fila Brasileiro PURO reconhecido em todo mundo,com10Representações no Brasil, 3 Clubes do exterior e17Representaçõesdo mundo. Em novembro próximo estaremos realizandoanossa 100 ªExposição Nacional.AFIB was founded in 1978 as a reactionagainstmiscegenation,performed by unscrupulous breeders whowithoutcontrol, withoutplanning, without selecting and using theillegalartifice ofpedigrees forgery, recorded “fila-mestizos” inthe oldBKC as theywere Pure Filas. It was also a reaction againstthe BKCleaders whoalways remained silent and opted for revenuegrowth inthisclub.The founders of CAFIB started from the verybeginning,organizingCAFIB Standard, Rules and Statutes and createdthe famousandsuccessful Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, andtraveledfromNorth to South of Brazil by selecting Typical Filas toformtheCAFIB-squad.So CAFIB is the only Club responsible for rescue fromextinctionandpreserve the Fila Brasileiro Pure.After 37 years, CAFIB is synonymous with success in thebreedingofthe so-called PURE Fila Brasileiro and is aworldwiderecognizedFila club, with 10 Representations in Brazil, 3Clubsabroad and 17Representations around the world. Next Novemberwewill be holdingour 100 th National Exhibition.CAFIB was foundedin1978as a reaction against miscegenation, performedbyunscrupulousbreeders who without control, without planning,withoutselectingand using illegal artifice of pedigrees offorgery,recorded"mestizos queues" in so BKC as Pure Queues were. Itwasalso areaction to the then leaders BKC always remained silentandoptedfor revenue growth this club. The founders of CAFIB started from scratch, organizingclubwithStandard, Rules and Statutes hard and created thefamousandsuccessful Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, andtraveledfromNorth to South of Brazil by selecting Typical queues toformthesquad-CAFIB. So CAFIB is the only club responsible for rescue fromextinctionandpreserve the Fila Brasileiro Pure today. After 37 years, CAFIB is synonymous with success in thecreationofso-called Fila Brasileiro PURE recognized around theworld, with10offices in Brazil, 3 Outdoor Clubs and 17representations oftheworld. Next November we will be holding our100 thNationalExhibition.AFIB was founded in 1978 as a reaction againstmiscegenation,byunscrupulous breeders who Performed withoutcontrol,withoutplanning, without Selecting and using the illegalartificeofpedigrees forgery, recorded "queue-mestizos" in the oldBKCtheThey Were Pure Queues. Also it was a reaction againsttheBKCleaders who always Remained silent and opted for revenuegrowthinthis club. The founders of CAFIB started from the verybeginning,organizingCAFIB Standard, Rules and Statutes and createdthe famousandsuccessful Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, andTraveledfromNorth to South of Brazil by Selecting Typical queues toformtheCAFIB-squad. So CAFIB is the only Club Responsible for rescue fromextinctionandpreserve the Fila Brasileiro Pure. After 37 years, CAFIB is synonymous with success in thebreedingofthe so-called PURE Fila Brasileiro and is aRecognizedworldwideRow club, with 10 Representations in Brazil, 3clubsabroad and 17Representations around the world. Next Novemberwewill be holdingour 100 th National Exhibition.