Top 14 Apps Similar to 테드리더 (TED Reader)

다들려+ TED(테드) 플레이어 영어 어학 학습 2.3.3
다들려+ 는TED 유명 강연을 통해영어 리스닝 향상에 도움이 되도록한/영 자막을 함께 표시한 플레이어입니다..매일 새로운 TED를 소개하고다운로드 방식으로 한번 청취한 TED는통신 비용 없이 반복 청취 가능합니다..제스처를 활용한 조그 UI로 조작을 최소화하고작은 화면에서도 콘텐츠에 집중할 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다..Adobe AIR 기술을 이용해모든 디바이스에서 실행 가능합니다..기능- TED 재생- 영상 탐색 (조그 활용)- 단어 검색 (단어 더블탭)- 청취한 TED 관리- 한글 TED 검색 기능- 총 청취한 시간 알림- 전체 자막 제공- 자막 리스트를 이용해 영상 탐색 가능.TED 가 전하는 지식과 정보를 통해 영감도 얻으시고 덤으로 영어 공부도 하세요!
VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
TED Latest Talks Podcasts 1.0
Podcasts are a great way to getinformationwhen you’re driving in your car, making dinner at home,or waitingat the DMV to renew your license. Podcasts don’t forceyou to findmore time in your day; they give you the opportunity tocapitalizeon all the dead time that already exists in your day. Nointernetconnection where you are going, no problem by simplydownloadingthe Podcast episode you can listen it anywhere anytime;or juststream the podcast using “TED Latest Talks Podcasts” App onyoursmartphone.The TED Radio Hour is a journey through fascinatingideas:astonishing inventions, fresh approaches to old problems, newwaysto think and create. Based on Talks given by riveting speakersonthe world-renowned TED stage, each show is centered on acommontheme – such as the source of happiness, crowd-sourcinginnovation,power shifts, or inexplicable connections.Each year, the TED Conference hosts some of the world'smostfascinating people: Trusted voices andconvention-breakingmavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts(available also invideo) capture the most extraordinarypresentations delivered fromthe TED stage. Each week, we'll releasea new talk to inspire,intrigue and stir the imagination.Even though podcasts have been around awhile, a lot ofpeoplestill don’t utilize the hundreds of free podcasts availableon theInternet. Now is a great time to start.
TEDxCairo 1.3.0
An independently organized TED event in Cairo.
TED Audio 1.1
Play Audio TedTalk.Share link on Facebook, Twitter.
TEDx Academy 1.1.3
Jupitee P.C.
The theme of our 2015 TEDxAcademy eventisevolution. We initiate a conversation to help us understandhumanevolution so far and also how it might change into the future.Froma global level to local communities and all the way down tohumanindividuals, Evolution is an integral part of our existence inourcosmos. The ideas of our extraordinary speakers will helpouraudience dream, think, form new connections, challenge itsbeliefsystem and develop new ideas.
Learn English Everyday 2.0
Learn English app is the easy and fun newwayto learn English - whether you like listening music fromothercountries, travelling abroad, working for aninternationalcompany,prepare English exams or chatting withforeignfriendsLearn English all FREELearn English include:* 1000 courses and videos* Good teachers* Nice lessons from TED, VOA, BBC, DiscoveryChannel,LearnEnglishAcademic...* Update every week* Mark FavoriteGet the Learn English app right now!
다들려 TED(테드) 미드 플레이어 영어 어학 학습 1.8.8
다들려 - TED는영화나 미드에서 추출한 mp3를자막과 함께 재생해주는 플레이어입니다.테드 청취도 가능합니다.[기능소개]- TED 청취 (Ver 1.2.0+)- 자막 이동- 플레이 제스처 (Ver 1.3.1+)- 앞뒤 이동 제스처 (Ver 1.3.0+)- 자막 크기 조절 제스처- 단어 검색- 즐겨 찾기- 즐겨 찾기 반복 듣기- 단문 반복 / 구간 반복 (Ver 1.2.0+)- 한글 / 영어 자막 보기- 전체 자막 보기 (Ver 1.4.0+)- 자막 변경 시 일시정지 기능 (Ver 1.1.0+)- 재생속도 조절 기능 (Ver 1.1.0+) - 데스크톱 버전에서 사용 가능- 업데이트 알림 기능 추가 (Ver 1.5.0+) - 모바일 버전에서 사용 가능- 오프라인 사용 가능 (Ver 1.8.4+)The tell - TED isAn mp3 or movie extracted from midfieldThe players that played with subtitles.Ted listening is also available. [Glance]- TED listening (Ver 1.2.0+)- Go subtitles- Play gestures (Ver 1.3.1+)- Move back and forth gestures (Ver 1.3.0+)- Subtitles scaling gesture- Word search- Favorites- Favorites 'Repeat'- Short Repeat / AB Repeat (Ver 1.2.0+)- Hangul / English View subtitles- Full View subtitles (Ver 1.4.0+)- Pause function when changing the subtitle (Ver 1.1.0+)- Playback speed control functions (Ver 1.1.0+) - available onthedesktop version- Added Update Notification feature (Ver 1.5.0+) - available inamobile version- Offline available (Ver 1.8.4+)
TED演讲听力 2.0.0
TED演讲听力”,是一款简单高效的英语听力工具,帮助用户每天练习听力,全面提升英语能力,包括以下特点:1. 独家整理海量权威听力内容每日更新的TED最新演讲,最实时的听力内容帮助用户联系听力的过程中,了解最新的讯息2. 创新的原文、译文加实时单词查询原文和译文搭配,保证不会漏掉任何内容,实时单词查询保证用户最大程度听懂3. 创新的云服务功能,让用户随时随地都可以继续学习云单词本和云笔记功能,让用户可以边学边记,同时所有笔记和生词本可以同步到云端,让用户随时随地可以继续学习4. 离线收听,为用户节省2G/3G流量所有内容都可以离线缓存,让用户可以在离线的情况下继续学习,充分利用碎片时间5. 免费,所有的内容保证免费玛雅英语工作室倾情打造,所有内容免费提供只为帮助用户提升英语能力如果您有问题要反馈给我们,或者有兴趣加入我们一起,帮助所有人学习英语,应用内置反馈工具,另外一下是联系方式:微信公众号: mayayingyu客服邮箱: [email protected]用户QQ群: 398742423TED speech hearing, "isasimple and effective listening tool to help userspracticelistening every day to enhance the Englishproficiency,It includes the following features:1. exclusive authority hearing mass content consolidationTED latest updated daily speech, most real-timelisteningcontentTo help users contact the hearing process, learn about thelatestinformation2. The original and innovative, real-time translation pluswordqueriesSource and target matching, guaranteed not to miss anything,realword queries to ensure that users understand thegreatestextent3. Innovative cloud services, allowing users anywherecancontinue to learnThe word cloud and cloud notes feature that allows users tolearnwhile in mind, but all the notes and words of this canbesynchronized to the cloud, So that users can continue to learn anytime, anywhere4. offline listening, users can save 2G / 3G trafficAll content offline caching, so that users can continue to learninthe off-line, make full use of fragments of time5. Free, all the content to ensure freeMaya DEDECATES English studio, everything only to help usersimprovetheir English for freeIf you have questions you want to give us feedback, orareinterested in joining us, helping everyone to learn English,usethe built-in feedbackTools, in addition what is the contact information:Micro-channel public number: mayayingyuCustomer Service Email: [email protected] QQ group: 398 742 423
Learn English SS - Slow Easy News with VOA (FREE) 1.6.11
Get the best way to learning English.1. Slow Easy English -- This App uses VOA News provided mp3 file of the latestnews.- VOA (Voice of America) is an international Englishprogramspresented by the US government.- VOA is Easy for beginners English and Slowly English.- VOA makes the sentence as far as possible without usingthe'idiom'[having special meaning to say more than one word]- VOA makes the sentence to the preferred base Basic1500words.2. Listening Mode- You can study listening and reading at the same time.- During news playback at any time, you can play from thereby clicking the location of the text you want to hear,it is possible to move to the place you want.- Searching English word :If the meaning of the word is a concern, please double-clicktheword.It is display the meaning of a word, that find on thewebdictionary.3. Study Mode- Learning method 1: Listen & Repeat.step 1. listening to the voice of the native speaker at firststep 2. let's read in your own voice.- Learning method 2: Complete the sentences while listening toeachsentence.You can naturally learn sentence structure and grammar.- Learning method 3: Record your voice and compare it withtheoriginal.- Searching web dictionary and translation :Double-click a word - Searching on the Web dictionary.Click on the translation icon - translate sentences usingwebtranslation tools.4. Latest News -- We provide more than 1900 best news for learning English.- Since November 2015, and constantly updated with the latestnewsat least once a week.
유글리쉬 - 무료 영어강의 및 뉴스 제공 2.2.1
모든 강의가 무료!!!Youtube에 있는 영어 관련 영상을 보며 리스닝 공부도하고 문화체험도 하며 영어실력을 쑥쑥늘려봅시다~~!!!-장르회화, 라이팅, 쓰기, 문법, 기초 영어, 잉글리쉬캠퍼스 전화영어강의 목록-EBSThis is Korea, 생활영어, 스타 잉글리쉬, Actual English with Jennifer!, 영어날다!Wing it!, I LOVE 카툰영어, 영어회화, English Cooking Class, 매일매일 영어소원365!,한일샘의 재미있는 영어 이야기, 랄랄라 스피킹 김신우-Engvid원어민 선생님 Adam, Alex, Benjamin, Emma, Jade, James, Jon,Rebecca,Ronnie, Valen-한국어 강의티티미, 영국남자가 가르쳐주는 영국 영어, 영어의 여신, 마이클의 5분 과외, 왕초보 영어패턴 200플러스,초중급영어패턴 500플러스, 미드영어 리얼패턴-미디어TED, TED 한글자막, 아리랑 TV, CNN News, CNN Student News, VoiceofAmerica수능, 토익, 토플, 오픽, 토스 관련 강의 추가All lectures are free !!!Watching a video on Youtube English language study andculturalexperience also and also listening ~~ Let's extend GrowingyourEnglish!-genrePainting, writing, writing, grammar, basic English, EnglishEnglishcampus phoneLecture List-EBSThis is Korea, everyday English, the English star, ActualEnglishwith Jennifer !, English fly! Wing it!, I LOVE CartoonEnglish,English, English Cooking Class, every day English 365wishes !,hanilsaem of the most interesting English stories,speakingralralra gimsinwoo-EngvidNative teacher Adam, Alex, Benjamin, Emma, ​​Jade, James,Jon,Rebecca, Ronnie, Valen- Korean lessonsTiti US, British man to teach British English, the Englishloan,Michael 5 minutes tutoring, English Beginner pattern 200 plus500plus Pre-Intermediate English pattern, Mid English realpatternof-mediaTED, TED Hangul subtitles and Arirang TV, CNN News, CNNStudentNews, Voice of AmericaSAT, add TOEIC, TOEFL, ohpik, toss lesson
포켓한국사 LITE 3.0.8
Jinhak Co.
Republic of Korea downloaded more than a million representing1stTraining APP! Pocket renewed in Korean History Season 2!
TED TV 2.0.4
Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world.