Top 7 Apps Similar to Plays of Sophocles

Oedipus the King (Sophocles) 1.0.10
OEDIPUS THE KING (by Sophocles) is presentedbyL.A. Theatre Works. This standalone audiobook app combinesaprofessional audio recording with supplemental featuresfordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.One of the first and greatest of all Greek tragedies,HarryLennix stars as Oedipus, the king who unwittingly kills hisfatherand marries his mother. W. Morgan Sheppard and CarolynSeymour alsostar.Includes a Q&A session with translator and directorNicholasRudall.An L.A. Theatre Works full-cast performance featuring:Spencer Garrett as Shepard and ChorusFrancis Guinan as Messenger and ChorusGregory Itzin as Creon and ChorusCharles Kimbrough as Priest Of Zeus and ChorusHarry J. Lennix as OedipusRod Mclachlan as Second Messenger and ChorusCarolyn Seymour as JocastaW. Morgan Sheppard as TiresiasTranslated and directed by Nicholas Rudall. Recorded beforealive audience at the Getty Center in Los Angeles.DURATION: About a 2 hour performance.
Antigone (Jean Anouilh) 1.0.10
Antigone (by Jean Anouilh) is presented byL.A.Theatre Works. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessionalaudio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once,grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.The body of Polynices, Antigone’s brother, has been orderedtoremain unburied by Creon, the new king of Thebes.Antigone’sfaithfulness to her dead brother and his proper burial,and herdefiance of the dictator Creon, seals her fate. Originallyproducedin Paris during the Nazi occupation, Anouilh’s Antigone wasseen bythe French as theatre of the resistance and by the Germansas anaffirmation of authority.Includes an interview with translator Christopher Nixonanddirector Brendon Fox.Also includes an interview with Ned Chaillet, a playwright,radioproducer and director for the BBC. Chaillet is the formerDeputyDrama Critic for the Times of London and the London theatrecriticfor the Wall Street Journal-Europe. He spoke with us aboutAntigonein the context of World War Two, the differences bewtweentheoriginal myth of Sophocles and the Anouilh version, andAnouilh’sinfluence on later playwrights.An L.A. Theatre Works full cast performance featuring:Jordan Bridges as Haemon and GuardDominic Fumusa as GuardFrancis Guinan as CreonJohn Hansen as Guard and MessengerAlan Mandell as ChorusElizabeth Marvel as AntigoneAlley Mills as NannyMandy Siegfried as IsmeneDirected by Brendon Fox. Recorded before a live audience attheSkirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles.DURATION: About a 2 hour performance.
Writing Baccalaureate 2016 1.1
Best collection of written expressionsandproductions 1st 2016 Morocco tray will teach you to writewellwritten expressions to your regional review, andothercompetitions.Written Production Bac Morocco in 2016 will help you learn Frenchina proper and efficient manner due to this huge collectionofvocabularies.A majority of students in difficulty in drafting awrittenproducing, writing in French effectively due to lack ofvocabularyor grammar problems.This educational app Written Production Bac Morocco 2016 to helpyouimprove your level and your notes by writing theregional.These written expression carries all the themes thatareincluded:- The box in Wonderland, Antigone, the last day ofacondemned.- This app is your guide or manual for asuccessfulBaccalaureateI wish for all students of the first year Bachelor good luck.
French Writing Baccalaureate 1.1
Best collection of phrasesandwrittenproductions in French Morocco for the first Bac,Algeria,Tunisia2016 will teach you to write well writtenexpressions toyourregional review, and other competitions.This beautiful app will help you revise your course and youlearntowrite well written French expression for the regional examstogetyour 1 st Baccalaureate with honors.- This app is your guide or manual for a successful tank.This educational application Production Written Bac Morocco2016tohelp you improve your level and advance in French and getarichvocabulary, a few ideas that will serve you in your testandyouransi written expression to increase your notes bywritingtheregional.
French Writings Productions 1.0
TDev AppPro
Best selection of phrases andwrittenproductions for all levels, either Bachelor 2017 or other,thisapplication will teach you to write well written French phrasesforyour regional review and further competitions.Written Production Bac Morocco in 2017 will help you learn Frenchina proper and efficient manner due to this huge collectionofvocabularies.The program covers all Francophone countries as: France,Belgium,Switzerland, Morocco, Canada, Algeria, Tunisia ...This educational app Fraçais Production Written to help youimproveyour level and your notes by writing the regional.These written expression carries all the themes thatareincluded:- The box in Wonderland, Antigone, the last day ofacondemned.- This app is your guide or manual for a successful tank.I wish for all students of the first year Bachelor and othersgoodluck.
Noet Classics Research App
Connect to history’s greatest mindswithNoet—the free research app for the classics. Noet gives youtheacademic advantage with classic works, original-languagetools,fast searches, and side-by-side study of related texts. Whenyoudownload the app, you’ll get 10 free books, includingHomer’sOdyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid. Register an account and accessevenmore books spanning literature, philosophy, history, andclassicalstudies. Engage the core texts of the Western tradition:downloadNoet today.Free resources:• Classics: Homer’s Odyssey, Virgil’s Aeneid, Sophocles’ OedipustheKing, Aristophanes’ The Frogs, Augustine’s Confessions,Dante’sInferno• Literature: James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a YoungMan,Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, Milton’s Paradise Lost• Ancient Philosophy: Plato’s Apology and Phaedo, Epictetus’GoldenSayings, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations• Philosophy: Descartes’ Meditations and Discourse on theMethod,Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature, Rousseau’s SocialContract,Kant’s Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics• And more …Key Features:• SEARCH—Find every appearance of a word or phrase acrossyourentire library.• SPLIT SCREEN—Explore a primary text and its commentary, sidebyside and scrolling in sync.• HIGHLIGHTING—Highlight key words and phrases withfullycustomizable color and text options. Your highlights syncacrossall your devices.• NOTES—Record your thoughts, comments, and questions right nexttorelevant passages, and see your notes on all your devices.• MULTIPLE LANGUAGES—Explore select works in the original GreekandLatin.• ORIGINAL-LANGUAGE TOOLS—When you come across an unfamiliarGreekor Latin word, see its gloss and morphology with a tap.• STUDY TOOLS—Learn on your own or in the classroom withelegantpresentation slides.
Σοφοκλής (Άπαντα) 13.3
Μια δωρεάν εφαρμογή με όλα ταΑρχαίαΕλληνικάτου Σοφοκλή (χωρίς μεταφράσεις).Ο Σοφοκλής (496 π.Χ.- 406 π.Χ.) ήταν Έλληνας τραγικόςποιητήςτηςκλασικής εποχής. Αυτός, ο Αισχύλος και ο Ευριπίδης είναιοιτρειςτραγικοί ποιητές των οποίων έχουν σωθεί ολοκληρωμέναέργα.Σύμφωναμε αρχαίες μαρτυρίες φαίνεται ότι έγραψε περίπου 120έργα,από ταοποία παραδίδονται ολοκληρωμένες μόνο επτάτραγωδίες.Σε αυτήν την εφαρμογή υπάρχουν 7 έργα στα Αρχαία Ελληνικά:- Ηλέκτρα- Αίας- Αντιγόνη- Οιδίπους επί Κολωνώ- Οιδίπους Τύραννος- Τραχινίαι- ΦιλοκτήτηςΤο δωρεάν ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο έχει τις παρακάτω λειτουργίες:- Αλλαγή σελίδας με την οπτική αίσθηση ενός αληθινού βιβλίου- Δημιουργία και διαγραφή προσωπικών σελιδοδεικτών- Αυτόματος σελιδοδείκτης. Κλείστε το βιβλίο, καιμόλιςεπιστρέψετεθα θυμάται που είχατε μείνει- Ποσοστό % ολοκλήρωσης του βιβλίου.- Ρολόι, για να μην ξεχνιέστε διαβάζοντας το βιβλίο- Λειτουργία ημέρας και νύχτας- Δυνατότητα τροποποίησης του χρώματος της γραμματοσειράςγιαπιοξεκούραστο διάβασμα.- Αυτόματη προσαρμογή του κειμένου στο μέγεθος της οθόνηςΚαλή ανάγνωσηPowered by AutomonΆδεια Creative Commons free applicationwithallAncient Greek Sophocles (no translations). Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC) was a Greek tragic poet oftheclassicalera. He, Aeschylus and Euripides are the threetragicpoets whoseworks have survived complete. According toancienttestimonies seemthat he wrote about 120 works, of which onlysevenare deliveredcomplete tragedies.   In this application there are 7 projects in Ancient Greek: - Electra- Ajax- Antigone- Oedipus at Colonus- Oedipus Rex- Trachiniae- Philoctetes   The free e-book has the following functions: - Change page with the visual feel of a real book- Creating and deleting personal bookmarks- Automatic bookmark. Close the book, and just returnitrememberswhere you left off-% Of completion of the book.- Clock, not to forget reading the book- Day and Night mode- Ability to change the font color for more relaxed reading.- Automatically adjust the text size on the screen Happy reading Powered by AutomonCreative Commons License