Top 3 Apps Similar to 青空文庫 ジャックと豆の木 楠山正雄

Bunco Calc 1.0
Bunco Calc is the ultimate way to keep score while playing thedicegame Bunco.
恐怖的中◆チベット呪術占い「滅心救命経」水木灯 1.1.0
死と再生を映し出すチベットの法典。異次元レベルの的中力と、禁断の暴露呪法で闇を滅し、あなたの人生を蘇らせます。人は時々間違いを起こします。煩悩に動かされ、苦しみを覚えます。本アプリではチベットの法典を開き、正しい道を明らかにすることであなたを苦しみから救い出します。本占いの監修者にはチベットの仏教思想と、東洋占星術を極めた監修者「水木灯」を迎えました。もう逃げることはできません。現実をトコトン追求して暴き出す。この禁断呪法占いに触れてください。------好評につき無料メニュー・特別メニューを追加!-----*無料:(1000円 -> 0円!!)【スキャンダル】今あなたを好きで、告白を考えている異性「名&顔」*恋愛:【カミングアウト】相手の全本音を完全に暴露“二人の最後は○○!”*恋愛:いつまで続く?【今の関係】あの人の本心と決断、白黒ハッキリする日*恋愛:“諦めるか否か”期待持たせぬ【覚悟占】全宿縁・相手の全本音、結論*恋愛:【恐れよ】残さず引き出す“相手の全本音&決断”と、迎える最終関係*恋愛:この結果。怖い!【二人の現状・相手の本心と狙い】超当たる恋決着占-------------------------------------------------○●「チベット禁呪法 滅心救命経」と「水木灯」●○****チベット禁呪法 滅心救命経****滅心救命経では、東洋の占星術を極めた「水木灯」があなたの邪心を滅し、再生と救命の法を授けます。仏教において、人は三毒と呼ばれる三つの煩悩(貪、瞋、癡)により動かされていると言われています。それぞれ「むさぼりの心」「いかりの心」「無知の心」を表し、それらを克服すべきものとして捉えています。また、輪廻の世界として六道(地獄道、餓鬼道、畜生道、修羅道、人間道、天道)があり、これらは決して死後の世界の話ではなく、すべての人の内面にある心の状態を表すものとされています。本アプリでは、あなたの内にあるこれらの「邪心」を滅し、正しき状態へと「再生」させる法を提供いたします。あなたが誤った行動をすることのないよう、そしてたとえ破滅の道をたどったとしても再生し、正しき道へと進めるよう、三万年の歴史があるとも言われているチベット法典の叡智を結集し、確かなる破滅と再生の教えにてあなたの運命を導きます。また、チベット法典の叡智を用いて頭・心・腹の組成をお教えします。あなたがこれからどんな運命を辿っていくのか、あなたの頭は何を考え、心は何を思い、どんな腹づもりを持っているのかをお伝えします。あなた自身すら気づいていない性質、魂の本質を導きだす事で、これからあなたが何を活かし、どう生きていけば良いのか、その指針を明らかにいたします。****監修者 水木灯****東洋占術研究家ティーン向け占い雑誌の編集に携わり、さまざまな占術に出会う。その後ライターとして独立し、占いとは無縁の世界で人物取材などを行ってきたが、活動するなかで「飛躍できるときもあれば、深く低迷する時期もある」と、身をもって実感する出来事に直面。かつて親しんだ占いの世界への関心が再びよみがえり、なかでも自然思想から生まれた東洋占術を数々の師を得て学んだ。現在はコンテンツ監修などを行うほか、書籍・雑誌などの媒体で占術解説を行っている。■メディア実績『3時間で一生がわかる!算命占星術』(説話社)『占いの世界』(アシェット・コレクションズ・ジャパン)■モバイルサイト『彼は私に恋をする』『私の宿命』○●自らの組成と本質を知り、魂の質を高めます●○無料メニューは5メニュー。まずは自身の組成を知ってください。魂の本質を知ることから運命は変わります。*[NEW](1000円 -> 0円!!)【スキャンダル】今あなたを好きで、告白を考えている異性「名&顔」*【人生変える】異次元レベルの的中率で暴く“今日の運勢と、好転法”*【極限】呪法が暴く!「あなたの霊体経験値と本来の姿、三つの本質」*暴露呪法で完全当てる「あの人の霊体レベルと本来の姿・三つの性質」*【強烈的中、邪心消滅】あなたの人生を妨げている障害と、滅する手段生まれ変わりたい。もう一度まっさらなままのあなたを曝け出せる手伝いをさせてください。心も体も開放し、今、あなたはもう一度生まれ変わるのです。むき出しのあなたに。○●まっさらなままのあなたに戻し、進むべき道を明らかにします●○特別鑑定メニューは21メニュー。迷うことすらありません。自らの心が思うままに進めばいいのです。本来あなたが望む正しき道を導き出し、本当の答えをお伝えします。あなたの心の闇を滅するにはどうすれば良いのか。地獄、餓鬼、畜生の道に堕ちる事なく、正しき道を貫くにはどうすれば良いのか。あなたが輪廻の中で積み上げてきた功徳や罪過を読み解き、もっともあなたにふさわしい救命神、あなたを正しき道へと導く存在をお伝えします。もう迷うことすらありません。この現実さえ受け入れればいいのです。【有料メニューの注意事項】※一度ご購入された有料メニューでも、「異なる端末でアプリをインストールした場合」や、「一度アプリをアンインストールしてから再度インストールし直した場合」には再購入が必要となります。ご了承くださいますよう、お願い致します。Tibetan Code thatreflectthe playback and death. And predictive power of differentdimensionlevel, and Messi the darkness in the forbidden exposureJuho, yourevive your life. People will sometimes cause a mistake.It ismoved to the worldly desires, you remember the suffering. OpentheTibetan Code in this app, you can rescue you from suffering bytoclarify the correct way.The supervision of the present fortune and TibetanBuddhistthought, I celebrated the supervision who Unusualorientalastrology "Mizuki lights". It is not possible anymore toescape.Reality is Abakidasu by Tokoton pursuit. Please touch theforbiddenthis Juho divination.------ Popular per Add a free menu special menu! -----* Free: (1000 yen -> 0 yen !!) [scandal] now like you,theopposite sex "name and face" that are thinking ofconfession* Love: [coming out] fully exposed to all real intention oftheother party "two people last ○○!"* Love: Continued forever? [Now of relationship] decision andtruefeelings of that person, and black-and-white clear to day* The love: "give up whether or not" expected have notunexpected[prepared] occupied all real intention of allkarma-opponent,conclusion* The love: [Osoreyo] is left not to pull out the "whole truthanddecision of the other party", greet last relationship* Love: this result. Scary! [True feelings and aim of the twopeoplepresent condition opponent] super hit love settledfortune-------------------------------------------------○ ● "Tibet prohibited Juho flashing heart lifesaving through"and"Mizuki lights" ● ○**** Tibet prohibited Juho flashing heart lifesavingthrough****The blinking heart lifesaving through, Unusual astrologyoriental"Mizuki lights" Messi your evil, and bestowed the lawofreproduction and life-saving. In Buddhism, people three ofworldlydesires (greed, Dvesha, delusion) called three poison it issaid tohave been moved by. Each "devour the heart" "anger ofmind"represents the "ignorance of the mind", we are regarded as tobeovercome them. Also, deities as the world of samsara (hellroad,brat road, Chikushodo, Shura road, human road, Tendo) thereis,these are by no means the death of the story of theworld,representing the state of mind in the inner surface of allthepeople It is the thing.In this application, flashes the "evil" some of these withinyou,we will provide you with all the law to "play" to therighteousstate. as not to be the action that you've accidentally,and alsoplayed as if followed the destruction of the road,righteous as toadvance to the road, and bring together the wisdomof Tibet Code,which is also said to have a history of the threemillion years is,it leads to your destiny certainly Naru ruin inthe teachings of theplayback.In addition, it will teach you the composition of thehead,heart, belly using the wisdom of Tibet Code. Do you keep upnowfollow any fate, thinking what your head, mind what I think,itwill tell you whether to have any Harazumori. Nature that arenotaware of even your own, by deriving the essence of the soul,whatleverage is you now, how should I live, I will theguidelinesclearly.**** Editorial supervisor Mizuki lights ****Oriental Divination researcherAnd involved in the editing of the teen magazine divination,toencounter a variety of Divination. Then as an independentwriter,it has been made, such as a person interviewed in unrelatedworldand divination, and "Sometimes that can leap, some time tosluggishdeeper" among which activities and, faced with the eventsthatfirsthand feel . Once accustomed resurrection again interest intheworld of fortune-telling, I learned to give the number of thebornoriental Divination from Above all natural thought. Currentlyinaddition to carry out such content supervision, we havebeenDivination described in media such as books and magazines.■ Media performance"Life is seen in 3 hours! Saninochi astrology "(Setsuwasha)"The World of divination" (Hachette Collections Japan)■ mobile site"He will be in love with me.""My destiny"○ ● to know their composition and nature, and increase thesoulof quality ● ○Free menu 5 menu. First of all, please know their owncomposition.Fate from knowing the essence of the soul changes.* [NEW] (1000 31 -> 0 yen !!) [scandal] is a now like you,theopposite sex who are considering a confession "name&face"* The [life change] uncover in predictive value ofdifferentdimension level "and fortune of today, upturn Law"* [Limit] Juho is uncovering! "Your spirit body experience valueandoriginal form, three of nature"* Fully shed "original form, three of nature and spirit bodylevelof that person" in exposure Juho* [Intense center, evil disappear] and disability that preventsyourlife, it flashes meansReincarnated. Please let your the 曝 only put out help ofwaitingfurther a while again. Mind also open body, now, you arerebornagain. Bare to you.○ ● you to back a fresh remain, and to clear the way to go●○Special appraisal menu 21 menu. It has not even get lost. andshouldI proceed to leave their own mind think. Originally derivesarighteous way you want, you can tell the real answer.What should I do to flashes the darkness of your mind.Hell,hungry ghost, without having to fall in damn road, what shouldI doto penetrate the road righteous. And deciphering the merit orguiltthat has been built up in you is samsara, the most youtoappropriate lifesaving God, you can tell the presence that leadstoyou a righteous way. not even that anymore hesitation. It isgoodif this reality even Ukeirere.[Notes paid menu]※ once even in the purchase has been paid menu, and "if youhaveinstalled the app on different terminal", you will needtore-purchase the "once if you re-install the app again afteryouuninstall". You for your understanding, thank you.
Bunco Prize Manager 1.2
Bunco Prize Manager is a free app thatquicklyand easily determines game winnings and eliminates Buncoscoringpet peeves. Tired of dealing with split winnings or tiesthatinvolve making change that you don't have? Wondering how tofind alast-minute sub for your usual 12-player game that is nowdown to9,10, or 11? Worry no more. Bunco Prize Manager includesfeaturesthat allow exact payout amounts or intelligentlyredistributedwinnings that ensure even-dollar payouts. No morechange in payoutsand no worries about using a "ghost" substituteplayer at yourtables!Everyone at your Bunco game will want to volunteer tocalculatethe prizes with this app. No more grumbling about who hasto do themath at the end of the game!Features:- Supports standard Bunco game rules. Choose the rules youwant.Turn off the ones you don't.- Specify percent paid per rule or just use Bunco PrizeManager'seasy defaults.- Add and remove players. Enter custom names or let BuncoPrizeManager generate a specified number of players for you.- Saves all game settings and players from game to game.- No need to add/remove players from the Player list justbecausesomeone is absent. Simply indicate each time whether or nottheyplayed.- Set a contribution amount per player. Choose a valuefrom$1-$20.- Enter number of wins, losses, and Buncos per player.- Use as a calculator to determine prize winningsautomatically,handling ties and split winnings with ease for anynumber ofplayers.- Award prizes at the end of the game by exact payout ortakeadvantage of Bunco Prize Manager's intelligentno-changedistributions. It's your choice.- Eliminates end-of-game grumbling about who has to calculatetheprizes, leaving more time for you and your friends to justhavefun!Please request to join the Google group below to learnaboutupcoming beta releases and new [email protected]