Top 50 Apps Similar to Pediatric Scores

PeKemecum 2.1
Calculator pediatric farmocológica
Pediamécum 1.6.4
Pediamecum: File of the active ingredients in common useinpediatrics.
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
Newborn Fluid Therapy 2.1
The health professional can easily calculate the venoclisis toyoungchildren.
Pediatric Scores Plus 6
Compilation of scores, scales, tests and classifications groupedbycategory
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
Medical Calculators
The most simple, convenient, easy to use medical calculator
ESMO Interactive Guidelines 3.0
Oncology guidelines available directly on your mobile device
Infusions 5.5
Ease and accuracy right in your pocket
DosisPedia 3.1.12
DosisPedia | The Mobile App for pediatricians
enGuardia 2.3.001
enGuardia is a tool of welfare aid in urgent pathology.
FlashMed 1.3.1
The application that is revolutionizing the way of studyingMedicine
ReumApp 2.2.2
Information, calculators diagnosis of rheumatic diseases.
Medicamentos vía parenteral 4.3
The app aims the medicines might be administered correctlyandsafely.
iDoctus 2.5.614
iDoctus: Avoid mistakes and save time in your daily practice.
ONCOassist 9.7.18
ONCOassist is a CE approved decision support app foroncologyprofessionals.
DrQuiz - Exámenes ENAM, RESIDE 1.9.8
Question banks for ENAM, RESIDENT and MEDICINE, totally free.
Infusions PRO Calculator 3.3
A modern drug infusion amd drip calculator.
Infusion pump 1.2.3
Dušan Merta
Application to calculate the dose of continuously administereddrug.
Super Infusion Calculator 1.3
Automatic and fast calculating App for IV infusion drugs
Medicina de Urgencias Mayores 1.0.8
Application of Major Emergencies
Memodi - toda la Medicina 3.0.3
With Memodi, review and remember Medicine. All. And forever.
NCCN Guidelines® 3.8
Virtual Library of the NCCN Guidelines®
Medical Calculators 6.2.1
Over 50 free calculators that you can use offline and on the goatany time.
e-BlueInfo - Information for h 2.0.0
e-BlueInfo - Reliable and up-to-date information for healthpracticein the palm
MedLight be
The reference application for palliative care practitioners
Código Sepsis 1.2
Esta aplicación contiene una edición revisadayactualizada de las directrices internacionales para el manejo delasepsis severa y el shock séptico. La información estáestructuradade una manera práctica que permite una orientaciónrápida en laforma de actuar siguiendo la filosofía de la campañaSobrevivir a laSepsis ...... "el tiempo es vida".This applicationcontainsa revised and updated edition of the internationalguidelines formanagement of severe sepsis and septic shock. Theinformation isstructured in a practical way that allows a quickguidance in howto proceed following the philosophy of the SurvivingSepsisCampaign ...... "Time is life".
Medicina Consultiva 4.2
Medical management of common medical conditions duringtheperioperative period
Maventy Mobile 4.0.14
Maventy's malnutrition software based on a child's vitalstatistics.
Harrison's Manual of Medicine 2.8.06
**Features latest, 20th Edition Content**
UCIN-Calc Beta 31.10.2018 B
Wizard intensive care unit neonatal -UCIN-
Usamedic Banqueo 1.6
Banks for Medical Residency, Enam, Internship EsSalud, EncibandSubspecialty
Anesthesiologist 3.1
Anesthesiologist is designed to help quickly calculate adultandpediatric anesthesia related information. Usefulforanesthesiologists, CRNA, ER and critical care physicians, aswellas medical students, residents, and fellows. Drug dosing andairwaymanagement information is calculated on the basis of patientweightand age. The app is a work in progress; please see "What'snew" forupdates about included information. Airway: Mask sizeLaryngoscopeblade size Endotracheal tube size Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) sizeand ETT it will admit Drugs including IM and rapidsequenceinduction dosing: Succinylcholine RocuroniumCisatracuriumVecuronium Propofol Etomidate Ketamine ThiopentalFentanylHydromorphone Morphine Ketorolac AcetaminophenOndansetronDexamethasone Metoclopramide Epinephrine AmiodaronePhenylephrineEphedrine Midazolam Clonidine Glycopyrrolate AtropineNeostigmineCefazolin Ceftriaxone Ampicillin Cefoxitin ClindamycinGentamicinVancomycin Infusions: Remifentanil Propofol DopamineDobutamineEpinephrine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine MilrinonePhenylephrineVasopressin Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside EsmololObstetric drugs:Magnesium Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost (Hemabate)TerbutalineCopyright 2011 Vikas Shah. Disclaimer and warning: Thisapplicationwas written solely to be used as a helpful adjunctforprofessionally trained physicians and practitionersotherwiseexperienced in airway management and drug administrationanddosing. The data is provided for informational purposes only andinno way should be construed as professional medical advice. Ifyoudon't know the drug, its side effects, and its pitfalls, don'tuseit! Care has been taken that no errors in calculation havebeenmade, but all calculations must be verified by the user.Drugdosing given here is based on published doses, but in allcasesdrugs should be administered on a case by case basis andtitratedto effect for the individual patient. In no case haveindividualpatient differences been taken into account, andconditionsincluding but not limited to renal disease, hepaticdysfunction,cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, metabolicdiseases andmitochondrial diseases may impact dosing or safety inthe usecertain drugs. Neither the name of the copyright owner northe nameof this project may be used to endorse or promote productsderivedfrom this software without specific prior writtenpermission. Thissoftware is provided by the copyright holder "asis" and anyexpress or implied warranties, including, but notlimited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particularpurpose are disclaimed. In no event shall thecopyright owner beliable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, orconsequential damages (including, but notlimited to, procurementof substitute goods or services; loss ofuse, data, or profits; orbusiness interruption) however caused andon any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way outof theuse of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuchdamage. In places where such liabilities cannot be waivedordisclaimed, liability shall not exceed the retail cost oftheapplication to the user of the application. Use of this appimpliesagreement to these terms and conditons. If you do not agreewiththese terms and conditions, delete this applicaton fromyourdevice.
Manual terapéutico 1.0
SignClock ITd
Work on medical care that every doctor in the EmergencyDepartmentshould know and have.
DynaMed 4.4
Confidence in Practice
MAPAR 3.0.1
La version électronique du livre deprotocolesdu MAPAR.Parcourez l’intégralité du contenu de l’ouvrage grace àunenavigation intuitive.Marquez vos articles préférés pour composer votrepropresommaire.Recherchez des mots clefs depuis le sommaire ou depuis unchapitreparticulier.Choisissez une notion, un nom de molécule ou uneappellationcommerciale de médicament depuis l’index pour trouverles articles.Attention aux utilisateurs d'Android version 4.3.x (JellyBean)et antérieures : un bug du système ne permet pas unaffichagecorrect des figures. Mettez à jour votre périphérique enversion4.4 (KitKat) ou ultérieures.The electronic versionofthe protocols MAPAR's book.Browse the entire contents of the book thanks tointuitivenavigation.Mark your favorite items to create your own summary.Search keywords from the summary or from a particularchapter.Choose a concept, a molecule name or trade name of the drug fromtheindex to find the items.Warning to users of Android 4.3.x release (Jelly Bean)andearlier: a bug in the system does not allow proper display ofthefigures. Update your device to version 4.4 (KitKat) orlater.
Skyscape Medical Library 3.4.4
App includes Drug Guide, Clinical Consult and Medical CalculatorforHCPs
NefroConsultor 2.5
NefroConsultor, nephrology your app.
ESC Pocket Guidelines 6.6.0
Cardiology guidelines available directly on your mobile device
LiverCalc™ 2.5
ScyMed Inc.
The LiverCalc™ App includes most formulasandequations used in the daily assessments of patients withliverdisease, like cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver transplant, etc.Thisinnovative calculator allows the computation of 17 liverparametersin one single panel (from 25 inputs), assuringconvenience andaccuracy. The equations may also be computedindependently.LiverCalc™ facilitates the organization and processing ofPatient'sdata. It is a provider-friendly™ app, intuitive and veryeasy touse.Unique reference, productivity and decision support tool. Provenandreliable data processing, for physicians, residents, medstudents,PAs and NPs...Developed by Board-certified physicians.---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ CONTENTS:Hepato Calc™ MasterChild-Turcotte-Pugh ClassificationModel for End-stage Liver Disease - UNOSMELD-Na, PELDSerum:Ascites Albumin RatioAST:ALT RatioDiscriminant FunctionGlomerular Filtration Rate (Cockcroft)Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4 & MDRD-6)Chronic Kidney Disease ClassificationAnion Gap (Serum)Fractional Excretion of Na+Fractional Excretion of UreaBUN : Creatinine (S) ratioBody Mass IndexOverweight & Obesity ClassificationBody Surface AreaBasal Energy ExpenditureConversion---------------------------------------------------------------------The LiverCalc™ FEATURES:(the best and proven clinical data processing)* arithmetical processing* automatic unit conversion* multiple-unit entries* color-coded normal-abnormal outputs* normal values (ranges & limits)* automatic range-checks (limits)* intuitive user interface* easy navigation and info access* smart decimal rounding* Système International notation* tables of parameters* mobile & online* expanded equation views* fully referenced* highly organized and standardized---------------------------------------------------------------------LiverCalc™ is part of ScyMed® MediCalc®, the first andmostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, onlineformore than 15 years...Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed includeMediCalc®,EKG-card™, H&P-card™ ICU-card™, eH&P™, etc.(mobile &online).
Pedi STAT 5.0.1
James Kempema
A rapid reference for healthcare professionals caring forpediatricpatients.
NEJM Knowledge+ IM Review
NEJM Group
NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review
iContraception 2.4.3
This App is intended for health-care providers.Itcontainsrecommendations intended to help health-careprovidersdeterminethe safe use of contraceptive methods among womenwithvariouscharacteristics, habits and medical conditions.Providerscanselect conditions according to the patient, and theAppassignsautomatically a category for each method. Generallyspeakingandwith medical criteria, categories 1 and 2 permit the useofatreatment in any case or with some considerations andcategories3and 4 advise against or forbid its usage. Formoreinformationconsult this App or its documentation.Therecommendations refer tocontraceptive methods being usedforcontraceptive purposes; therecommendations do not consider theuseof contraceptive methodsfor treatment of medical conditionsbecausethe eligibilitycriteria in these cases may differ.Therecommendations and allinformation contained in this App, arebasedon the document"Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptiveuse,Fourth edition2009" published by WHO ("World HealthOrganization").Adaptationsand modifications to update its contentshas been madefollowingthe conferences of the "Sociedad EspañoladeContracepción"(Spanish Society for Contraception) and theCDCdocument "U.S.Medical Eligibility Criteria for ContraceptiveUse,2010".
SEPSIS 3 1.2
ScyMed Inc.
Sepsis Calculators & Data
Littmann™ Learning
Auscultation education
Pediatric Oncall 8.3.2
Diseases, Drugs, Calculators, Ask Queries, etc. Your 1 App forAllMedical Tools
Geeky Medics - OSCE revision 3.96
Geeky Medics
Learn clinical skills on the go with our awesome collection ofOSCEguides.
Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica 4.7
Protolocolos antibiotic therapy according to the latestscientificevidence.
AntibioticApp 1.3.30
Professional Therapeutic Guide with validated andupdatedinformation.
AnthroCalc 2.5.4
Anthropometric calculator of centiles and Z-scores formeasurementsin children.