Top 6 Games Similar to Avanti il Campione...

Vero o falso - il gioco 2.4
***** DAI CREATORI DEL GIOCO NR.1 NEL MONDO"4IMMAGINI 1 PAROLADecidi se le affermazioni sono vere o false. Ma pensa veloce,iltempo scorre! Fatti sorprendenti su diversi argomenti mettonoallaprova le tue conoscenze generali il tuo ingegno! Ma faiattenzione,dichiarazioni false sono mescolate con fatti veri.MIGLIAIA DI FATTI INTERESSANTI- MA SONO VERI O FALSI?Metti la tua conoscenza alla prova! Che si tratti digeografia,scienza, cinema, musica, sport o qualsiasi altroargomenti.METTI ALLA PROVA LA TUA CONOSCENZA E SUPERA TUTTIILIVELLI!Innumerevoli livelli in modalità giocatore singolo e ildivertimentonon finisce mai - sicuramente giocando impareraiqualcosa dinuovo!DUELLI DI CONOSCENZA EMOZIONANTI MODALITÀ SCHERMO DIVISO!Sfida i tuoi amici! Due giocatori possono combattere unocontrol'altro sullo stesso dispositivo.SENZA REGISTRAZIONE, SENZA REGOLE COMPLICATE!Inizia a giocare e divertiti!***** THE CREATORS OFTHEGAME IN THE WORLD No.1 "4 1 WORD PICTURESDecide whether the statements are true or false. But think fast,theclock is ticking! Amazing facts about different topics theytestyour general knowledge your wits! But be careful, falsestatementsare mixed with true facts.THOUSANDS OF INTERESTING FACTS-BUT TRUE OR FALSE?Put your knowledge to the test! Whether it's geography,science,cinema, music, sports or any other topics.PUT TO THE TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXCEEDS ALL LEVELS!Countless levels in single player mode and the fun never ends-playing definitely learn something new!Duels KNOW HOW EXCITING SPLIT SCREEN!Challenge your friends! Two players can fight against each otheronthe same device.NO REGISTRATION, NO RULES COMPLICATED!Begin to play and enjoy!
Indovina VIP Italia 2.2.4
Finalmente il quiz dedicato esclusivamenteaiVIP italiani: tantissimi attori, cantanti, gruppi,sportivi,showgirl e presentatori che dovrai riconoscere nelleimmagini chedi volta in volta ti saranno mostrate. In tuo aiutotroverai trediversi indizi: tre parole che ti aiuteranno adindividuare lecelebrità nascoste.Riuscirai a riconoscerli tutti? Affronta gli 8 livelli e sfidaituoi amici!***Accidenti, non riesco più ad andare avanti!***Niente paura! Se non sei proprio in grado di riconoscereunpersonaggio, avrai a disposizione dei crediti per otteneredegliindizi. Potrai ottenere i crediti indovinando i personaggioacquistandoli.***Chissà se qualcun altro riesce a riconoscerlo?***Nel corso del gioco potrai più volte proporre ai tuoi amicidipartecipare invitandoli sui principali social network(facebook,twitter, etc.) o via email. Più siamo, più ci si diverte!Salvandoil tuo punteggio su Game Center potrai anche mettertiincompetizione con tutti gli altri utenti che stannogiocando.Riuscirai a posizionarti in cima alla top ten?***Ah-ah! Li ho indovinati tutti, ed ora?***Se sei stato così abile da completare il gioco, non adagiartisugliallori: sono in arrivo centinaia di altri personaggi daindovinare,sempre più divertenti e complicati. Aggiorna sempre latua app erimani informato seguendo la pagina su Facebook.Finally the quizdedicatedexclusively to VIP Italian: many actors, singers, groups,sports,showgirl and presenters that you will recognize in theimages fromtime to time you will be shown. In your help'll findthree differentindications: three words that will help youidentify the celebrityhidden.Can you spot them all? Take on 8 levels and challengeyourfriends!*** Damn, I no longer go ahead! ***Do not worry! If you're just not able to recognize acharacter,you'll have the credits to get clues. You'll get thecreditsguessing the characters or purchasing them.*** I wonder if anyone else is able to recognize it? ***Throughout the game you will often suggest to your friendsinvitingthem to participate on major social networks (facebook,twitter,etc..) Or via email. The more we are, the more you havefun! Bysaving your score on Game Center can also put you incompetitionwith all other users who are playing. Can you positionyourself ontop of the top ten?*** Ah-ha! I guessed them all, and now? ***If you were so clever to complete the game, do not recline ontheirlaurels are coming in hundreds of other characters to guess,morefun and complicated. Always update your app and stay informedbyfollowing the Facebook page.
Super Quiz - Cultura Generale 7.9.11
Keep coached the mind and test your knowledge with Super Quiz!
Guess That Celebrity 2.2.5
Test your ability and try to guess all themostpopular celebrities from all over the world! Each characterwill berepresented like a pop-art artwork, the style of the worksof Warholand Lichtenstein, with an increasing difficulty. To passthe levelyou need to position all the letters of the full name ofthecelebrities in the right way. Can you find all the actors,singers,athletes and VIP represented? You must sweat because thereare over200!"Damn, I can’t go on!"Don’t worry! If you can’t recognize a character, you have creditstoget clues. You will get the credits guessing the charactersorpurchasing them."I wonder if anyone else is able to recognize them?"During the game you can often suggest to your friends toparticipateinviting them on major social networks (facebook,twitter, etc..) orby email. The more we are, the more we have fun!By saving yourscore on Game Center you can also challenge all theusers who areplaying. Can you be on top of the chart?"Ah-ah! I guessed them all, and now? "If you were so clever to complete the game, do not sitdown:hundreds of other characters to guess are coming. Alwaysupdateyour app and follow our page on Facebook.
Standing Up! 4.4
Who will be the last to stand?
Crazy Quiz FREE 5.0
Crazy Quiz is the craziest Android Quiz!The objective of the game is to answer 20 questions alwayschoosingthe WRONG alternative in less than 1 minute and 20seconds.If you inadvertently click the CORRECT answer, you must startthelevel from the first question!The game is divided into 15 levels (a total of 300uniquequestions ! ) of variable difficulty-The App also provides a GLOBAL & ONLINE ranking thatallowsyou to "challenge" users from around the world .To occupy the top positions you must finish all the levels intheshortest time possible by making almost no mistakes.The functionalities of the app do not stop here !Crazy Quiz :★ Supports and is optimized for screens of all sizes(fromMiniDisplay to Tablet )★ Record your personal Scores★ It has different animations that make the game moreexciting★ It has a cartoon-style graphics★ Use the technology offered by Swarm★ Allows you to play as a guest or as a registered user★ Allow login via Facebook★ It 's free!/ / PERMITSPermits are required to ensure that the app can loadonlinescores.