Top 14 Games Similar to Sonic Volcano FUJIYAMA

Volcanos Of The World Game 1.0
The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game isascorekept matching game, featuring various volcanos of theworld.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is keptallowingyou totry and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Volcanos Of The WorldMemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matchinggame -you mustfind the icons that match in some way! When you makealinked matchthe volcano game for kids & adults will showthelink. You alsoget some help along the way.The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game is addictiveandwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!Volcanoes, like their close cousins earthquakes,areresponsiblefor both massive destruction as well as for thecreationof many ofthe beautiful landscapes on our earth. The Earthas weknow ittoday was created eons ago. The job, however, is notdone asnaturecontinues to tear down and rebuild the contour of thelandmuch aswe humans continually demolish old and uselessstructures inorderto make way for new ones. Without the upheavalscausedbyvolcanoes, earthquakes and other shifts and movementsintheEarth's crust, our planet would be nothing more thanasmoothspherical ball completely covered in water andorbitingtheSun.Volcano eruptions are becoming increasingly rare.That'sbecausevery few active volcanoes still exist. In fact,according totheGlobal Volcanism Program, only 50 to 70 volcanoeseruptworldwideevery year. That means being able to witness anactivevolcanoespecially one that frequently erupts can be a once inalifetimeexperience. For those lucky enough to visit the BigIslandofHawaii, you may become one of the privileged few who gettoviewthis amazing site.A volcano is a fissure in the earth's top layer whichallowsthehot magma from the bowels of the earth to break throughtothesurface. The etymology of the word is drawn from thenameofVulcan, the roman god of fire.A volcano is typically formed through the movement oftectonicplateson earth. As these plates move towards or away fromeachother, theycause weak spots for the earth's hot mantle toseepthrough. Themolten hot mantle in fact, also melts down thehardrock on one ormore tectonic plates. As the pressure of thismantlereaches itspeak, it gets released through any nearbyopening.A volcano experiment is great for teaching science intheprimaryclassroom and can be pulled off using most sciencekitsit's a greatintroduction to science for kids of any age.Anothergreat aid inteaching science in the primary classroom is abasicchemistry set.Now, these chemistry sets should only be used bytheteacher todemonstrate in a classroom and never touched bychildrenunder theage labeled on the box. These sets are created forthemoreinquisitive child's mind and will therefore not workoneverychild.Hekla volcano is located in South Iceland and is oneofIceland'smost active volcanoes. Hekla volcano, sometimescalled€The Gatewayto Hell€ is a stratovolcano and has the height of1,491metres(4,892 ft). Hekla last erupted on February 28, 200We'llbeupdating this site with a daily reports ontherestlessvolcano.The Mayon Volcano is an active stratovolcano in thePhilippinesonthe island of Luzon, in the province of Albay in theBicolRegion.The near perfectly cone shaped volcano is situated15kilometresnorthwest of Legazpi City. Mayon Volcano is one ofthecandidates ofthe New 7 Wonders of Nature.Most of the volcanoes are typically thought of aseruptingfromactive volcanic mountains. An interesting fact is thattheymayalso be released through any opening on the surface orthroughasub oceanic fissure. The amount of ash and othermaterialreleasedthrough the fissure would depend on the inherentpressurebuilt upby the magma before it gets released.The Volcanos Of The World Memory Game is addictiveandwillchallenge your memory. Have Fun!!!
Volcano Rescue 2.0.2
Mint Arcade
Rescue the villagers from sudden volcano eruption.
Vulcan Pop Rescue
Rescue all the Parrots by popping bubblesandkeep the Volcano from erupting. You have limited number of shotssouse them wisely. Matching at least three colors will burstthebubbles. Earn power-ups and boosts to help you inyourmission.Special multi color bubbles and solid Vulcan rocks bring anewchallenge to the classic bubble shooter game play. EarnLavafireball with 7 shots in a row. Drop 10 bubbles or more tounlockthe explosive volcanic bomb. Compete against your friends toseewho can reach the highest level and earn more stars.* Over 700 Volcanic levels* Make 7 shots in a row to unlock the Lava fireball* Tap the bubble to change the color* Score three stars on all 700 levels* Try beating the game before your family and friends!
Sonic Booom Run 1.0
Sonic Booom Run game is a classicadventureandlegendary side-scrolling arcade platformer.Sonic Booom`s princess is being kidnapped by evil monstersinthemean dark castle. It is up to our superhero Super Sonictorescueher!Join sonicboom in this cool and addictive old schoolarcadejungleadventure game, one of the best sonicboom gamesevermade.This sonicboom game is beautiful, fast paced, funadventuregametakes you on an epic and exciting journey, freefromgruesomeviolence and high on superhero fun. Just run, jumpandslash yourway through amazing jungle.The goal of the game is to run as far as you canwithoutslamminginto obstacles! Watch out for what’s coming andreactquickly withyour superhero skills!✰ How to Play Sonic Booom Run:One finger tap - Intuitive and responsive controls for thebestgameexperience• Dodge obstacles• Avoid angry animals• Keep our hero sonicboom alive✰ Feature of Sonic Booom Run:• Run through astonishing jungle wild environments fullofsurprises,secrets and tricky obstacles• Jump to avoid deadly obstacles• Crazy jungle music and funny fx sounds• Run and collect coins to level up• +100 challenging levelsEnjoy this brand new Sonic Booom Run Game, DownloadNowforFREE!*** Sonic Booom Run Game IS NOT SPYWARE/VIRUS!!!This sonicboom Game does not contain any virusormaliciouscode.If your antivirus program identifies Sonic Booom RunGameasvirus/malware, please email us.
Sonic Screwdriver Doctor 1
Lord Inclán
This application has several sonic screwdrivers of the series oftheDoctor, allows to activate the vibrator and the flash to giveagreater realism. If you are a fan of the series we recommendyoudownload it, now if you do not know what this is all about...better ignore this application. It is important to note thatthisapplication is not official and has nothing to do withtrademarksof the television network that makes this fantasticseries. Theimages have been obtained from my own sonic screwdriversand thesounds have been obtained through an audio synthesizer, so Iwillnotice that they do not sound like they should be at all. Itshouldbe noted that this application has advertising that appearswithin5 seconds of starting this, is not obliged to click on itandalways has an X available in the upper left corner to close it.Wealso inform you that the application uses analytics to knowthetotal number of users who have downloaded and / or visualizedit,but we never get any personal data of yours or anything likethat.If for some reason you think the application isoffensive,inappropriate or you believe that we violate any kindofintellectual property right or you just want to thank us, youcando so by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]
The Volcano 1.30
MyungUn Soft
Vertical scrolling runner game.It provides a campaign of simple operation and simple story.■ campaign one ■■ virtual joystick, button total two modes of operationsupport■
Sonic Gravity 1.4
Racing Bros
Take control of marble ball and collect diamonds, but watch outforgravity!
Lava's Attack 3.1
The earth volcanoes are waking up after a long dream. Becomeanimprovised volcanologist and avoid the earthdestructionVolcanoesSleep all the world active volcanoes. Put outthe lava byjoining 3 or more rocks with the same color in such away that atleast one of them stays in contact with the lava, and sountil thelast one. Rewards:Play under or equal the amount of rocksand timeproposed by the volcano to be rewarded with scores, gemsand coins(Kendais), or upper without any rewards. LaunchingRocks:Move thevehicle by tapping anywhere on the ground and launcha rock bytapping as much precise as possible in any lava, rock orthevolcano’s wall. Launch harder hitting away from the point whereyouwant to place the rock or touch the volcano’s wall.Boosters:Boostthe game with special rocks that puts out or breakstouched lavawhile moving. ¡Good Luck! Releases: r.3.1: Removed 2Dgame levelview. Now the game will always run on 3D version. We'regetting newgame level stats to allow us improve the game, and we'vesolvedsome other issues. r.3.0: We've changed gameplay and added 15newvolcanoes from 10 to 25 so that new players can get used tothisnew game system progressively. We've added two new boosters:anspecial rock that puts out lava while moving and another onethatbreaks inactive lava while moving. Improved performance,reducegame file from 50 to 30MB, and solved several issues. r2.0:Reachthe VEI 1 and activate the 3D view for free. We've integrateda newgame play system where player can choose the number of rocksandthe time for each volcano, we've improved performance andotherissues. r1.3: Solved the problem where the in game shop failedonseveral devices due to a failure in the connection betweenGoogleand the game. r1.2: Solved the problem where severaldevicescouldn't see the game due to the fact that the screenappeared inblack color, and now the game is Android 5.0 compatible.r1.1:Added the level VEI 1 with 100 new volcanoes. r1.0: Gamereleasedwith 50 volcanoes in the game level VEI 0. Please, vote thegameand send us feedback about any problems or suggestions, and wewillwork on it so that they appear in the future versions. Thegamewill reach the level VEI 9!
くまのがっこう ポコポコ 3Dアクションゲーム 1.0.0
・くまのがっこう公式アプリが3Dアクションゲームになって登場。・つぎつぎと出てくるスイーツをポコポコしてやっつけよう。・5連続で叩けば回転斬りで一気にやっつけられるよ。・スイーツをやっつけるとコインが出現するよ。・いっぱいコインを集めてショップでお買い物しよう。・ショップにはパワーアップアイテムがイッパイあるから全部集めてみよう。Kuma school officialappisnow a 3D action game.- One after another come out I will Yattsukeyo byPokopokotheSuites.-5 it can be punished at once a sword rotation if you hitinarow.• If you beat the Suites coins appear.· Full by collecting coins to try to shop at shops.Power-up items to shop Let's collect all because there full.
Koishite Aniken 1.2.00
◆◆#1 and #2 free distribution! ◆◆Aniken (* art club animation study group) is setinhighschool.A hero (player) does animation work of self-productiontowardsacultural festival together with the heroines.However, they are quite individuality group sets….The scene of carnage comes for both love andanimationproduction!?★The love adventure game of a full voiceandbeautifulgraphics.★#1 and #2 can enjoy themselves for free.★#3~#7 (five sorts), the purchase in an application anddownloadareneeded.【Notes about download】◆In order to perform DL of heavy game data at the firsttimestart-upof an application, only a first time start-up takesDLtime for along time.In the case of download, we recommend you operationbyWi-Ficommunication.◆The standard of download time.3G communication…About 20 minutes / Wi-Fi…About 5 minutes.(It changes with a visitor's communication environmentandterminalperformances.)※Please read the following cautions.【Cast】伊瀬茉莉也(Mariya Ise)/日笠陽子(YōkoHikasa)/五十嵐裕美(HiromiIgarashi)/日高里菜(RinaHidaka)/佐藤利奈(RinaSatō)/小松未可子(MikakoKomatsu)【Outline】Talk in the art club of a high school.Art club animation study group (a common name,Aniken)startsself-produced animation work of targeting thegrand-prix intheexhibition of a cultural festival!Each one of rich individuality gathers with Aniken.The Aniken members of an individuality group are inutterconfusionin animation production or love.Can you stick to this animation until it's completed?Future of a romance?【Character】◆橘 可奈(Kana Tachibana) CV:伊瀬茉莉也(Mariya Ise)She is the classmate too near to say that he likes.She is first year of high school.She was the class much same from the time of a schoolchildasahero.◆桐生 晶(Akira Kiryu) CV:日笠陽子(Yōko Hikasa)She is machine designer and she loves motorcycles.She is second year of high school.She is raider. She loves the machine. She is in a good mood,whenamachine is drawing.◆真行寺 遥(Haruka Shigyoji) CV:五十嵐裕美(Hiromi Igarashi)She is a genius at picture and she is young lady.She is second year of high school.She is a gifted animator describing the scene which shookthehero'ssoul.◆斎木 真夜(Maya Saiki) CV:日高里菜(Rina Hidaka)She is third-year student in a junior high school who likesanolderbrother(hero).She is the younger childhood friend that lives in the house nexttoahero.◆秋月 ほのか(Honoka Akiduki) CV:佐藤利奈(Rina Satō)/She is the tender teacher of an animated cartoon dictionary.She is in middle twenties.She is the odd person who became an art teacher afterthedutyexperience of the animated cartoon company inartuniversitygraduates.◆南 高子(Takako Minami) CV:小松未可子(Mikako Komatsu)She is mystery other-schools student.She is second year of high school.She is one of the managers of the high schoolanimationLiaisonConference.◆宙野 しずく(Shizuku Sorano)She is first year of Fujisaki high school.She is broadcasting club position.【Information】Showing theme song "Zettai Heroine" of "KoishiteAniken"inYouTube("Zettai Heroine"is the ending of a game and is to be abletoheareach version.Please play to the last and enjoy each version!*Depending on a route, the ending with the song may not haveit.◆Official site◆Twitter@koishite_aniken【Correspondence terminal・OS】iPhone3GS,iPhone4,iPhone4S,iPhone5,iPad2,iPad3,iPodtouch,Afterthefourth generation,After that iOS 5.0【Instruction】◆The execution of this operation could take some time.◆This product uses a lot of memory.When the forced end occurs, please review the version ofrebootandthe terminal of the power supply being updated in themostrecentversion.【Support reference about the product】[email protected]※Cannot answer the inquiry about contents, the hint of thegame.(C)2012 OperaHouse Corporation
Stickman Funny Runner 2.0.1
Simple action game with tap only operation. You stickmanconquersFUJIYAMA!
Sim EarthQuake 1.0.4
A magnitude-10 earthquake is about to happen!! Fortunately,theepicenter is only in your hands. This is a small gamesimulatedearthquake in your phone. Just shake your phone, and thesmall cityin the screen will start shaking. Different magnitude ofquakecould occurred different conditions. Don't be afraid theearthquakedamage. Press the Repair key, the city will be rebuildeventually.This is a free game! Download immediately to experienceyourearthquake.
Goat vs Volcano 7
Can a mountain goat out-jump a risingpoolofboiling lava while dodging molten rocks blasting skywardfromanerupting volcano? No - of course not - but its fun to try!Join the action and see how high you can jump!
Fugitive Dog 1.2
"Difficult puzzle games with all 100stages!Werecommend the app for people who like puzzle games!Challengetoclear all stages!■Features・There is no time limit. You can play the app anytimeforfree!・You can play the app for your brain training!■How to play■①A difficult puzzule starts from the first stage!②Move the man by using the button.Push the fugitive dog towards the direction that themanfaces.※you can push the dog, but cannot pull it.③You can clear the stage after all dogs come backtotheirkennels.④Compete for the number of dogs that you catch in rankings.小型犬 → Put in the kennel for small dogs中型犬 → Put in the kennel for medium-sized dos大型犬→ Put in the kennel for large dogs"